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Posts posted by Somalina

  1. Tuujiye, waxaa rabtid dheh, but you can't hate on Bryant's talent. Mr 4th Qtr. He is a future hall of famer and one of the best to ever played the game. Phnx needs to defend well against the Lakers, they can't just trade pts with them.


    Boston got beat up literally last night. 3 players got xusul iyo feedh. lol...I think they will finish the Magic on game 6. No no I know they will.

  2. lol@buura true dagaalkeyga waa mid aan buufis aheyn. KK waxeysan aqoon malaha...taas waa ila aragtey...she is very social.

    Horta ma aragtey reer Canada iney kuligood waalan yihiin. In a good way of course, yaaka qeyli dheer. Atleast we have sense of humour unlike Englishkaas with the sour faces....sorry Juxa iyo Malika..