Ms MoOns

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Posts posted by Ms MoOns

  1. Now that as her older sister she assured me that he works she has my du'a ..all i needed to hear was that he is working lol..

    n she wont go in any fast pace..ninka bay ka shaqaysiinasa..he is saving somaad maqal..wakaas gabadh somaliyeed oo qiimo leh ..

    Somali waxay ku maahmaahda wixi bilaash lugu helo bilaash ba lagaga dhaqaajiya (ive an old soul!

    Aaliyyah darling, you make me laugh! Bless you!! :D

  2. Mahadsanid abaayadiis for the duca and advice. Amiin. Insha allah kheyr, everything will work out.


    He is done with his education and working. At the moment we are not rushing into things at all. We've decided to wait a year. He is working hard masha allah to save some money for the wedding and near future. 2012 is gonna be my year :D




    Ms. Moons Try this lady's desserts, her instructions are easy to follow.

    That looks really good! I am not to keen on banana's but I don't hate it as well.

    Am gonna try it out! I wonder if this works out with other sorts of fruit...



    Seriously this ladys instructions are wicked lol xita shaaha sida lo kariyo baan ka shaah never comes out right

    Looll, shaah xitaa! Well, did her method work out for you? lol


    I don't make Somali shaah too often. I keep it simple with teabag, water, sugar, milk and sometimes cinnamon for the nice smell :D

    But if there's marti, I'll have to do it properly with the qorfo iyo heel :P

  4. I think it is definitely possible. I agree with Aaliyyah!


    I am doing uni, and planning on to get married insha allah.

    Obviously it's not easy, but if you're determined and are aware of what you're getting into,

    then with Allah's sake it will insha allah work out.

  5. I started wearing those ''half'' hijabs at the age of 12.

    I had enough of that when I turned 13 and went on wearing it properly since then!

    Proper as in, no more hair, neck and ears and chest showing :)


    To be honest, I feel naked without my hijab. I can't imagine myself without it.

    For the last 8 years, it's been a part of me. Most of the people know me with my hijab on! lol

  6. Loooll, no you're right. Taas waan is weydiyay aniga xitaa.

    I think she thought she could change him after they got married.


    Women need to learn that you can't change a man. Atleast you can't make him.

  7. *Blessed;719276 wrote:
    You're right, Aaliyah. The earing hijaab probably isn't halaal but errm... waan iska amusayaa. Most girls I've seen have their neck showing anyway.

    Blessed, I didn't know it was haram. It thought it was ok, as long as your ears weren't showing.

    But it does annoy me deeply when chicks put a scarf on with their necks showing.

    That is clearly a no-no, islamically speaking.

  8. LOL walahi dheh he couldnt even pronounce the title. That is heart breaking!

    Walahi, I know, it's sad runtii.

    When he couldn't pronounce it, he was like, ''I can't say it, but I know how to act in a movie'' ... dude cracks me up. :P


    Second video - min 2:17:


    Loser dude: Woh?!..war ii sii deh! isii deeynasa?....Waryahee ma isii deeynasa?!



    Looll, ik snap wat je bedoelt.


    I was laughing so hard at the beginning of the second video, when she can't pray because of the loud music, and he says, ''you can pray tomorrow innit?'', and the way he says is it, daacad ee ka tahay. Aqli lix saac.

  9. LOL walahi dheh he couldnt even pronounce the title. That is heart breaking!

    Walahi, I know, it's sad runtii.

    When he couldn't pronounce it, he was like, ''I can't say it, but I know how to act in a movie'' ... dude cracks me up. :P


    Second video - min 2:17:


    Loser dude: Woh?!..war ii sii deh! isii deeynasa?....Waryahee ma isii deeynasa?!



    Looll, ik snap wat je bedoelt.


    I was laughing so hard at the beginning of the second video, when she can't pray because of the loud music, and he says, ''you can pray tomorrow innit?'', and the way he says is it, daacad ee ka tahay. Aqli lix saac.

  10. You know that guy can barely speak somali, I saw an interview with the cast.

    It is hilarious, he even had a hard time pronouncing the title of the movie loooll.

  11. Bob says to Lester, "You know, I reckon I'm about ready for a vacation, only this year I'm gonna do it a little different. The last few years, I took your advice as to where to go. Two years ago you said to go to Hawaii, I went to Hawaii, and Marie got pregnant.

    Then last year, you told me to go to the Bahamas, I went to the Bahamas, and Marie got pregnant again."


    Lester says, "So what you gonna do different this year?"

    Bob says, "This year, I'm takin' Marie with me..."

  12. A women was shopping in the city centre when she was ran over by a car while crossing the road.

    She was rushed to hospital and while the doctor was examining her, her husband was called in.

    When the doctor finished his examination, he took the husband aside and said to him,

    "I don't like the looks of her!" and the husband said to him, "I know, but shes good in the kitchen and great with the kids!!"

  13. Psychiatric Hotline


    "Hello, welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline.

    "If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly.

    If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press2.

    If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5 and6.

    If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line so we can trace the call.

    If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press.

    If you are depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press. No one will answer."