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Posts posted by D.O.C

  1. Maah maah baa ah " Doqoni intay gudokale maydhaysey ayaa keedii uray" maanta kuwan reer meeshan wax ku qoray baa taagan. Shalayto muqdisho 50 oo masaakiina ayaa ku dhintay, maalin walba a waa sidaa. Hadii kastuumo, awdal, Iyo maakhir idin rabaan dee kaxaysta oo Canada isaga dhiga lol. Somaliland inta u dhalatay uun baa leh daacadna u ah, wax somalia kusoo noqonayaan maaha waxba wakhtiga hayskaga qaadina qoraal bilaa macne ah.


    Alshabab is creating to so havoc by slaughtering every generation in your country yet you mad about a functions country, you such a hateful ***. May somalia be in this situation you are in the next 100 yrs, I don't care as long as you rot in your deserted land.

  2. This is more like an Indian adulterer rather than a man angered by his 4 hoochie mumas, also the lady on her knees is old enough to be the lad's nanny.

  3. I can't believe in 21 century, a guy could initiate conversation with a girl in the following line "Excuse me errrm, am trying to wake up, can you punch me in the face?" He is even having difficulties for understanding her level of communication. The Chinese dude is a saviour!


    I like when she said, "well there you go i hit every point, which doesnt make it eeh, which doesnt render too transparent i think it's good people with right reaction (thump up) so that is something" with gangster glare (looking right on the camera direction), that is damn hot!

  4. It is so heartbreaking to see so called educated Somali women looking down on unfortunate ones of their own race. FYI reer miyi is a way of life for some but not a social division.

  5. Maaddeey;937998 wrote:
    But a lot of people celebrated the death of Abu Musab, I remember the day he died, all the famous front page newspapers had his mutilated body in it, a close-up one, and no body said a word about it.

    I don't think we should as scholars notified us repeatedly, yet we us muslims doing so much against our diin. May be that is why we all messedup coz we are nor practicing the we should

  6. Naxar Nugaaleed;937617 wrote:
    in a country that's about ten million, is there even a need for so many "international" airports? I think it would be wiser just to have three or two big airports where we concentrate our resources (perhaps Mugadishu, Berbera, Kismaayo, Baidhaba and galkacyo) and have a fleet of small aircrafts to shuttle people to smaller remote airfields.

    How about if you replace BERBERA with BUULA BURDE?:D

  7. Good piece......the most highlighting points were:


    Greeting but was not possible at the time

    Airplane announcement

    The confused journalist

    President was really knackered

    The food (boiled and fried chicken )

    Eventually greeting opportunity came

    Small gossip about the little mice who was running around under the seat was discussed aka journilist

    First woman was on the scene

    Mr President, we'd welcome you in Ireland


    Seems the flight comprises for 15 mins max.

  8. Dr_Osman;937976 wrote:
    I cant let go of this parliament, because somaliland has done better even though Puntland parliament is 5 times the size of they'res but inside they are 5 times better and I cant accept this because I am Puntian citizen


    First of all, i would like to congratulate Puntland for rebuilding itself from rubbles and shinning out in the middle of war-zone country, however somaliland has done the same thing but the difference is, somaliland has broke away from the symptoms of the problem by washing its hands off for not returning back to the dreams we once shared in past. In this small redsea country they value peace more than anything else.

  9. I had so much memories with MSN with my other half whom was 10000 miles away from my vicinity, in another words MSN has brought us together by making us to communicate freely with absolutely no charge. I wish, the microsoft could resuscitate MSN for more years for the upcoming youngesters, but that is not gonna happen...RIP.

  10. Safferz;937218 wrote:
    "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

    - Socrates (attributed by Plato, 4th century BCE)


    "I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint"

    - Hesoid (7th century BCE)

    Safferz, i undoubtedly agreed with you, but then we have to blame ourselves too as fathers and mothers for not guiding the newser nation the way we have been guided in our youth time. I think, we lost our rich muslim cultrul identity and youth are not to blame for this metamorphosis.

  11. Safferz;936821 wrote:
    I think most of us here belong to the civil war generation, so there's a sense of nostalgia for the Somalia we learned about from the memories of our parents, since we were either too young to remember or born during/after the collapse.

    I don't know what civil war you are referring to but the war is still going on and unfortunately these somalis are sitting on the comfort of their houses in Europe or US posting some past youtube clips, expecting Kenyans, sierre leonese, ethiopians, ugandans, brundise, and now egiptians to free YOUR country lol, how silly? These law makers of yours can't even agree on jubbaland issues.