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Everything posted by OLOL

  1. You think these tough guys will spare the reactionary clannish stooges and their cheerleaders. I just want to join them walaahi http://www.qaadisiya.com/2006/November/sawirada_maxkaamdaha_oo_cwaaq_gaaray.htm
  2. Bambo well said -- but dhago owdan faraa u dhawaaqo.duke meel beey uga dhegtay - qofku markuu blinders gashto oo uu leeyahay tunnel vision waxna ma fahmo, waxna ma arko - summun bukmun cummyun ayuu noqdaa...Inshallah , things will work for us ....as Somaliland and Puntland...peace will prevail in the south and our brothers above Gaalkacyo will come to their sense and see as no threat and will come to the negotiation table , adopt Allah's constitution, get rid of the clannish animosity and come to join their brethren in Islam. The popular revolution is already resonating in many cities such as laascaanood and Goldogob and even Cadde Muuse was forced to concede to Shariah...Duke and Yeey are after lost and dead cause...that will never materialize and work...never.
  3. Brother, I feel your pain and I know where you coming from. I have suffered too in that unfortunate civil war. The unfortunate tragedy of the 1991 civil war is inexcusable. I lost immediate family members before and after 1991 because of senseless killings, clannish war and because of the brutal regime of Barre. But those who suffered are more and many. The number of those poor Somalis who died of starvation in Bay and Bakool region far exceeds of any killed in the civil war. The number of those who were killed in the war between Aideed and Ali Mahdi far exceeds of the 1991 killings. The number of those perished in hargeisa and burco genocide far exceeds of the 1991 killings. At least majority of those who were targeted because of their clan were able to flee the carnage and seek safe haven in other lands as refugees. Because of the warlords in and around Mogadishu's terror, the killings, lootings and rape continued for 16 years until the courts came out of nowhere and ousted these ruthless warlords. Puntland and Somaliland have been safe and peaceful. It is now Mogadishu's turn to be safe and peaceful. Asked why all of this rivalry and animosity started to begin with? who was the originators? who started the fire? who brought clannism, tribalism, nepotism and corruption to the Somali governance. The same people who were the vanguard of this tragedy are now resurfacing in the name of Transitional federal government with a vendetta? Never never again. I won't trust Duke and his ilk no matter what. I could trust Jama Ali Jama and decent puntlanders but not Yeey and Cadde Muse and the likes of Duke. I heard one guy saying the defeated folks had monoboly and free-hand for committing atrocities for more than 30 years. and when challenged they used the national army, armament, property and patrimony to kill and eliminate their opponents. finally, they were overthrown and chased out of the country. These people forget and deny what they have done in the past and only account for their sufferings. that is selfish. truth has to be told before reconcilliation comes. Every Somali clan has grievances of others and only sees its pain and suffering. At least try to see things in perspective and see where are others coming from. Then you will have a chance to discuss and forge way out of this misery and to not let the mistakes of the past never happen. The mistrust and animosity is so deep. That is why we need to seek better ways to heal and to reconcileDon't trust no group. As I don't trust any self-promoting and selfish clannish leader honestly. And finally I am not selling maxaakiim or any faction. You don't have to trust anyone and you don't have to support anyone but be aware that you are not the only one with grievances and you are not the only who suffered?
  4. who are my people ? Che? do you know my people? did I ever tell who are my people? or you just assuming and guessing? can someone just defend certain group without belonging to that group? is Amnesty International and human watch groups belong to any clan? what makes you think i belong to certain group? typical somali ignorance..think out of the box. perhaps I am part of no group..perhaps i am immune of this clannish cancer that has poisoned your souls and your whole body..perhaps i abhore some asssumed myths and I am here to dispell it...but you will never know cos you don't have what it takes to even understand where i am coming from.
  5. Indeed jinniyoow qabaa waa waashay adeer Duke.....I bet if this bigoted clannish buffoon had any media outlet, he would have been like those who were working on the Hutu Radio and were inciting hatred propoganda against the tutsi calling them "cockroaches". Duke's obsession with this clan shows how much deep his hatred for them is. The likes of him should be repudiated and silenced before it is too late. his obsession is cantakerous and the lies, accusation, the incrimination and the sweeping generalization of an entire clan is a telltale sign of what ones real hate-feeling is. In a civilised society, you will not getaway with such ignorant charecterazation of a whole group. Duke must be stopped and must be healed. Cabdiqaasim, galaal, yuusuf garaad, horafrik, shabelle Media network, daylaaf, indhacadee cirfo, dhuxuloow,tootooow culusoow caddoow clan, conspiracy, i hate them, they are against the dreams of my clan ascendency, waa naga ciideeyeen, yeey eey ka soo horjeedaan Cabdiqaasim, galaal, yuusuf garaad, horafrik, shabelle Media network, daylaaf, indhacadee cirfo, dhuxuloow,tootooow culusoow caddoow clan, conspiracy, i hate them, they are against the dreams of my clan ascendency, waa naga ciideeyeen, yeey eey ka soo horjeedaanCabdiqaasim, galaal, yuusuf garaad, horafrik, shabelle Media network, daylaaf, indhacadee cirfo, dhuxuloow,tootooow culusoow caddoow clan, conspiracy, i hate them, they are against the dreams of my clan ascendency, waa naga ciideeyeen, yeey eey ka soo horjeedaanCabdiqaasim, galaal, yuusuf garaad, horafrik, shabelle Media network, daylaaf, indhacadee cirfo, dhuxuloow,tootooow culusoow caddoow clan, conspiracy, i hate them, they are against the dreams of my clan ascendency, waa naga ciideeyeen, yeey eey ka soo horjeedaanCabdiqaasim, galaal, yuusuf garaad, horafrik, shabelle Media network, daylaaf, indhacadee cirfo, dhuxuloow,tootooow culusoow caddoow clan, conspiracy, i hate them, they are against the dreams of my clan ascendency, waa naga ciideeyeen, yeey eey ka soo horjeedaan
  6. I know that you can't author anything Duke. you only know how to copy and paste.
  7. For nasteexo, dhiirin, caqli celin and goodin! I feel like the Djibouti man who when told there are some homos or gays, took the Ableey (his swor-knife) and decided to commit a suicide by cutting his abdomen...and said if men are this sissy and weak to engage in such a lewd act, then living aint worth at all.... Waryaada ragnimada meel ha uga dhicina oo sidii xaawaleeyda caay iyo borobogaando intaad iska dhaaftaan iska dhiciya ficiin ..
  8. I wonder why the administrators will allow this kind of clan bashing. Many others will follow and talk about how Duke’s clan from Puntland were the vanguard of Somalia’s corruption, misery and nepotism in early 1960s. We all are familiar with the Puntland Motto of "nta Madax Madoow iyo.... Now that uncle Yeey failed to reawaken this dead and unrealizable ambition, his clannish underlings and clannish pundits have to resort to spread fictitious falsehood about those whom they see an obstacle to their clannish aspirations. Duke is a man consumed by clan hatred and this post suffices to show his desperation. It is an indication of envy and jealousy. What a weakness! I just laugh and discard such clannish resentment. Abdiqasim and his family are not the mafia these clan-bashers want us to believe and the people of Shabelle are neither under no invasion nor under no subjugation. Indhacadde relinquished his governorship ( by the way, he is native to Shabelle ) so is Cirfo and now the Islamic Courts rule Afgoye and much of the Shabelle region cities. People, whom Duke and his ilk are so openly bashing here, doesn’t resort to this kind of hate-mongering and clan bashing generalization. I have yet to see such loathing and clan bashing from the other side. They just don’t believe in it and don’t want to go down this low to generally tar a whole clan with the same shameless vilification brush. What does that tell you? Some people have a principle and decency to not engage in a destructive clan bashing and clan hatred. The people, whom Duke and his ilk are so openly bashing here are very confident about their valor, affluence and gift. They are very savvy about their politics and their source. That is the pride they have. A man is man for his ability to change his state of affairs. One has to have a confidence and should always be dignified to not gripe like a defeatist bigot. I honestly feel your pain Duke and see you as a narrow-minded hypocrite who shamelessly skilled in the feminine art of calumny and conspiracy theories. Only the mentally weak and victimized defeatists who can't change their situation by ability, force or any other means employ this kind of victimization propaganda. Caku! Raganimooy ninkaagii maxaa nacasnimo baday!!
