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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. nafta i like you friend; cheesy love songs but wonderful voice.
  2. the girl is cool, her voice reminds me of some1, can think of who though :confused: i like the guy as well. clear, but rapping about same shit as every1 else, money, hoes and niggas; not to mention the picture that makes seem like a porn site p.s. mr jibis; i don't think so somehow, she is covered up like she is in Antarctica, unless you were expecting a cabaeeyed and a hijab?
  3. ^^^^100 what; camels :rolleyes: yes i know 50 women can do 100 men's job; tell me something i did't know already PLz
  4. There is a difference between equality and imitation, why you wanna imitate a skinny farah is beyond me, but i think whatever your going to do whether it be sex or jumping off a bridge should be done by your own choice and judgement based on what you think is correct and morally right not what everyone else is doing. Male and female are equal in the eyes of the law (human law and God's law), but their capabilities and roles are slightly different.
  5. ^^i think i like you for sure, totally agree!!
  6. you people argue about everything; :rolleyes: I’m going to ask you guys a question: if these people where not Muslims would you still dislike BUSH, Sharon, Milosevic: This question goes for all of you; SB: it is what he did to other humans, that makes me hate them, regardless of whether they are Muslims or not, they are human being and deserve to be treated like everyone else, they have families who care for them, and who want to see justice. The fact that one is dead, the other nearly dead is a B*itch to the families they destroyed.
  7. lool^^ get lost farah; you know perfectly well, what i meant; sorry i didn’t check, double check and check again like it was a bloody assignment due in to be marked; maybe next time I’ll do that!! Practice What YOU (SB) Preach! I hope you overstand!
  8. Whatever satisfies you.. Well thanks for the permission!! In any case why on GOds are you wasting your time sticking up for some dead bastar*d!! Who murdered millions!! The only other death that would make me happier is BUSH and Sharon (although the latter is somewhat dead already!)
  9. ^^^ yeah well; a disturbing sight or not, i crave to see him suffer, and burn, and ....and....and ... and suffer some more :mad:
  10. ^yeah well i wanted him to suffer in this life too :mad: :mad:
  11. Slobodan Milosevic Found Dead in His Cell 6 minutes ago Slobodan Milosevic, the former Yugoslav leader who orchestrated the Balkan wars of the 1990s and was on trial for war crimes, was found dead in his prison cell at the U.N. detention center near The Hague, the U.N. tribunal said Saturday. He was 65. A tribunal press officer in The Hague said Milosevic was found dead in his bed, apparently of natural causes. Milosevic, who has been on trial on 66 counts of war crimes since Feb. 2002, has been in chronic ill health from a heart condition and stress. the bloody cheek; :mad:
  12. ^But then again; no mother wants to see her daughter stuck in some God forsaken marriage; besides Men don't do Jack Shiid in Somalia, what financial dependence is there to speak of? In fact divorce in Somalia has always been easier in comparison to other cultures (e.g. Asian and Arabs)
  13. ^^^you two want each other makalajabti relax darling, no one cares who is a virgin and who is not, but then the continues talk of the subject is a bit boring; what is the big deal :confused: SB; all good things come to those who wait did you say! hhm well you best practice what you preach dear!!
  14. ^^^my dear; finally True, the problem is not with Quran or Islam.
  15. I don't think we should say "allahu naxaristoo" for dead christians, no? how do you know what religion he followed. besides i don't think it makes a diference! may his soul rest in peace
  16. a little late i know, but every day is a women's day
  17. ^^^loool^ i helped a blind on to the train and he verbally abused me for the next few stops, ranting on about how he is not useless :rolleyes: since then never again Even if you get a seat, sooner or later some old man/women or pregnant one will come on and you have to get up or pretend you sleeping. But do share you trick cheers
  18. where on earth do you find these articles atheerh. a Joke site; in any case; i think if you take “cats" out and substitute it for “children†i might agree with it. There are enough people struggling with faith without introducing religion to Cats and animals. On second thought, if cats are accepting Christianity there must be some truth to it. i did not understand any hidden meanings and implications, i read it face value; so i probably misunderstood as well.
  19. filp: Ib, as I call myself, am a Kenyan somali and got no relatives there..so what do u know about betting anyways Mr.Perfect kulaha so you think kenyan somali's never kill anyone. OPEN your eyes; the whole of EAst Africa is a doomed Place; :rolleyes:
  20. ^^i bet someone in your family (close or extended) is a killer :rolleyes: please, Mr i'm perfect and my family is perfect :rolleyes:
  21. loool i have to agree with makalajabti. To be honest, on who Gods earth cares what whether you have sex or not :confused: it is your private business. Any guy that asks you if you’re a virgin deserves a slap for an answer. Yahoo. Why is it that people think having sex outside marraige is the worse sin in the world or that can be committed in the eyes of Allah? It is not, it is a sin yes, a big sin at that, but so is drinking alcohol, murder, rape etc. Don't you find it strange that Somalis who have been killing each other since the dark ages worry about whether you decide to have sex before marriage or not. I think there are bigger problems in life :rolleyes:
  22. Sounds like the story of my life castor i told you not to read my diary atheer. it is called Invasion of privacy!! moving story
  23. Ibtisam


    Damn. how can you do that to people. evil and scarry....
  24. i don't see the big deal. its your life, do what you wanna do with it, only you have to answer to your actions. Personally i would not stay a virgin just to please some razz *** man on a wedding night. i could not care less what he expects or wants. it makes sense to stay a virgin simply because you don't want to have sex or don't see the big deal or have moral/religious issues with it. All of the above are good enough reason to stay virgin, but for some guy, hell no cheers