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Everything posted by Rokko

  1. Originally posted by Spadez: but you don't hear somaliland people saying for the sake of allah ok Mujahid. See where I am getting at. Many nomads are probably laughing. lol I think Soomaalidu waa isma dhaantiyo dhasheede, waxaa wanaagsan inaad this comparison iska dayso, sababtoo ah waad ku ceeboobi.
  2. Originally posted by Spadez: Somaliweyn is pure nationalism. How about Somalilander?
  3. Originally posted by Nasir: vacation in Uk is way better than one in Nairobi and sharing rooms with dozen of warlords, you see buddy that is the type of vacation you so called warlord president abdilahi yusuf is taking. About the president's trip , its another way for us to reach wider audiance , by addressing the pairlament, more people will have the clear understanding of what somaliland stands for " democracy". If you really think addressing the british pairlament comes easy go advice your uncle warlord to go there and see what happens. I see somaliweyn sweatin the somaliland recognition is geting closer day after day and they know it. maca salama Nasir, thanx for clarifying on that buddy. just FYI, comparing the Nairobi vocation to Riyalle's London is not the point but the intentions. If I were to choose between the two, as you put it one being all luxury etc..I would've preferred the one which unites not divides...
  4. Rahima, the sticking point is they both get support..but one uses to make sure rules and regulations exist..and to enhance living of its citizens while the other, USC, divides itself into countless groups and oppresses it's ppl including those who live under its occupation.
  5. Originally posted by Samurai Warrior: Nasir – It is a very tiring business to keep wiping your ears mate, and feeding you info. Either stay with the discourse, or stay at school. I know it would be too much for asking, but were you not told Dhilod was stripped of his ministerial post some six months ‘fore his departure having crossed swords with inaHashi, thus his being a minister with a portfolio? Sammurai, easy on the kid. He didn't understand.
  6. Originally posted by Rahima: Bari, I get the feeling your talking about more than a few hundred qaad addicts Rahima, let me ask ya a quesion. Is there any Somali rebel that doesn't not get fundings from its tribe? Walaashis, the USC is funded by its tribe na'mean. It is not like they work for Microsoft and have a part time job oppressing others na'mean. Their work is to kill and rob innocent civilians and occupy their homes while their tribesmen take care of the funding. Ma been baan sheegi?
  7. Originally posted by Rahima: [QB] Liqaye, Why, Why? :confused: Could it be just a case of true colours coming out ?
  8. Rokko

    Mrs Rudy

    Rudy, i am trying homeboy na'mean. But I see yo formula for success. Keep it real with her. if ya find a good one ... drop the young blood a shout na'mean. She'll be taken care of na'mean.
  9. Rokko

    Mrs Rudy

    Congrats rudy. Good job. Wishing you all the best hommie. Hey, lemme ask, she fine? let her join us nomads na'mean?
  10. Originally posted by Bari_Nomad: Gediid, Substitute Puntland for Somaliland, and Bosaso for Hargeisa and you have what your group has been doing since 1991. Since portraying other Somalis are "blood thirsty" and "savages" was another recognition strategy. Bari, don't waste your time on Gediid na'mean. He has more than one time shown his utter hate for anyone whose father wan't part of the SNM. Maybe you should ask young chaps like Spadez and Lander to see if you get a better response na'mean.
  11. What are these inconsistencies? Her father is a "nomad" who wanted to "sell" her for some five camels. Her uncle, supposedly from her paternal side, is an ambassador to Great Britain. Don't you guys notice the discrepancies? As the Soomaali culture we know {families helping to full causes}, I don't think her father would have remained a nomad "selling" his children for some camels whereas her paternal uncle served as an ambassador. Her father would have lived a villa somewhere in Soomaaliya. MMA, sxb it might've been early days of Is dhiibista in another words way is or perhaps Duqa Ambaasadorka ah aa boos kagaday LadyMo, I feel ya about the pic contrast and by no way are they close...where one shines and looks so natural..while other is just so just ok..i guess the age part goes, I won't even comment on that..aight.
  12. Do you really have to do the head like that?
  13. Rahima, I can see you are soccer fanatic. It is the last thing they got in Somalia to relieve stress.
  14. Rahima calm down abaayo. Are you saying only Puntlanders attack others? Guraad is the staunchest pro-Somalia ally you got on this website na'mean. Better than many pretenders who hide behind the warlords to insult the people of Puntland. The thing is that Puntland pulling out of the conference doesn't mean it wants independance unlike Somaliland. Guraad laid out his strategy of Puntland negotiating with the south which is not a bad idea. That is his opinion na'mean. I don't think this mpaghati conference is the perfect paradigm of a fair conference. It was Abdiqasim who was pulling out yesterday, today it might be Puntland. Does that make us more evil?