  9. November 29, 2004 - 23:48 In Loving Memory of “Magool” “A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song” We all lost someone especial when the Queen left us earlier this year. But her memories would never leave us. Some of us are able to impersonate singers but Magool was the real thing. She inspired a lot of today’s talents with her courage of expressing love through music and literature when such thing was still taboo in Somalia, especially for a woman. What is it that stands out in our memories of the queen? I, for one, it is the 27th of June 1977 the day Djibouti got its independence. Living in Mogadishu at the time as a teenager and listening the historic event on radio Mogadishu as Halimo sings with her impressively touching and sensational voice a never before heard and newly composed Republic of Djibouti National Anthem. Rumor has it that it was created on the spot. Huuh, What a talent? Those who new her well says, from a very young age her remarkable singing voice was apparent. It was both front and back loaded with catchy vibrations, especially her long throat singing sound-like tunes. It contains a variety of moods, tempos and sounds - the product of a legend reaching for the brass ring. Halimo has always been my favorite and still is perhaps for many. I never thought she came up short. The energy, the colorful expressions, the wink aimed at the silly boys, the way she articulates lyrics, every song without competition was a gift. She sang in a style that hadn't been heard before, with a soul touch for the bass note and a tap dance for the anticipated Uud-Guitar melody, and at a time when singers started copying her gifted talent "Under The Double clutch voice" with all the modern music instruments up behind them, this woman hunched down over the old band and made a singing line that was beautiful and treasured. They could not touch it. She made mediocre musicians play excellent piece of music. She could sing like a teenager in her first love or a grownup woman with a broken heart. She could articulate life of violent emotions, vivid love life, celebration of pleasure or acute capacity for sadness, all, in a lyrics filled with changing tunes and zealous expressions. There is something about Magool’s relaxing tunes that could always take your breath away." A poem begins with a lump in the throat; a homesickness or a lovesickness. It is a reaching out toward expression; an effort to find fulfillment. A complete poem is one where an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. --Robert Frost Although the relative acclaim didn't translate for her to big financial successes, at least by the world standards, and she never enjoyed the fruits of her efforts, this woman was still magnificent. She was an artist and there was no slightest pretense in her. She sang traditional songs, and even composed a most romantic tribute to a lover. It is said that “Music is the purest form of art... therefore true poets, they who are seers, seek to express the universe in terms of music... The singer has everything within him or her. The notes come out from his or her very life. They are not materials gathered from outside. May the angels bear her up, and may eternal light shine upon her, and may she run into a lot of her old friends, whom gave us as much such as hers Omar Dhulleh, Ahmed and Mohamed Moge and the rest who all gave us everything they had for FREE. The question is, when the living legends, the likes of Hibo, Hassan, Khadra, Maandeeq,Sahra, Igal, Zainab Cigeh, Fadumo Qasin are gone, are we in the mercy of these electronic singers? No more passion? Play screw up Reruns after reruns? No more personality? I have seen people singing sad lyrics with the accompanying harmonic and still displaying smiling face. Haven’t they ever learned from Zeinab Cigeh? Discussing this subject with a friend of mine in London two weeks after Magool passed away in March this year, and he mentioned an event where one of these modern electronic singers even played “Sida Rucubka Naasahan Hadba Soo Ruxaayoo” the only problem is he said the singer was a man!! Respect for lyrics? Forget it. One thing these electronic singers can count on though, at least these people we call our kids in Diaspora don’t even give a dam. Let us try to celebrate the lives of our artists like Huryo (mainly known for his comic roles) but was a master composer and orchestrated most of the melodies of the top 50 Somali songs. They never got rich or even got the respect they earned. If Huryo was an American, he would be Richard Pryor and Quincy Jones combined. Let us carry with us forever the sprit and the love they had for their work, especially the one and the only, the queen, Halima Khalif “Magool”. May your shadow pass in pirouettes - of such amazing grace, That the tears of those who mourn you – Disappear without a trace In a smoke that shapes their sorrow – to the fading of your feet In a ring around the rainbow – where the circle is complete." And my dearest queen of all queens, “MAY THE SUN SHINE WARM UPON YOUR FACE IN THE HEAVENS”. Thank you and good night. Abdirahman Waberi Washington, DC
  10. Magool From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Magool (c. May 2, 1948 - March 19, 2004) was a Somali singer and musician. She was a beloved singer in Somalia. Magool was born as Halima Khaliif Omar in the city of Beledweyne, the capital of Hiiraan state. She had four siblings. In 1959, while living at the house of a cousin of hers named Mohamed Hashi, she joined a small Mogadishu-based band. Within that year, she moved to Hargeysa where she joined the city's version of the Mogadishu-based Waaberi. From there she was nick-named "Magool", which means flower, by songwriter Yusuf Haji Adan. In the mid-1960s, Magool came back to Mogadishu. She married a young general named Mohamed Nur Galaal. The marriage did not last but her popularity continued to rise. In the 1970s, she sang famous patriotic songs while Somalia was at war with Ethiopia. In the late 1970s, she sang love songs but also sang Islamic songs that did not agree with the government. A self-imposed exile followed that lasted until 1987. Her concert of that year, titled "Mogadishu and Magool", is to date the most successful concert in Somali history. More than 15 thousand people turned out in the city's stadium. Her unique performances, talents of memorizing entire albums in hours and her deep, skipping voice made it possible for her to be called Hoyadii Fanka, or "Mother of Artistry." In the early 1990s, she sided with Mohamed Farah Aideed, singing songs against the ****** [word used against the regime.] For this, the artist incured criticism. Later, she explains she was not siding with any tribe in particular but that she was supporting a Revolution. Regardless, Magool continued to be popular. On March 19, 2004, she died in a hospital in Amsterdam where she had been sick for a while. She did not leave any children.
  11. True he fought two wars but he cowardly capitulated and ran like a chicken- once Abdi Bile, Always Abdi Bile Instead Sheikh Colonel Hassan Dahir Aweys heroic exploits are against the enemies of Somalia are well-recorded in the military annals and archives of Somalia. Sheikh Hassan made a mistake when he caught Caasho yuusuf in Puntland by sparing his pathetic life. Such mistake backfired and untested clannish allegiance destroyed the Al-Itihad group. The Puntlanders put clan loyalty ahead of principles.
