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Everything posted by Strawberry_Xu

  1. I already have a mild form of OCD by washing my hands continuously, thanks a lot for pushing me further down the road of insanity. Also, I've heard that the average keyboard is dirtier than a toilet-seat.
  2. Lately a realisation dawned on me, one I've resisted in entertaining, that the Palestinians will never get all of their lands back. I mean, it's alright for us to sit back here, from the comfort of our sofas, egging the Palestinians on to die defending muslim lands, while their own children are dying in retaliation for very fruitless efforts. None of these suicide bombings have any effect (some of them don't even make sense). I mean, a lot of the efforts are motivated by the hope that all of Palestine will be returned, which to me sounds implausible. Israel will never allow it, nor will the International community. But what if they instead concentrated all their efforts on gaining autonomy and power in the lands that are already Palestinian territory (though in some cases in name only). I mean, look at how the PA ate itself from the inside out, look at how they target their own people at times, and look at the corruption. Even if they gained all the lands, can you be confident that they won't misrule themselves the way a lot of other muslim countries have done. Basically, shouldn't the Palestinians or rather Hamas and Islamic Jihad and all the others, work on being a viable state first. Israel has lost a lot of sympathy from the International community, especially Britain, but it has regained much of it when it released the settlements in Gaza. But it no longer has the support it did, and these Palestinian organisations could work together in recovering support by showing that they want peace, by giving up on regaining all of Palestine, and instead concentrate on regaining power in the West Bank and Gaza. Work on drawing international attention to expanding settlements in the West Bank and other illegal activities. Sympathy is the strongest power Israel has, and it only does so because the international community cannot trust the Palestinian to take care of themselves and those around them. Once they have the whole of the most powerful countries on their side, Israel in an effort to once more regain their sympathy, could back off and allow the Palestinians to get the power back in the areas they are supposed to be controlling. I know I'm not saying anything new, but it seems increasingly clear to me (though I could be mistaken) that peace, real peace, can only come when the Palestinians (and their muslim allies) change their objectives. What do you think? Should the Palestinians give up on regaining all of Palestine?
  3. Originally posted by Northerner: . Mayor Jan Creemers said he brought it forward because old people were afraid and children cried when women started appearing in long black robes with their faces covered. That's a way forward of course, instead of educating people and dispelling their fear, we reinforce it. I mean seriously, the sort of muslim women who wear niqabs and suchlike, do so as an expression of their modesty, they are the most gentle of all muslims, not even wanting to raise their voice at someone. How come that these humble women have become symbols of fear? A while ago, one Dutch councillor had banned headscarves for all his council workers, because (get this): some people might see it as a symbol of oppression! (I'm paraphrasing here) If one has an incorrect view of something, shouldn't you educate them and try to change it, rather than just give in to their irrational fears. Of course, it's no point preaching to the converted here, but still. Perhaps I have to do my bit in educating those non-muslims around me.
  4. This is bloody depressing. I personally am not in favour of the niqab, but by God do I support a woman's right to wear it. To be honest, we're living in a disgusting misogynistic society, where a woman's identity depends on what you can see of her body. :mad:
  5. Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever learns anything of astrology has learned a branch of witchcraft (al-sihr)…†And al-Bazzaar narrated with a jayyid isnaad from ‘Imraan ibn Husayn that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “He is not one of us who practises augury or has it done for him, who tells fortunes or has his fortune told, or who practises witchcraft or has that done for him.†Whoever claims to know some matter of the unseen either is a fortune-teller or is acting like a fortune-teller in some sense, because Allaah is the only One Who has knowledge of the unseen. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning); I didn't realise this applied to anything to do with astrology. I know any form of divination is haraam without question, and really I don't read horoscopes or pay any attention to them. I was just surprised by how accurate the personality profiles were. I don't automatically judge people by their star signs but retrospectively, it seems to be fairly insightful. Maybe I was a bit silly to call it a science, but it all seems very methodological. But I guess if it's haraam, it is and thank you for letting me know.
