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Everything posted by Taqwa

  1. Nomadic Princess Stand firm walaalo, why do you have to apologies for something that is visibly not comical in the sight of Allah. Isn't it amusing that whenever someone speaks out of something that is wrong, the word Humor somehow has to come in as a justification? Hmmm let me see, a punch of Nomads gathering around a post, discussing ways to be a better dater. Oh my gosh that is so funny and hip... Is there anyone in here who will give me pointers to where I can find the latest Vodka? Ehem Ehem, let me put it bluntly…Nomads giving each other tips on how to commit zina. I mean if you have any Islamic knowledge you would know that dating constitutes zina but then again of course you all know this. It’s all in midst of humor. P.S. Wayeel dhado maliin ba dhicii malintan ahayn…..your souls will be six feet under and the closest thing that will come to humor is the squeezing of the grave.
  2. NGONGE Walaal waxa jira adunyada Qaar mooda Dating iyo wixi haraan aah inaay tahaay ilbaxnimo. It's called a form of trying to fit into the Western Life style without coming off as lame. It's like Somali people leaving Europe/North America and visiting Dubai for the first time. Bal inaar ii sheeg what usually happens....they sigh with awe. Marriage is indeed a beautiful Remedy. Wa billahi Towfiiq
  3. Saxiib I couldn't care much about SL/PL politics lakiin don't you think I could take a picture of a few men and call them POWS from SL. Both SL/PL need to cut down on these trash talks.
  4. Qac Jazakallah Brother I will keep that in mind. What I am saying is as long as we let things like this get carried away and people partake in them, their hearts will respond less to the words of Allah. I can say it in a nice way and beg them to come back to Allah. BUT, when you scold them for the sake of Allah and not for personal reasons then it will have a greater impact. As for those that will leave the fold of Allah, even I can not prevent it. If it's written then it must be. Small summary describing Surah Al-Qiyamah (Day of Resurrection). The Day of Account will come, and his own conscience bears witness that he must walk straight for he must face that Day's Realities. The faces of the Blest will beam with brightness and beauty. For the others, Death will be a terror--for duties neglected and sins committed. Misery shall come to the man that thinks not of God's Purpose and the noble Destiny for which God gave him life and its Gifts. Prepare for a journey beyond your imagination and one which your eyes have not encountered. Subhanallah. Wa billahi towfiiq
  5. Lets just say my last date didn't go too well , but really what would you like to get out of a great date? Weligaay man arag qof ku fanaa wax Haraam aah. Inalillah. If Allah (swt) has hidden your shame why show off with it.
  6. Aduunka waxaa ugu foolxun nin dumarka caaya ama la tirisada. Kaasi wa bila raganimo ee waxan naca odayasha diinta sii ficaan oo garanaya lakiin iska dhagatiira wuxu ilahaya yidhii. Inaillah. I pity them for the hereafter awaits them.
  7. Bithnillah, this poem has increasesd my imaan. My faviorate Sahaba was always the man they called "The Living Martyr", Talhah ibn Ubaydilla.
  8. Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb, May Allah bless him and open the doors of Jannah for him. May Allah grant him internal bliss. Ameen.
  9. Taqwa

    Thin legs

    Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood: Thin legs Ibn Masoud was not distinguished because of his social status for he was a poor shepherd with no wealth, or because of his physical strength, for he was thin and frail. Yet he was dear and beloved by the Prophet, peace be upon him, who appreciated his sincere devotion and his eagerness for the knowledge of Islam. He once climbed a tree to get a twig for the Prophet, peace be upon him, to use as a miswak. When the Prophet's companions saw his thin legs, they laughed.. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "You laugh at ibn Masoud's legs! They are in the sight of Allah heavier in the Scale than the mountain of Uhud!" ------------------- Mansha'allah there is great benefit in this little piece and some humor. Now lets not make fun of certain brothers, only Allah (SWT) knows whether they are closer to him then us. Your Brother Wa billahi Towfiiq
  10. Jalaqsan, Walaal marka hore Salaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, secondly barasho wacan. It would be in your best interest and the interest of your sister if you where to seek out advice from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of our adored Prophet (PBUH). I can park myself here and confer my brief judgment on this matter but just like any other soul; I could make a grave error. Afterwards I would like to remind you of a Surah al-Ahzaab when Allah (SWT) says: "Among the believers are men who have been true to what they have pledged to God." Let me ask you this question. Does Rape and Murder constitute the fulfillment of one’s faith to Allah? May Allah ease this for you.
