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Everything posted by MR ORGILAQE

  1. I never did like small print "none of this should be used against me......" C'mon 7 say it as it is
  2. naaaah i cant be that 'cos i am claustrophobic
  3. Zephryne may allah give you jannah for your contribution i am not trying to get broke students to go even more broke.It's just that this baby's pain and predicament got to me and i cant just sit around and NOT do something.1 Dollor per person here will make at least £5000 and that will go a long way towards paying for this child's operation.I will set up the fund with the money transfer company this weekend and ensure that the money is only paid out to the hospital and/or travell to the hospital and the needs of the child inshallah.
  4. i am really really dissapointed people.If this post was about qabil crap there would have been a zillion responses by now but it is only fii sabiililaah right so it doesnt matter right.Is this the backbone of this this what you are made off.Well prove me wrong!!!!!
  5. you forgot michelle platini and cantona,zico,romario,paulo rossi,and finally shearer As for managers add Terry venables in there
  6. She needs an urgent operation otherwise chances are she'll die and she is only a few days old.i will set up a fund with one of the Money transfer companies and will let you know but i need to have an idea of the response level that is why i want people to count themselves in or out.There is no set amount whatever one can afford.
  7. i know she is crap because she in B BROTHER and I know of her in the newspapers.Does that answer your question?
  8. c'mon people surely SOL members are not that heartless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I find Big Brother Boring.A bunch of Soryy a$$es who dont have a life!.Makosi is crap too as far as i am concerned and i dont watch the programme let alone knowing when the finale is
  10. I can't look. That's precisely why you should make a stand and help this little girl Zephryne.Do i count you in or out?.


    farxan Can i pay some $$, to view all the appliactions Farxan this agency is not for sale.
  12. i think this will work on the regions we all live in.For instance we could have a London get together birmingham or Fife if that is what we all agree.Those in the US can do the same. o.g moti will have a get together with all his turantulas in the cambodian jungle etc personally i would invite only seven people here that i found to be progressive,funny,and appreciate the finer things in life.sadly one of them is in the US and cannot attend this meeting at the moment.
  13. Or better still bring out a law of STOP AND SEARCH and anyone caught with a cute text on there will be arrested for attempted Flirting and conspiracy to commit flirting
  14. I saw this story and i was Shocked.Please,Please fellow brothers and sisters let your pocket speak for you in this case and help this young somali girl.admin help out with Organising this.Maybe even put this post permently on the first page etc.This is trully Saddaqa and Allah will help you in Return..Amen I am open to suggestions as to how we should do it but i am going for it so please join me.Subhannallah this is shocking


    i am the representative of the fair trading agency .just looking out for the interest of the consumers here
  16. Good Morning guys It's FRIDAY and boy do I love Friday So what do you guys have planned for this weekend I am looking forward to salaat Juma'a For some strange reason i seem to be exhausted this morning.Coffee doesnt seem to be doing the trick,I even did a couple of hours in the gym last night to get my energy levels up by no luck.No mineral diffeciency i can think of.So only one conclusion exhaustion.This has lead to me cancelling all my plans this weekend except one playing with my 2 kids.They seem to somehow enjoy using me as their punchbag when they are practising their Aikido.Yes it bloody hurts and the older they get the heavier their punches i am going to have to give up this post and deny them the chance of a good laugh when they see me hurt


    another one bites the dust hooh haaah farxan dont come complaining to the fair trading standards agency
  18. kashaf .....son go play in the garden,the adults are talking is a lolipop.good boy
  19. There was an American man that had an meeting in France. He met a woman and that night they had their own meeting. While they were where having sex, she was yelling, "TROU FAUX,TROU FAUX." He did not know what that meant, but assumed it to be some sort of praise. The next day, he went to play golf with the men he had the meeting with. One of them made a hole in one. He yelled, "TROU FAUX,TROU FAUX !" They looked at him and said, "what do you mean wrong hole?"
  20. jacaylbaro mind i can understand it from ur nickname Ori I don't have to........I can see ur single... will give u one shot to get a match.. after dat.........Fiyaaaaaaaa faaraabuuto yaayah ma foori kari feerahaa i xanuunaa : Hibo xanuuni okaa maba bilaabin eeh
  21. kruella I see your point the abuser in my view is a person lacking self confidence,a coward who was probably bullied in the past who can never shake off his feeling of inequality and has to prove to himself every now and then that he is somebody by bashing his poor partner and the solution for him is to kick his sorry *** to ends of the world.
  22. we call it RUGBY and we don't wear pads for protection and we break bones,back bones,neck etc.You break a finger and you take a whole season off,we have players playing with a broken neck
  23. But i am happy this morning after i purchased my season football ticket(not soccer,you dummy Brits). You pompous arrogant burger eating yank.What do you know about football other than to mess it all up by wearing pads all over your body because you are afraid to get hurt........ you sissies
  24. i am not saying they are abused because of their failures but they cant leave an abusive relationship because they cant handle everyday failures that you an i accept as our own and are looking for scapegoat and a way to tell themselves that they only reason they failed is because they are in an abusive relationship.This is an explanation for all their ills in life and wouldnt know how to deal with their ills in life if they left the abusive relationship.
  25. i mean your description of your morning is my idea of forced labour, i'm surprised u're not plotting a plan to escape c a a n o g ee l