  6. Do you ever check out your horoscope? I find astrology interesting in so far it describes personality traits. I don't know about you, but most of the stuff I've read about my profile and that of others I know, ring really true. So mostly it's things I already know about myself and perhaps that's why it's so fascinating to see something agree with my observations. The astrological profiling is really complex, a lot more is considered than the rubbish you read in the horoscope section of the newspapers, which mostly concentrate on Sun Signs (to check out a basic profile on your sun sign, click here ) For instance, astrologers reckon your horoscope is as unique as your fingerprint. They consider, your time/date of birth, as well as your location (langtitude/longtitude), the position of various planets plus your: - Sun sign. Your Sun Sign is where the Sun was placed in the Zodiac at the time of your birth. Sun signs have become the staple diet of popular astrology, because everyone knows their birthday and the Sun's position can be easily worked out. Here's how: we divide the year into twelve months of around thirty days each and the Sun takes about thirty days to travel through each of the twelve astrological signs. - Ascendant. Also known as the Rising Sign, is the sign of the Zodiac which was rising over the eastern horizon at the time of your birth.This changes approximately every two hours. Even twins born as little as five minutes apart could have different ascendants, which would make a real difference in their horoscopes and therefore their personalities. Your Ascendant represents your self-image and, to a considerable extent, how others see you. If you find, for instance, that the gentle, caring man you've met doesn't seem to fit the personality profile of the typical Aries... well, perhaps it's because he has a Pisces Ascendant. Or, if you find that only about half of what you read on this website applies to your submissive Leo lady, perhaps accommodating Libra crossed the horizon at the time of her birth. - Moon Sign. Your Moon Sign is the sign of the Zodiac occupied by the Moon when you were born. The Moon sign indicates your personality, reflecting the emotional development you underwent in your formative years. It can be thought of as an imprint or legacy from your early home environment and especially from the way your mother related to you when you were a child. As an adult, you experience the Moon sign as a bundle of deep-seated emotional needs that must be fulfilled. Under pressure, you may exhibit the emotional needs and characteristics of that sign more than the characteristics of your Sun sign. I don't really believe in horoscopes (or anything else) that claims to "predict" the future. However, it is intersting to learn how planets exert an influence on us human beings...that while nothing is predetermined, aspects can be connected to the nature and the universe. If our personality is understood to be formed through a combination of genes, social (and biological) environments, personal experience, childhood etc, I don't why there can't be some traces left on us by the position of our planet at the day of our birth. (I mean, earth's orbit and that of other planets affects pretty much everything else on our planet, so why not us humans). I know it's not very scientific, and much of this cannot be quantified. But I still find some astrological findings, personally surprisingly insightful. Source Personally, I consider it a science. How do you feel about it? Oh, ps. Before you ask, no I don't believe in witches, psychics, tarot cards, or anything like that. And no, I don't consult soothsayers and suchlike. Though on the subject of Tarot cards, I've heard a theory that says it has much to do with our subconcious feeling drawn to a certain descision, meaning that we sort of choose a destiny and then try to act on it rationally without knowing that we wanted it in the first place. Kind of like a self-fulfilled prophecy.
  7. ^^^ Store up I say, you never know when sudden famine will strike the country
  8. Originally posted by underdog: Round 3 quote: Mosh Pit!!
  9. Somali women are hella rude, they go up to strangers and tell them their baby is too fat. I've never met anyone nicer than Japanese and Chinese people. Indians who've just arrived in the country are pretty nice too, they still have that funny accent, they are always super polite....calling you 'Madam' all the time. Cockney blokes can be really nice too, love it when they call me 'sweetheart'.
  10. I read that at one point, they started forcibly subjecting little girls to internal exams, to check if they had undergone FGM. Read this article about this disgusting incident.
  11. I love Family Guy, I think I know most of the lines for season 1 & 2 off by heart. Some of my fav quotes: Peter (with a hangover): This sucks worse than that time I went to that museum. (Flashback to childhood, standing in museum looking at dinosaur skeltons.) Peter (as a child): Why did all the dinosaurs die out? Man at Museum: Because you touch yourself at night. And Peter: I'll handle it, Lois. I read a book about this sort of thing once. Brian: Are you sure it was a book? Are you sure it wasn't nothing? Peter: Oh yeah.
  12. ^^ I heard that excerpt before, brilliant stuff. I don't remember much from the documentary he made, and I don't much care for Darcus Howe but you can't say there isn't a serious problem with the Somali youths in Woolwich. Sure not all of them are like that, but there are enough of them to really make some neighbourhoods a living hell for its residents. Also, the fact that no Somali wants to speak ill of their community, doesn't prove there's nothing ill to speak of in the first place. Somalis are a close-knit community, it's just not done, in fact, many of them turn a blind eye to what their kids are doing.... it has nothing to do with loyalty, it's plain irresponsible that's what it is.
  13. Actually my impression was that many Somali girls (that I know) prefer black guys, so when they're not into Somali guys, they like African or Carribean guys. I've seen more racism directed towards white people than black people.
