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Everything posted by Ladiif

  1. What do you know about it? What do you think of Nation of Islam? For me, even though I don't know much a better it, I think its more like Political movement. The reason am asking is that, I met this white muslim brother at Chicago Muslim conference over the weekend, and he was telling me how he embarraced Islam 10 yrs ago and how he was mislead by some Nation of Islam members who he thought were practising the right teachings of the prophet(Pbuh). Alhamdu-Lilaah, the brother has left the nation of Islam and also moved out of that city and lives in Chicago and Masha-Allah, if you could only see the NUR on his face and how looks, the ideal muslim brother we all would like to be. You can not believe how much he learnt about his deen and how far he came. Masha-Allah, I admire him and liked the person he is for the sake of Allah!!
  2. I feel your pain OG-girl but I expect you to bite the bullet and solve your love problems at least try first by yourself and if that fails then come to S.O.L and we will receive you with open hands and heart.....Having said that, I would like you to stay out of triangles..u feel me? No man swim out of triangles alive!!!
  3. The song never ends. C'mon ppl..I believe this relationship mantra is getting out of hand. I believe I’m not alone on this ship and some other nomads are as fed-up as I am with this hymn. I know this room is designated for this kind of discussions but it’s just hitting beyond the mark.Its becomin too much walaahi!! Besides, the same silly question is taking the fun off the thing. Folks, I’m not saying relationships should not be discussed, just don’t flood us, as nomads like myself are unable to swim that fast…damn ppl!!!! I’m starting seeing relationships as something else. Let’s just take some time before posting and see if there are some other active so-called relationship craps!! I hope I haven’t offended anyone in anyway!!
  4. Opinionated, I'm black sister unless telling the truth makes me white!!!
  5. Absolutely true!! and the trends aren't promising either and will continue as long as they have this can kind of mentality and life in history. They should git over-it, past is past, dual on the future for God sake. Am not saying they should forget what happened in the past and their history, but just don't let that get to your way to hinder your success. And don't tell me they have successfull ppl(the 10%-talented) what good does your succeess bring if you still live under the same slave master of your grandparents? Isn't that just makes you another slave but just in different shade and under different circumstance(samething but in different manners and approaches) For those who think slavery is only in one form,(owning the individuals) sorry, but I hold the opposit of point of view and I believe the Afro-American man is still not free, atleast entirely, and to be free, they have get their acts together, use the brain cells and engage mental game!! P.S. I somehow feel this was written by a black person. I just have that feeling!!
  6. Ladiif

    virgin mary

    Banaadir, you just broke so many rules and on top of that, you insulted us(nomads) 1. You're double posting and that is against the GOLDEN RULES of SOL-besides, u dont have to forge a new identity to do this. 2. You called our queens "whores"....what a crime!!! 3. You're asking a silly question 4. You asking the wrong ppl-you supposed to ask this question whoever told u they are virgin and happened to be otherwise. 6. You're posting in the wrong section-since when virgity become POLITICS??? 7. Spamming: You're flooding the forum with useless content-Very bad and agaist NRS!!!
  7. Juxaa, I personally know Asli and she is very active and peace loving. "We call her as Asli Callan sida"
  8. Ilaahay dambigiisa ha dhaafo. Amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
  9. Yeah, this was long time ago but lets revisiting it and my ? is, does know where we can listen some somali songs? thanks.
  10. ^^^^^^C.C. iyo Boqorada, nagga qaleeya macalimiinta...and too much muscle flexing is not good for the ladies eventually timaha lee is jiid jiidaysaan waxba isma yeelaysiine!!! yo Bacadle, gabdhaha kalaqabo adaa bilaabay threadka e!! Najma_03 waad iga qoslisay walaahi, ain't nothing wrong with the name "SHUUN". I know it means this to you but not necessarily samething to me or the xalimo down the block. Matter of fact, I'm willing to spice it up a bit and naming my daughter SHUUN DHEER, what do you think Najma??
  11. Eskimos...what?..Who?? btw, Hassan Nasra Allah is coming back so Play while he is away. Your days are numbered.
  12. Have you found that going away for school 'STEALS YOUR CULTURE AND DEAN' away from you??? I think it all depends on how the individuals were before going to school. However, If you were't practising your deen before, losing your culture and deen is almost certain, given the environment your are been exposed. The temptetations and the pressure are enormous. You meet ppl and hang-out with them and things, and before you know, you are not the same guy no more and everything is ok with you. no big deal!! Its very easy to get astray if you have no religion background and hang-out with the wrong crowd!! I have seen all sort somalis at my school, some totally lost but have no clue, some confused, dont know where they belong and some holding onto their deen/culture. Ilaahayow na hanuuni.Amiiiin.
  13. Princess_Sexy, you dont have to be hard on yourself coz u did nothing wrong....I myself suffer lack of concentration sometimes---oh,maybe i shud write a topic on this!!
  14. Princess-Sexy, I thought this was just a dream but thanks for the 411 thou....besides, can u read my above post ^^^^^one more time.
  15. ^^^^^^"-->MUSLIM--->YEAH BLACK--->MUSLIM--->NOT A CHANCE" Pls tell me you were kidding!!! you can't be serious can you?
  16. To tell you truth, I'm a big time dreamer, and my dream job changes on an hourly basis, however, as for this moment, my dream job is to become the first president of "United States of Africa" at least for now. BTW, this topic does not belong here!!
  17. Hijabafied, I think you got that one right so lets proceed!!! Bal isku fiiriya tan: Goo gaa?...GABADHII DARISKIINA AHAYD, MAXAAD DABADA FARTA UGGGA GALISAY? dey u have it....soodaa waxaad haysaan
  18. I ain't no representative for men but for me, it all depends what your offer is!! waa saas!!
  19. "and y are you with a girl, if u aint planning to stay with her?" I hate to blow our cover but as they say in somali, "Doqonbaa Katagga haduu duur cidla ah yaalo" I hope you get the ujeedada!! [ June 10, 2003, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: Latiif ]
  20. Posted by ^^^^^"I was shocked when I was researching this topic and reading how bad many Somalians are treated here" May ask to post or at least mention few incidents which made you shocked? Thank you.
  21. Ladies, Settle for Mr. left or die trying!! bal usug kuma habaarine maxaad saas iigu fiirin?
  22. If your parents refuse you to get married to a muslim man just because he can't afford a "BIG WEDDING" they r absolute wrong. Remember, if your parents are saying this man won't be able to provide you Quutul-yom, they might have a case against you but to my understanding, this is not what they saying. I think you should have a real conversion with them on this note.Let them know you are serious about this issue. You can invite a imam/sheikh and some of ur Abtiyo at ur house and let them mediate you and ur parents and see both sides of the case. Remember, our prophet (S.A.W) encouraged marriage and we should follow his lead.
  23. Lol free bootie, clown hit the school Dorms if you want free booties man but makes sure you get ur malbro lite before u head there...u feel me?
  24. Nice one abt "How to seduce the most beutiful white woman in ur class" That wud be a help in my case!!lol. Cheers