  15. x, easy on the brotha na'mean. QacQac is cool.
  16. This is a picture of Weris and her son Aleeke with a dude she works with.
  17. lol@Guraad. Always a wise dude. lol@ hundreds of warlords from the south. I agree. I hear from top odeyaal the only reason Puntland is still there is because of pressure from the puntlanders in the south, specially in Kismayo, who don't want to see a Somalia without Puntland na'mean. There could be a massacre.
  18. Mr HornAfrique, read between the lines. Mr.CeelBuur doesn't really care about anyone from Caabudwaaq as he hinted Sir maqabe allow maqan. Mr Ceelbuur, welcome back saxib. by the way, if Mugdisho doens't need puntlanders, why isn't it atleast as decent as when we lived there? I think Somalis need each other if ya know what I mean
  19. Bad news for uncle AYOUB_SHEIKH. He will not like this news.
  20. Letter claims terror brigade responsible GETHIN CHAMBERLAIN DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENT Key points • Al-Qaeda now claim to be responsible for bomb attack • Letter from terror group recieved by London-based newspaper • Threats to US also mentioned Key quote "This is part of settling old accounts with Spain, the crusader, and America’s ally in its war against Islam." – Letter claiming to be from al-Qaeda claiming bomb responsibility Story in full IN THE immediate aftermath of yesterday morning’s bombings, the Spanish government wasted no time in pointing the finger of blame at the Basque terrorist group ETA. The revival of what was apparently a spent force would have been bad enough; 14 hours after the bombs started exploding, it got much, much worse. A letter purporting to be from al-Qaeda was sent to a London-based newspaper claiming responsibility for the attacks. The Arabic newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi said it had received a claim of responsibility for the Madrid train bombings issued by the Brigade of Abu Hafs al-Masri, in the name of al-Qaeda. The claim, received by e-mail at the paper’s London offices, said the brigade’s "death squad" had penetrated "one of the pillars of the crusade alliance, Spain". The claim said: "This is part of settling old accounts with Spain, the crusader, and America’s ally in its war against Islam." Referring to Spain’s prime minister, José Maria Aznar, the statement asked: "Aznar, where is America? Who will protect you, Britain, Japan, Italy and others from us?" The message referred to last year’s attack on Italian paramilitary police serving in the US-led coalition in Iraq. "When we attacked the Italian troops in Nassiriyah and sent you and America’s agents an ultimatum to withdraw from the anti-Islam alliance, you did not understand the message. Now we have made it clear and hope that this time you will understand," the statement said. "We, at the Abu Hafs brigades, have not felt sad for the so-called civilians," the statement in an apparent reference to the hundreds of casualties. "Is it OK for you to kill our children, women, old people and youth in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Kashmir? And is it forbidden to us to kill yours?" Less than an hour earlier, the Spanish interior minister, Angel Acebes, had announced that a suspect van had been found near Madrid containing seven detonators and a tape containing recordings of verses from the Koran spoken in Arabic. That discovery, said Mr Acebes, changed everything. "The conclusion of this morning that pointed to the terrorist organisation [ETA] right now is still the main line of investigation. [but] I have given the security forces instructions not to rule out anything," he said. For the Spanish government, ETA had been the obvious culprit. The group, which takes its name from the Basque-language acronym for Basque Homeland and Freedom, has been fighting since the late 1960s to achieve independence for the Basque-speaking regions of northern Spain and south-west France. Tests on the explosives used in yesterday’s bombings initially seemed to support the Spanish position, confirming that the explosives were of a type commonly used by ETA. Mr Acebes had initially been adamant that ETA was the only suspect, and everyone seemed to agree that the group had made a spectacular comeback just ahead of the weekend elections. "ETA had been looking for a massacre in Spain," Mr Acebes said, citing recent thwarted attacks. "Unfortunately, today it achieved its goal." He said the group had attempted a similar attack on Christmas Eve, placing bombs on two trains bound for a Madrid station and noted that on 29 February, police intercepted a Madrid-bound van packed with more than 1,100lb of explosives and blamed ETA. "Therefore, it is absolutely clear and evident that the terrorist organisation ETA was looking to commit a major attack. The only thing that varies is the train station that was targeted." But with no coded warning and no immediate claim of responsibility, there remained an element of doubt. If it was the work of ETA, it represented the most dramatic change in the organisation’s tactics in its long and bloody history. Until yesterday, ETA’s campaign had claimed more than 800 lives, but the organisation has tended to pick them off in ones and twos, and to be