  14. The monkeys have become organised? :confused: God help us all!
  15. Oh Oh Oooooooooooooooooooooh, I can't wait! I really really can't wait to see this. I cry myself to sleep sometimes, because I can't wait anymore. *dreams of a life of servitude to Peter Jackson*
  16. Originally posted by Katrina: I've been thinking somali men who cook is an urban myth. Hear me out, most guys I've known eagerly point out that fact in the first or second conversation (like that's gonna win me over...sheesh) but I've yet to have any cook me a simple spagetti & tomato sauce meal. I won't even mention the possibiltiy of the impossible (gourmet meal) thereby leading to the obvious and logic hypothesis; an urban When I see the tell all marks of spagetti strands on their kitchen walls then and only then will I become a believer. Hooo, let me stop you right there! I don't know about other Somali men, but myy dad is one Somali man who can cook and cook well. When he comes home from work, he will nip into the kitchen, rather than trouble me or my mum. Not only does he cook, he does DIY, he cleans, he irons his own shirts, he does his own laundry mostly, he does the dishes and goes grocery shopping... all the while holding down a demanding job to support his family. Then he frequently buys my mum flowers and presents. He takes her out to restaurants and weekend trips to the countryside or continent. And he remembers her birthdays, and gives my sister and I money for her presents so we can pretend we haven't forgotten. So there!
  17. ^^ YES! with their Super Awesome Jew/Neo-con Website-Shutter Missile! I knew it. Those sneaky jews, always protecting arab interests.
  18. ^^ At first, one would suspect concerns of libel suits. But if you think carefully (while cutting off blood-supply to your internal organs), the rational side of your brain will shut down and it will be clearer than ever that the real culprits are the evil filthy neo-cons. They've been shutting down sites with anything remotely approaching decent grammar, in case it offends their Saviour the BushMan. But don't worry, if you put on your tin-foil helmet the neo-cons will make all those troublesome concerns about freedom of speech go away and replace them by images of happy Republican bunnies. Very happy bunnies.....aaahhh
  19. ^^ It's a fact that 100% of the world population might or might not have at some point believed that 90% of all statistics are - in all probability - made up. Just so you know. ... As for the liquour stores, the same seems to be true in my neighbourhood in London too. I'm not gonna beat them up over it, but it is disconcerting to know that the majority of liquour stores (and betting shops for that matter) seem to be situated in socially deprived areas, and even worse so, to know that muslims are contributing to this (I mean seriously, we ought to know better, at least when it comes to alcohol)
  20. Me scouting for an actress for a film, this is basically the gist of one e-mail exchange: Me: Ehh nice pictures, but have you acted before? Girl: No but I do nudity Me: It's not that kind of film. Girl: Here have a picture of my breasts Me: No thanks Girl: TAKE IT!! Me: eehh, nice picture, but we need an ACTRESS Girl: I once pretended to really like a car during car show, where I worked as a model, topless, here have some more pictures of my breasts Me: ohh, okay, well I'll get back to you Girl: Do I have the part? Me: ehh, don't call us, we'll call you Lesson no.1 to all airheaded bimbos out there: Breast implants does NOT equal acting talent! Now go play with your dolls.... :mad:
  21. Originally posted by Fayrouz: p.s. I have yet to see a Professionally produced Video/DVD by Somalis for Somalis. Just you wait Caano Geel: YEp, i'm an arts student starting a foundation on fine art soon hopefully That's so cool. What did your family say when you decided to do that? My immediate family was very supportive, but uncles and aunts, other relatives and almost every older Somali person I know are convinced I'll end up directing porn. :rolleyes: For what use? For the chance to express your passions and inspire others to do the same. Seriously, we need doctors, engineers etc. And I'd never compare my work to theirs in terms of value. But don't you think that we need art and entertainment after all these years of war and destruction. I think we as Somalis have a lot of powerful things we need to express to the rest of the world. By engaging in politics and social development, we can express the facts of our destructive situation, but only through art can we possibly explain our emotions as a people, and it's only through these emotions that the world can understand us in return.
  22. ^^ almost as bad as doing a 'quotes' sign with your fingers. Soon we'll be forced to use physical punctuation whenever we speak. I wonder what the sign for a full-stop is?
  23. We all know we've got plenty of engineering, physics, biology, med students. I was just wondering how many of you are studying a degree or have a job related to the arts, whether it be design, animation, illustration, film, music, literature, fine art, fashion etc.? Are there any Somali art students around? Me, I'm doing a degree in Film Studies.
  24. Originally posted by Yoonis_Cadue: It's always helpful to have a relative who can give one or two advice's how to avoid the cops. Wow, way to improve the next generation! How about instead giving advice about NOT doing anything illegal?