Abokor Omar

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Posts posted by Abokor Omar

  1. SSC is a terrorist organisation with links to al-Qaida. It's no surprise that they are willing to commit terrorist acts like the above one.


    Btw, Somalina rather then giving this excellent news of a car being burnt, why don't you tell us how many innocent lifes have been lost today, taken by the TFG so called government and the African Bantu mercenaries protecting them.

  2. The international community needs to be made are of the new terrorist threat operating in southern Togdheer, buhoodle. The SSC trained by Al-Qaida wishes create anarchy in the Democratic Republic of Sonaliland and sabotage the peace. The western free nation should be aware of any sleeper cells belonging to this group and they have to be arrested before they can do any damage both here and abroad.

  3. I have been informed by some reliable sources that the SSC group has made an alliance with Al-Shabab the terrorist organisation in cahoot with Al-Qaida to destabilise Somaliland because of it's democracy and peace..

  4. Dahabshil has always promoted Somalinimo above all else. He does business with every Somali community in ever region on there terms. It's a model business on how business over comes division. He helps communities outside Somaliland by donating to hospitals, schools and food. The SSC people who a problem with him today did not for the last 20 years what's changed? These people promote unity but target a successful Somali organisation all because of the qabil he hails from. Honestly can any sain person take this old washed up women serious. She is a hate monger that's turned singing into a nasty clannish cry for war.Dahabshill does business in every region of Somalia if the SSC doesn't like fair dues but don't make baseless lies. We know out of the mad women and Dahabshill who is qabilist. Only one crying for more wars.

  5. Taleexi;704448 wrote:
    Cabaadka iyo cayda halkaa ka wad Abti telefoonada ehelada yaan laga nixin.

    Hold on to that Abti card tight, when the boys from Qorilugud, Caynaba, Balidhiig, come knocking on your door and inform you that your property is actually state property and you need to vacate the premises. It might come in handy.

    Ina Kahin was merciful last time, I dont think he will be in the same mood this time around.lol

  6. Bal lets think hypothetical and apply common sense to the claims above, even though I find it difficult to believe that not one but 3 leaders of the Somaliland government have spoken to a total stranger about government policy over the phone. Moving on from that, I would expect my leaders to have that line of thinking. The tribe concerned is one we have been on opposing sides in almost every historical conflict and today we are on opposing sides. So yes my leaders share the public opinion of the every day joe in Burco and I'm glad they are not sleeping in office but working to further our interest and all the people who want to see Somaliland succeed. Thats my take on my leaders.

    You however, are being pimped by your leaders to the highest bidder. They work for the interest of your enemy.

    So tell me SSC people who should really be ashamed of this moles findings me with my leaders or you with yours?

  7. So what's the next move premier of the SSC production team, the return of the mad mullah or the resurrection of Afweyne, or maybe the Darwish army rides from the grave pillaging the natives of Burco.lol


    Sxb, this is beyond pathetic and walle with stunts like these it shows the world how amateurish and childish this SSC thing is. I almost feel sorry for them because they too me seem like a bunch of mentally challenged people ( and no offence intended to the mentally challenged people across the world by comparing them to the SSC) have got together and with no planning or brain are trying sabotage something bigger and far more powerful.

    SSC charity No:8232190. Contact Dark Mos Marfish, N19. Mobile; 07986675432. Call after 6pm as is asleep during the day.

  8. Sxb, its common knowledge that you guys are a bunch of double dealing disloyal two faced reer miyis, who for the right price will not only sell their mums but also the kitchen sink to the highest bidder. Why else is your region in dispute, with half your leaders in Hargeisa and the others in garowe? You don't need to fabricate lies and make yourself look ******.

