biG mOm

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Posts posted by biG mOm

  1. *****aykumu salaam wr wb Batuulo/

    nice peice hon. I'll share with you the best poem i ever read...


    Here's to a brother, once one of us

    He kept to the faith, good and pious

    But where is he now? oh Allah, I beseech

    He's out Friday Night doing drugs on the streets



    Did you see it coming , did any of you know?

    If you did, did you help him those few years ago?

    Now his life is meaningless and bleak

    Once a strong brother, now he is weak



    Here's to our sister, once righteous and pure

    She prayed and she fasted, her Deen was for sure

    Now, at eighteen, she's no longer chaste

    Her innocent spirit, all gone to waste



    God gave us all eyes for us to see

    Yet we each still claim "it will never be me"

    And these two from our Ummah once claimed that too

    SO..My Sisters, My brothers,


  2. Clown -- that's near my place.. Waaberi and hodan are twins as you know// I used to Live Hodan..Near Shaqalaha.. and Xawlo Xaji ciise, Shanemo Somalia redface.gif ,, Masjid Isbaheysiga, the Biggest masjid in mogadishu. I wish to go back mogdisho, Insha allaah.. tnx clown..


    -Xamar xisaab ------ buuxi meelaha banan ;)

  3. Asalaama calaykum Again..

    Clown funny pieces bro.. first wlc back to the forum... how is africa? ..


    -- wan weyn illaa la khalo indhihiisa cirka ma arkaan

    -- duqdi dagaalkaada rabta boodkaada ee ul ka goosataa :D

    -- odeygi jimco waalan rabo khamiis aas sii xeed xeetaa

    --qofkii ku jecelna ku jantay aa la dhahaa ;)



    -- nin *****ana ma harsado

  4. saddex- saddex


    -Saddex baa la yidhi: Lixdan jir iyo lexo jeceyl ha la wadaagin; afartan jir ha la garramin; labaatan jirna ha la legdemin.


    -Saddex baa rag u liita; Ma toshe, ma tashade iyo ma tashiishe



    -Saddex lama arag: Marti nin ka yar, muddo maalin ka yar iyo aabe wiilkiis ka yar, :D


    -Saddex lama raaco: Ma horreeye, ma hambeeye, iyo ma haasawshe.


    -Saddex lagama kaco: Gaajo guri og, gardarro garab og iyo cudur geeri og,


    -Saddex markaan bartaan ka gaboobay: Dab ollolintiis, carruur aamusinteed, iyo awr carraabintiis.


    -Saddex wel-wel bay kugu kordhiyaan: Faraska xun, naagta xun, iyo hoyga xun; haddana saddexdaas baa kaa bi'iye.

  5. asalaama calaykum wa rahmatullahi wabarakaatu


    To the Admin

    First of all: why are you moved this topic to here? from camel milk debate?

    second: what's the different between General forum And Camel Milk dabeta?

    Third: why are you delate my last Topic,,, I wanna know why?? :mad: :mad:

  6. Assalaama calaykum Warahmtullaahi wabarakaatu


    hallow there, how is everybody doing,,, today i'm going to share with you some Somali Proverbs And Ideoms "maah maahyo" if you remember some of them share with us plz..


