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Everything posted by ailamos

  1. oh well... Bonaparte, you've always been judge, jury and executioner, have it your way
  2. It's amusing to see that Peacenow pinches so many nerves in this thread. A lot of ultra-nationalism here.
  3. Modern-day Pirates AND Robin-hoods! Amazing!
  4. Originally posted by Eng.Cadde: This is The last response you will get from me! Finally! I thought you would never shut-up.
  5. Originally posted by Adam.: Ailamos, your defending the undefendable. My voice is definitely silenced for good, if this character is allowed to continue to degrade our values and heritage any longer, cause why bother being in such a hateful environment when your original intention was to exchange ideas and discuss things with your fellow Somalis without getting your background attacked on a daily basis. I see your point Adam, but at the same time there should be an environment that fosters discussion. I responded to Peacenow's comments without the use of inflammation, I mean if people start ripping into each other then any conversation regardless of the topic will head to the gutter. Since when is wishing for someone to stop ripping into what's most dear to us on SOL a 'despotic system'? What the hell? I'm on a Somali forum right?, if someone dislikes our culture, tradition, fashion and heritage then the person simply doesn't belong on this forum. Perhaps I didnt use the correct word when I said despotic, although I don't agree with Peacenow's comments I do think self-criticism is important. But you're right in that insults into a culture don't bring about the best of responses, so let's try to not fall to that level.
  6. but in retrospect it is quite interesting how a person that states that homosexuals are human beings is immediately accused of homosexuality... I suppose the white people who took part in the African-American Civil Rights Movement were actually black people who painted themselves white because no white person should be sane enough to advocate black people as equal human beings. OR perhaps the men who support the Association for Women's Rights in Development are actually women posing as men because no self respecting man would support women's rights as equal human beings. And lastly, I suppose all those animal rights activists are actually animals posing as humans.
  7. hahaha... good one Bonaparte, no closet in my case...
  8. If he's banned then one more voice silenced... I hope this forum doesn't turn into an online despotic system where one tightly knit group dispenses preferential judgement. It seems to me that everyone else is doing something similar to what Peacenow did by collectively assaulting and mocking him.
  9. ^ hahaha... lot's of funny comments here... I hope everyone will enjoy this, courtesy of your resident engineer... "My education has nothing to do with my argument" First he says: There have been many pro-GAY studies in the medical field that recognize khasiisnimo as GENE DEFECT then he says: I am learning Engineering NOT MEDICINE! that's one confused engineer, I wouldn't set foot on a structure he builds... You make alot of assertions which you couldnt back it up. why do weak people with weak arguments always say this? .... hmmm, must be the intermission in the comedy show... I Strictly believe that killing a qaniis is justified.I dont fuc king care if you find it disturbing or Homophope and careful macho... that could get you banned let's hope no one close to you comes out of the closet... that could be a predicament... hmmm, to kill or not to kill... that's the question I will stick to my reer baadiye mentality So, why study engineering? All in all... you're FUNNY!! keep it up and like I said earlier... go read a book, it's amazing what you could learn ....
  10. Originally posted by MAXIMUS POWERS: "Who defines what somaliness is and whose version is correct? Identity is a fluid concept that is forever changing and evolving. People are able to construct their identities and there is no collective Somali identity." Well said, I'm adding these to my list of favorite quotes
  11. That is terrible to watch. The way they dress, the way they act, how will they survive without the white man coming to feed them? Now what are you? People who in 20 years are now known for asylum shopping, benefit fraud, gang violence and terrorism. I think these are unfair statements Peacenow. It's better to commend the achievements of these youngsters than make statements that don't contribute anything. Apparently these are the ones who have not strayed into the paths of gang violence and terrorism, so give them an applause instead of putting them down because the more you put people down, the more they will head in the wrong direction, I'm sure you know that. A 'civilized' person would not make statements such as these. I'm not a fan of 'imposition Islam' but seeing how those women live in London I would assume it's their choice to burqa-up... so live and let live man!
  12. I agree with Sherban's statement: But I do agree that women should show their face at the bank, at the airport, and anywhere else where it is necessary to show your face. If it was up to me, I'd say, wear it on the street, wear it wherever you like, but show your face in situations when that would be required. France's complete burkha ban is an infringement on a woman's individual liberty, the same way that imposing the burkha on all women is an infringement. People should be given the choice whether to burkha-up or not. A real choice, not a sugar-coated one. And in certain circumstances, like Sherban mentioned above, it is vital to see a person's face.
  13. If they banned hiding your face in Montreal, my alter-ego the Snow Touareg would die. hahahahaha... Layzie dear, you should consider that someday YOU might decide to wear the burkha. Maybe on the day you cut off your nose to spite your face? The burkha police has arrived... a bit of a despotic statement don't you think?
  14. So... to each his own I say, whaddaya say eh... Lakum dinukum wa-leyah diin ! I think you should end the discussion with that. Atheists/Apathetics/Agnostics have no need for religion in their life and viceversa for others. That's the way it is. Any discussion about the existence of a supreme God (let alone Allah) between two opposing viewpoints will almost certainly have an ugly end. So why bother? We're all human beings, live and let live.
  15. moogi dadka canada wexeey cunaan but I just googled "twinkies" and yeah they're snack cakes...
  16. You're doing such a good job, keep going
  17. Nor/Naden... it's useless going around in circles, it's their way or the highway and everyone's a kafir to them, so let them soak in their potions of self-righteousness...
  18. ^ That's hate speech right there...
  19. But wait, there's more.... I know fully well the implications of what I am saying Adeer, and I trust the knowledge of the scholars I cite. and... But because of your Taqlid and blind following, you are stuck with Sheikh Ibn Baaz condition of Istixlaal in the ruler’s heart And Sheikh Albani’s Kufr Duna Kufr A bit of a fundamentalist are we LX? It seems you're the one who's stuck with the Taqlid here...
  20. During Fitnatul khaleej, the Scholars of Saudi Arabia declared that the only country that ruled according to the Qur’an and Sunnah at that time was Saudi Arabia and that all other Islamic countries were being governed by Kufr constitutions and man-made laws. This means that all these countries, except Saudi, were declared Diyaarul Kufr because of their Istibdal of the Xukm of Allah to Qawaanin al-Wadhciyyah. Go read on the events of Fitnatul khaleej. That says it all. What an exemplary country, if all the Muslim countries followed Saudi's example life would be bliss wouldn't it?
  21. self reflection and self criticism help introduce reform into societies. sweeping matters under the rug and pretending they don't exist does not aid in the effort to move forward. we as a people will just be stuck in a situation where every move forward will be followed by two steps backward caused by those matters which we sweep under the rug.
  22. it's amazing how many superstitious people are elected to public offices.
  23. really?? they actually named the sheikh? but you know what's funny, they said the sheikh was on medication when he committed this crime and hence will not be prosecuted yet the mentally unstable rapist will face the firing squad... I'm not saying both crimes are on the same level but it just shows that UAE court's method of dispensing justice is severely flawed...