  12. Baaq ay wada jir usoo Saareen Waxgaradka reer Puntland ee Minnesota Ku: Dawlad goboleedka Puntland Ku: Culimo Awdiinka Puntland Ku: Isimadda Puntland Ku: Aqoonyahanka iyo siyaasiyiinta Puntland Ku: Shacabka Reer Puntland Ujeedo: Baaq Waxaan Qirsanahay wanaaga badan ee uu sameeyay Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland ee ay ku bahoobeen beelaha wada dhashay ee Puntland. Waxaan kaloo ka soo horjeednaa waxkasta oo dhibaato ku keenikara nabadgalyada kajirta Puntland. Sidoo kale waxaan qirsanahay wanaaga badan ee kadhashay kacdoonka shacabka ee ay hogaaminayaan midowga maxaakiimta Islaamiga ee gacanta kuhaya inta badan koonfurta soomaliya. Hadaba anagoo kamid ah Culimo'Awdiinka ,Aqoonyahanada, Siyaasiyiinta , iyo waxgardka reer Puntland ee Dagan Gobalka Minnesota ee Maraykanka, Waxay noola muuqatay inaan talooyin ka bixino Marxalaldaha kasoo cusboonaaday deegaanka Puntland; baaqna aan kasoo saarno. 1. Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa Dowlad Golobeedka Puntland hirgalinta kudhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka, taasoo ah badbaaddada dadka iyo dalka. Isla maraakna Maamulku uu qaban qaabiyo shirwayne looga arrin sanyo hirgalinta shareecada ayna u dhanyihiin dhammaan beelihii ku bahoobay DGPL. 2. Waxaan ka xunahay raali gallina ka bixinaynaa hadalkii qabyaalada qayaxan ahaa ee Madaxwaynaha DGPL ka jeediyey magaalada Gaalkacyo 11/5/06. Qabyaaladaas oo reer Puntland ka gudbeen markay ku midoobeen DGPL. 3. Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa Maamul Goboleedka Puntland inuu tix galiyo rabitaanka shacabka reer Puntland, uusana caburin arigtidooda. Waxaana taageeraynaa Go’aanadii ku qornaa bayaankii ay waxgaradka kala duwan kasoo saareen Gobolka Mudug 11/7/06. 4. Waxaan ugu baaqayaa DGPL inay joojiyaan taageerida haraadigii dagaal oogayaashii reer Muqdisho iska soo saareen, Sida: Qabqable Cabdi Qaybdiid oo la wada og soon yahay xasuuqii Naxariis darada ahaa ee uu u gaystay shacabka reer Gaalkcayo iyo reer Muqdisho. 5. Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa DGPL inuu ka saaro ciidamda Itoobiyaanka ah ee Jooga Gobolka, kuwo hor lehna uusan soo galin. Sidoo kale waxaan ugu baaqaynaa inay ka baaqsadaan waxkasta oo sababi kara inuu dagaal ka qarxo Puntland dhexdeeda iyo aaga hada la isku hor fadhiyo. 6. Waxaan taageer sanahay Maxkamaddaha ay Puntland kaga dhawaaqeen qaar kamida beelaha Puntaland dega sida: Beesha Maxamed Cumar, Bah-ararsame, Barkad, Reer Biciidyan, iyo ********. Beelaha harayna waxaan ugu baaqaynaa inay qaataan ku dhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka. 7. Waxaan ka xunahay inuu Maamul Goboleedka Puntland uu ku talaab sanayo talaabooyin aan loo dhamayn khilaafsana qawaaniinta udag DGPL sida; Keenista Ciidama Itoobiyaanka ah. Ugu danbayntii waxaan ugu baaqaynaa in laga wada tashado ayaaha Puntland sidii markii hore wada tashi loogu bahoobay. Magacyada Waxgaradkii Saxiixay Baaqaan. 1. Mohamed Abdiraman Wardere 2. Abdulaahi Hirsi Ali 3. Abdinur Salad Warfaa 4. Abdihakim Ahmed Isse 5. Abdirashiid Daahir Gaboobe 6. Abdiwali Ali Dahir 7. Bashiir Muse Elmi 8. Abdirsaaq Caafi 9. Omar Mohamed Guraase 10. Abdulaahi Adan jama 11. Awaale Ahmed Shiikh 12. Awil shire Guraase 13. Ali Siciid Surcad 14. Ali Warsame Osman 15. Geele Ali Jama 16. Abdulaahi A Giir 17. Adan Nur Wardere 18. Abdihakim Abdi wardere 19. Gaas Salad Warsame 20. Adan isse Mohamed 21. Abdulahi Mohamed Hassan 22. Abdulahi Ayaan 23. Siciid Ibraahim Dabacade 24. Ahmed Caynab Mohamed 25. Ahmed Siciid Guure 26. Mursal Mohamed Salah 27. Mohamed Ahmed farah 28. Ali Shiikh Salah 29. Ali Mohamed Jama 30. Hilaal Ibraahim Aduur 31. Mohad Abdi Muse 32. Qoosh Dahir Adan 33. Mohamed Aadan Daad 34. Abdulaahi Mohamed Adan shiino 35. Ahmed Ali Nugaal 36. Jibriil kilwe 37. Mohamed Ibraahim Geedo roor 38. Mohamed Ahmed Salah 39. Ahmed Abdulaahi Shire 40. Abdiwahaab Mohamed Yusuf 41. Abdilaahi warsame {bidhaan} 42. Siciid Hirsi Banaf 43. Ahmed Cige Warsame {jiidhgaale} 44. Saleebaan Aw Yuusuf 45. Abdiqaadir Ahmed Muse Tulud 46. Mubaarak Mohamud Saleebaan 47. Yaasiin Ali Hasan {yaasiin caato) 48. Yaasiin Husen Qaybdiid 49. Mohame Abdulaahi Ali {hanbaase} 50. Hussen Salah Dalmar 51. Siciid Mohamed Dirir 52. Sacad Mohamed Guuleed 53. Abdulaahi Mohamed Yusuf 54. Siciid Awil Golongol 55. Abdinasar Ahmed Abdi 56. Bashiir Ahmed Abdi 57. Abdirsaaq Ahmed Abdi 58. Siciid Mohamed Yusuf Dhere 59. Mohamed Abdi salad 60. Abdirahman Haji Mohamud Camay 61. Mohamud Abdulahi Caydiid 62. Saleebaan Hassan Guuleed 63. Abdinur Adan Garaase 64. Abdiqaadir Osman Hasan Cascase 65. Jaamac Mahad 66. Pro Mohamed Hassan Dacar 67. Saleebaan Hirsi Banaf 68. Ahmed Jama Muse Habiyos 69. Kayse Ali Aar Aw Cabdille 70. Mohamud Ahmed Mahamed Mire 71. Maxamed Maxamud Ciise 72. Idris Hassan Maxamed 73. C/qaadir Salaad Maxamed 74. Maxamed Rashid Xayle 75. Maxamed Axmed Cali Foore 76. Maxamud Axmed Maxamud Anshugar 77. Xasan Abshir Cadami 78. Axmed dhoole Xuseen Guray 79. Abdulaahi Mohame Adan Karaaye 80. Xussen Salah Cigaal 81. Sadiq Mohamed Mucalin 82. Abdikaafi Abdulaahi Dhoore 83. Abdirsaaq Xuseen Gaboobe 84. Qaasim Ahmed Salad 85. Farhan Abdi Ali 86. Ahmed Abdi Ali 87. Hussien Ali Barre 88. Abdirahman Mohamud Adan 89. Abdiwali Isse Barre 90. Habib Mohamed Said 91. Mohamed Xaashaawe 92. Mohamed Gaafaa Faarah 93. Abdirisaaq Mahamed Cumar Galayr 94. Mohamed Ali Muse 95. mohamed Ducale Nuh(qays) 96. sheekh cawil sheekh xaamud 97. Sheekh c/majiid axmed ciise (geedi) 98. Axmed Saciid Axmed Xaaji 99. Mursal Ducaale Murug 100. Sheekh Cabdirisaaq Cilmi Xirsi (fagare) 101. Maxamed Maxamud Diiriye 102. Caydaruus Maxamud Diiriye 103. Ashir MAxamed Muuse 104. cali maxamed Xasan 105. Cabdirabi Guuleed Cilmi 106. Cisman Ciise Ciro 107. Cumar Ahmed Guuleed 108. C/laahi Faarax yare 109. Xasan Dhooye 110. Mohamud Abdi Wabari 111. Abdirahman Barre Musse 112. Abdirashiid Yusuf Guure 113. Mire Mohamed sheikh 114. Daahir Nur Ali 115. Yonis Abdi Ashkir 116. Goox Yaasiin Daad 117. Maxamed Geele 118. Cisman Ali Dhagay 119. Abdulqaadir Warsame 120. Cigaal Mohamed Ali 121. Ciise Maxamud Xaaji Xasan 122. Bile Mohamed Sugule 123. Abdikaafi Mohamed Cigaal 124. Abdirahman Warsame wayrax 125. C/casiis ow Maxamed Faarax bare 126. Maxamed Cali Faarax 127. C/risaaq Abshir Faarax (Sancaani) 128. Ahmed Ali Shire 129. Habiib Abshir Farah 130. Abuukar Ali Omar 131. Bulaale Maxamed Ali 132. Axmed Adan Kaarshe (indho deero) 133. Axmed C/rashiid Xaaji Xuseen (Caddaawe) Gabagebo: Dhamaan Umada Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo ay joogto waxaan ugu baaqaynaa ku dhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka iyo in la ilaaliyo Nabadgalyada iyo Xasiloonida Dadka iyo Dalka.
