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Everything posted by Elysian

  1. My clumsiness reached a new level today... I accidentally dipped my finger in liquid nitrogen...
  2. Well FB I wouldn't call S/Lands efforts for independence is an easy walk. And who should we ask for our independence... Abdullahi Yusuf?
  3. Originally posted by Faarax-Brown So,until Somalia is a state,i dont see JSL going Solo(recognition) FB walaal, the above statement really doesn't make sense. How long must S/Land wait patiently to get the divorce papers... how long will it take before Somalia rises up again from the mayhem? And when it does so (inshaallah) what if they say no to divorce... then what?
  4. Waryaadhaheen ha iga caayina dadka magaaladeeyda... trash ba tiraahdeene war dadkani waxay ka sameeysanyihiin cash... Valentenah sis, these are not the original somalis of sweden, these ppl came with the caravan, spread some glitter & glamour and moved on. Left are we reer gothenburg, in our jilbaabs and ankle-long pants, wondering what hit us. Seriously, I'm amazed the wadaads didn't stop this event, which is usually the case and makes it into the headlines of the local newspapers.
  5. ^^ ... and you say scandinavians are weird Paragon
  6. W/Salaam Ms Dhucdhuc, I hope inshaallah the war in Mogadishu will end at this very moment! Ending the hostilities is one thing, but then comes the question of building a nation, and the united Somalia is an illution today... I think!
  7. Wasalaamualeykum brother Khalaf. Thanks for the sincere response, I appreciate it. Considering we all have been indoctrinated (more or less) about who is to blame for this or that in Somalia, I'll still try to be as open-minded as possible :cool: Originally posted by Khalaf ^^^^Isnt this what happens walaal when the history of SNM is passed down seeds of hatred of not for dictatorships, tyrants, and criminals but of certain blood-lines and peoples whom are Muslim and Somali and had nothing to do wit the old regime? I don't think denying ones history serves any purpose, however the history could be used for either deterring from recommitting horrific crimes, or seed a hatred and call for revenge. To answer your question, Yes I was told to never forget, but it was the Barre regime that was hold responsible, therefore no hatred towards certain "blood-line", nevertheless the conclusion was not to let any "outsider" rule again. Originally posted by Khalaf This is what I would like to understand, because it makes no logical sense to blame actions of regime on other Somalis, and for that want to dismember Somalia a country size of what New Jersey on the lines drawn by colonial Europeans. My support for an independent Somaliland is not based on blood-lines, ethnicity, religious or what have you, but rather the fact that the people of Somaliland have come a long way of establishing a sense of nation-state, which the greater Somalia failed, still failing and will... perhaps forever fail to do so.
  8. Paragon, so it's good old british humour you say Used to watch Fawlty towers, thought I used to enjoy it, but when I think about it I was suffering all along with Basil, even when he was mean to poor Manuel. I guess I'm not good at laughing at others tragedies after all. Here's a taste of scandinavian comedy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFAWR6hzZek
  9. Elysian

    Why Women??

    Something has been bothering my mind for a long time now, and I assume this issue has been debated before (or at least I hope). Nevertheless I feel I have to bring this matter to the surface in order to clear it from my head. What I can't understand is why there is a "Women" section on SOL. Is it so that we women have certain needs, specific to us, that we need to discuss? In that case shouldn't this forum only be open for us ladies?? Is it a forum where men can tribute, complain, or simply ask about the womenfolk? If so, in the name of equality why is there not a "Men" section?? I have not read much of what has been posted, let alone posted myself, on this forum, but I would guess its mainly about the relationships between men and women - things that concern both sexes. Wouldn't it therefore be more suitable to call it "Relationships"? What were they thinking when they named this forum? "We need a forum for ideas, health, marriage... hmm... what should we call it... of course Women". Doesn't really make sense. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm convinced that the intent was to have a forum that attracts women, implying that most women do not interest or partake in intellectual debates, politics, sports etc. Therefore subjects that were of interest for women (!) were gathered to one forum AND (here comes the worst part) to make sure they, we women that is, could orientate themselves to the "right" forum the section was tagged "Women" ... just to be sure. It's like when we're going to the ladies room, the door is clearly marked so that we won't mistaken and become embarrassed. Why wasn't the sport section labeled "Men"? Or simply why not just call things for what they are, not for whom it was intended... I find it demeaning!
