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Everything posted by ailamos

  1. LOL@ Cicero somalicus... Nice!!! ... perhaps by that time either all humans will be, according to comedian Russell Peters, a high-bred mix of beige Chinese/Indian or each race will be a separate species e.g. Homo somalicus (subspecies nomadicus), Homo mexicanus (subspecies burritocus), Homo afroamericanus (subspecies kool-aidus)... and so on...
  2. LOOOOOOL He should be able to impress the ladies though... "Hi, this is my friend, The Biggest Dick"... or start a career in the Arab porn industry
  3. A real shocker... and good news for the Swiss Muslims as they now have a prominent supporter against that ridiculous ban
  4. I saw this documentary about the Tibetan way of life and when a person dies, they chop the body into several pieces and leave it on a rocky escapement so that vultures can feast on the body. By the time they're done, there's nothing left. No dirt, no decomposition, no grave. That one spot serves as a 'burial ground' and the vultures are aware of it. I wouldn't mind being buried, despite the costs associated with it. I see my friend visit his grandparents grave on his birthday every year and stay there for a couple of hours 'talking' to them. His grandparents were married for 60 years and they are buried next to one another, somehow there's something idyllic about it.
  5. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: quote:Originally posted by ailamos: Anyway, if you haven't realized AILAMOS is SOMALIA spelled backwards... are you trying to imply that somalia is a backward country??? :mad: . War Soomaaliyeey kan ku qabiilesta... i mean.. ku jihaada. Personally I find it intriguing and always want to know how they come to their position Serenity - there is this theory that says: the taste of bacon had something to do with LOOOOOOOOOOL...
  6. Originally posted by Raamsade: You're simply mistaken. Civilized means developed. The US is civilized country, Somalia is uncivilized. Anyone who has been to both countries will readily agree to this. I think we'll simply have to agree to disagree on that one because the notion of civility is culturally relative. Originally posted by Raamsade: Me too. I'm a strong believer in letting people believe whatever will get them through the night. But there's a proviso -- your believes must not impinge on the human rights of others. Correct, no disagreement there. If a person wants to be guided with divine law then s/he has the right to follow and practice it. For example, a dying man who divides his wealth amongst his children according to Sharia, can and should be rightfully able to do so. Though I don't think it's fair, it is his choice. Originally posted by Raamsade: It is true that Muslims migrate to economically prosperous democracies. But why not dictatorships or totalitarian countries? Is it because there aren't that many developed dictatorships? That should tell you something -- the direct and positive correlation between secular democracy and economic prosperity. The UAE, Qatar Bahrain and Oman are prosperous monarchies with large populations of Somalis. However, I think they are the exception rather than the rule and geographically closer. There is a way to test whether Muslim migrants prefer secular democracy over Sharia and that is to construct regression model that controls for economic development. For example, and using GDP as proxy for economic development, you record the choices Muslim migrants make when presented with two countries of equal development levels... a good example would be Kuwait with GDP (at official exchange rate) of $32,491 per capita and Spain with GDP (at official exchange rate) of $35,116 per capita. Now, I know Kuwait is not strictly run according to Sharia but it is deeply conservative and by defacto has many of provisions of Sharia. We know from official sources which of these two countries Muslims migrate to, risking life and limp. Nothing is stopping Muslims from getting on rickety boats and besieging the Kuwaitis until they take 'em in. I strongly believe that if one does this sort of analysis for large enough data set that one would come to the same conclusion that I have. That would certainly prove to be an interesting experiment. Get enough data and you can expand this by extrapolating and creating a surface which displays the countries that have high probabilities of receiving migrants. It's obvious and undeniable. Even today, very few Muslims are willing to give up their Western passports for Alshabaab one or Hamas one or Hezbollah one or Taliban one or Iranian one or Saudi one or.... Why even bring it up? You and I both know that's not going to happen. I don't think anyone would give up a passport that provides such freedom of mobility. I certainly won't Originally posted by Raamsade: To the Jihadis, such Muslims are kufaar lackeys and hypocrites. I think that's been proven on this forum, even though I don't think we have any Jihadis here (?) Your compromise is unrealistic. Islamic law clearly enjoins Muslims to wage Jihad fi sabiililaah (Jihad for the sake of Allah) to all four corners of the earth and until the whole earth becomes --in the words of Sayd Qutb -- "the dominion of God." This is an Islamic imperative that no practicing Muslim can oppose. There is no way a committed Sharia proponent would accept your compromise. Call me an optimist, but I don't think it's impossible.