    -miro geed saaran kuwa guntaada ku jiro looma daadiyo

    -dad iyo duurba waxaadan filayn baa ka yimaado

    -waayeel tag lama yiraahdo wuxuu ku tagaaala la tusaaa

    -gacmo is dhaafaa gacal ku jiraaa

    -saxan saxan ku gud saana saan ku gooy

    -qabri iyo nin loo wado lama kala qariyo

    -intaadan falin ka fiirso

    -adoo hergeli waaye malaguu soo hoyday

    -xoolo rageed feero ka tirsan farana ka xisaaban

    -run iyo ilkaba waa la cadeeyaa

    -runta ragg kama nixiso

    -gurbaan gacalkaa hakuu haayo ama garabkaaag hakuugu jiro

    -fardo la isku haayo la isagu ma faano

    -nabaraa filaysay naxdin maleh

    -is ma hurtooy ha is haleeyn

    -balaayo kaa jedo la isku ma soo jeediyo

    -falaari gilgilasho kaaga ma harto

    -waano abuurisaa ka horeeysay

    -hubsiino halbaa la siistaa

    -dagdagsiinyo door ma dhasho

    -faraha badan fuudkeey xaraareeyaan

    -islaan fadhiso lagdani la fudud

    -waxaad qarsataa waa ku qarsadaan

    -dhalinyaro inteey geed ka boodeey talana ka boodaa

    -tagto timaadaa ka roon

    -waa yeel waa wada indho

    -hadii guuleheey ku daayo gu' baan ku dayn

    -nin gu kaa wayn garaad buu ku dheeryahay

    -jacayl iyo qufac ma qarsoomaan

    -dariskaada diintiisuu kuu yeelaa

    -facaa wuxuu falo fal feerba hakaa jabtee

    -ninkaad sirtiisa rabto saaxiibkiisaa la fiiriyaaa

    -nin ku aaminay ha qayaanin waloow kaana kufaar

    -musaagur maskiin waloow kaana suldaan

    -naag u sabar ama ka sabar


    -Dhallin dhafoorkeey ku taal

    -Dhib dabadii bay dheefi timaad

    -Dhubuq-dhubuq hore dhabannohays dambeey leedahay

    -Meel hoo u baahan hadal wax kama taro

    -Majo dhooqo mid mid baa loogala baxaa

    -Mukulaal mininkeeda joogto miciyo libaaxeey leedahay

    -Meelba seey tahaa loola yaal

    -Ratiga dambe ratiga hore saanqaadkiisuu leeyahay

    -Rag is faanshay waa ri' is nuugtay

    -Rajo reer laguma dhaqo

    -Salaadaan la gaarin lama tukado

    -Silac ku nooloow sodon-guursi baa dhaanta

    -Samirku sibir waa ka qaraar yahay, sonkorse wuu ka macaan yahay

    -Ama talo keen noqo ama talo raac noqo.

    -Markaan tabarta hayey talo maanan heyn, maantoon talo hayana tabar ma hayo.

    -Hadaan lakala roonaan roob ma da'o.

    -Weysha qowrac dibiga ha ku quus qaatee.

    -Labo qaawani isma qaado.

    -Duul kaa badan iyo biyo kaa badan weey ku haftaan.

    -Sir ma qabe alaa u sahan baxsha


    -Aadme la aragyaaba, dhib la arag.


    -Abaal dad galaa badan, dad gudaase yar


    -Abkeey dooli diloow, dad nool maas u dahaa.


    -Aburku intaanu kugu tufin, baa lagu tufaa.


    -Aburku intaanu kugu tufin, baa lagu tufaa.


    -Abuur iyo waano abuur baa horreysey


    -Adduun i khatal.


    -Adhi magantii ma barriiyo.


    -Adin waa la dhibaa, ilna waa la dhawraa.


    -Aduun wey ki amoodeey ugaaw???


    -Af-ka nool abooto mudac.


    -Af ama reer aw mahdi ha ku hadlo ama lo' ha ku daaqdo.


    -Af Daboolan, Dahab waaye.


    -Af hadlaaba aamus.


    -Af nooli waa hadlaa Eyna waa ciyaa


    -Af waa kane, maxaa lagu aamaa


    -Af wax cunay xishoo


    -Alla aamin ma iisho


    -Alle watow wehel uma baahna


    -Allow aqoon xumo hannagu caabin eexona hannooga tegin


    -Allow nin aan wax ogayn ha cadaabin.


    -Ama afeef hore lahow ama adkaysi danbe


    -Ama waa la muuqdaa ama waa la maqanyahay.

    - Garri labo nin kama wadda qosliso

    -Nin qowlkiisuu hadlaa qorina qiiqiisuu baxaa

    -Nin ilko waa weyn haduu dhinto inuu qoslayaa lamoodaa

    -Haddal nina si u dheh nina si u qaaday

    -Geel jire geela waa wadda jirtaa waana kala jirtaa

    -fartaada oo xumaada filfiliq kaagama harto.

    -Far iyo meel buktaa is og.

    -caano aan fiiqsi loo cabi iyo hadal aan fiirsi loo odhan feerahay waxyeelaan.

    -Talo adiga ayaa ku nool ee iyada kuguma noola.

    -Haddii talo waalid la yeeli lahaa, hal waraabe ma dilen.

  7. Assalaama Calaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatu


    Poetry Of The Week :rolleyes: Isn't It? ;)


    Stay in your bed, don’t make a fuss.

    Your prayers can wait; give into your Nufs*.


    What! Go to the mosque, the path you’ll pave?

    Don’t bother, think of the gas you’ll save.


    Why go the extra miles to be kind?

    Don’t share that smile, they won’t mind!


    Listen to your parents, why should you?

    You’re big enough, don’t let them tell you what to do!


    Don’t look at those orphans, what could they need?

    You have your own problems, and family to feed.


    Wear good hijob? Oh me, Oh my, you’ll be targeted as a Muslim and put to shame.

    Just wear no makeup, and dress simple and plain.



    Go for Jihad? No not you.

    It’s not your problem, what can you do?


    Don’t worry about Jennah, your place is reserved.

    I promise you’ll get all you deserve.


    Preach about Islam, and be nice?

    Listen to me, and take my advice!!!


    Don’t fast during Ramadan, you’ll feel dead.

    Don’t go for Haj, the heat you’ll dread.


