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Posts posted by UZTAAD

  1. threaadkaan si fiican ulama socon laakiin wax yar haddaan ka dhaho arrintaan, gabdhaha waxaa waa jib ku ah in ay ****olaan dhamaan jirkooda marka laga reebo wajiga iyo labada calaacalood. wajiga iyo labada calaacalod in la ****olo mahan wax waa jib ama khasab ku ah gabadha muslimka ah.

    in dha shareerka ama niqaabka qofkii ku sheega waajib diini ah been ayuu sheegey.

  2. I don’t agree the merging of the two admins but the better suggestion is what should be done about baraxley. Should it go to galmudug side or puntland . I think the better option is that city should be united under puntland control . galmudug can have their own capital some where Hobyo.

  3. there are several factors which helped the victory of ahlu sunnah galgaduud.

    1. Sufi scholars who are under threat of alshaab expansion , mobilized their followers to take the arms and defend their land from the aggressive and unreasonable alshabab who want eliminate sufis from Somalian because they see them as non believers

    alshabaab only accepts wahabiya sect which is the only accaptable sect to the shabaab.

    sufis who the majority of the somalis follow has no future in shabaab controlled Somalia , so they have to fight for their survival.

    2. local clans are with the ahlu sunnah forces

    3.they receive considerable support from ethiopia,in puntland and the world.

  4. the Ahlu sunnah forces will be victorious against the extrimists who only understand the language of force. if these terrorist gain upper hand in central region puntland will give them a lesson they will never forget for a long time as it did in 1992 . the defeat of dhusuomareb is the beginning of the end of alshaab terror




    by Farah M. Mohamed

    Friday, December 25, 2009


    Oh Mama Africa, why do you forsake me?

    Years ago I escaped from the wrath of war,

    Not blaming you, but still under your eyeful watch.

    Open wounds and wasted souls that I saw

    Relentless fear persuaded me to flee.

    Not knowing where to go, I hastened to follow the crowd.

    Dodging bullets and bazookas,

    I rested my bones on a land far away,

    Picking up the pieces of what I have lost.

    I called America my new home,

    Yearning for freedom to breathe free

    I embraced the peace I never knew,

    Yet, the pain and the horrors I ran from yesterday

    Followed me thousands of miles

    Far from the suffering of your people.

    This kept me awake, with heaving sighs,

    I roll and toss and cannot sleep.

    Every where I look, I am dismayed and disgusted.

    The screams of young virgins raped,

    Mass killings and scattered bodies everywhere.

    The smell of burning homes and sight of spilled blood.

    Starving babies suckling their dead mothers’ breasts;

    Their worn- out tiny bodies inflicting more pain on me.

    Hungry vultures feasting on fleshless bones,

    Hollow faces absent of human shape

    Losing my sanity, losing my mind, I thought.


    Oh Mama Africa, why do you forsake me?

    Your abundant wealth never reaches those in need.

    You are so rich yet your children die in poverty and starvation.

    There is sorrow in your eyes, hopelessly trying to heal the sick with your magic gaze.

    I feel your pain, the ravages of war inflicted upon you.

    Those you have raised have brought you shame;

    Beautiful cities become ashes and dust,

    The plentiful land I knew is gone and dry.

    I see no life trace any where,

    Peace I once knew I know no more.

    Deliver me from despair and show me hope.

    Raise your righteous sword and show your bravery once again.

    Save us from warlords, gangsters, dictators and thieves,

    Break down the prison gates and free your sons and daughters from the chains of oppression,

    Smash this modern slavery your people must endure.


    Oh Mama Africa, why do you forsake me?

    Show your pride and toss away the veil of shame.

    Walk gracefully and proudly among the nations as before.

    Hold up your head and show your dignity once again

    Give your old drums a new beat and show me your old moves

    Dance like a free bird and don’t be shy

    Shake your giant mountains and shout across your mighty land for peace and justice.


    Oh Mama Africa, why do you forsake me?

    My youth was taken away,

    I lost the glory of yester year; no more is there a bright future.

    Who can heal the agony and the pain I feel inside?

    Home is where the heart and my dreams are.

    I sit far away at Baltimore Harbor to watch ships roll away.

    I never sought to cross the salty Atlantic, but fate spares no one

    I want my soul to fly away to see you one more time,

    I gaze down in deep solitude, dreaming of your giant hug when I arrive home.


    Oh Mama Africa why do you forsake me?

    I miss your blue sky and tropical sunshine,

    Roaring oceans and tumbling rivers.

    Thirsty for your fresh spring waters that roar from your giant belly.

    My soul yearns for your mystic spirit.

    Show me your magic smile and take my sadness away.

    Touch me with your kind hands and take my pain away,

    Wipe away my tears with your gentle hands

    Let me dance and give us all hope.


    By Farah M. Mohamed


    1. Abdullahi yusuf Somalia_president_Abdullahi_Yusuf.jpg


    he gracefully resigned when he couldn't pacify Somalia becoming the first Somali African president to do so.



    2.President faroole




    since his election the situation in puntland has greatly improved. he also resumed the oil explorations.


    3. somaliland political parties



    they have shown political maturity solving their crises peaceful without bloodshed.


    4.Ahlu sunna waljameeca



    the sufis culuma did great job by mobilizing their people to clean their regions from alshabaab virus and halt it spread any further.


    5. banaadir university



    they have done great sacrifice for the nation by producing doctors, engineers and teachers in war zone.





    1. Al shabaab al takfiir wa ignorant.





    they are responsible the most of the innocent lives lost in this year . evils in the religious cloths


    2. Hassan dahir, Mr dagaalka waan siiwadaa



    ninkaan waxuu halheys ka dhigtay dagaal waan sii wadaynaa, bal hasii wadee maxuu natiijo ah oo ka gaarayaa.


    3. shariif dalxiis.



    the most useless president i have ever seem


    4. shariif sakiin



    you can see he is milking xoogagii gargaar ka haa.


    5. abdirahman abdishakur warsame



    he signed large portion of Somali sea to Kenya.