  7. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: With the exception of their leader Raamsade, the rest of the crew here have non-somali names: Johnny B Castro Cicero ailamos - I call him Haylaamo (pieces) because waan fahmi waayey what it means Cara Naden Napolean Lazy G Genius Pauper Pouiyt etc, etc They have jetissoned the old 'primitive' identity and are jellying with a new-found one. It is not a mere concidence. It is indicative of their self-hate, waa haday soomali yihiin. Of course, this is beside the point here. It's interesting to see that A&T is floating in his own world and has resorted to judge people by the online names they have chosen... that cracked me up!! Good on ya mate I suppose that's your therapy to not go crazy in this thread. Anyway, if you haven't realized AILAMOS is SOMALIA spelled backwards... It seems like Ibti's the only voice of reason in this thread. so, I suggest everyone heed her advice Tuujiye, from what I read in this thread no one's bashing Islam... the sooner you realize that the sooner we'll get anywhere...
  8. ^ i see the IDF has arrived... see below Originally posted by ailamos: quote:Originally posted by chocolate & honey: Sherban, dont worry. Somalis love to argue about anything. That's been proven time and again in this forum
  9. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: Sherban, dont worry. Somalis love to argue about anything. That's been proven time and again in this forum
  10. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: You cannot harbour a known arsonist who happens to be a family member and sleep peacefully in the hope that he will be considerate enough not to do his work on your own house. I mean, for rationality sake, we have Cicero's and ailamos's here! LOOL... families have been torn apart by differing ideologies and those so-called arsonists will only use their arson if they need to, so don't provoke them with baseless comments
  11. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: quote:Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: Lately the atmosphere on SOL is such that I could make a thread about gummy bears and it would turn into a debate about religion. of course, gummy bears are Xaraam - because they got gelatin in it LOOOOL
  12. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: We are in agreement here (to your astonishment) because for once you went out of your hate-mongering mission and concentrated on issues of importance to humanity. The same could easily apply to you as well A&T although I am glad we're on the same page...
  13. Originally posted by Benson and Hedges: I dont mean to burst anyone ones bubble but this islam talk is getting boring. There is more to life than islamic debates. *sigh*... :rolleyes: so true...
  14. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Ailamos raised a good point in saying that how a religion is judged would be by the actions of its adherents. I fully agree with it. But I need to qualify a bit and add 'by the actions of the overwhelming majority of its adherents'. Now, does ailamos agree that these stories of honour killings even when they are done under the cover of sharia' are rare and perhaps insignificant when you look at the fact that over one billion people practice Islam? I won't dispute your addition to my statement but I think there is a need of greater accountability and recognition from within the Muslim world of the acts that are committed by some instead of blaming the West, the Zionists and all the other gaalos for everything. I think we're on the same footing here A&T (who would've thought? ). Honor killings are not specific to Islam, they also occur in non-Muslim communities in India, Africa and Latin America (where they're know as "Crimes of Passion"). But do you, A&T, agree that there is a lack of criticism from with the Muslim world in condemning un-Islamic acts but instead staying silent, as if in agreement.
  15. ^ Ibtiiiiiiiiiii!! Where have you been?!?
  16. ^ Nor, even if Islam is perfect as you say, how do you get that perfection to be reflected amongst its followers? I think no religion has ever got that right, except maybe Buddhism?? No se!
  17. Originally posted by Valenteenah.: I think there needs to be a distinction between the religion and those who practice it. Islam is perfect. Muslims, not so. In the matter of honour killings, they are ingrained in some Eastern cultures and have been practiced long before Islam. I see your point and I'm glad you're not resorting to attacks. That distinction is a blurry one at best because the way a religion is judged would be by the actions of it's adherents no?
  18. Originally posted by Tuujiye: ^^^ No but is sad how you guys are acting like as if you care... you only using this for your own intrest and to bash Islam... Yes we do care, same way that we care about human suffering anywhere in the world, from Haiti to this poor girl to our homeland that's ravaged by war. You're getting defensive and shutting yourself out for no reason. Take a deep breath... follow in Valenteenah's footsteps (admit that this does occur in Muslim communities same way it does in non-Muslims ones) or if you rather not then follow Nassir's example, but don't go on the offensive just because your sensitivities have *somehow* been violated by a common news piece.
  19. Originally posted by Khayr: Sheerbeen, and why was this news worthy enough to post on SOL? Let me see the catch phrases here: - Turkish aka muslim - Honor Killing - Beaten for having relations with the opposite sex. hmmm, what are some other catch phrases in this article, that perpetuate the ever on going anti-islam biase? It's really difficult for you to admit that these practices exist in Muslim communities, isn't it? When will you stop sweeping things under the rug and lying to yourself that Islam, judging by its adherents, is NOT a perfect religion. It's a hopeless situation, every attempt at criticism is considered anti-Islamic.