  11. Waxan is yidhi xadaay dumarku sidaan oo jecel yihiin in la'amaano....adigu'nah ugo daar wax yar. Enjoy Sisters. Ramadan Kareem! ========================================== Why Women Cry... A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I need to" she said. "I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will." Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?" "All women cry for no reason," his dad answered carelessly The little boy , still wondering why women cry, finally asked the old wise shaikh. "He surely knows the answer", he thought. "Ya Shaikh! Why do women cry so easily?" He answered: "When Allah made the woman she had to be made so special. He made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. He gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that comes from her children. He gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining. He gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child hurts her very badly. He gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart. He gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly. And lastly, He gave her a tear. This is hers and only hers exclusively to use whenever she needs it. She needs no reason, no explanation, its hers." "You see my son, the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the beauty of her face, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides." The little boy got the answer and never asked the question again.
  12. Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb, Horta ma aniga misee dumarka somalida wax la idhaa abuse aya ku jirtaa.:)Walle wa qosol foqal qosol. Markaasta oo la iidhaa "Rights of Woman" inan somaliyaad aah ayaad arkhii....adigii ba is odhanaya..taani malaha abehed misee walaalked aya barii xamalan jiraay. P.S. Just an opinion! Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "The best amongst you are those who are best to their wives, and I am the best to my wives." Orodo odayasha somalida oo sheeg oo ka dhacdhicii rasulka (pbuh) wuxu yidhi. There used to be a sister in my last year who would always give out petition to other students about women abuse. Bal eeg...wa inan somaliyaad aah... ina-dheerkay oo af-dheerah ayun baa iishoo ku yidhii... "Nadiraay walaal maxaa ku haystaaa...ma odhaygii baa weli soonka kula dhacaa" Intaan qoslaaay ayo yidhii..."waxaaa bal eeg iyadhii oo weli la guursan ayeey dhurba abuse ka hadlaysa." I thought maybe she knows she will end up with a Somali man and she is trying to acquaint herself with the laws of putting him behind bars.
  13. Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb, Brother Garyare, With all do respect, if you only knew how feeble Ethiopia was within itself, you wouldn't bother spending innumerable hours scripting this research paper that has no accuracy. I mean where is your footnotes and what books did you use to examine your theory of Annexation. Take a trip to Ethiopia and speak to the local Amhari’s, and especially the 18 million Oromo's who are against Zenawi's government. AY is after his interest just like any other former Somali president but that doesn’t conclude that he is going to give part of Somalia away. If that was the case, why doesn’t AY give Somaliland the chance to withdraw from Somalia (Though Landers will argue and say they don’t’ need AY to have succession but I’m trying to make a point and that goes for Ogadeenia also.) Malin Wacan
  14. Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb, During the prophets (pbuh) time when Musaylamah the apostate gathered around yemen all those who had remained in Islam and began to corrupt their hearts that he was a prophet. His faith ended in Doom. Whom so ever had ill heart towards the Rasul (pbuh)and Islam met their doom. In this case, I pity the writer for his consequence's in the Hereafter is doomed. Jazakallah for the Petition.
  15. Shayma, You know what inabtii, Abahay aya bari ii waramay...wuxu yidhi....1950's magalada allay'baday ila arabsiyo (Where you claim) odayashu intaay isku imadaan ayeey odhan jireen...."Ina hebel ayo ninki ka dhintaay"... kabacdii inanka ku higa kii dhintaay ee weli guursan aya lagu dharaa gabada geriyoday. So in VERY extraordinary cases it does take place and if I was put in the equivalent predicament, I hope my sister in law is also heer sare. English version of DUMAL...Hmmm I know it was practiced in the Byzantine Empire but then the latin word for it was Emirona if I do recall. Lakiin wouldn't it fall under the category of Incest in todays age. Just a thought! Malin Wacan Walaalo
  16. Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb, Does anyone know the term Dumaal in english?.....Ina Hebel, heblaayo hebel buu dumaalay. Shayma inabti lets say adigu wad gursadaay, sanad dhabadeed ninkagi baa si ilahaay oo dhintaay. After your Islamic waiting period, walaalki oo heer sare aah aya ku yimidaay....markasu kula hasawaay (Xalaal of course)...kabacdii wuxu ku yidhi...inabtii ilahay dariddi igu guurso.....THATS DUMAAl, when your husbands brother marries you after his brother is deceased. P.S. AF-somaliga reer SOL ayan ka helaay walee.
