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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Ten years ago today - i registered in SOL - since no one congratulated me for my anniversary - i say happy anniversary to myself. I am the oldiest current member of SOL
  2. ^Ma akhiran joognaa - markaad na waydiinaysid su'aashas - the only person in akhira, in SOL is JB - let him answered. As for me -I won't even tell you my father's name - wax kale iska daa.
  3. Abtigiis;811464 wrote: This nomad has received a credible, present and serious threat to his life last night. The details of the plot by Ethiopian security agents working in cahoots with some Kenyan counterparts is chilling. It is at least something that made close family members sleep in my house ala human shield over me and my family. The despair such threats create on those who are close to me is more painful than my own safety. The Tigrayan tyrants underestimate the resolve and determination we have to expose their ugly genocide against our people. These primitive rulers think they can intimidate all of us into silence. We do not have twelve lives, we have only one insignificant one, and we are ready to donate it to the noble cause of fighting for freedom and justice. While the threat may change the circumstances around my life, it will only galvanize our desire to resist oppression, to fight it to the bitter end. After all, how many times have my life changed in the last decade because I chose to be a free man, and not a slave of Ethiopia! I chose to live a hard exile life rather than sit and say nothing when my people are getting murdered. I say bring it on! Normalizing to fear and the myth of enemy's invincibility is the clearest signs of human decay and we say no, in Galean lexicon! Abtigiis - did you write sordid article about Mrs Zanawi? On seriouse note - It is Allah who controls when you die - not mere humans - marka ha u baqin.
  4. Waryee Ngonge they don't mean anything by it - it is standard question when you apply your Somalipassport at Qardho
  5. Mintid Farayar;810466 wrote: In the big scheme of things, you're correct, Sayid. Unfortunately, we, geeljires, have not matured from the 'might' mentality of the Hobbesian jungle. It's only when we cause each other needless harm and death, that rationale sets in. Never mind, the attempts by others to hijack the meaning of the thread and turn it to something else. But obviously you don't suffer from the insecurities others suffer from when they read 'Mintid Farayar' as the poster. Always a pleasure, Sayid... Ha igu gaban saxiib, nimaanka toos ula hadal - i don't want to be casualty of you lots verbal tussle I agree with you on your first point - especially - the jaahiliya concept of blood fueds and revenges - waa waxaa faceena inaga reebay.
  6. And when you are asked to breath life (soul) into these statues on the day of judgement - what would your reply be? let me guess - Artificial intelligence?
  7. @ spent a quite intellectual muscle what was that saying - "Mintid fara yar midhihii bataa kama macaashaan" Mintid - might never equals right - no matter what situation it is deployed.
  8. xiinfaniin;810438 wrote: :D NGONGE got carried away with a sheer emotion. For in SL, signs of war are not simple monuments and sculptures. Wars are constant reality in the most prized areas such as Buuhoodle, and Laascanood . The bullets are indeed real. In Somaliland, the wounds of war are quite raw... I thought Buhoodle and Laascanood were not part of SL - when did they become part of SL?
  9. ^I remember a comedian making joke about when he see adverts for charity - saying $1 can feed a whole family for a month - he can't help but feel that he is over charged in the West.
  10. @yartu wa qac - wale Ngonge Af soomaali wuu bartay.
  11. :D Reminded of something Ibti was doing once - she was paying £20 or something per interview and I arranged interviews for her at place in lambeth. Afterwards she told me some of the interviewees wanted to bring family members or pretend to be another person so they can collect more money
  12. Aamiin to all the ducas - Illah baa mahadle - oo nabad ku kala keenay hooyoda iyo ilmaha - mabruuk LST.
  13. Innalilaahi wa inna illahi raajicuun - AUN Cabdullahi Yuusuf - Samir iyo imaan Alle haka siiyo reerkiisa.
  14. keep wondering! just don't go as far as the wilderness.
  15. Peacedoon;807684 wrote: LOL How can there be peace with nabaddiidka Alqeada? Then you should call yourself a warmonger then.
  16. nuune;807714 wrote: Sayidka maalmahaan jinka ka maqnahey waa inaan jadiin cunaa soo ma ahan. Val, saas naga dheh Maya,ma aha - ee jinkaaga la joog. Val - rumour has it - meherkaaga waxaa lagu baxshay - NZ sheep - ma runbaa?
  17. Taleexi;807706 wrote: War ninayhow see wax kuugu sheegaa ... sheekada yaynaan isku halayn, dumaashi iyo waxaad sheegaysaa waa maxay ... dheh, baayo, walaal iyo wax la mid ah. Ma ninkii hadda laha - i don't care mesha madaxa lagu salaaxo (even if it is in prison) baan aniga i saxaaya?
  18. nuune;807699 wrote: ^^ BOB , hadalka Juxa yuusan ku dooxin, ee dib intaa isku majiirto ducadaaseyto dib u akhri!! Taleexi, ninkan Sayid intuu noqdey expire-daruuri ayuu walaalkiis meesha keenay adoo indhahaaga gaari-bidhaan yihiin, marka ka fashili arrinka oo ninkaa reer Qardhood qaw ka tuur isaga iyo shoodhihiisa Adiga - don't you have jinni to churps or some'ing?
  19. Taleexi;807700 wrote: Oo adigu ma adigaa geel leh. Kaluun baa u bixinaysaa koleyba... Sheeko xariir baa beri annaga rag reer bari ah na dhex martay. Gabadh baa nalaga soo doonay, malaa nin Qandala iyo meelo reero muskood ah ka yimi buu ahaa, gabadhii siday doonaysay baanu ansixinay, qadadii baa lagu kaftamay, wixii hablaha laga bixin jirey baa laysla soo qaaday, hal yar oo gaaban baa yidhi; ari boowe shaaciroolayaal maa tihiin, xaggee boqol halaad laga keenayaa, hadde kalluun baan dhaqanaa, intaad rabtaan baan idinka siinaynaa, baddana waa idiinku jirayaa, oo dhulkiinii kulama noqon kartaan, hadde boowe waa baqhatiyayaa :D but as you know - Qardho is not Qandala
  20. Aaliyyah;807695 wrote: Sayid, 50 camels aa? waxaan moodi jiray in 100 geel gabadhaha laga bixin jiray? maanta ma 50 bay marayaan? qardho wa lugu ba'ay. the bazooka, boat and the ladder account for the other fifty camels Qardho waa lagu qaniimay Dumaashi - masha'Allah duco fiicana - bal ana i soo ducay.