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Everything posted by Business_Man

  1. From Maryan: why would I think u proposed to me. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Whats that supposed to mean?. Seems to me that you have a tendency to jump the gun before it blows!. I am curious walal and I know curiousity kills the Cat. I am a very inquisitive man! Peace. Cont.
  2. It's Friday night and you are driving your car. (What kind of car are you driving?) (YOU ARE THE DRIVER!!!) You can only have FOUR other people in the car with you. (Who is in the car with you?) As you drive, you and your friends start chillin to some music. (What song are you all listening to?) So, there you are chillin to some music with four other people all of a sudden this crazy driver hits you in the back! You are flying down the road out of control. You hit a speed bump and the car flips and lands upside-down in the grass beside the road. You lay there crying because you are in so much pain You hear nothing but silence. silence silence Silence. You try to yell out to your friends, but you are in so much pain and shock the words won't come out. You lay there for about 2 minutes, but to you it seems like 60 minutes. You finally hear something. You hear the ambulance and you have never felt more relieved. You lay there, still in the car, thinking about your family, friends, School, past holidays, old friends, old lovers You start to pray for the other people in the car and for yourself. The paramedics get you out of the car, put you on a stretcher, and then into the ambulance. you see nothing and hear nothing but a are alone You don't get a chance to see the other people that were in the car with you As they drive to the hospital, you pray and think to yourself "Am I going to die?" Where are my friends? Are they okay? What's going to happen to me.......? Did you die or not? What happened to your friends that were in the car with you......? They ALL died. All of the other people in the car died. They are gone. You'll never get to see them again. As for you..... You died too. Wait you were just imagining....right ? But what if it were real? What if it really happened to you? Think about it.... That car was the LAST car you were EVER in with your friends. Those four people were the LAST people you EVER saw. Did you pick the four people in the car with you wisely... or do you wish that someone else was in the car with you? The song you were chillin to was the LAST song you EVER heard. Don't you wish you could have had the chance to tell everyone you loved them? Don't you wish you could have told your parents you loved them one last time? Don't you wish you could have kissed your boy/girlfriend one last time? Don't you wish you could have told your crush how much you loved them? Don't you wish you could hug your friends one last time? Don't you wish you had the chance to do all of those things? You still do.
  3. S*x and love are not the same. this may sound surprising, but it's true. A s*xual relationship without love doesn't usually work out. However there are varying degrees of love. You don't have to be passionately attached to someone to feel that you love them. liking somebody, feeling warm and comfortable with them is a kind of love. Sometimes, when a relationship isn't going well, people think that s*x will improve things. But having s*x doesn't necessarily mean you'll love each other any more. It's quite possible to have a loving relationship without becoming s*xually involved. And the best relationships are between friends. Peace Cont.
  4. Thank you for sharing your poem with me. Much respect sister.
  5. Hope you recieved the greetings I sent you! cont.
  6. ^^^^^^Let me give you advice bro. When dealing with a sister, give enough respect bro! Maryan....I did not propose to you nor will I!. I am just curious because you are giving us a part of the whole picture. :eek: It is strange that you go for looks because men also go for looks so if you are a judge then the guy you fall for will judge you also for your looks! :rolleyes: Cont. P.S What judges and goes around will be judged when it comes around!