  17. Jazakallah Kheiran Ina'dheer, enjoyed reading this just before Iftaar. Wa Salam
  18. Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb, But the heart faces obstacles that only intensify the separation between the creature and his Creator. One must recognize these obstacles, understand them, and overcome them, in a continuous and active effort, in order to be ready to go on such a journey. Mansha'allah, make's one think for a moment.
  19. Nonetheless, it is an opinion, and thank-you for your words (there is no need to get angry over that which is true). Rather a Muslim should be grateful when advised- at least that’s how I see it. Indeed and thank you also.
  20. Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb, Walaalo Rahima I shall quote you if you don't mind, There is no harm in being informed about the future of your homeland and wishing for it that which is best. Islam does not prohibit it, but the issues you have highlighted become relevant when one take sides based on that which our sister has reminded us all of. My point precisely walaal, at whatever time our people enter the medium of debate about political opinions, they dispute and support their tribe/regions rather then looking at the whole picture. Taking part with them I personally think encourages them to argue their point further. So what if you think AY is awesome or that he is cruel, it is not a reason to hate another tribe. The discussion of politics within Somalia ignites revulsion and that is a FACT of life. This section gets to me at times, but it allows me to follow the affairs of Somalia to the degree I prefer . It provides me with relevant chunks of information (thank-fully mostly in English, Somali just takes so long to read, I know, I hang my head in shame ) and allows me to see the differing views of Somalis. Going to other websites means sitting there for a couple of hours, exhausting through the Somali, reading things I couldn’t care any less about and receiving a biased view. Why would I do that, when I can get it all here on SOL Ya Rahima, walaalo do spare me the plea. Plenty of news comes from Somalia above all from www.bbc.com. Plus SOL would be the last place I get my news. Like I said you have a punch of infant minded individuals (certain Nomads) who hide behind the word "restructuring" yet mock anyone that goes adjacent to their vital doctrine. All in all, we indulge in politics for personal gains. P.S. My appology if I've offended you or others. Dhaadku runta ayeey ka xanaqaan, lakiin wa wajiib ina la isku sheega wixii wanag aah. Malin Wacan dhamantiin. Wa Salam
  21. Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb, Sullen Jazakallah kheiran Walaalo, wadaad or not our people are dogmatic to the bone. Even at such an infantile age (20-25) the nomads know a bit too much about each political antagonist. I never heard of Abdullahi Yusuf, forget Morgan. Yet you have people arguing about his age, as if it is significance. Ina'lillah. I aim my utmost best never to contribute to this side of Somaliaonline. Everyone tries to remain equitable yet deep down I sense extreme dislike. Subhanallah!!!
  22. Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb, Walaalo Bambina Jazakallah Kheiran. I always say, when the day of Judgement comes, every soul shall answer for its deeds. I have noticed that within the Somali community when we tend to exchange knowledge, our people see it as a threat rather then a warning. We are suppose to be freightened to the point where we should constantly watch our actions. According to a hadith a companion of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) came to him one day and asked him "What is the thing that Allah (s.w.t.) loves most?" Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) replied "The thing that Allah (s.w.t.) loves most is when his people pray salah on time." The Rasulullah (s.a.w.) also said "The key to HEAVEN is SALAH. The key to SALAH is PURIFICATION.
