Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. Nin yaban, You are ignorent!! Help won't fend an attacker off! In any case, the best thing to yell is FIRE because everyone runs out to see the fire!!! Not alot of people respond to help because they are afraid for themselves!
  2. Nin yaban, I finally figured out your damn qaad chewer!! Explains everything! What I wanted to say was...people who chew that stuff are plain nasty to me!! No offense
  3. That joke was a blatant racial discrimination!!! *lol*
  4. You know what, don't you think its wrong to joke about our prophets???? That's just stepping out of line, even for jokes' sake :rolleyes:
  5. ^ That would be number 10 then! Malikah, I guess #10 describes me well den, hunh?! :cool:
  6. *lol* I was trying not to laugh so hard at work!!!! My personal fave: How to kill a man!!!
  7. err.. I don't know about you guys, but it seems to me that I am the most popular member in S.O.L. **lol** Just kiddin'..I don't believe in these types of threads "No comment" on the most popular!!! :cool:
  8. err.. I don't know about you guys, but it seems to me that I am the most popular member in S.O.L. **lol** Just kiddin'..I don't believe in these types of threads "No comment" on the most popular!!! :cool:
  9. err.. I don't know about you guys, but it seems to me that I am the most popular member in S.O.L. **lol** Just kiddin'..I don't believe in these types of threads "No comment" on the most popular!!! :cool:
  10. err.. I don't know about you guys, but it seems to me that I am the most popular member in S.O.L. **lol** Just kiddin'..I don't believe in these types of threads "No comment" on the most popular!!! :cool:
  11. Originally posted by qoslaaye: 2) WOMEN SHOULD REMEMBER WHY ALLAH ALLOWED MEN TO MARRY UP TO FOUR WIVES IF THEY CAN? THIS IS TO SOLVE THESE KIND OF PROBLEMS. MEN WHO CAN SHOULD MARRY SINGLE MOTHER AS THEIR FIRST, SECOND, THIRD OR FOURTH WIVES AND OTHER WOMEN SHOULD NOT STOP THEIR HUSBAND TO DO SO. Hon, Allah (s.a.w.) allowed polygomy...with lots of restrictions!!! I don't think Somali men adhere to that at all..they just want to increase the booty, na'mean..and thats not a good enough reason. I think the restrictions are so hard to accomplish that no Somali man can marry up to four wives. ie, you have to have enough money to support all of the households, make ALL your wives happy, raise your kids, e.t.c Besides, no MAN of mine will marry another wife!!! over my dead body, as they say
  12. Khayr, I thought I was the only one who thought the opening fight was the best fight I've seen thus far!!! I loved that movie...especially when I saw a black man doing the irish riverdance!!! lol Leonardo DiCaprio was not a "pretty boy" in that movie and I have a new found appreciation for his acting skills!! :cool:
  13. **Hahaha** @ rebel, This must have happened to you!! ( are you farah #1 or farah #2??) Anyway, obviously, farah #1 and Halimo weren't meant to be..So why suffer yourself...err..I mean..why should farah #2 suffer ??? I mean if they truly love eachother and meant to be together, I don't see what's stopping them, na'mean :cool:
  14. Kayr, No chris was persian not indian !!! I think that a Somali guy in there would not last past the first round (Sorry Fellaz) They would be so motivated by the million dollars that they will lose all charm and romanticness (If that's even a word..but you get my drift)!!!! Besides, who in the right mind would want to be in a corrupt show like THAT? :cool:
  15. I think Maturity is someone who has common sense, responsibility, level-headed and understanding. You can be old and have education and still be the immaturest person to walk the earth, so age and education have nothing to do with it! :cool:
  16. So Quiet Storm, Why are you repeating what you saw at the game here? You are pretty much cussing out the whole southern part of the country and waving your flag here just like they did at the game! How are your actions here better than theirs? Personally, I'm politically neutral. Being a southerner, I was deeply offended that you just categorized most of us with Afwayne and his wrong doings!! He targeted our people too..along with other major tribes .. HE EVEN KILLED PEOPLE FROM HIS OWN DAMN TRIBE (what does that say about him) So why cuss out everyone else in Somalia because of this tyrant? Sounds rather ignorent to me :rolleyes: :rolleyes: PS: Uhmmm..Somaliland isn't a country yet! I'm aware that they are seeking recognition...but it's not official! (Didn't say that to offend you..just dropping known facts) Disclaimer: If I'm wrong ...then I must've missed the memo and for that I apologize!!!!
  17. Moti, I'm 90% woman 10% unknown !! :cool: So can you make me that tomb raider poster?
  18. Mizz Lexus, You got some nerve yah, calling other people fat! What is this fear of fat people? Are you anorexic or something? Do you look in the mirror and think "Gosh, I don't want to be fat?" every morning? Besides, men like their women with a meat to hold on to ....not a stick!! (Not unless you are into cadaan men ) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  19. **hehehe** @ Shaka Zulu... Didn't know you had it in you !!
  20. Qoslaaye, How do you know a perfect man doesn't exist? Just because YOU'RE not perfect ... (I dare not continue this sentense) Anyway, Who needs a perfect man??? I need a man a little rough around the edges
  21. **hehehehe** @ Kool Kat..Good one!!
  22. I miss getting chased by a stampede of mad cows *lol* Tamina, I know eh, Ilahi ha una xaristo! I miss the fantos too!
  23. damn it!!! must you tell us everything? I am at the part where harry is going back to hogswart. I can't believe I'm admitting to reading a children's book ! :cool: