Taako Man

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Everything posted by Taako Man

  1. Jimcaale wait a minute..... Check under your bed there is an amxaar spy... :eek: Get the Amxaar midget before he devours your hilil adhi iyo bariis. Those hungry Amxaar.
  2. Now it became 100's of thousands? The jews used to say only a few thousand jews were killed by hitler. Now they say 6 million jews were killed. A case of de ja vu nooh?
  3. Hopefully this leads to a reconciliation committee that can put the long civil war and enmity behind us.
  4. ^ The gulf is a region. Just like Scandanavia, Far East, etc
  5. Originally posted by Jaylaani: quote:Originally posted by Taako Man: quote: Originally posted by mystic: Taako We are not coming out from colonization, this is 2007, not 1960’s.... Abdurahman Tuur was elected in 1991. Hardly 1960. Abdiraxman Tuur (RIP) was elected? where, who? I just wanna hear this one... Not thru elections but thru selection. Where you following this post at all?
  6. ^ A lot of armchair analyst believe a lot of crazy things. They even believe Iran in a fight with the U.S will lose in a matter of minutes. But you don't believe that do you?
  7. Originally posted by mystic: taako What do you do about Ethiopian troops who shell Mogadishu residence indiscriminately? This killed more civilians…. They weren’t even supposed to be there to begin with….the TFG should have thought about that before coming rolling on Ethiopian tanks. But anyways peace...Somalia is a sad case. Ethiopians shelling innocent civilians is the talk of Hornafrique, Shabelles, Qaadisiya etc and all ina adeer media companies to the ICU. The ICU had Eritrean, Oromo, Paki, Afghani, Arab and God almighty knows who assistance in fighting the TFG. Remember Turki's political gaffe? "I HAVE FOREIGNERS"- He exclaimed proudly. Well the TFG has foreign friends and assistance too. They one and thats about all. Remember to the Victors go the spoils and to the Indhacadde's go the running mile out of town.
  8. You say LOOOL today and I say inshallah Somalia will be better for tommorow. Amiin.
  9. ^ Getting 3000 somalis from Raas Caseyr to Raas Kambooni is not a easy feat. But you expect a superman government that will co-ordinate such efforts in a day or two.
  10. The voice of what people? There has been no census for the last 30 years. The somali population has been nomadic forever. Getting 70% of the population in place to stand in a stall and make a vote without people saying voter turnout was not biased and rigged is highly unlikely without co-ordination and effort. It's going to take the somali government 45 days to assemble 3000 people in a national conference. How long do you think getting millions of geeljires to a) learn how to fill a ballot and b) get to the ballot? The government will have 2 years to figure it out. Democratic elections are coming inshallah.
  11. Originally posted by BiLaaL: Originally posted by Taako Man: It is not yet apparent who was responsible for the killing of the man . The conclusions drawn from the two articles are one and the same. The onething they do agree on is that the man's body was found in an area heavily populated by Ethiopian troops, hence the angry reaction from the people. Your distasteful and baseless accusations are not working. See you purposely left out TFG troops. Slick fellow you are. They said body was lying in Ansolati neighborhood closer to the seaport, which is heavily guarded by the Ethiopian and Somali government troops. Secondly, the man was supposedly dumped. So if I were to dump a dead body near a police station does that mean the police did it? Mystic What do you suggestion the government do to qarandiids who throw mortars in the air killing civilians aimlessly?
  12. ^ So every time a camel herder shoots at another one you want the Habeshi there, but since they are not there you hate them in spite. Catch 22 with you! Hate them if they get involved and hate them if they don't. You are already the converted. Why not settle these measures with traditional elders and traditional conflict resolutions? You always complain about dhaqanka somaali being lost. So why not in this case?
  13. ^ Known to whom? Adeer Aweys and co.? You cheered for 1000's of kids being sent to their graves while the leaders you hailed childlessly and aimlessly taunted slogans of jihad while flying first class to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Eritrea and possibly Europe. I have never cheered for any bombing of anywhere. Secondly, you make accusations of AU troops while knowing that the 'mujahideen of the ICU' were hoodlems who included past rapist and blood thristy killers. So why the accusations to the AU? Which are baseless to begin with.
  14. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: I don't know and understand why one has constantly to defend Xabashi's cruel actions, even if they don't committ this barbarous murder, they are still Xabashi, an occupier force in Soomaaliya. They are still Xabashi who care less one less Soomaali person dying in torture. The point is not whether they tortured and killed this poor man, they point is they are even more capable something worse than this -- shelling a city of two million in wee hours of salka dhexe. Dad baa Xabasho see u difaacayeen iska noqday Xabash, unknowingly to themselves. Eebbe ha u naxariisto marxuumka. So it was the Habeshi who killed Geedi's brother in law, and Abdullahi yusuf brother and this man and they also held hostages in China last week? Yesterday when the RRA used Habeshi to evict Huseen Aideed and the SNA you were a happy man. Today when it doesn't suit you, well, it doesn't suit you.
  15. Originally posted by mystic: We are not in a position of be a national army, we need to build national trust! Come April 16 inshallah, national trust from 3000 somali members from all over Somalia will help do that.
