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Everything posted by Arawella

  1. This topic is confusing me by the minute. Could someone please clarify what is deemed Halal and what is not. For instance is Frog considered Halal meat? What about Kangaroo? I tend to eat most of sea food, hence am I committing a sin? :confused:
  2. Lovers showering together is a definite must do. For those who disagree, I suggest that you spice up your love life by been more daring.
  3. “here, no blame on the guy...he's NOT the one aborting†Jafarel, I think you should retract the above point, you must know that “it takes two to tangoâ€. The partner is as guilty if he consented to the abortion. Perhaps a bit of compassion towards the woman, aborting a child is not an easy decision and can have detrimental effects on the perpetrator.
  4. You know you are Somali when your wife is actually your mother. You know you are Somali when going out to clubs is frown upon but a Somali party is acceptable You know you are Somali when your actual birthday is 5 years older than the DOB on your passport You know you are Somali when you have lahoox and mugumad for breakfast.
  5. Anugu mafahmayo sabaabta oguso orjatin gabadh inonogota madahwayna. Nacamti dadku nin iyo gabadh waa isku qarti iyo fahmad. Kamadiqna fahanku ino kali ku xirdhan yahay genderkaga. Malaha ooriyad baynu haylidona maarkaynu gabadh saarno darajada madaxwanaha Somaliyad. Ogada, dintanu ba cadasa inay dumarku iyo ragu islasimanyahin.
  6. Voila caption Trois The Somali government playing musical chairs at the Christmas party!
  7. The fact that they are bemoaning their inability to find their ideal men, sustain a relationship as well be in an abuse marriage indicate their acknwledgment of a problem. The next step is to understand the cause by using an inside-out approach.
  8. YC The mere fact that there is no correlation between the intelligence and the gender of a human reject your ideologies. I suggest you look inside yourself and ask: Is it possible that it is I who is lacking in intelligence and not the women? PS: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.†(Oliver Wendell Holmes)
  9. Amazing achievement. That will be in my list of places to see on my next visit to Hargeisa.
  10. To recognise and solve their problems, the young ladies should have a new level of thinking. Stephen R Cover (Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) observed that people should have an “inside out approach†to their problems starting with the most inside part of themselves, with their “paradigms, character and their motivesâ€. The young ladies should ask themselves whether it is possible that the men in their lives are not the problem, perhaps they are empowering their boyfriends’ weaknesses and making their lives a function of the way they are treated. Stephen R Cover observed “By centering our lives on correct principles and creating a balanced focus between doing and increasing our ability to do, we become empowered in the task of creating effective, useful, and peaceful lives…. for ourselves, and for our posterityâ€.
  11. Well for one the word Somaliland sounds more pleasing than Somalidhool. In addition, we are not isolated in using compounds, i.e. Nationality + Land, to name our country for instance there are countries like Finland, Iceland and Greenland.
  12. Well for one the word Somaliland sounds more pleasing than Somalidhool. In addition, we are not isolated in using compounds, i.e. Nationality + Land, to name our country for instance there are countries like Finland, Iceland and Greenland.
  13. I have noticed for the last 5 years an increase in the number of Afro-Caribbean Muslims attending prayers at my local mosque. People are realising that Muslim is the true religion and this is causing great concern to the local Priests and Archbishops. I have read about a survey done few years back which confirmed that Young Muslims were more knwoledgeable and steadfast in their beliefs than Christian youngsters.
  14. How bizarre! :confused: I flew with Qatar airways whenever visiting UAE and I have received excellent service at all time. Am I a complacent person since my paradigms of UAE and QA differ from certain individuals?
  15. Perhaps Somali language would be inept to expand your already pea-sized brain instead it could have increased your longevity. Honestly folks according to a recent scientific research, the more affluent your linguistic skills the higher your chances of been a centurial.
  16. Raganimo 1.Arabs are no more fat-bellied than Somali 2.Our prophet (PBUH) and many great men who fought for Islam were Arabs 3.Racism is found everywhere, I believe more so in the West 4.I am quite content with my current passport and I have no desire in acquiring another except a Somali passport Mr Flipmode I still stand by my initial statement: Ginger beer is not an ALCOHOLIC drink. I suggest that you drink it, it’s so addictive.
  17. What exactly is there to explain amigo? The name says it all! I suppose since they were the first to gain independence in 1960, there is obviously no reason why they shouldn't use the name Somalia. However to differentiate themselves from South Somalia it's logical to add Land. Hence Somali + Land = Somaliland.
  18. What exactly is there to explain amigo? The name says it all! I suppose since they were the first to gain independence in 1960, there is obviously no reason why they shouldn't use the name Somalia. However to differentiate themselves from South Somalia it's logical to add Land. Hence Somali + Land = Somaliland.
  19. When I said UAE is a beautiful country, I was not only referring to its amazing architecture. The fact that it is an Islamic country where you hear Aadan, eat halal fresh food, zero crime rate, be able to wear Muslim attire without been discriminated by your fellow citizens. I have never experienced any ill remarks during my stays and I am boggled that you should compare UAE to America, a Christian country that is teeming with criminals and racist thugs. If UAE citizens were impolite to you sir, which I highly doubt, then you only have yourself to blame. Modesty do not let Notherner deter you from travelling.
  20. Arawella

    for mama

    Masha Allah walaal, you have beautifully penned how most of us feel about our mothers. If you do not mind, I really would like to forward your poem to my friends to use it to portray their love and adoration of their mothers whether it be when writing cards or simply just reading it to them.
  21. Arawella

    for mama

    Masha Allah walaal, you have beautifully penned how most of us feel about our mothers. If you do not mind, I really would like to forward your poem to my friends to use it to portray their love and adoration of their mothers whether it be when writing cards or simply just reading it to them.
  22. Arawella

    Somali Sistaz

    Personally, I would date and contemplate marrying a non-Somali. It is exhausting to search and dream of the elusive Farax my parents are praying to be their son in law. Introducing a non-Somali as your date or future hubby to your parents can be quite daunting. It is extremely frustrating and such a dilemma that Somali girls have to consider the consequences of their actions such as displeasing the parents, damaging the family name, been disowned, culture difference rather than their happiness. By the way, marriage should not be based on colour skin, however if that’s what rocks your boat then who am I to question.
  23. No offence taken. Just ensuring that such rumours are not spread before I have even started solving the mystery.
  24. Perhaps brother Haniif is partial to Fat Somali ladies.
  25. After careful reading and tedious research, I have reached the final conclusion that the 'Shitty' part was solely referring to Mr Flipmode. If you wish to appeal, you have few seconds to submit it to Shitty world.