  20. Originally posted by Raamsade: I'm glad we both agree that Sharia should never become the law of any civilized country (it's not a coincidence that no civilized country today has Sharia as its constitution). I'll try not to go in the "civilized vs. uncivilized" direction. The notion of "civility" (I tend to put it in quotes because it's quite relative) is labeled from an outsider-looking-in perspective with a strong ethnocentric connotation. What's civilized to one may seem barbaric to another and vice versa. But how do you know that people refuse secularism? Vladamir Lenin once said "they are voting with their feet." Referring to the mass desertion of Russian troops in WW1 against Germany and thereby "voting" for peace with Germany by deserting. That's a good question. I don't know. But what I do know is that some Muslims (both men and women) prefer to be governed by divine law rather than "man-made" laws. Although I advocate secular governance, I am against depriving religious people from practicing and abiding by the rules of their respective religions. Today the term "voting with their feet" is popular to mean, instead, that where people migrate to is good indication of their likely vote. And where have people been migrating lately? To Sharia bastions like Al Shabaabland, Talibanistan, Hizbollaland, Iran, Saudi Arabia...? or to the EU, N. America, Australia & New Zealand -- the secular and democratic "dens of kafirdom" that are rife with binge drinking, scandalously clad women, apostasy, blasphemous cartoonists that should be beheaded preferably with axe, fathers pimping their daughters and swingers clubs for moms. I think that's a misconception. The choice of where to migrate to is not necessarily out of love of secularism, but for economic reasons. If a country is economically attractive and offers opportunities (e.g. UAE or Netherlands) then it's the target for migrants rather than a country that doesn't (e.g. Pakistan or Ukraine). Don't be fooled by Jihadi propaganda that all Muslims want Sharia. It's a lie. Only a vocal but significant minority of Muslims want Sharia. Most don't. They simply want a better life. I don't know if most Muslims want Sharia just as I don't know if most Muslims don't want Sharia. My premise is to give the choice to the people under a system that accomodates that. The freedom to choose is the essence of a good life.
  21. A 16-year-old girl was buried alive by relatives in southeast Turkey in a gruesome honour killing just because she reportedly befriended boys, the Anatolia news agency reported Thursday. Acting on a tip-off, police discovered Medine Memi’s body in a sitting position with her hands tied, in a two-metre-deep hole in a chicken pen outside her house in Kahta town, Adiyaman province, 40 days after she went missing, the agency said. A subsequent post mortem revealed that she had a significant amount of soil in her lungs and stomach, meaning that she was buried alive, foresic experts told the agency. "The autopsy result is blood-curdling. According to our findings, the girl — who had no bruises on her body and no sign of narcotics or poison in her blood — was alive and fully conscious when she was buried," one anonymous expert said. Medine’s father and grandfather have been formally arrested and jailed pending trial over her killing, the agency said. The father is reported to have said in his testimony that the family was unhappy she had male friends. In honour killings, most prevalent in Turkey’s mainly Kurdish southeast, a so-called family council names a member to murder a female relative considered to have sullied the family honour, usually by engaging in an extra-marital affair. But the practice has gone so far as to kill rape victims or women who simply talked to strange men.
  22. Originally posted by genius pauper.: posted by Raamsade "Don't be fooled by Jihadi propaganda that all Muslims want Sharia. It's a lie." i wonder why the lie of others bothers him, while he himslef is more liar than them bye the fact he is a liar by any standard. if on earth anyone was fooled, i bet it MUST BE YOU. for they pumbed non-sense in the name of non-faith in you.( i guess u wont ask whom i refer them to) "When given the opportunity Muslims, time and again, gravitate towards den of Kafirdom which indicates that they favor Secular Democracy over Sharia Theocracy." i wonder when such weak indication amounts to your sound observations, and for others you see as fallacy.(my point is how does it indicate) Raamsade, i thought you know, secular democracy is not a branch of atheism, then i end up asking why all this energy. as for you, till we finish the other thread about GOD, its immature to talk about system of governance, because you even dont know why your here, i mean on earth!!!! People let's not make this thread run into a dead-end like other threads that talk about religion+politics on this forum. genius pauper and Raamsade please let's keep it civil, attack the poster's point(s), not the poster. Mr. Somalia thanks for sharing that piece. Mavericksky and poiuyt have brought up some good points. Let's keep it at that level.