  13. Abdiqasim is better than thousand Yeeys combined when it comes to Somalinimo and patriotism. As MMA already pointed out, he stayed out of the bloody civil war and was against the warlordism of Aideed and the fratricide of Mogadishu. He is the brain behind the civil society(ARTA) and had a minimal role on the formation of the courts. His weakness is that he gave a chance to warlords (SRRC) who were and still are Tigre lackeys remotely controlled by Meles Zenawi. Abdiqasim tried but failed because of Ethiopian meddling with the help of the ruthless warlods led by Yeey. Caasho Yuusf was a Siad Barre soldier who ran away like a chicken when he failed to overthrow Macalinka Kacaanka (in 1979 with his clansmen) and he is the first coward who started the Qabiil based rebel groups who sought backing and support from our arch-enemy, Ethiopia. QURMIS(SSDF or MSSD ) was the first qabiil based Jabhad that other clans copied: SNM(ISN), the USC(HSC) and the many other clanbased rebel groups. Now Caasho "beerlaay" Yuusuf claims to be president of Somalia but still has the clan rebel mentality and have no concept whatsoever what it means to lead undeveloped nation of clans. Somalia lacks the human resources, the leadership, the intelligence and the education necessary to set up a modern nation. Instead we have illiterate masses who believe in Qabyaald and opportunitic elite who benefits the Qabiil card. Victims of these elitistic parasite are their offsprings who have been brainwashed and brought up with clannish mentality. It is gonna take ages to re-cleanse and re-program the polluted minds of these clannish cheerleaders let us not forget that even before Siad Barre, the previous clan-dominated corrupt and nepotistic civilian governments after the independence were all working for the interest of clan instead of the nation, of Yeey's clan and the northeastern region. Now we see Duke and his clansmen's blind loyalty on many clan sites and this is stil reminiscent of the historical blunders. People of Baydhabo are now regretting of welcoming Yeey and his clique to Baydhabo and are re-thinking the mistakes done by their warlords such as Shaatigaduud who is an SRRC member and Meles stooge. I know that the Fadhiid government of Yeey has few counted days to go on and its demise is inevitable. I know for fact Yeey and his clique are in hullicinations and have lost their foresight for unrealistic goals: to have the repeat of previous governments of nepotism and corruption. What we need honestly is to educate certain segments of our society and teach them that a man should live to earn his living lawfully and with his hands and not rely on his clansmen and on governments of his clansmen. Education is the only way out of this ignorance.
  14. Unlike others, I always hated and despised all warlords regardless of their clan. Qaybdiid was and still is a war criminal. I read my post at the time and was just pointing the hypocrisy of some people siding with their warlords who they call presidents and ministers and opposing the warlords of the other camps. Again as you said, as the tables are turned over and the ICU winners came into the scene, Somalis everywhere are excited we are about to have the end of warlordism. Two bad ones are left. Qaybdiid and Yeey. Both are from Mudugh like Aideed and even Siad Barre. I wonder why that region produces such hardheaded mujirmiin ? Is it the water?
  15. How delusional and full of rumors some people are! This shows the desperation of the shameless cheerleaders of Caasho Yuusuf. Instead of being daring men who can fight like real men, the cheerleaders of Yeey resort to such pitiable and disgraceful actions as spreading rumors and trying to fabricate lies. It is also appalling to witness their steady obsession with one influential sub-clan. The cries of the Yeey cheerleaders indicate their weakness and inability to change the realities on the ground. They desperate and deep down know, never again will there be one clan domination in Somalia. Some have been taught to work hard, to earn their living through lawful means while others have been brought with corruption and nepotism. Perhaps it is this wrong nurturing that is failing these folks. A man needs not to cry. A man has to fight and make changes through his own will and power not depend on others and when defeated a real man either regroups himself or retaliates back with more forceful assault. However, some folks have become known as weak punks who can’t fight back. They subconsciously have an inferiority complex when it comes to wars. Never ever did they defeat anyone? raganimmoy ninkaagii nacasnimo maxaa baday?
  16. Rumors just rumors from close sources of Yeey are reporting that the Sharif is paving the way for Yeey to come to Mogadishu to liberate himself from the Tigre suffucation in Baidao. The old knows for sure that the Tigre secret agants were behind the attempt on his life. Same rumors have that Yeey had a talk with Sharif in Nairobi before he left for China. These are rumors but my friends from Yeey's immediate sub-clan are all of sudden talking about this as inescapable possibilty? Things are so dynamic and unpredictable. Will see and wait if Yeey is gonna shed his clannish skin and become a real and practical leader. These rumors have that Geedi is against this and has even threatened the Sharif and in his ********* ordered the speaker to come to Baidoa. Geedi phoned Yeey and also requested the president to intervene to stop the speakers trip to Mogadishu.
  17. Habartaa ninkii qabo ee adi ku dhalin? maxaas kuu yahay? ADEER - Maki Xaaji Banaadir
  18. Duke, I am worried for you. Cos I am coming to hunt you down soon to rescue from this self delusion and it is out of love. you help your brother by showing him the right path. you are a menace not to society, not to Somalis but to yourself. I am worried for your well-being. I read all your posts on this thread and I see a very disturbed soul. Let us pray for duke folks. May Allah bless Duke's soul and save him from any evil.