  16. Originally posted by mystic: It is a shame that you can’t even condemn the rapists that are being unleashed on our fellow sisters. We should drop you off in the middle of the Ugandan camp. See how you will survive…. It is a shame you can't overlook your clannish scope. There are hundreds if not thousands of rapist in Xamar who've caused people from Xamar to the depths of Baraawe despicable harm but you are not comdemning them for their crimes during the civil war, but in fact are making baseless statements and accusations.
  17. ^ Your politicizing of the events is well Qaadisiya like. Regardless here is what shabelle say's in English. Somalia: The body of tortured dead man is dropped near Mogadishu seaport Aweys Osman Yusuf Mogadishu 01, March.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Unidentified dead body of an older man was found near Mogadishu seaport on Thursday morning. Shabelle reporters who went to the area where the man’s dead body was dropped said the deceased man’s head was buried while the rest of his body was outside. They said body was lying in Ansolati neighborhood closer to the seaport, which is heavily guarded by the Ethiopian and Somali government troops. It is not yet apparent who was responsible for the killing of the man, whose body showed torture as he was riddled with bullets. Witnesses said his back and legs were also broken while being tortured. At least five people were murdered in Mogadishu on Tuesday. Also armed bandits stealing cars have mounted in Mogadishu, despite the government’s promises that it will restore peace and security in Mogadishu. Speaking with reporters at Ambassador Hotel at the center of the capital yesterday, Mohammed Mohomoud Guled Ga’amo Dhere, the interior minister of the Somali transitional government, stated that changes have occurred in Mogadishu in the past days. “We have held talks with the people who oppose the government, Mogadishu clan leaders and some of the remnants of the Islamic Courts in the capital Mogadishu,” he said. He stressed the government was determined to secure the capital. Despite government’s promises that the volatile city Mogadishu would be secure, many Somalis go on about the assassination-style killings happening in Mogadishu where armed young people hired as vigilantes were hunted by unknown gunmen. Ga’amo Dhere said the mortar attacks against the government and Ethiopian military bases have been halted but were replaced by assassinating innocent civilians. “The government’s intelligence community is engaged in determining who the perpetrators are and once we find them out, they will be seized,” he said. Many Somalis, who gathered over the dead man on Thursday, accused the government and Ethiopian troops based in the port of killing the victim. The clan based government being backed by thousands of Ethiopian troops successfully ousted the powerful Union of Islamists, moving to Mogadishu nearly two months ago but largely failed to re-establish order and peace after unknown armed people staged mortar attacks against the Ethiopian troops present in the capital. The incidents are happening while 1,500 Ugandan troops to arrive in Mogadishu for peacekeeping mission. Ugandan president, Yuweri Museveni, told a news conference which he addressed jointly with US Deputy Commander of the US-European command, General William E Ward, in Kampala in late Tuesday. “The militias should not worry about any mischief. We are going there to help them rebuild the state by ushering in peace, and not to fight any body," "It is us who are nearer Somalia who have suffered the spill-over effects of the trouble there. Therefore we understand it better than Americans. Africa is now able to solve its own problems. We have the courage but do not have the money. America is only helping us with equipment to solve our problems," Museveni told journalists. ----------------------------------------------- Again let us let the man rest in peace and inshallah he shall get a burial like any other muslim.
  18. Originally posted by mystic: Taako We are not coming out from colonization, this is 2007, not 1960’s.... Abdurahman Tuur was elected in 1991. Hardly 1960.
  19. ^ The first government of Abdurahman Tuur was not elected by all the 'people'. But that doesn't mean much to you, or does it now?
  20. ^ Many highly doubted the will of the people in 'Somaliland' but they voted, and voted for a man who's meaning represents the struggle of the North West. Or was he part of the problem?
  21. Originally posted by Jimcaale: quote:But Somalia's government spokesman, Hussein Mahmoud Mohammed, has warned that unless AU troops lead the disarmament process the killings will continue. Taako Man, did you misread this one No buddy, I read it all. But everybody has a right to an opinion and I fully respect Mr Mohammed.
  22. Originally posted by mystic: Sayid Barre was a dictator, he has put us in the mess we are today. He could taste hell itself and that won’t even fix what he was done to my beloved nation. He could be tasting Janatullah Fardows to the envy of people like yourself. The man has collected more ajar for all the Xan of many somalis including people like yourself.
  23. Originally posted by mystic: Violet Two million people were living in Mogadishu while the civil war was going on, none of them left. Now, the reality is they are fleeing in large numbers. Are you forgetting that a large number of Sol members lived in Xamar and that the civil war was the reason they are in the west? Remember people being chased out of their birth city, torture, rape, maiming etc? Do you think the thousands of Somali members in the Diaspora all lived in tuulos and buulos of somalia? Guess again.
  24. Aside from Bilaal trying to politicize and spin this event in his own quirky way. Originally posted by Taliban: Inaa Lilaahi Wa Inaa Ileyhu Raajicuun. ILaahey ha u naxriisto marxuumka, amin. Amiin
  25. Elections are secheduled for 2009. However this meeting is for the reconciliation of the somali people. Clan, Political, religious, and youth leaders are all being welcomed. 3000 members from all over somalia.