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Everything posted by Haddad

  1. Originally posted by Goonle: To be honest not all the answers are at the mosque. Your personal opinion doesn't mean you're correct. You don't learn how to drive a car on the net, without actual practice in the real world. No need of beating around the bush. Do you know what that means? It's a silly figure of speech that doesn't make a sense. How do you beat a bush, let alone its around? There are many figure of speeches from various cultures that are outdated, no longer making sense, cannot be absorbed and etc. You don't blindly quote a figure of speech without thinking if it makes a sense, or if it's suitable.
  2. Originally posted by Goonle: What information do u have about temporary marriage with shiite muslims. An iraqi girl told me sex was hallal we just had to do a temporary marriage. Any info? There's life outside the Internet. Go to the nearest mosque to learn about Islam. The other thing, it's Islamic etiquette not to ask questions for the sake of wasting time or space. Your question is similar to this one: The sun rises from the East every day? You asked that question, knowing the sun rises every day from the East. Why do you ask a question you know its answer? That's not smart.
  3. Originally posted by Wordette: ...but isn't the Niikaax, the engagement? No, it's not. I don't know what they call engagement in Somali, but it's (خطوبة) in Arabic, and it's not part of Islam. Even holding a party after Niikaax isn't part of Islam. In Islam, there's only Niikaax & waliima (qado).
  4. Wadi Kouf, Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, Libya.
  5. Originally posted by M.I.L.K: you know what how come we can delete posts on somaliaonline? There's the Delete Topic button, but it doesn't work for users. Just change the title and content of your double post for a future topic.
  6. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Edit: about the topic to be honest I did not read it the title is enough. I can guess what's all about. I am curious; how does the average (majority) young Kuwaiti approach the issue? Is the average Kuwaiti conservative or liberal? If you're finding my questions uneasy, let me know.
  7. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: I view my cousins as my own sisters. That's a view you're entitled to.
  8. Originally posted by shyhem: True dat and that's why we have spokesmen... So, is your friend, the recruiter at the mall, one of those spokesmen?
  9. Originally posted by shyhem: Explain to him please. That only explains certain individuals can't function on their own. Such individuals have to rely on others to say or do something. It's because of lack of self independence and assertiveness that compels them to do so.
  10. Originally posted by shyhem: As long as the screwing is halal you shouldn't worry about who got screwed by who. What is that supposed to mean? Is that the kind of talk a grownup would say? You think street talks are cool?
  11. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: ...you are just a step away from screwing your own sista. There are some notable Muslim figures who have married their cousins. Are you saying what they did was screwing your own sista?
  12. Originally posted by ukthi muslimah: May Allah Talla give us the ability to stay away from these evil acts and bless us with His Mercy and guide us on the right path. Ameen. ربنا يغنينا بحلاله عن حرامه Aamiin to the du'a, and jazakAllah kheyr.
  13. Originally posted by OG_Girl: I don't know what you mean by 'متدين' I mean it by people like (الإخوان المسلمين). Have you ever heard about such people using the term?
  14. Originally posted by 7 0f Nine: Now how did you come to the conclusion its " 39.3% out of the 52.0% ." For inclusion in the study a wife must have at least one pregnancy that terminated in either full term liveborn baby, still birth, or abortion. A total of 1307 ever-married Saudis completed a pre-structured questionnaire during an interview. The rate of consanguineous marriage was 52.0% with an average inbreeding coefficient of 0.0312. First-cousin marriages were the commonest (39.3%) of all matings. Rounding 39.3 to 40 No wonder, the ex-Borg is becoming more human, less precise & efficient.
  15. Originally posted by 7 0f Nine: We are talking about fact, not opinions... The fact talks about 52.0%, and 39.3% out of the 52.0%. Your opinion talks about 40% of 26,000,000. Hopeful, that would help the efficiency of an ex-Borg whose reasonings are getting entangled with emotions.
  16. Originally posted by 7 0f Nine: Stop referring to me as 'someone' horta. What's your designation if you're not 'someone'? between 34 to 80+ percent. 34 to 80+ confirms 52% of the actual study done. 34 - 80 % really isnt much to go on, is it? So I used the results from the sample to apply to the entire population. Despite your fuzzy calculation, even if you're correct, my contention is 40% of all Saudi marriages aren't first cousin related; some are second (or further distant) cousin related.
  17. Let me put it in layman's term: There are 26,000,000 Saudis. Someone stated: 40% of 26,000,000 = 10,400,000 The someone got it wrong. The link from where the someone made a fuzzy calculation states: The rate of consanguineous marriage was 52.0% with an average inbreeding coefficient of 0.0312. First-cousin marriages were the commonest (39.3%) of all matings. The statement talks about 52.0%. Out of the 52.0%, (39.3%) are First-cousin marriages. The statement clearly doesn't say 40% of 26,000,000.
  18. Originally posted by 7 0f Nine: Have you read your link? Go back and re-read. 39% 1st cousins and upto 80% are related. Have you read your fuzzy calculation? Re-read it: 40% of 26,000,000 = 10,400,000 (How many of 40% are first cousins?) 6% of 10,400,000 = 624,000! (Why not 4%, 4.5%, 5%, 5.5%? You got here a fuzzy calculation that doesn't compute.
  19. Originally posted by 7 0f Nine: 5-6% chance means IT HAPPENS to that much of the population. It's not 5-6% (I don't know where you got that from); it's 4-6%. You have made a fuzzy calculation by implying only first cousins apply to the 4-6% chance, when all cousins-related marriages in Saudi Arabia aren't based on first cousins.
  20. Originally posted by 7 0f Nine: 5/6% chance of birth defect = significant risk. chance doesn't mean it happens 4-6% of all time. Besides, the 4-6% figure is for first cousins; the birth defect figure for second cousins is comparable or equal to that of non-cousins.
  21. Originally posted by 7 0f Nine: I cant even begin to wonder the number of close cousins wedding and how the reshuffling of genes effects the wider society. There are no contemporary studies that indicate cousins have children with significantly higher than normal birth defects. Children of non-related couples have a 2-3% risk of birth defects, as opposed to first cousins having a 4-6% risk. In plain terms first cousins have at a 94 percent + chance of having healthy children. The National Society of Genetic Counselors estimated the increased risk for first cousins is between 1.7 to 2.8 percent, or about the same a any woman over 40 years of age. Second cousins have little, if any increased chance of having children with birth defects, per the book "Clinical Genetics Handbookâ€â€“ courtesy of the March of Dimes. The frequency of cousin marriages in the USA is about 1 in 1,000. The frequency of cousin marriages in Japan is about 4 in 1,000. It is estimated that 20 percent of all couples worldwide are first cousins. It is also estimated that 80 percent of all marriages historically have been between first cousins! The range of consanguinity in Saudi Arabia is between 34 to 80+ percent. A study has been done on birth defects resulting from consanguineous marriages in this country. Read about it Source
  22. Originally posted by OG_Girl: In Iraq, Syria, Jordan treat Somalis with respect and don't use word abd! How do you say 'ARABS' use world ABEED!Just be specific, where people use that word. Arabs are over 300 millions people some are Muslims others are not. I am curious; have you ever met a conservative (متدين) Arab Muslim using the term?
  23. Originally posted by OG_Girl: I mean you have free will to go and kill your self!!like suicide. Now, you have clarified your previous statement. So, choice of death is limited to suicide, euthanasia and few other options. Most people die natural death, which isn't a choice.
  24. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Anything in between them is your choice including how you die. How do you mean that? Your statement could only be valid in very limited circumstances.