  10. Now, Legend puts a whole other dimension to the discussion about predestination, an interesting one indeed, one I haven't thought about and need some time to comprehend... I might get back on that one to fully understand. However, coming back to my question... lol JB , hey I'm the irrational person here remember, and I've made so far no attempts to rationalise the conflict between faith vs free will. I'm just curious about your standpoint as the great rational thinker of SOL. It's good to hear you know chemical processes do occur in our brain, at least we agree on something. I might be wrong, so pls correct me, but if I try to follow your logics, it means that who we are, our thoughts and actions are all derived from the chemical reactions in our brain... right, and hence we are the product of the natural laws governing everything...right? So in all of this, where does our free will play a role? The only conclusion I can draw from this is that there is no such thing as free will... right? So when we pray to God, it's not that we have any choice but thats the shape of our synaptic network... blame evolution!
  11. One people's hero is another people's villain. Raised since childhood to honour SNM as our heros, our freedom fighters, as those who put an end to the suffering and oppression that my people was subjected to, it is with distress I learn about their wrong doings. War is terrible, war does not produce heroes, it brings out the worst in humans. There are no winners only survivors, wounded for life, like this author Suleiman… and I can only imagine his pain. If there has been some kind of reconciliation process lets not tear open the wounds again. In order to move on one has to acknowledge and admit wrong doings and make sure it is noted down in the history of the nation. I hope when Suleiman passes on the history to next generation, as bed time story for his children, that he does not plant a seed of hatred. I hope he will end the story by emphasizing that no one deserves or should ever have to experience what they suffered. Captain Xalane wrote: The south is getting clean and in time,the North will be cleaned too and i hope and wish that they refuse the opportunity of diplomacy and choose to fight . What kind of sick comment is that! Obviously not enough blood has been shed in Somalia. Obviously what Somali men need more of is fighting not healing… Shame on you!
  12. As long as we don't have any natural resources of interest for the western powers, the only thing they'll offer is a pat on the back. We need to convince the african union!
  13. JB wrote: [...] unlike you i do the only rationally justifiable thing to do , namly fence-sitting whatever gives your soul peace! But I'm still curious, do you believe your thoughts are merely the product of chemophysical activity in your brain?
  14. Originally posted by EboniQue: Fierce fighting between Ethiopian-backed government forces and Islamic insurgents in Somalia's capital has killed nearly 400 people — mostly civilians — in the past four days Ya Allah, bless all mu'meen that suffer! SONGS OF A NOMAD SON Is your destiny tied With only wars? Must your children grow under falling bombs? Must they carry guns at the age of ten? Must they grow under the banner of fear and hate? Must their brains be painted with pictures of horror and death? Must they judge life Only with the barrel of the gun? Africa, must the white man enslave you and rule again? Is this a vision of mine; Or what I see is a continent With warring groups, trying to cash the foreign aid? (By Abdirahman Mirreh)
  15. JB, did you have a short-command-button on your keyboard for “Omniscient, Omnipotent and morally just God”, if so pls stop abusing it Perhaps the Omniscient, Omnipotent and morally just God had preordained this discussion of yours, and hence preordained us praying to him, and hence you JB questioning the meaning of the prayer etc. etc. But then again, you’d ask, why we should be punished for actions we’re not in charge over! Can fate and free will co-exist, if yes, any way you look at it, it’s a paradox, I don’t think one can find a logical solution to it. However, I’d still say yes... I don’t base all my conclusions on logic thinking. It’s not only in belief one is faced with paradox situations, but also when attempting to explain our physical surroundings. If there is no higher deity, then our actions and thoughts would solely be the consequence of the chemical reactions occurring in our brain... even why I’ve written what I just wrote could be explained in terms of physical properties (biology being just a macro-level of physics). I think even a non-believer would be reluctant to accept this... or perhaps this is an easy thing for you to digest JB
  16. Originally posted by nabadshe: This is just some romours from qurunnews. qurunnews Originally posted by Suldanka: It always difficult to find that perfect leader that people are striving for. For instance people really thought Dahir Riyaale, seemingly qunyar-socod political-wise, was such a leader who will improve the system while he is in office. S/Land is part of Africa, so to think or even hope that corruption is not part of the political agenda must be simple-minded. One has to be realistic, things take time, building a nation takes generations... so I'll do my best to ignore the embarrassing obvious wheeling and dealing for the sake of the greater benefit. However, when journalists are sentenced to jail as a consequence of the president's whim, if we do not speak up today regardless of political colour, we'll soon have a full-fledged dictator. I wonder where S/Land would be with Silaanyo as the head of the State?
  17. Just realized I'm no longer a SOL Nomad :eek: Hey Admin, how is it possible I go from Nomad to becoming an Alien again :confused: :confused: :confused: did I do something?
