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Posts posted by Somalina

  1. Maaddeey;810926 wrote:
    Hal ama laba wax ka dheh

    :D waa hagaag. Godagode & Guusha raggii diley ayaan garanaayaa.


    Horta, Ceelbuurtaan aad noo faanineysid ma ogtahay wuxuu saaxiibkaa Kabo-kutukade ka yiri? qori uma baahni oo waan isaga dhex mushaaxaa, dhinaca xeebaha iyo Koonfurtana :D waan is ilaaliyaa oo qoriga gacanteyda kama fogaado. Markaa dee meeshu waa sidaas. loll

  2. Shinbir Majabe;811251 wrote:
    ^^ Is ma lihi 26millions gabar diideysaa jirta samankaan la joogo.. (no offense).

    Again, lacagtaas waxaa la siiyey Janjaweed, ayada hal million ayaa dahab iyo alaabo kale loogu iibiyey.


    No offense kulahaa, wey buuxaan gabdho diidaayaa 100 million, iimaan iyo sharafna leh ee get yout mind out of the gutter. Lacag qof walba laguma iibsan karo.

  3. Dhaqan celis ayuu u baahan yahay malaha ;).


    Nimanka Soomaaliyeed ee xabsiyada N.A iyo UK buuxiyey "Sheikha" haka hadlo, nimanka daroogada iibiya haka hadlo, kuwa dumarka ka ganacsado haka hadlo, gabar iskuul aadeysa yuusan isku wareerin.


    Gabadha Nasra xil kama saarna gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed, waa shaqsi, sida ay nimanka Soomaaliyeed ee qurbaha dumarka ku kufsada ay shaqsi u yihiin, sida raga Soomaaliyeed ee dil iyo boob ka geysta ay shaqsi u yihiin, sida raga Soomaaliyeed ee qowmuluud ka ah ee qurbaha ku nool ay shaqsi u yihiin, sida kuwa daroogada ku rafaadisey qurbaha ay shaqsi u yihiin.


    Wax kale la imoow.

  4. Somali officials inspect the under-construction soccer facility




    Somali deputy minister for youth and sports Dahir Hajji Guelleh said that the ministry of sport, Somali Olympic committee and its federations are from one family and that is the family of ‘sport’.


    “Before August last year, none of us could come here because of insecurity, let alone reconstruction---now we see signs of peace and development so let us benefit from the peaceful atmosphere and jointly promote our sport” the deputy minister noted during his address.


    Somali state minister for sport Abdullahi Sheik Ali said that Somali National Olympic committee and Somali Football Federation were praise worthy for working in the field of sports promotion in the country for more than two decades of bloodshed in the country where many sporting volunteers were either killed or seriously wounded while working in the field of sports development.


    “It is a great experience for all of us to come here together and jointly work on the development of sports in Somalia which is currently emerging from the era of armed confrontations which killed hundreds of thousands of our people---the neighboring countries always gave us good hospitalities in the territories, but we hope to welcome their national teams to peaceful Somalia in the near future” the state minister added.


    At the end of the hour-long inspection to the under reconstruction soccer stadium, the officials went to the Indian Ocean restaurant in the near by Lido beach resort of Mogadishu where the Somali Football Federation invited them to a luncheon.




    The recently-launched beach resort restaurant became the option for Somali National Olympic committee, the Football Federation and other sporting organizations after its owner Mahmoud Hared, named it as the ‘restaurant of sporting family’ and announced a discount for all sporting individuals including officials, players, coaches, referees and fans.


    Wednesday’s joint inspection to stadium Banadir was the first of its kind since the Somali NOC, Somali FA and the sports ministry agreed to forget the past differences and work together during a meeting at the ministry compound on the 19th of March.


    Mohamed Abdullahi Dhaaley

  5. Eedadaa ma ahi marka hore, waxaad tiri suaalaha waxaa is weydiinaaya waalidka, marka waxaan ku weydiiyey ma poll baad ka soo qaadey? mise sheeko caruureed ayaad halkan la timid? suaalaha haddey ku dhibaayaan quraafaad ha la iman Women's section.

  6. War ileen!


    Abtigiis, magaca aad iigu yeereyso horta ma ogtahay inaadan fasax u haysan, meesha hotelka aad Ilyaas iyo Gandhi ku salaantey miyaad moodey? Ngonge wuxuu i yiraahdo adigu ma i oran kartid, taasna ma ogtahay? Odeyga Carabka heshiis baanu nahay, adigase heshiis ma nihin.

    Teeda kale, dhaqan xumada ku haysata ayaa waxay tahay reer Koonfureedka sida loola hadlo garan meysid, aflagaado ayaad hadal macaan moodey.


    @Maaddeey, lol... no comment.


    @Juxa... wixii la rabo la isku aqrinooyaa. I should update my profile, calanka ciraaqigana suro. lol