    Why give charity, or feed the poor?

    Don’t do it I say, They’ll just ask for more.


    Don’t visit the Muslims, they’ll bite your back.

    Don’t stop your work for prayer, it’s money you lack.


    Then he makes you hoard your wealth.

    He thinks while he talks, and laughs to himself.



    You take me as your friend, and don’t give me a fight.

    I’ll take you to hell to gain respite.


    On the judgement day we will meet.

    Allah’s plan we can not defeat.


    Shatan thinks and thinks of more to say.

    Say A’ oothoo billahi, and make him run away.


    Dear believer, don’t let shatan put you to the test.

    You can overcome him, just do your best.


    * Arabic word: *Nufs = meaning yourself*.

  8. -Assalaama Calaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatu-

    Sharing TIME ;) I Found this Article let me share with you,, Jiimbaar Qaata :D


    Since the height of the feminist movement in the late 70's there has been a magnifying glass placed over the status of Muslim women. Unfortunately, the magnifying glass that has been used is an unusual one. Unusual in the sense that it is very selective about which items it will magnify; other items it will distort to such a degree that they will no longer look familiar. I remember once reading in an "in depth" article about the lives of Muslim women. This article "explained" that at any time a man can divorce his wife by simply stating "I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you". This article can lead anyone ignorant of the Islamic ruling regarding divorce to believe that in less than five seconds the woman is left with no husband and is left to care for herself (and possibly children) by any means necessary. The question that immediately popped up in my mind was, "Did the author innocently write that out of sincere ignorance or was it another of the many attempts to degrade the religion of Islam and its followers (muslims)?" It may be my own paranoia, but I tend to believe it was the latter of the two.


    The truth of the matter is that Islam has the most humane and most just system of divorce that exists. Firstly, many options are taken and tried before coming to the decision of the divorce. If the man and woman decide that they can no longer live together successfully as a husband and wife, the husband (in most cases, not always) pronounces the divorce by saying "I divorce you". At this point the waiting period begins. The waiting period lasts for three menstrual cycles to assure the woman is not pregnant. This period allows the couple time to think about what they are doing and if this is what they really want to do. There are no lawyers involved to antagonise an already delicate situation.


    In the case that it is realised, that the woman is pregnant, the waiting period lasts the entire time she is pregnant. During the waiting period (whether the woman is pregnant or not) the man is obligated to provide food, clothing and shelter to the woman as he did before the divorce pronouncement. If the couple carries the divorce through to the birth of the child and the woman suckles the baby, the man is obligated to feed and clothe both his ex-wife for the time the woman suckles (the maximum being two years). After this weaning, the child will be provided for by the father until he/she is no longer in need of support.


    It is quite ironic that in such an "advanced society" as America, there are divorce cases in which women are being forced to pay alimony to their ex-husbands. Can this and many other things we know about the American system of divorce compare to the Islamic system of divorce?


    I have also read stories wherein it is stated that women are forced to marry men without their consent. This in no way resembles the marriage system in Islam. In Islaam the woman marries the man of her choice. She may even marry someone that her mother and/or father objects to. The point is that it is the woman who makes the final decision as to whom she will marry. Once the man and the woman decide that they are interested in one another for marriage, a dowry is decided upon. A dowry is not a brides price but, it is a gift from the groom to the bride. They agree upon a gift that is affordable by the groom. In the time of the Prophet (sas), often things such as livestock and money were given. This is a wise decision in the event that a woman becomes divorced or widowed, she has some financial security to fall back on even if it is for a limited amount of time. Once the man and woman are married, the man is required to clothe, feed, shelter and educate her (or allow her to be educated) in the same manner as he does himself.


    The last distorted image that I will cover is that of the Muslim women's dress. The western influenced media portrays our dress to be outdated and oppressive. Needless to say however, I differ with these adjectives. Our dress code does not hinder us from doing anything productive in our lives. Muslim women maintain a variety of jobs, non of which are devalued nor hampered due to their dress code. And as for the timing of muslims women's dress during these contemporary times, it seems most appropriate due to decreasing morals in the world today.


    For those who say that Islamic dress is outdated, they speak from great ignorance. The decreasing morality and trials of this time makes Hijaab even more in need. More than ever before sex crimes are rampant. Although this society tells women they can wear what they want to wear, anytime a rape occurs the woman is the one put on trial an one of the first questions is, "What were you wearing?" This concept seems as though it is a set up directed against the so called contemporary woman. Also there is a direct correlation between the respect a man has for a woman and the amount of her body her body she displays flauntingly.


    In conclusion, I hope this article helped to clear up some distorted/misunderstood aspects of Islam and women. Women in Islam are respected and held in high regard. We will never find success and/or solutions to our problems until we realise that Allaah knows best and that this disbelieving society will ruin itself