  24. Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb, Reminder of Death is something beautiful and insha'allah I hope this article I found in a brothers site helps us just before ramadan. Insha'allah Just make dua for me that my Imaan increase's rather then thanking me. Wa billahi towfiiq. ================================================= Bismillahir-Rahma-nir-Raheem Imagine this. You are on your way home from a friend's house. The streets are deserted and it's dark. All of a sudden, a car from out of nowhere, smashes into your side of the car, piercing your ribs into your heart, killing you instantly. Your whole family, your parents, your siblings, your friends, are all grief-stricken by this totally unexpected tragedy. Death has taken you from them. Your money couldn't buy it off, your popularity, your loved ones--none of it helped you when you needed it most. Your home now, is the soil; a home of solitude, a home of poverty, a home of wilderness, the dwelling place of worms and reptiles, a dungeon for the sinners, a pit of Hell for the disbelievers and rejecters of Faith. When the angel of death takes your soul, you see that he has brought with him, 500 other angels, each carrying a piece of copper, huge embers of the fire of Hell, and scourges of burning fire. The leader of the angels carries a forked mace made of fire, the fire which is seventy times hotter than that on earth. And they torture the body with these instruments until the soul is completely extracted from the body. Your soul says to the body, "Let the Almighty pay you the same way! You were prompt in disobeying the commands of Allah and scorned to obey Him. You have ruined yourself and have ruined me too!" And the body utters the same to the soul. Those places where you committed sins, curse you. The associates of Shaytaan rejoice and bring the news to their leader, Iblis, that they had caused someone to suffer eternal torment. Now that you are dead, your wealth and money walk away. You have been buried six feet under, and your family walks away. All you have with you are your deeds, good and bad, as narrated by the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam). The two angels, Munkar and Naakir, who have twelve eyes that glitter like lightening, voices as loud as thunder, teeth as canine as the horns of a cow, hair that drags to their feet, shoulders as broad as a distance of a journey of several days, will command you to sit up, holding the heaviest of hammers in their hands. These hammers are so heavy and full of might that if all human beings were to try to pick it up, they would be unsuccessful. They ask you: "Who is your Lord? What is your religion? Who is your Prophet?" You remain speechless. One, because you're utterly frightened by the appearance of the angels. Two, in the world, you had forgotten Allah, disobeyed His Messenger (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam), and lived your life opposite of what Islam taught. So, you have an inappropriate answer: "I know nothing about anything! I only repeated what I heard!" Upon hearing this, the angels strike you with the mace so violently that the sparks of the mace spread around the whole grave. Then the gates of Paradise open and all its riches and adornment and elegance is visible to you. The angels say, "This was your original dwelling place." Then the gates of the Hellfire are opened and you are told by the angels, "This is your abode because during your life, you were entertained in doubts and disobedience to Allah." The grave tells you, "Of all those who visited me, I hated you most!" And it squeezes you so hard that your ribs on either side pierce into one another so much so that only one inch of space is left in your grave. The torment of the grave appears. It stretches its evil neck and strives to reach each corner of the dead body. It goes to the right side of the body; there are no prayers to protect it. It goes to the left side; there are no sincere fasts to thwart off its attempt to cause you pain. Then it goes to your head and there is no sign of recitation of the Holy Qur'an and dhikr (remembrance of Allah) to repel the attack. It goes to your feet, but you never made the effort to stand in congregational prayer and in times of distress and misfortunes, you never had patience, so it wasn't there to aid you. You are hopeless and alone. There is none that can help you now. No one to take away the numerous and various torments you are experiencing. The animals can hear your horrible cries in the grave and they, in turn, howl back in terror. This is the deceit of this wonderful world and if we allow ourselves to fall into the trap of Satan, this is exactly where we are headed. Would you say it's a beautiful place to be? Lastly, imagine this. You get up in the morning at Fajr, go into the bathroom, come out with fresh ablution (wudu), and stand in the worship of your Lord, to thank and glorify your Creator, Who loves you more than your own parents. You hear the adhan caller shout out in a beautiful tone: "Assalatu khayru minannowm," meaning, "prayer is better than sleep." And indeed it is! You supplicate (make du'a), asking Him, the All-Mighty, for the forgiveness of your sins and for His infinite bounty and mercy with tears gushing out of your eyes. And, in fully depending on Allah, His mercy, and by crying to Him, you find peace and comfort in your heart. After your morning prayer, you pick up the words of Allah, the Guidance, the Holy Qur'an, kiss it, sit facing the Holy Ka'bah and begin reciting the most beautiful words of Allah, opening the line of communication between Him and you. You eat breakfast in the name of