  19. Monday, August 7 Meles's Not So Excellent Adventure These two make more sense ... and 70 million people don't have to go along with them either. So what is going on in Somalia anyway you may ask? We are surprised you wonder because since the early 90s the only time that the whole world actually noticed events in Southern Somalia was when "Blackhawk Down" was released five years ago. You see, trouble in Somalia was ordained by the absurd national mission forced down Somali throats without interruption from independence on by a succession of dictators - that all collapsed in 1991. That ersatz national destiny required the conquest of all of its more populated and powerful neighbors along with 'Revolutionary Democracy' style idiocies such as 'Somali Scientific Socialism' justifying the dictatorship of a few. Such silly ideology was bad enough but along with a commitment to eternal war it can be no surprise that Somalis had little chance from the beginning and caused its neighbors quite a bit of bother, Ethiopia in particular. Even though Northern Somalia was able to escape what became a tradition of chaos, Southern Somalia became and remains a mess. Since then there has been a steady, almost imperceptible background drum beat of non crisis like stories about warlords, piracy, entrepreneurs providing basic services where there was no government, secret Al Quaeda training camps and the like. In the past month or so that has all changed big time. Where to start ... where to start .... OK, the Usual Suspect Clan Warlords (USCW) lost a battle for control of Mogadishu and eventually most of the region to the New Jack Islamist Warlords (NJIW) that we certainly had never heard of. Not only that, but the US was allegedly helping the USCW and Ethiopia definitely was helping them. Oh, and Eritrea was aggressively arming the NJIW in a bid to outflank Meles Inc (actually at this point it seems, just to mess with Ethiopia for hell of it). The NJIW commenced immediately to vigorously attack Coca Cola drinkers, movie watchers, soccer fans, all females of our species and all men who did not immediately realize what they should have known all along. Namely that if the NJIW said jump - the only appropriate response was an ecstatic and obedient "how high?" Just imagine - the NJIW made even the USCW and Siad Barre 'regimes' look like great liberal democracies in a matter of days. According to the USCW, Eritrea was joined by Egypt and Saudi Arabia in aiding the NJIW and according to many others the latter had some rather unsavory connections to international terror. As the USCW were being chased across the region, the UN backed (alert the media!), Ethiopian supported, For Real Somali Government in Internal Exile (FRSGIE) welcomed Ethiopian troops sent by Meles Inc. into Baidoia (the FRSGIE capital) and environs. Meles Inc., however, denied it was attempting any hostile takeovers at all. The FRSGIE said that it was all a mistake due to Ethiopian donated uniforms on its own soldiers while Meles Inc. denied the whole thing with the same straight face it used to deny everything from blocking blogs onto keeping 70 million hostages. A few tame reporters claimed to see nothing but there could have been a legion of Galactic Storm Troopers straight from the Clone Wars right next door for all they were allowed to see. An old Soviet cargo plane from Kazakhstan loaded with Eritrean arms landed in Mogadishu with goodies for the NJIW along with possibly hundreds of Eritrean troops. FRSGIE ministers started getting killed by somebody, many FRSGIE membere resigned in protest against Meles Inc. troop deployments, some USCW changed sides several times and claimed to be winning and the NJIW declared a jihad against Ethiopia. Meles Inc. wanted to change the subject from its own bloody dictatorship to just about anything else to finance itself ... and 'fighting terrorism' was rather conveniently waiting right there next door ... especially as the US Congress was considering a bill to sanction the Meles Inc. corporate board for its violent business practices. The New Jack Islamist Warlords wanted attention ... negative attention from the West and Ethiopia could be turned into positive attention from many other circles in the form of cash ... the invasion by Meles Inc. provided a perfect opportunity to have a real live jihad and to define authentic Somali-ness all at the same time. This came from Foggy Bottom recently via Nazret "There are many foreign elements in Somalia right now," U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer said, citing reports Ethiopia was sending troops to back the interim government and Eritrea arms for rival Islamists. "Neither the Union of Islamic Courts nor the Transitional Federal Government can take the high ground by saying the other is violating Somali sovereignty...they've all invited in foreigners, all been backed by foreign forces," she added. Unless there is some really deep double game being played here it seems that Meles Inc. went into Somalia all on its own. However much Ethiopia's relatively professional army may dominate the field it is simply crazy to imagine Ethiopia sustaining a force in Somalia over time as foreign opposition mounts. Beyond that the attributes of a regular military force would mean little near or in Mogadishu. Either the expense or logistics or political cost (or all three), of a sustained fight away from the border are well beyond the capacity of Ethiopia's expeditionary force and regime. It would not be humanitarian concerns like those that held back the UN and the US back in the early 90s that would turn back such an Ethiopian force. Unlike the US Rangers and the UN force that took casualties to spare collateral damage, Meles would not hesitate to raze all of Mogadishu to stay in power and collect cash for another day. Meles Inc. has given all combative and peaceful Somali's the perfect reason to fight to the bitter end. That marks the criminal error of an invasion that costs almost as much if it doesn't go past the border and nothing is accomplished as if it does achieve its nebulous purposes ... Meles has invaded their country just because he did not approve a their potential government - no Somalis, including the temporary allies of Meles Inc will like that in the end. Unlike Afghanistan, there is no history here of the NJIW supporting international terror (bombings in Ethiopia are generally carried out by the government and blamed on the villian of the moment). Unlike Iraq there is no history here of flouting the UN or waging aggressive international war or of using WMDs. Unlike with Hezbollah or with Chechnyan Islamists, there is no history of sustained acts of terror. Meles has invaded Somali without any pretext at all that could be sustained in the most forgiving of forums. Via Nazret, this Economist article makes it clear that even those occasional Meles Inc. apologists aren't letting the wool be pulled over their eyes this time around, Both the Ethiopians and the Islamists have something to gain from fighting. Ethiopia, which has often meddled in Somalia, is one of the world's oldest Christian-led countries, though it has many Muslims too. A war against militant Islam in the region might make it a useful ally of America, bringing cash and diplomatic support. It would also be quite a coup for the prime minister, Meles Zenawi, since America's Congress recently passed a bill condemning his government as an undemocratic abuser of human rights, which it is. Does this herald an overall 'coming to their senses' phase for the international media after years of breathlessly false 'at least Meles is making the trains run on something resembling a schedule' and 'what a cute & brave former guerrilla fighter he is' nonsense ... we won't hold our breath waiting but every bit of reality is welcome. Although we are bound to be sympathetic to long standing Ethiopian interest vis a vis Somalia and although we are also supportive of American interests in the War on Terror it seems to us that the policies of Meles Inc. will make everything far worse for everyone. Previous Ethiopian governments going back centuries (even including the reality and mentally challenged Dergue) avoided invading Somalia and did not even intervene except in the most exigent circumstances - and then only temporarily - without a proxy government to prop up. Not out of fear mind you, but out of common sense because going into Somalia, just like going into any neighbor is like sticking a hand in a hornet's nest. Meles has gone into Somalia with no provocation on an uncertain mission with no end or even clear aim. One miscalculated purpose is finely tuned to influencing Congress with the current parade of tame supposed 'opposition' politicians while the real ones fear death in jail. Another may be a reflexive sense of competition with the former allies of Meles Inc. in Eritrean government. Whatever the reason this was not thought out well - unless the reason is just to create and perpetuate crisis and instability with the purpose of being seen by the world as both the guarantor of the status quo and its principal manipulator as well. All to the tune of billions of Euros and Dollars and many more years to collect them and ship them into banks and properties abroad. .................................... One last point about messes that Meles Inc. has and always will be getting Ethiopia and the world into ... because of the tribal based policies and politics of Meles Inc., Ethiopia has become a country which is legally / constitutionally only a barely legitimate collection of bantustans that can become independent at will for any reason at all or for no declared reason at all by anyone from the regional down to the neighborhood level. In real terms the government uses that potential for chaos as a threat and uses brutal extra-legal means of its own making to hold it all together outside of the absurdities of current 'law'. Like the Sword of Damocles hung over one ruler to teach humility, utter disintegration awaits Ethiopia if it succeeds in getting rid of Meles Inc. - or so Meles Inc. would have us believe - Ethiopia is far more resilient than that. But ... accepting the espoused logic of Meles and his government ... it seems like the 'Revolutionary Democratic' thing to do would be too ask the people of the Somali Killil what they want and accept that judgement regardless of the larger national interest. They probably wouldn't want to do so but maybe they want to join the Eastern third of Ethiopia immediately to the USCW or the NJIW or to the FRSGIE. Or given the logic of the Ethiopian constitution, an equally legitimate case is a seat in the UN for any group of kids in Gode or Bishoftu or Adwa or Debre Birhan (or even on Bole Road) who play marbles or soccer together fairly regularly and who feel they have a right to form an independent country. After all, that is what it says in the Meles Inc. constitution right? Confused yet? If you are not you should be. It is 'governments' and 'leaders' such as these that make us wish conflicts between dictators and aspiring dictators could only be settled by single combat with the victor and vanquished both being shipped off to Devil's Island afterwards. Ethiopia and Somalia (with the exception of Northern Somalia) have never gotten on too well and Somalia has never had a friendly border for that matter. None of the 'leaders' in question has even a vanishing connection to the interests of the people they supposedly act for. Throughout most of living memory - nation, ideology, tribe, clan and now religion have been the tools of heartless men for the purpose of their personal power. That is what is up in the Horn of Africa.