very specific about its targets, concentrating mainly on government officials and state representatives. The only previous example of an indiscriminate attack on ordinary Spaniards was back in June 1987, when 21 shoppers were killed in an attack on a Barcelona supermarket. But ETA was insistent that the bomb had gone off before there was time for a warning to be issued, and it apologised for the mistake. Within hours of yesterday’s explosions, Basque nationalist leaders were distancing themselves and ETA from the attack. Arnaldo Otegi, the leader of the banned radical political party Herri Batasuna, said he could not accept the organisation was responsible for the blasts. He said he did not believe "even as a hypothesis" ETA was responsible, suggesting instead that they could have been "an operation by sectors of the Arab resistance". Others also had their doubts. In the US and in Britain, experts suspected the involvement of others in the attacks. The name of al-Qaeda, never far from the lips of the intelligence community whenever terrorists strike, was being spoken openly. David Capitanchik, a terrorism expert based at Robert Gordon University, in Aberdeen, said there were good reasons to suspect that if ETA was behind the attack, it had received assistance from another organisation, and quite possibly from al-Qaeda. His case was simple: "ETA has no experience in carrying out simultaneous attacks on such a scale, and it has limited resources, while al-Qaeda has deep pockets and has already demonstrated its capacity to mount co-ordinated spectaculars. It is a big job for ETA so there are reasons to think they could be doing it with somebody else. "They have a history of collaborating with others, the IRA for example, and I don’t see why they shouldn’t have established a relationship with an al-Qaeda group." Dr Capitanchik said al-Qaeda had good reason to want to attack Spain, a staunch supporter of the war in Iraq, and suggested the loss of a van loaded with explosives only days earlier would have severely dented ETA’s ability to launch such a large attack so soon afterwards. "I don’t believe they have that much resources," he said. "I think ETA carried it out but I would be very interest in where they got the material from." He also pointed to the absence of a warning, which is typical of al-Qaeda. ETA has carried out attacks without warning before, but it always claims responsibility. US intelligence agencies appeared to be thinking along the same lines. "It’s going to be muddy for a while until the Spanish authorities get in there and start doing some forensics," one US official said. The official suggested the attack bore characteristics of ETA and al-Qaeda, suggesting they may have been working together: "You have multiple attacks, multiple explosions in different locations in a short period of time which is very al-Qaeda-ish. "But ETA has long threatened tourists and commuters and they have attacked trains in the past, they have attacked rail stations in the past. They usually warn people in advance and that may not be the case here." The head of the European Union’s police agency European Union’s police agency also appeared to cast doubt on the idea that ETA could have carried out the attack on its own. Juergen Storbeck, the Europol director, said the simultaneous bomb blasts did not bear the hallmarks of the Basque separatists. "It could have been ETA. But we’re dealing with an attack that doesn’t correspond to the ‘modus operandi’ they have adopted up to now," he said. "In the past, ETA has always attacked individuals, and if they saw any danger for the public they gave a warning. It’s not yet clear they were the authors." Despite Spain’s recent successes against ETA, "there could still be other cells that have not been brought under control and could have become more extremist", he continued. Al-Qaeda has certainly made no secret of its interest in attacking Spain. In an audio tape broadcast in September, Osama bin Laden warned that all countries backing Washington were targets. "We reserve the right to respond at the appropriate time and place against all the countries particularly in the unjust war, particularly Britain, Spain, Australia, Holland, Japan and Italy," he said. By last night, it was looking increasingly likely that if ETA had participated in the bombings, those involved were a splinter group of radicals within the organisation who had decided to join forces with Islamic terrorists. Yesterday’s attack is so far removed from its normal practice that if ETA does eventually claim responsibility - and it has waited up to two days after an attack to do so in the past - it suggests that there have been radical changes inside the organisation. Richard Evans, a terrorism expert who edits the internet-based Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre, said the success of the Spanish security services in recent years may have meant a new generation of younger, more ruthless operatives coming to the fore. He said: "Experts have suggested they have become a more decentralised organisation." However he cautioned: "Historically, they have had some very professional bomb-makers, who have learned their trade in the Middle East and Africa."