    What you fail to understand is that the art of propaganda requires a more subtle approach and you have to be aware of who your targeted audience is and what sort of effect your input will have on them once they you have exposed your narrative to them. Somaliland is selling it's propaganda to the movers and shakers, as africas best kept secret. This will be digested by desperate White and we will provide facts to back this position. Who is the SSC's targeted audience with this childish stunt, the cheerleading pirates desperate for anything that might even give them the slightest hope in slowing down the jumbo jet that is Somaliland on the run way ready to take of. Or is it the ONLF brigade who after 100 year occupation need anything to distract them from their pitiful and perilous destiny. My SSC friends and foes, Somalia is dead and it would be ****** for you expect a hero is on his way to save you from your light headed leaders disunity and destructive decision making. So swallow your pride and come join the nation building in a sincere manner and as the saying goes you lose some and you win some, but hands up and admit you have lost this one. It will help you progress.

  9. The SSC and it's supporters remind me of a circus that's badly run with little support, to attract attention it resorts to more desperate measures by the day...

    •One day they have killed a dozen or so sl army.

    •then they killed Ina Kahin

    •they have captured the disputed area and are in firm control

    •today's above lie takes the biscuit. They have a recording of every major leader from SL saying something controversial, as if the SSC supporters gave them all a hand written script in a play portraying the SSC as some sort of heroes ready to save the day.

    Give us a break. There is propaganda and there is down right dishonest lies...

  10. I don't get this. Didn't these same websites claim that they had killed the Mujahid Ina Kahin, now they have a recording of him talking about sensitive state secrets. Is the man dead and this so called Mole has found a passage to paradise and after interviewing the Mujahid returned to share his findings. Or the more likely scenario is that this is a lie just like the claim you killed the Mujahid.

    Btw, if you have to lie at least make beliveable. No point in fabricating something only the faithful and desperate will swallow.

  11. AfricaOwn;703237 wrote:
    What a silly, silly, silly idea. This one term old man shouldn't be allowed to do this. This will definitely create more problems for Somaliland because there are a lot of clan-minded folks in Somaliland.

    Desrespecting your president is nor clever. You should be more gracious in defeat. Lol


    Btw, he can do as he likes, he has the mandate from the people of Somaliland..

  12. The British Ruled the north and today we rule it even greater our power is supreme . God it feels good

    But, just like you fought the British you are more then welcome to fight us. You will lose thats guaranteed but you can tell your grandchildren how you fought all the northern tribes alone and ignore the fact you lost. That's if your not extinct by then.

  13. Basher, did I hit a nerve? Lol

    The fact of the matter is you guys are still stuck in the 1800's, with queens and mad mullahs. Time however waits for no one and it can be brutal with no sympathy. It makes no difference today if your folks used to sleep in the stable with the Mad Mullah horses or they eavesdrop on the females gossiping hoping to find some juicy bit of info to take to your master Afweyne. That's the past let me pull your head out of your **** and give you the hard truth you are scared off. Today you will embrace Somaliland and accept your duty or you will be hunted down like your breathten across the border in Ethioipia, blooded and beaten by the Tigre shaft. You choose, we deliver..

  14. History has witnessed we always prevail and you will fail. Its tough for a country to be born blood has to be spilt. You my friend are willing to be the ceremonial lamb for the birth of Somaliland on the world stage. We will grant you your wish and put you on the chopping board something that should have happened in the 90's.

  15. We need footsoldiers and spies for our soon to be country. So in short no, either the children of the mad mullah will have to vacate las anood and buhoodle and dwell on the other side of the border, or they will become loyal citizens doing what they do best. The north will not be turned into bandit country simply because one tribe does not want to follow the civilised majority...no sir.

  16. If the British decide to support Somaliland it's not down to their past history with the high on opium mullah, but because it's clear for anybody to see only one group wants to join the civilised world whilst the other wants anarchy. Do you think the White man is confused by hate and is unable to see right from wrong. Only Somalis from a certain tree hate Somaliland and it's people, oppose it and will never acknowledging any progress it makes.

    Get those books out the demoralised folks back home need more fairytales about the Mullah and his favourite horse, not forgetting everyones favourite footsoldiers. Lol