  20. Somalia 's Mad Dog? By Mesfin Arega Somalia 's mad dog? I know. This must be a very strange, extremely rare dog - the only one of its kind in the whole world - Somalia being an almost exclusively Moslem country and the dog being the most cursed animal in the religion - more so than the serpent in the Judo-Christian tradition. But this is what that vicious dictator in Ethiopia - the sinister Meles Zenawi - exactly is. The Somalis themselves reared this dog, allowed it to defecate in their back yard, let it to desecrate their house, and even gave it - this cursed dog, this ultimate defilement for a Muslim - a Somali identity. What is more, they intentionally infected it with the deadly rabies virus so that, when unleashed, it will run straight to Ethiopia and bite her fatally. Bite her? It did. It bit her to the bone. Spread the virus throughout the holy - immaculate - land? You bet. Not a single village in Ethiopia was spared of the deadly virus. Fatally? This I am not sure. I pray not, but only time will tell. Besides, one can never overestimate the resilience of Ethiopianism - the belief that Ethiopia - the cradle of mankind - is the only holy land in the whole world and that the idea it embodies is the only true religion - of which I, the writer of this letter, am a devout - pious - believer. There is one thing I am completely sure about, though. In it entire history - which continuously stretches back for thousands of years - Ethiopia has never ever been bitten like this before, has never ever been infected like this before, and has never ever been sick like this before. Even the notorious Ahmed Gran - who, by the way, may most likely have originated form the eastern part of what used to be Greater Ethiopia - the present day Somalia - didn't manage to inflict a fraction of the damage done by this sick dog of Somalia . However - in their misguided zeal to see Ethiopia disintegrate and share the spoil - the Somalis forget - or rather choose to forget - one glaring fact of nature. A dog will always be a dog. It has slavish mentality. It loves being kept on a leash - and a short one at that. It always has to have a master - it can't live without one. Nothing makes it happier than licking its master's boot. It is extremely subservient - too eager to follow its master's orders. It is ever ready to bark whenever it is told to strike fear by empty bravado, to run wherever it is told to go, and to bite whomever it is told to bite. To be its master, all you have to do is to provide it with its basic material needs and - once in a while - call it by whatever name you gave it and tap it gently, holding it by its collar. So far so good for the Somalis. But here is the big problem. When a dog is infested with the rabies virus - which gravely affects its nervous system - it loses its capacity to recognize people and aggressively bites anybody and everybody on its way - even its own master! This is what the sick dog of Somalia - known as Legese Naziawi in Ethiopia and Meles Zenawi in the rest of the world - is now doing in Somalia . It bit practically everybody in Ethiopia and - when there is no more left to bite - turned towards Somalia . It has to keep on biting until it dies. That is what the rabies virus does to a dog. Unfortunately, there is neither a cure nor a vaccination for this virus. The only solution is to put the dog down - the sooner the better. Thus, Somalis should stop wrongly blaming Ethiopia for their country's predicament. They should put the blame right where it belongs - on the shoulder of their own Frankenstein - Meles Zenawi. Ethiopia herself has been constantly bleeding for more than fifteen years from this monster creation of theirs that has run out of their control and is now roaring to devour them. There is one thing I would love to hear from my Somali brothers. What is the name they gave to their own version of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein? How do they call it? Do they call this beast Meles Zenawi like the rest of the world or have they coined a Somali language equivalent for the German term Frankenstein - "stone of the Franks"? Somalis should also refrain from calling the conflict they have with their own dog a religious conflict - an Armageddon between "Christian" Ethiopia and Moslem Somalia . First of all, their enemy is not "Christian" Ethiopia. Their enemy is their own sick dog. And a dog is neither Christian nor Muslim. It is just a dog. Secondly - and more importantly - were it not for "Christian" Ethiopia which gave sanctuary to the followers of prophet Mohammed - the first country in the whole world to give refugee to victims of religious persecution - Islam as a religion would most certainly have been non existent today - at least as we now know it - and the Somalis would have most certainly been converted to Christianity - introduced to the purest version of the religion by Ethiopia or to the distorted version - the version used to subjugate the black man and colonize Africa - by white missionaries. Before they talk about defending Islam, the Somalis should properly know the early history of the religion - how it got started. They should read, for example, the prophet's letter to the then king of Ethiopia . The first hijra was - not to Medina - but to Ethiopia which was then ruled by a Christian king called Negasi. "The king of Ethiopia , well-known for being a just and God-fearing man, welcomed the Muslim refugees from Makkah into his kingdom. He gave them sanctuary, and they enjoyed peace, security and freedom of worship under his protection". In short, the Somalis cannot tell Ethiopians about Islam. That will be just like - as we say in Ethiopia - a daughter teaching her mother about labor. Let alone the Somalis, even the Arabs themselves - who often behave as if they own Islam but were its arch enemies in its infancy - when it was most vulnerable - should not have the nerve to lecture Ethiopians about that religion. Somalis should open their eyes and closely look who desperately wants to turn this quagmire created by Meles Zenawi into a decisive religious battle between Christianity and Islam. They are non other than the Wuhabists and the Al Qaidas - notorious Arab nationalists whose profess deep love for Islam - only because they can easily use it to advance their age-old hidden agenda - the forceful imposition of Arab culture and language over the rest of the world. Christian Africans should always heed to the prophetic words of the great Jommo Kenyatta - “The Europeans gave us bibles only so that, when we close our eyes to pray, they can take our land”. To this great advice I - the humble Mesfin Arega - would like to add a dire warning - especially to my Muslim African brothers. The Wuhabists give us the Koran only so that, when we kneel down to pray, they can chop our heads off and completely arabize Africa. This warning is real. The Arabs have are already done it in North Africa in the so called maghreb countries including what is now called Egypt - the land of Tutankhamen and other great black pharaohs - and Tunisia - the land of the great black general, the conqueror of the Alps - Hannibal. They are now - as we speak - doing it in Darfur . Land - not Islam - is the primary concern of the Wuhabists in Africa . Islam is nothing for them but only a means to an end. The only jihad that counts for the Wuhabists in Africa is not the jihad in defense of Islam per se, but the jihad for the complete control of the land by the total extermination of its rightful owner - the black man. They won't spare any black person - even if that person is a devout Muslim - as the Darfurians - who are hundred percent Muslim - have painfully realized. Thus if the Somalis allow fanatic Arab nationalists - the Wuhabists and Al Qaidas - to roam freely in their land, the next thing they know is that their country has suddenly become the second Darfur. Soon these Arab and pseudo-arab fanatics will turn to Janjewids and then start carrying out indiscriminate - merciless - slaughtering of Somalis in every corner of Somalia so much so that the Somalis will have absolutely no place to hide in their own country. Then the Somalis will have no option but to flee en masse to Ethiopia - the very country they love to hate. They have done this a number of times before, and they will not hesitate at all to do it in any future emergency - since the Somalis very well know that the only country in the whole world that will not only accept them en masse - without any screening - but also treats them - not as second class citizens - but equally with - and sometimes better than - her own citizens is none other than Ethiopia . The Somalis know that when the chips are down - when