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Posts posted by MR ORGILAQE

  1. soomaali hore ayaa kumaahmaahdey


    Afar waa afar: Noloshu waa Niyad; Naftu waa qaali; Nacaybku waa olol; Nabsigu waa qaraar.



    Marka walaalayaal


    1)nolosha haa iska xumeenina oo niyadiina kheyr usheega marka aad kahadleesaan wadankiina hooyo

    2)naftu waa qaali oo qiimeeya naftiina iyo tan walaalkiin

    3)Hagubanina oo ololka nacaybka kayimaada iskadaaya oo waliba iska ilaaliya

    4)nabsiga aad gashiid maanta kaamaharo ee ogow adun iyo akhiiro wuu kudabasocone


    wabilaahi tawfiiq

  2. Liibaan what made you think that we are wrong?I still stand my point they should be seperation of state and religion.Every country has so many different religion followers and you don't want enforce others on something they don't believe in.if muslims want want rule by sheria let the form a nation for the muslims and we will see what happens.I still stand the canandian muslims shouldn't be given special favour than other religions.let us start sheriah in somalia which claims 99.9% muslim and see how it works.



    Truth be told........well let's look at this countries you claim have seperated religion from state.USA for instance and the whole of the west for that matter.Their constitution is The Bible,They enforce on those muslims that live there their way of life i.e you must ASSIMILATE,You must accept homesexuality as being normal,drinking as normal,co-habiting as normal,no parental control as normal,force them to give their children consent to have sex at a young age without marriage.



    See it is already taking place ...ooh and for ISRAEL the TORAH is the NATION.So stop bleating this load of rubbish at us we are not blind OK.Therefore MUslims should be given the right to Govern themselves as they wish besides the others in Canada...christians etc do have these option so why not Muslims or are Muslims less deserving of this right....i ask you that Mr so called Truth be told

  3. Jawhar, Buula Burde, Beledweyn, Guraceel, iyo Dhuusamareeb oo Dhamaan


    Hawada laga waayay iyo in ka Badan Shan kun oo Askari oo Ciidankii Xooga Dalka ah oo Jawhar Gaadhay




    Waxaa Maalintii Shalay Gelinkii Danbe Gaadhay Magaaldada Jawhar in ka badan Shan kun oo Askari oo ah Ciidanka ......


    Xooga Dalka Soomaaliyeed.


    Ciidankan oo ay ugu Badan yihin kuwa Reer Beledwayn iyo kuwa Puntland, ayaa waxaa kale oo weheliya Kuwo badan oo ka tegay dhamaan Gobolada Dalka.


    Waxaa u dhana Dirays koodii Hubkoodii iyo Weliba Tababar koodii oo ay in mudo ah ku Qaadanayeen Deegaanka Mustaxiil.


    Dhanka kale Waxaa ilaa Shalay Go'an Nooc kasta oo Isgaadhsiin Min Jawhar iyo ilaa Guraceel, Sabata loo gooyay Isgaadhsinta ayaa loo aanaynayaa, in aan si dhab ah loo ogaan Ciidanka iyo Qalabkiisa.


    Warar kale oo aan la Xaqiijin ayaa Sheegaya in ay weheliyaan Ciidan aad u Qalabaysan oo loo maleeyay in yihin kuwo Ajnebi ah.


    Waa markii ugu horaysay ee Ciidan intaa le'eg oo Xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed ah la isu keeno tan iyo Dawladii Max'ed Siyaad Bare.


    Widhwidh Online News Center

  4. weeey rafalution

    The place is rocking man

    It's wicked

    Yeah it is a bloody construction site

    Shame though i am off to somalia tomorrow to sample some of my granny's Orgis :D

    Why not delay your trip if you can for another week and we can check the place out together man.I cant reschedule i already bought the ticket and this airlines are pay whether you go or dont go.....catch my drift

  5. seven,thanks

    Jacaylbaro no bro only going to Budunbuto iyo biciidlasaar to see my gran and swallow 5 orgis :D and then i am straight back to dubai to start work in 2 weeks time.


    sheh........i know exactly what you mean....slippery no problem i will only end up in the water and that i will enjoy :D

  6. Hello all thanks for your kind words


    Sheharazde i saw the theme park the moment i landed and tried it on saturday it was great.