  21. The world ain't a safe place for the poor spaniards ... not since they sided with the US on the Iraq war na'mean. Rumours/fabrication or whatever, has it that Al-qeida is behind this attack which killed 190 people. who is behind it? ETA? Could they benefit from the Al-Qeida cover? Is this another ploy to make the Muslims bad? Thousands of people demonstrate in a street of Vitoria, the capital of the autonomous Basque region, to protest against the attacks on trains in Madrid that killed 190 people and injured another 1,200. (AP Photo/Jon Dimis)
  22. Ergada Puntland oo Go'aansatay Inay Shirka Isaga Baxaan Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 18:02 Mbagathi (AllPuntland)- Wararka naga soo gaaraya xarunta Mbagathi ee uu ka socdo shirka dib u heshiisiinta Soomaalida ayaa sheegaya in halkaas ay maanta kulan isugu yimaadeen guddigii ergada Puntland ay u saartay inay ka soo baaraan degaan waxa laga yeelayo ku sii baaqi ahaanshaha shirka Soomaalida uga socdey Mbagathi oo ay ergada Puntland shalay soo jeediyeen inay ka soo arimiyaan go'aanka kama danbaysta ah ee ay ka qaadanayaan, guddigaan oo isugu jirey ergadii sida tooska ah uga timid Puntland iyo kuwa TNG-da ee ka soo jeeda Puntland, ayaa waxa uu markii hore ka koobnaa 20 xubnood oo ah ergadii Puntland, waxaana markii danbe lagu biiriyey 12 xubnood oo ka socdey ergada (TNG-Puntland) haddaba 32-kaas xubnood oo guddigu ka koobnaa ayaa shirkoodu waxa uu ka furmay Mbagathi saaka Khamiis 11/03/2004 10:00 subaxnimo waxaana ay markii danbe isku raaceen go'aankoodii iyaga oo u codeeyeyey iskuna raacay kaasoo ahaa: -In haddii wax laga bedeli waayo qoddobka muranku ka taagnaa ee 30aad isla markaana lagu adkaysto in sidii uu sheegay wasiirka arrimaha dibedda ee Kenya Kalonzo Musyoka la qabto xafaladdii ay sheegeen in la qabanayo 13ka bishan inay Puntland caddaynayso inay si toos ah uga baxayaan shirkaas. Mid ka mid ah gudigaas oo aan la sheekaystay oo aan doonayn in la magacaabo ayaa ii sheegay inaysan raali ka ahayn Puntland -tu in dartood shirku u burburo, taasna ay caan ku yihiin oo ay u dhabar adaygayeen muddo aad u dheer in badana ay ka codsadeen IGAD iyo beesha caalamka in shirka la badbaadiyo, waxna laga qabto waxyaabaha muranku ka taagan yahay, balse laga hoos qaadi waayey oo lagu adkaystay go'aan keli talisnimo oo ay ku keceen qolyaha Kenya u qaabilsan shirka, sidaa darteedna hadda ay go'aansadeen inay ka baxaan shirka si toos ah haddii iyadoo aan wax laga bedelin la furo shirka sabtida ee xafladda lagu magacaabay, welina ayuu yiri waxaan beesha caalamka ka codsanaynaa in wax laga qabto arrinta oo aan lagu degdegin furitaanka xafladaas la sheegay . Warar kale oo la isla dhexmarayo ayaa sheegaya in waddamada Midowga Yurub iyo Maraykanku ay wadaan dedaal lagu doonayo sidii loo baajin lahaa burbur ku yimaada shirka, taasina waxay ku imaan kartaa iyada oo wax laga bedelo qodobka 30aad ama dib loo dhigo xafladdaas markaa ka dibna wax la isla meel dhigo maadaama ay hadda ka go'an tahay inay ergada Puntland isaga baxdo shirka haddii ayadoo aan wax la sixin lagu dhawaaqo furitaanka xafladaas maalinta sabtida 13ka bishaan. Iimaan Cali Cabdi Suxufi madaxnbannaan Mbagathi-Nairobi,Kenya
  23. She should be jailed in Baadiye. She is a shame to the Somalis na'mean. Any gaalo lover is.
  24. Originally posted by Nasir: The monkey abu from aladin cartoon worth more than this guy and probly has better IQ. sxb quit posting your 1 cent articles and get up from that seat and grap a poster and march down the street if you are man enough Ok, this is getting weird now. If by saying another nomad (ABU AMMAR) is a monkey with a low IQ, is not an insult, then what is? Nasir, ya need to calm yoself dude. Don't let this political game which is just baashaal get to ya na'mean.
  25. Guraad, good to see you back warrior. Keep informing us about the SS&H issues na'mean.