Allah, you leave your house and drive off to work or school in the name of Allah, your Trustee, and you spend every action in the striving of Allah's pleasure (refraining from what He has forbidden and doing what He has permitted). Every moment you obtain, you ponder about He, Whose hands hold your life. You glorify and praise Him with love, fear, and hope. He is your sole Cherisher, Guardian, Master, and Provider. Time for the second salah of the day. You make your ablution and stand in prayer, in the worship of your Lord, with the raging fires of Hell on your left, the Gardens of Paradise on your right, Allah in front of you, the angel of death hanging over your head, and the Siraat (bridge we will cross on the Day of Judgement) under you, at the parking lot of your work or school. Why there? Because your love, fear, and devotion to Allah is so strong that nothing and no one can prevent you from worshipping He, Who is worthy of all worship. In short, you spend your whole life, whether it is 20 years or 200, in the obedience, worship, and in the striving of Allah's pleasure, the Owner of the heavens and the earth. Death suddenly approaches you, while you are doing the dhikr of Allah on your way home from your friend's house. The angel of death, in the company of 500 other angels, approaches you. Each angel carries a coffin of Paradise and a bouquet of sweet-smelling flowers, containing twenty different colors, each color diffusing a diverse smell. In addition, they each carry a white, silky handkerchief, which emits the fragrance of musk. The angel of death sits by the side of your head and the others surround you, touching your limbs and keeping the musk-scented handkerchiefs below your chin and the gate of Paradise is opened before your eyes. The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) swore by the Divine Power and Omnipotent that the dead body feels immense pleasure, which can never return. They keep you amused with the pleasures of Paradise and elegant garments. The angels then tell you to look at your feet, where you see a gate of Hell opened and you see your condition there. The angels say to you, "You are safe from that." After that 70 gates open towards Paradise and the angel says, "O suspicious soul! Go where there are thornless lote trees, clustered plantains, spreading shades, and gushing water springs." Your soul says to the body, "May Allah reward you for your good deeds. You were prompt in worshipping Him and obeying Him. You scorned to disobey Him. May this day be good to you! You have escaped the pangs of death and have kept me safe from it." And the body wishes the soul the same. Places where you worshipped Allah weep at your loss. And Shaytaan weeps even more bitterly and curses his legion for sparing you. Hundreds of Muslims pray for you at your Janazah prayer and the grave tells you, "Of all those who visited me, I loved you most!" And it extends its boundaries to as far as you can see and the window of Paradise opens for you to smell its sweet fragrance! Your grave offers you silken couches and the best treatment. The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) said that if the people only knew the punishments that Allah has in store, they would never feel safe from the Hellfire and if the people only knew of Allah's mercy, they would never despair in attaining Paradise. What did you enjoy imagining more? The life of this deceitful world or the life of the eternal world? Which one would you choose? "Beautified for mankind is the love of the joys that come from women and offspring and stored up heaps of gold and silver and horses branded with their marks and the cattle and land. That is the comfort of the world. Allah! With Him, is a more excellent abode. For those who keep from evil, with their Lord, are Gardens underneath which rivers flow and pure companions and contentment from Allah. Allah is Seer of His bondsmen." (Suratul Ali Imran 3:14-15) The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) said, "The world was made for you, but you were made for the Hereafter. What is more promising and beneficial? A. Living life as if we will never leave it, meaning, living each day in the pleasure and pursuits of this world, the dunya? OR B. Living life as if we are strangers and travelers in it, who will leave it some day and return to our original destination, meaning, living each day as if it were our last, in preparation for the eternal world? YOU DECIDE.. Glory be to Allah, Who has created all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, Who causes the night to pass into the day and the day into the night, Who brings the living from the dead and the dead from the living. All praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. "Truly my Lord casts the (mantle of) Truth over (His servants), He that has full knowledge of all that is hidden. If I am astray, I only stray to the loss of my own soul, but if I receive guidance, it is because of the inspirations of my Lord to me; it is He, Who hears all things and is ever near (34:48, 50). Our Lord! Cause not our hearts to go astray after You have guided us and bestow upon us mercy from Your presence. You, only You, are the Bestower (3:9)." And protect us from the punishment of the grave and from the calamities of the Last Day and from the Fire prepared for the disbelievers and hypocrites. "You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help. Show us the Straight Path, the Path of those of whom you have favored, not those who earn your anger, nor those who go astray." (1:6, 7) Ameen. Alhumdulillahi Rabbil Alameen--All praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.