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Everything posted by Saalax

  1. Very funny but true.
  2. Awalba way jirtay they just made it official.
  3. It is because of the new South African strain brought in by selfish UK travellers to Mogadishu & Hargeisa. Some of the diaspora are really short sighted and selfish, they could have waited till they at least vaccinate themselves rather than rushing to backhome in the middle of a pandemic.
  4. Taiwan iyo waxas wa sheeko khiyaali isku halayn malaha. Wa sax it is not clear yet how it was done Somali people don't question anything whether it was urgency, population or random.
  5. If this is based on population rather than urgency Somaliland should have got atleast 30% of the share since its population makes up 30% of Somalia. Correct share should have been 90k rather than 65k.
  6. Way iis ceebeeyen Kenya charity doon.
  7. No seating President can give away any inch of Somalia territory even if they wanted to just like they can't recognize any mamuul goboleed.
  8. Maxa Siad Bare lagu haystay? kuwan ayaba ka sii daray dhaqan xumadooda. Exhibit A Exhibit B
  9. All federal states get aid, it is not the government fault that some of the local federal governments are very corrupt.
  10. Muuse Bixi of Somaliland:Mogadishu have been ‘hijacked’ Muse Bihi says residents in Mogadishu have been ‘hijacked’ by the current administration and accused Somalia’s president of clinging to power illegally taking actions aimed to create hostility and division among citizens. Somaliland: Mogadishu have been ‘hijacked’ WWW.GEESKAAFRIKA.COM Hargeisa (HAN) March 6.2021. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. The President of the Republic of
  11. This brainless attacks on civilians by argaxiiso makes 0 sense. Inta askarta laga so baqo ba shacabka hubsanayn laso weeraraya. Cowards of the highest order.
  12. Jubbaland iyo Gedo ya horeeyay horta? Jubbaland 2012kii ba la sameeyay. Federalism wa voluntary haday daadka deegaanka rabin dee laguma qabsi karo inay ka miid ahaadan mamuul goboleedkas inkasto awalba ay xukuumiin meeshas. Hadaan uso labto ariinta Cabdi Xaashi ma ninka dhabodhilifka uu ah Kenya oo baada Somalia ku haysata iyo kooxaha calool uu shaqaystayasha UAE ba la amiina? kolay Khadar Gulaid ba ka dacaadsan kagana haboonsan masuuliyaada Somaliland ee dawlada Somalia. Wa tu laha Muuse Biixi Cabdi Xaashi wa mujahiid marka halkas ba arkaysa inu ahayn nin midniimo Somalia ka shaqeeya ileen Muuse Biixi ayaba jecel.
  13. Doesn't look Matt Bryden apart from the baldness.