Taako Man

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Everything posted by Taako Man

  1. ^ You can't refute the Constitution and political organization, and now you are arguing about having Consulates in Xamar? LOOOL. Xamar is a Lawless place. I have relatives who don't feel comfortable in Xamar and they are from Xamar LOOOOL. Yet you expect Puntland to have representatives in Mogadishu? How come there is no functioning embassy, Consulate etc in Mogadishu? Does that mean Mogadishu is not a capital? Calling Cadde Muuse President or Premier is a mute point sister/brother. He acts as a regional leader not a federal leader. Do you know in Canada they called some of the leaders of provinces Prime Minister? While at the same time the Leader of the country was called the Prime Minister. This was happening in one of the most civilized nations in the planet. They've obviously changed it now to Premier. But Is British Columbia a Province(Rhetorical Question)? LOOOL. SO I ASK WHY ARE YOU FIDGETING AND PICKING A CASE WITH PUNTLAND? What have they done to torment you with such utter NONSENSE?
  2. Originally posted by mystic: quote:Originally posted by Taako Man: We can play games of semantics all day. Saying Puntland is not a state is like saying Mogadishu is not a city. A non starter. Back and forth we go like a merry go round. Frankly a city and a state are not the same. This so called Puntland state can’t be a state if other states don’t recognize it as a state. It doesn’t have governing institutions which govern the state and it isn’t politically organized. So stop saying there is a state called Puntland because it doesn’t exist nor did it ever exist. Little do you know about Puntland sister/brother. Puntland has its own constitution. http://www.puntlandgovt.com/constitution.php 1. Here is it's political organization. http://www.puntlandgovt.com/government.php 2. How can a state be recognized by other states in Somalia when Somalia proper save Somaliland, Puntland have had no gov't structures and elections etc for the last decade? Puntland is not a self-governing region. They don’t even have a set of written laws. Speak about that which you know. You just can’t be alleging that Puntland is an autonomous region in Somalia when it isn’t acknowledged as such. Who can acknowledge it as such? The Transition Federal Gov't? Well they have recognized Puntland as a state in Somalia. like Hezbollah Puntland wants to be a state within a state Puntland seeks to be a region. Similiar to that of Texas or Ontario. Do you even know what you are arguing for?
  3. We can play games of semantics all day. Saying Puntland is not a state is like saying Mogadishu is not a city. A non starter. Back and forth we go like a merry go round.
  4. What makes mudug a province? What makes Somaliland a Country?
  5. Riyaale is speaking to the the Right honourable President Abdullahi Yusuf about Somaliweyn. His position is clear - When, not if Somaliland will join their brothers. I guess he's touching up on his pitch to the President. I can picture it now " SOMALILAND DOES NOT EXIST IF I BECOME PRIME MINISTER OF SOMALIA OR AT THE VERY LEAST FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTER"-Ina Riyaale
  6. LOOOOL at you guys. Puntland is not seeking recognition like Somaliland. It is a Federal State in Somalia. You can continue to tell yourself it's not. But it's like somebody saying that 'Sheik' Cadani is still financing the ICU. Which is obviously not the case.
  7. Puntland is very much a reality on the ground. Its like telling people their is no banadir LOOOL. The people of Puntland are very much under a FEDERAL SOMALIA.
  8. Tone Puntland is very much like a Texas in the United States or Ontario in Canada. It is a State like other states in a future Federal Somalia inshallah
  9. Puntland Troops are not involved in any diasarmament of Xamar. This is just a fantasy of the BBC, Shabelle, Hornafrik and the ICU supporters. The people of Xamar will be disarmed just the same way as Bossaso, Kismaayo Galkacyo, Beledweyn, Baydhabo etc This is a new beginning
  10. Shariif is looking to consolidate his position. He wants a nice Kursi in Xamar and will do anything to get there.
  11. Alle Ubahane Was this whole resistance against the TFG clan? Brother this is not healthy. You need to go back to Somalia and fight for your clan to 'free' them if you feel such clannish fervour.
  12. Olol The facts on the ground are different. Ethiopia will leave but a Somaliweyn will be born. The TFI will bring forth change. Dahir aweys and Sheik Shariif are in Raas Kambooni and are almost caught like the ICU financer Mr. Cadani. Delusions are not healthy brother. THE TFG IS HEAR TO STAY.