  18. Hmm, well I said to sum it up, not translate every word! Don’t know Arabic, but I’ll translate the rest and put it in chronological order so that my reply makes sense. And as usual you, JB, will probably have comments about my translation… JB wrote: Elysian, Babe, Altruistic are called those actions that are not egoistic or will give any direct benefit to oneself, but my point is not to emphasize Altruism but rather discuss that which is called Prayer and how helpful it is to pray.It’s a shame you refrained from a witty input, which I had hoped for, but, but. Elysian wrote: JB, since i don't want ruin your intresting subject by splitting semantic hair with you, as my intention is not to even try and answer your Question.A discussion about PRAYERS and their meanings will undenieably lead to the existential question etc etc.. and i don't intend to partake in such a discussion. Your question was however( "how egoistic is your prayers"? ), Even if altruistic ations seem un-selfish , they're basically deduced from egoism, hence my question, what actions are not based on egoism?, but since my question was somehow un-expected to you, you'd rather class it as , " un-witty input",- nice dodging there. By the way, who you calling ”babe”… please lets not go there!! JB wrote: Elysian, To ruin and to ruin, it is already ruined, since I didn’t get to say “Babe”, wonder if Miss, Cutey, Lass, or perhaps even “abayo macaney” would have been good enough? just kidding with you. You were right, I didn’t want to discuss Egoism vs Altruism, your are however questioning Altruism, and just as you are arguing there is after all no pure altruistic action, which in itself is open to discussion, but not of interest for the time being. By the way, witty input it was, but for the reasons stated above it was … lets say irrelevant.
  19. Sorry Northerner, of course we should keep it in english or somali... i just got carried away to respond. Perhaps JB have the courtesy to sum up what was just said...
  20. JB, jag vill inte förstöra ditt intressanta inlägg med hårklyveri, eftersom min intention inte var att ens försöka besvara din fråga. En diskussion om bönens betydelse kommer onekligen leda till existentiella frågor osv…. vill inte ge mig in i den diskussionen. Din fråga var dock “How egoistic is your Prayers”. Även om altruistiska handlingar ter sig osjälviska är de ändå ursprungna ur egoism, och därav min fråga, vilka icke-egoistiska böner finns det? Men eftersom det inte var den frågan du förväntade dig, klassas det självklart som ”inget vettigt inlägg” – bra undanmanövrering By the way, who you calling ”bruden”… please lets not go there!!
  21. Originally posted by Taliban: Cite a few examples (like known people) of some who are born better off than others. Why is it so difficult to accept that there are people that actually do got the brains, beauty, and charm... and then there are those less fortunate. Simply there is nothing in nature dictating that a good skill must compensate for a bad one.
  22. Well, there's a price to pay for every great gift one is endowed with; that's why no human is perfect. However, what one lacks in an area, one compensates in another area. I don't agree, sure there are no "perfect" beings, but some are born better off than others.
  23. Taliban... wheelchair guy (Stephen Hawking)... still laughing hard Anyways, the new finding regarding excercis facilitating neurogenesis, ie generation of new neurons, and stimulating brain plasticity even in adulthood (which was until recently not believed to occur) is really amazing. But lets not forget the blueprint - our genes! Unfortunately they rule most of what shall become of us. You can probably get smart-er if you exercise, but regardless of how much effort you put into it, you’ll never be as smart as Stephen Hawking on a respirator... why because your genes said so. Tough life, but hey, who would want to swap with Stephen?
  24. JB, not really attempting to answer your question but just wondering, what actions are not based on egoism?
  25. My work desk is a mess, no matter how much I try to keep everything in order. I fail to keep it neat. Nevertheless, I find comfort in the words of my chemistry teacher, who used to say “no matter how much you clean your room, the universe will go towards chaos”. In some way I believe in the chaos theory – if I go with the flow I realize how easy it is to make a mess... I release so much energy, just throw a glas on the floor. And of course the difficult part, if I go against it, I use energy when I have to clean it up. I think kids are natural born “entropists”, they really know how to release energy ... poor parents. On the other hand, paradoxally, I have difficulties comprehending the butterfly effect. I mean of course from our perspective, with our tiny brain it looks like a chaos, for the simple reason that there are too many variables for our brain (or a computer for that matter) to take into account and process. So in other words I don’t believe in such thing as coincidence. If we could count all the atoms in the universe we could predict the future (meaning destiny exist) but I’m pretty convinced that will never happen. Anyway, I’ll continue fighting the force although I know its a never-ending struggle, perhaps that’s the meaning with life