    Just got myself a bargain ticket to Garowe city.Have to see my granny in her hometown :D

    It will be the first time in Puntland for me.aaaah am i glad to leave behind Europe.

    Seven yes please organise that meet with your dad but give me a week after i come back from Puntland....purple and pink dirac i know you borgs like pink but orange i thought borgs were colourblind :D .By the way i am crap in Cards so your dad will have to teach me :D

    Having seen the sparkle in my kids eyes i now know i was right to move here.

  7. I spoke to my Granmother who lives in a small town Called Budunbuto iyo biciidlasaar in Nugaal

    She says she is slaughtering five Orgis for me tomorrow and I better get there.she wont take no for an answer.Right i have to look for a ticket to Garowe city.See you after i have demolished those 5 Orgis :D

  8. Sheh,Seven,Jacaylbaro,Foxy,Zephryne ...aka Aeroweyn Thanks


    Boy Dubail is HOT HOT HOT HOT....but beautiful

    I am still trying to get my house connected to the internet.From the moment i landed here i felt this almighty weighed lifted from my shoulders.I cant believe that i am wearing Khamis all day kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.I'll keep you updated.Ant Nomads from Dubai i need some pointers Hola will you

  9. right i have to finally switch off this computer and get it boxed to be shipped off so i cant respond till i get there.Adios and Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters

  10. naaah she aint got nothing going for her.No front no back just a whole lot of mosquito.Forget it.... a real woman needs to have some meat on those bones.....not a tonne of lard..there is a difference, she needs to be voloptous.Till you move on from this mosquitos you aint seen nothing yet boys

  11. jacaylbaro i am in london today which is a mini qaldaan city so dont need for some more of either qaldaan,reer xamar,mudug or any other region.Why?. well i think they are full of crap apart from the occasional moment of brilliance overall they are full of crap and so full of hatred they infectious right now.So i dont fancy catching whatever they got.

  12. sheh and seven of 9

    Thanks for you kind words there is one benefit that i am sure of in this move

    there are a lot of orgis for me to swallow in dubai :D:D:D

    i will log on asap.....well after i settle down of course

  13. Ngonge I remember the 286's kkkkkkkkkkk

    The first one i ever used was the 186 sx IBM kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.Boy was it slow and do you remember those horrible Dot matrix Printers?.You could hear them chirping away a mile off kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  14. well my fellow trollers


    last day in london today

    busy saying my goodbyes to friends and relatives alike.I just came back from my neighbour's house

    she is an elderly white lady that i used to do shopping for every week for.I first saw her when i moved into the area and i saw this very old lady carry an almighty weight and she was just barely able to stand.I offered to help and soon found out she was by herself, no kids.So i offered to do her shopping and general help for the last 3 yrs.She actually shed a tear when i said goodbye to her.she was more concerned with how safe we were going to be in Dubai.Poor thing,Very emotional woman.Went to see my nephews,nieces,uncles,aunts,brothers,sisters and just about everyone i know and i went to make a long distance phone call at one of those cheap telephone/internet cafes owned by somalis in my area and this where i heard the funniest thing so far.this two somalis were trying to make a call in the booth next to mine and one was sitting dialing the other was standing next to him.Their conversation went something like this

    standing one;"war dee bahalku dhiid ma yidhi"

    sitting one"warnaftaadhaan yari maxay sheegin"

    standinng one "naw war dee bahalku dhiiid mayidhi,bahalku markuu diiid yirahdo oo hawadu furanto oo khuuukh dhaho un buu kuugalin ee bahalka dhiid mayidhi"

    Sitting one "naw oo bahalku mahadlaa"


    I was talking to my mum and laughing at the same time.Very funny chaps

  15. The new year of 1991 i was visiting my brother in a small town called Tyringe in sweden.I remember it was cold as hell that new year,and our new year plans were interupted by news of the start of this damned civil war.What a miserable night it was