  13. hadhwanaag 2007-01-07 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN)- Wefti u hogaaminayo Madaxweaynaha Somaliland Md, Daahir Rayaal Kaahin oo ay ku wehelianayaana Xubno ka tirsan Golihiisa wasiirada oo uu ka mid yahay Wasiiraka Maaliyada Md, Xuseen Cawil Ducaale,a waxaaana hore ugu suganaa Ethiopia Wasiirka arrimaha dibada Somaliland Md, C/laahi Maxamed Ducaaale ayaa lagu wadaa inuu berito socdaal ku tago Magaalo madaxda Ethiopia ee Adis Ababa. Sidaa waxa shabakada wararka ee Hadhwanaagnews.com u xaqiijiyey Afhayeenka Madaxweynaha C/ idiris Ducaale, balse uu ka gaabsadaay inuua waxa tafaasiil dheeraada ka bixiyo socdaalka Madaxweaaynaha iyo cida ku wehelinaysaa,au jeedada Socdaalka Madaxweynaha ayaa la sheegay inay ka danbeysaya kadib markii uu Ra'isal Wasaaraaha Dawlada Ethiopia Meles Zanawi uu u yeedhay Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md, Rayaale si uu u wada hadashiiyo Madaxweynaha Dawalada Kumeelgaadhaka C/laahi Yuusuf oo imika ku sugan Ethiopia,wararku na soo gaadhayaa macadayn waxay labada Madaxweayne kawadahadalidoonaan sidii ay labada masuula iskula meela dhigi lahaayeen arrimaha caakiran ee ka taagan Geeska Afrika Gaar ahaaana Magaalada Muqdisho ee imika u soo gacanagashay Dawlada kumeelagaadhka ee ay ciidamada Ethiopianku Caawainayaan.
  14. I took arabic classes in the West for 7 years straight. Today I know less then I did before entertaining myself with these classes. You truly need to immerse yourself in it everday.
  15. We should work for reconciliation. The Transitional Federal Instititions have the upper hand and they control from Buhoodle to Badbaadhe. A feat not accomplishmed by any gov't since 1991. They need to seize this moment. For this window might close in a matter of days.
  16. Shariif Xasan oo raadinaya heshiis Soomaaliyeed Mogadishu 07, Jan.07 ( Sh.M.Network) –Diblomaasi sare oo Soomaaliyeed oo xiriir la leh hogaamiyayaashii laga adkaaday ee maxaakimta Islaamiga ayaa ku baaqay in deganaashiyo laga sameeyo dalka Soomaaliya, isagoo ku booriyey dagaalyahanadii ka haray maxaakimta Islaamiga inay soo dhiibaan oo ay ku biiraan hanaanka nabada si loo soo afjaro fowdada 15 sano lagu soo jiray. Shariif Xasan Sheekh Adam, afhayeenka baarlamaanka dowlada KMG ayaa u sheegay wakaalada wararka ee AP in dagaalka uu dhamaaday oo loo baahan yahay in dhamaan Soomaalida ay iska kaashaadaan sidii loo soo celin lahaa xasiloonida. Sharif Xasan waxa uu isaga haray mowqifkii uu kaga soo horjeeday ciidamada shisheeye ee nabad ilaalinta, isagoo ugu baaqay Soomaalida inay soo dhoweeyaan oo ay xurmeeyaan ciidamada loo keeni doono si ay nabada uga shaqeeyaan. Waxa uu si weyn u mucaaradsanaa dowlada ay Q.M taageertay ee KMG, isagoo xiriir hoose la lahaa hogaamiyaashii golahii maxaakimta Islaamiga, kuwaasoo ku firxaday miyiga koonfurteed ee dalka Soomaaliya, iyagoo balan qaaday dagaal falaageyn ah ka dib markii ay ku jabeen dagaalo laba todobaad ka hor ay la galeen ciidamada dowlada KMG oo kaashaanaya kuwa Ethiopia.
  17. Hello Brother Suleyman. The ends sometimes justifies the means as I recall from a discussion with one of my very politically sound professros. The acts of the former Barre Regime and the counter-acts by the rebel groups in question, be it the SNM, SSDF, USC etc are in in direct relation to the gross misuse of powerful resources by Barre towards his own citizens (i.e using South African racist Mercenaries in the North, Poisoning water wells in the Central regions and pitting Clans against clans in the south).