  7. From Qac Qaac waxayba u ekaatay in aad tahay adigu qofka ay waxaan heestaan, sababta waad kululaatay looooool. is just a joke ha i qaniin bisinkee. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I would never ever get into that situation in the first place so this is not a sensible question to answer walal! :rolleyes:
  8. Salam to all those peopel that have played a part in this post. First of let me give a big hug to Bee for giving out such a wise comment!. Maryan, from reading your post, I have come to the conclusion that you are not giving out the real reason for not liking this guy!!!! Did this guy ask you to marry him? Did he ask you to give him a chance to see the real him? Did he make education his No 1 priority and only recently did he realise his mistake of not seeing you often? Did you have an earlier fling with him that ended under the moon some years back? My conclusion is that you might have had feelings for this guy previously but you moved on!! Dont forgot that he is not a stu_pid(since he is educated) man. He knows how you feel about him but he might be testing you to see whether you are a descent girl who likes to keep things sweet and xalal!. Dont forgot that good things are right under your nose and they never seem to matter until they dissappear. Understanding you psychologically is difficult but I seem to sense that you have your sights set on something else other than him!. Perhaps another man or work and education!. Good luck walal but remember that their is always a fish out their for everybody. As I have been reading lately from an article, allah grants good things to all the people that desire it no matter the obstacle!. Walaikum Salam
  9. I see that you have a touch with beautiful poems
  10. This came from a wonderful sister who I happen to be friends with. Remember to take this seriously as it will help you in akhira: An Excellent poem about the Muslim Woman. What do you see when you look at me Do you see someone limited, or someone free <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> All some people can do is just look and stare Simply because they can't see my hair <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> Others think I am controlled and uneducated They think that I am limited and un-liberated <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> They are so thankful that they are not me Because they would like to remain 'free' <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> Well free isn't exactly the word I would've used Describing women who are cheated on and abused <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> They think that I do not have opinions or voice They think that being hooded isn't my choice <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> They think that the hood makes me look caged That my husband or dad are totally outraged <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> All they can do is look at me in fear And in my eye there is a tear <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> Not because I have been stared at or made fun of But because people are ignoring the one up above <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> On the day of judgment they will be the fools Because they were too ashamed to play by their own rules <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> Maybe the guys won't think I am a cutie But at least I am filled with more inner beauty <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> See I have declined from being a guy's toy Because I won't let myself be controlled by a boy <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> Real men are able to appreciate my mind And aren't busy looking at my behind <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> Hooded girls are the ones really helping the muslim cause The role that we play definitely deserves applause <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> I will be recognized because I am smart and bright And because some people are inspired by my sight <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> The smart ones are attracted by my tranquility In the back of their mind they wish they were me <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> We have the strength to do what we think is right Even if it means putting up a life long fight <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> You see we are not controlled by a mini skirt and tight shirt We are given only respect, and never treated like dirt <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> So you see, we are the ones that are free and liberated We are not the ones that are sexually terrorized and violated <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> We are the ones that are free and pure We're free of STD's that have no cure <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> So when people ask you how you feel about the hood Just sum it up by saying 'baby its all good' <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> I hope U enjoy reading it and Babe Girls Allah Takecare Of U all, Stay Free and best of all stay muslims. One Love to All my ppl. True Muslim Sister
  11. ^^^^^^. Someone in this website who is trustworthy. Salam. D.
  12. Salam Rahima thank you for pointing out the errors of muslims today but can I make a point here: Saying happy new year is not haram but celebrating it is in terms of going to parties or inviting friends for a night out!!! I am sure you have a diary that has 365 days of the year 2004 and that you follow it like the soap opera's you probably watch i.e Neighbours or Home And Away!!!. Have a blessed year and please walal, keep things sweet and xalal. W/Salam D.
  13. ^^^^^^^^ I mean a very light bt equally incessant that crocodile i forget in which fairy tale it was. Are you refering to the crocodile in Peter Pan that took Captain hooks hand and it always comes back when Hook is around...tick tock.....tick tock....LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Cont.
  14. The sister is right!. I think in life you sometimes question yourself and doubt whether you will settle down with a man/woman that is on the same wave length as you. Just keep trying and inshallah you will find mr.right!
  15. Happy new year to all my brothers and sisters on SOL. I wish you a happy and prosperous year. May allah be with you at all times and may he guide all of you always to the right path, ameen. Your muslim brother D.
  16. My kindest regards go out to you walal. I hope you have a long and fruitful marriage that is guided by allah. Remember to be patient, obedient and tolerant coz you are going to start a long and prosperous journey with your habib. May allah guide both of you to janah, ameen. D. P.S A.A told me about this news earlier.