their situation becomes precarious - all the Arab and other Muslim countries - which are now egging them on for a suicidal war against Ethiopia - and all those western countries which - through their vicious propaganda machines - are daily telling them that Ethiopia is their mortal enemy - will turn their faces away from them. They will fence their borders with barbed wires to prevent Somalis from entering their countries and will throw out those few who managed to sneak in - hand cuffed. Deep down in their heart the Somalis deeply love Ethiopia . This I know for sure because Somalians are extremely proud and fiercely independent people - and Ethiopia is the embodiment of both. Thus the easiest - and the only - temporary solution for Somalia's problem is not to invite Wuhabi jihadists - who will soon turn into their deadly enemies - but to side with Ethiopians who are wedging a life and death struggle to put Somalia's mad dog down once and for all. The final - everlasting - solution is the return to the ancient Greater Ethiopia - I would rather call her Cushia - by the total unification of these one and the same people - the Ethiopians and the Somalians - the Cushites. Finally, Somalis should stop talking about annexing the ****** region - a region sacred for Ethiopians for it is the final resting place of the hero of Korahe - Dejazmach Afewok Woldesemayat - and tens of thousands of other brave Ethiopians who paid the ultimate sacrifice defending it from European predator beasts long before - way long before - Somalia became a nation. Other wise, the Somalis will make sure that - not Meles Zenawi - but Ethiopians are their enemies. Given the pathetic state their country is in, the last thing the Somalis should do is provoke Ethiopian nationalism. Then all hell will break lose and the Somalis very well know what that means. They just have to refer to their history which should not be that difficult, their country - in the annals of world history - being just like a baby born yesterday - carved out of Greater Ethiopia by white supremacists - the sworn enemies of the entire black nationhood which, I might add, includes the Somalis themselves. By the way - if it gives them any satisfaction - Somalis should feel free to burn Meles Zenawi's flag. Nothing will make Ethiopians happier. However, I would like to notify my Muslim Somali brothers that if they look closely at the center of that devilish flag, there is a scratch of lines - a star - which, in conjunction with the moon, is the emblem of their own religion. Just never, ever dare to disrespect - let alone burn - the green-yellow-red flag adorned by the lion. That is the flag of the BLACK LIONS - the Ethiopians.
  21. Somalia 's Mad Dog? By Mesfin Arega Somalia 's mad dog? I know. This must be a very strange, extremely rare dog - the only one of its kind in the whole world - Somalia being an almost exclusively Moslem country and the dog being the most cursed animal in the religion - more so than the serpent in the Judo-Christian tradition. But this is what that vicious dictator in Ethiopia - the sinister Meles Zenawi - exactly is. The Somalis themselves reared this dog, allowed it to defecate in their back yard, let it to desecrate their house, and even gave it - this cursed dog, this ultimate defilement for a Muslim - a Somali identity. What is more, they intentionally infected it with the deadly rabies virus so that, when unleashed, it will run straight to Ethiopia and bite her fatally. Bite her? It did. It bit her to the bone. Spread the virus throughout the holy - immaculate - land? You bet. Not a single village in Ethiopia was spared of the deadly virus. Fatally? This I am not sure. I pray not, but only time will tell. Besides, one can never overestimate the resilience of Ethiopianism - the belief that Ethiopia - the cradle of mankind - is the only holy land in the whole world and that the idea it embodies is the only true religion - of which I, the writer of this letter, am a devout - pious - believer. There is one thing I am completely sure about, though. In it entire history - which continuously stretches back for thousands of years - Ethiopia has never ever been bitten like this before, has never ever been infected like this before, and has never ever been sick like this before. Even the notorious Ahmed Gran - who, by the way, may most likely have originated form the eastern part of what used to be Greater Ethiopia - the present day Somalia - didn't manage to inflict a fraction of the damage done by this sick dog of Somalia . However - in their misguided zeal to see Ethiopia disintegrate and share the spoil - the Somalis forget - or rather choose to forget - one glaring fact of nature. A dog will always be a dog. It has slavish mentality. It loves being kept on a leash - and a short one at that. It always has to have a master - it can't live without one. Nothing makes it happier than licking its master's boot. It is extremely subservient - too eager to follow its master's orders. It is ever ready to bark whenever it is told to strike fear by empty bravado, to run wherever it is told to go, and to bite whomever it is told to bite. To be its master, all you have to do is to provide it with its basic material needs and - once in a while - call it by whatever name you gave it and tap it gently, holding it by its collar. So far so good for the Somalis. But here is the big problem. When a dog is infested with the rabies virus - which gravely affects its nervous system - it loses its capacity to recognize people and aggressively bites anybody and everybody on its way - even its own master! This is what the sick dog of Somalia - known as Legese Naziawi in Ethiopia and Meles Zenawi in the rest of the world - is now doing in Somalia . It bit practically everybody in Ethiopia and - when there is no more left to bite - turned towards Somalia . It has to keep on biting until it dies. That is what the rabies virus does to a dog. Unfortunately, there is neither a cure nor a vaccination for this virus. The only solution is to put the dog down - the sooner the better. Thus, Somalis should stop wrongly blaming Ethiopia for their country's predicament. They should put the blame right where it belongs - on the shoulder of their own Frankenstein - Meles Zenawi. Ethiopia herself has been constantly bleeding for more than fifteen years from this monster creation of theirs that has run out of their control and is now roaring to devour them. There is one thing I would love to hear from my Somali brothers. What is the name they gave to their own version of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein? How do they call it? Do they call this beast Meles Zenawi like the rest of the world or have they coined a Somali language equivalent for the German term Frankenstein - "stone of the Franks"? Somalis should also refrain from calling the conflict they have with their own dog a religious conflict - an Armageddon between "Christian" Ethiopia and Moslem Somalia . First of all, their enemy is not "Christian" Ethiopia. Their enemy is their own sick dog. And a dog is neither Christian nor Muslim. It is just a dog. Secondly - and more importantly - were it not for "Christian" Ethiopia which gave sanctuary to the followers of prophet Mohammed - the first country in the whole world to give refugee to victims of religious persecution - Islam as a religion would most certainly have been non existent today - at least as we now know it - and the Somalis would have most certainly been converted to Christianity - introduced to the purest version of the religion by Ethiopia or to the distorted version - the version used to subjugate the black man and colonize Africa - by white missionaries. Before they talk about defending Islam, the Somalis should properly know the early history of the religion - how it got started. They should read, for example, the prophet's letter to the then king of Ethiopia . The first hijra was - not to Medina - but to Ethiopia which was then ruled by a Christian king called Negasi. "The king of Ethiopia , well-known for being a just and God-fearing man, welcomed the Muslim refugees from Makkah into his kingdom. He gave them sanctuary, and they enjoyed peace, security and freedom of worship under his protection". In short, the Somalis cannot tell Ethiopians about Islam. That will be just like - as we say in Ethiopia - a daughter teaching her mother about labor. Let alone the Somalis, even the Arabs themselves - who often behave as if they own Islam but were its arch enemies in its infancy - when it was most vulnerable - should not have the nerve to lecture Ethiopians about that religion. Somalis should open their eyes and closely look who desperately wants to turn this quagmire created by Meles Zenawi into a decisive religious battle between Christianity and Islam. They are non other than the Wuhabists and the Al Qaidas - notorious Arab nationalists whose profess deep love for Islam - only because they can easily use it to advance their age-old hidden agenda - the forceful imposition of Arab culture and language over the rest of the world. Christian Africans should always heed to the prophetic words of the great Jommo Kenyatta - “The Europeans gave us bibles only so that, when we close our eyes to pray, they can take our land”. To this great advice I - the humble Mesfin Arega - would like to add a dire warning - especially to my Muslim African brothers. The Wuhabists give us the Koran only so that, when we kneel down to pray, they can chop our heads off and completely arabize Africa. This warning is real. The Arabs have are already done it in North Africa in the so called maghreb countries including what is now called Egypt - the land of Tutankhamen and other great black pharaohs - and Tunisia - the land of the great black general, the conqueror of the Alps - Hannibal. They are now - as we speak - doing it in Darfur . Land - not Islam - is the primary concern of the Wuhabists in Africa . Islam is nothing for them but only a means to an end. The only jihad that counts for the Wuhabists in Africa is not the jihad in defense of Islam per se, but the jihad for the complete control of the land by the total extermination of its rightful owner - the black man. They won't spare any black person - even if that person is a devout Muslim - as the Darfurians - who are hundred percent Muslim - have painfully realized. Thus if the Somalis allow fanatic Arab nationalists - the Wuhabists and Al Qaidas - to roam freely in their land, the next thing they know is that their country has suddenly become the second Darfur. Soon these Arab and pseudo-arab fanatics will turn to Janjewids and then start carrying out indiscriminate - merciless - slaughtering of Somalis in every corner of Somalia so much so that the Somalis will have absolutely no place to hide in their own country. Then the Somalis will have no option but to flee en masse to Ethiopia - the very country they love to hate. They have done this a number of times before, and they will not hesitate at all to do it in any future emergency - since the Somalis very well know that the only country in the whole world that will not only accept them en masse - without any screening - but also treats them - not as second class citizens - but equally with - and sometimes better than - her own citizens is none other than Ethiopia . The Somalis know that when the chips are down - when their situation becomes precarious - all the Arab and other Muslim countries - which are now egging them on for a suicidal war against Ethiopia - and all those western countries which - through their vicious propaganda machines - are daily telling them that Ethiopia is their mortal enemy - will turn their faces away from them. They will fence their borders with barbed wires to prevent Somalis from entering their countries and will throw out those few who managed to sneak in - hand cuffed. Deep down in their heart the Somalis deeply love Ethiopia . This I know for sure because Somalians are extremely proud and fiercely independent people - and Ethiopia is the embodiment of both. Thus the easiest - and the only - temporary solution for Somalia's problem is not to invite Wuhabi jihadists - who will soon turn into their deadly enemies - but to side with Ethiopians who are wedging a life and death struggle to put Somalia's mad dog down once and for all. The final - everlasting - solution is the return to the ancient Greater Ethiopia - I would rather call her Cushia - by the total unification of these one and the same people - the Ethiopians and the Somalians - the Cushites. Finally, Somalis should stop talking about annexing the ****** region - a region sacred for Ethiopians for it is the final resting place of the hero of Korahe - Dejazmach Afewok Woldesemayat - and tens of thousands of other brave Ethiopians who paid the ultimate sacrifice defending it from European predator beasts long before - way long before - Somalia became a nation. Other wise, the Somalis will make sure that - not Meles Zenawi - but Ethiopians are their enemies. Given the pathetic state their country is in, the last thing the Somalis should do is provoke Ethiopian nationalism. Then all hell will break lose and the Somalis very well know what that means. They just have to refer to their history which should not be that difficult, their country - in the annals of world history - being just like a baby born yesterday - carved out of Greater Ethiopia by white supremacists - the sworn enemies of the entire black nationhood which, I might add, includes the Somalis themselves. By the way - if it gives them any satisfaction - Somalis should feel free to burn Meles Zenawi's flag. Nothing will make Ethiopians happier. However, I would like to notify my Muslim Somali brothers that if they look closely at the center of that devilish flag, there is a scratch of lines - a star - which, in conjunction with the moon, is the emblem of their own religion. Just never, ever dare to disrespect - let alone burn - the green-yellow-red flag adorned by the lion. That is the flag of the BLACK LIONS - the Ethiopians.
  22. And may he not come back from the Gog & Magog lands safe and sane. May he choke on a fried spicy rat chinese delicacy that will make his fake liver fail for good. May he expire in Beijing. Amin.
  23. In your lame and irrational arguments, full of clanish cliche and hearsay, you seem to focus and emphasize the predominance certain individuals within Mogadishu and ICU. This has become your theme. I have done a research why Yeey's immediate clansmen and cheerleaders are vocally defaming and painting a whole somali sub-clan with the same clannish brush. I have been informed by certain and close friends of Yeey that there has been overtures made by Yeey to bring into his camp these prominent individuals but failed. It was a miscalculated courting. The group is more powerful in terms of money, might and media. The Crisis Group has also pointed this out. I also asked close friends from the other camps. They said they have no animosity whatsoever for Yeey and his clan. They say Yeey is an individual with bad policies and he could be opposed for that. They said they were willing to bring him to Mogadishu and giv e him a protection as long as he is willing to renounce his dictatorial tendency. no one can be siad barre no more. but then they told me, yeey and his clique maybe reminscing old skirmishes. legends go that individuals from the sub-clan were behind the ousting of Ali Yusuf from Hobyo, they had killed two thugs by the name of Gudagude an gooshaa. they said abdirizak haji hussein confiscated some camels fom hiiraan and galgaduud to economically subjugate the nomads in these areas. If you still believe those past legends, General Duke, I will pray for you . You are of the old guard who only see things through clan lens. Your hatred and animosity for the clan of Sheikh Hassan, Indhacadde, Abdiqasim is a deep-rooted one. Only Allah can heal you and make you see your Somali brothers as brothers. if u live in london, i dare you to cross over, go to a member of abdiqaim's sub-clan, chitchat with him and raise issues about the courts, Somalia, puntland and the future. I will guarentee it will heal you and have a positive impact on your whole thinking. It did for me walaahi and this was in the times of Arta. I found how liberal and openminded are most of Somalis who are from the south and specially from Mogadishu.
  24. Duke is all of sudden changing to Anti-Islam because of the courts opposition and challenge to his uncle. This is a proof how deep rooted is tribalism in some sectors of Somali society. Qabyaalad is their religion and Qabiil is their god and a warlord is their prophet.
  25. You both miss the point here. The author is pro-peace and is happy to see peace coming back to Mohadishu and seeing people celebrating Eid for the first time in 16 years. Then he praises the courts and gives them advice. That is a contructive thing. You correct what is corrigible and acknowledge what good deeds have been done. Somalis should take a note here. Intead of sickness and clan-minded criticism, people need to be objective like this writer. I am not contradicting myself, the line he asks the courts to let Mogadishu be what it used to be is an advice and we need to give advice to our islamic courts so they will make the uprising successful. I hate all warlords including Hiiraale and Yeey