  17. OG-MOTI seems to have all the attention these days! . I am still doing my research OG in England!. Damn, I cant even remember the last time I got a sweet reply like the one above^^^ lol Cont.
  18. Meme nafkiri umevuta bangi ya bongo!. Huyu bwanawako ni sahara transvestite!. Kama una taste ya hivo naomba uenda taiwan kwasababu utampata mwanaumwe wa buddhist!. xxxx Love Cont
  19. Their is no harm in covering it again!. My beauty tip to you is to get a good nights sleep luv! Peace P.S I am anti eyebag!.
  20. Bee, You are one wise sister!. I am fascinated by this post. It is good that you have raised this view about the harrassment of muslim women in europe. I know that the hijab is a beautiful symbol of obedience to allah almighty so I really appreciate sisters who wear hijab. I dont think westerners know the meaning of wearing a hijab but I think the expelling of the two french girls in france raised issues that sisters shouldnt wear their religious head-dress but be western like them,How absurd. Muslim Women shouldnt be forced to deviate away from their religious duties and no matter what the europeans do, allah knows best and will reward those who stand up to the kaafir institutions of europe and its ally >>>>>>the ugly duckling USA!. :mad:
  21. You three sisters are one of the most humble of people when it comes to commenting so I appreciate such kindness. Please remember this blessed month and use it as a stepping stone for being more obedient to Allah. Ameenah, Shukri and Caramel kisses, may you have all the success that you have prayed for and may allah guide you always, amiin. D.
  22. ^^^^^^^^Eid mubarak to all the above nomads. May you have more blessed ones to come!. Lets just pray that we reach the next one in good health, amiin Cont.
  23. ^^^^Take it easy on Geedid sis. I am really humbled by this wonderful poem. I for one recognise a good point from a bad one so this poem sets the standards for guys like me to improve as each day goes by! I know where you are coming from Bee and I think you should be a little kind since this is a happy month! Peace. Cont.
  24. Salam all, Ramadhan karim. Since ramadhan is over, will you keep on practicing your deen in order to become successfull in this dunya for akhira or be a hypocrite. 1..Will you strive to pray five times a day and be a true muslim or go back to your old ways of missing prayer? 2..Will you wear your hijab at all times outside your house or take it off because you dont want people to judge you? 3..Will you watch your tongue at all times or gossip about others at all times? 4..Will you help others in need or just pretend that helping others was only for ramadhan? 5..Will you start off any sinful relationships(b/g type) you may have had before ramadhan or pray to god to help you in finding a successful mate for marriage? 6..Will you keep on telling the truth or lie after ramadhan? 7..Will you stay sincere with allah after ramadhan or become unholy? 8..and finally will you remember to ignore satan by keeping your faith or invite him to be with you at all times? Ramadhan may only come once every year and only allah knows if we will reach the next one. Dont just be good for ramadhan but be good always as allah is always watching and knows all moves you make!. The Answer to these questions are with you so please be humble and generous by donating your comments!W/Salam. Cont.
  25. Business_Man

    BE A MAN

    You certainly killed the feminist revolution in somaliaonline mate!. :cool: I am glad that someone here has finally woken up and realised that real MEN shouldnt change for nobody but be themselves!. I am a assertive yet humble to our lovely somali sisters who deserve all the respect but I wont be taken for a ride by miss fake!. Here is a quotations from you mate that sounds like me: Man is a guy who is not scared of his testosterone! A Man follows the passion in his life. Passion of women? Of course not. A Man has goals and desires that goes above that of chasing chicks. After childhood, there are TRUE winners and losers in life. A Man desires to be the winner. A Man WANTS to win in what he does. Because of his passion, a Man can sometimes come off as arrogant and egotistical. He does not apologize for this or for his desires. Peace. Cont will be back!