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Posts posted by Hunguri

  1. Originally posted by Xoogsade:


    To break it down to you:


    - Paragraph A of my earlier post was about your outing, you coming out as a supporter of TFG.


    - Paragraph B told you that supporters come from all clans and they have one thing in common, clan worship.


    - Paragraph C is about characteristics of TFG supporters. Who welcomes the warlords.

    Xoogsade, avoid mix ups. Any thing, that went b/w me and Taliban was something that he has to still answer. And, Rahima expressed her thoughts. Like I said, you are a man of no focus and folow the light of the thunder storm. Yeah, Im a supporter of the TFG. To prove, that you are a blind man with an stick and finnaly will fall into a ditch. This is a post, that I posted before debating with you. And, it showed that Im a man of an alternative solution. However, you are still hiding behind Rahma and Taliban and throwing a mortar. (Miskiin). An answer to your misconception about me. Here you are.


    (A) Im an optimistic and icorigibly so, that sense not "non sense" will prevail and we will soon be talking about the construction of Mogadisho.


    (B) Yeah, Im a supporter of the TFG. Sure, its a clan based. But, I dont practice tribalism, and Im a man who wants an order and law. Not Fawdo like you with no focus


    ©Characteristic of TFG, is to restore stability and peace to Mogadisho, which will soon be achieved through a dialogue. And, character of a Warlord, is you behind some1's back virtually throwing a mortar.


    PS:- On top of that, this is my Post almost days ago. (Put on Glasses MR) May be you need to go back to the Women thread and paste a poem of "Ammaan Dumar" Here you are Mr.


    Originally posted by Hunguri:

    Its a legal goverment,recognized by the world, mutually shared by All Somali tribes, and eventually will deliver the long awaited peace that we Somalians were waiting for. Hence, the ICU caused the invasion of an External mighty Force and it was Mr Indha-Cade, if you are not blind folded, that said he would have his dinner in Addis Ababa within a week. Answer to his words. Ethiopia, did not wait for Mr Indha-Cade, and crushed the ICU militia within number of days. Im sorry for the many thousand innocent lives who were tragically lost in this reckless military adventure. Remember, The Goverment was always in discussion of bringing an External Force to help them stablise the countery and get rid of the Warlords. Nevertheles, it was the ICU gave them the fortune and Ethiopia took the fortune by crushing them and taking the goverment from Baidoa to Mogadhiso in a matter of weeks. Soon the Ethiopians will withdraw and there is, all over a sudden, clamour of an African force to replace them. Withoug Goverment,without a State. Our natinalism will only spurious. And no one of us, will raise his/her head and walk Proudly as we did use to be not long ago among the free peoples every where.

  2. Originally posted by Xoogsade:



    So now finally you are out of the woods and tell me you support the TFG?

    Either you die with anger or burst with emotions. That is non of my Concern. Im a supporter of the TFG, and will ever remain. However, Im confused and judge you a man of no focus. I still dont know, what kind of ideology you want to persuade the SOL Members. :D . Kolay anigu ilaa iyo hadda ma garan mawqifkaaga. Soo qor kooxdaad kubbada u ciyaartid. And, the goverment will give you a comprehensive training course of how to abide by the law and order. To your shock, Captain Xalane will train you and put you on the track :D . B/W what was with the women thread :D ??? Saaxiiboow, bal hadal badanoo lagu dawakhana hasoo qorin!!! Wallaahi madaxaa igu xanuunay Text-gaaga. :D

  3. Originally posted by Xoogsade:

    ^ War waqtiga ha isaga lumin munaafiqiintaan A/Y taageersan.

    Xoogsade, We are not Munafiqin. You know very little of who Im. You are indeed, the one with the bursts. (Nin daad qaaday xunbo cuskay) :D .


    3. Do you identify yourself as a moderate or Islamist?


    Mr Taliba, for your tuition you may go through this Islamis site.


    web page

  4. Xoogsade, you dont worth my debate. For, I can see its you who has red lipps and sucks the blood of the Civilians as a Vimpire every night. Mr Taliban, Abdillahi Yusuf is not in the thread. And, Xoogsade will not rescue you from the severe mistakes and errors that you do in your posts. Remember, its about relegion. Take your question to a Mufti. And, simply ask him. Can I ask some1!!!!




    Subhan Allah. Goormaa xaqqii iyo diintiina qabyaaladi gashay?? This will be your quote ever, untill you say its a "Mistake"... Soon, if you dont answer. I will email to Dr Yuusuf Alqardawi, and will post the clear answer in public. (Insha Allah)

  5. Originally posted by Rahima:

    Actually Hunguri i knew exactly what Taliban meant and i agree with him.

    Rahima yeah sister, I value your thoughts and agreements. But, there are many members objecting his post regarding this issue. And, Im one of them. However, if you agree with him. You are not into my thoughts, and I need more from him! Thanks.

  6. Originally posted by Taliban:

    I bring it from the language, English, in which we are discussing or debating. In English, a true Muslim who practices his/her Deen is called Islamist (Salafi, Wahhabi, iwm) [/QB]

    Taliban, English is a language, which we communicate to understand each other. However, in relegion you have to be very clean from any kind of Western practice behavior. Now, you are telling me you got the word from the Dictionary, which I dont disagree with you. So, what makes you go for an English Dictionary. While you can easyly differentiate "Islam" and "Muslim". Now, the question rises here. Is there any one, is there any Muslim/Somali on earth, who deos n't understand what "Islam" and "Muslim" is ???? No, in advance the answer is in big capital letters "NO". Hence, correct your mistakes and dont fall into the trap of the Western propaganda. I know, you are trying to be smart and label ur self as an ICU virtual hardcore soldier. But, saxib that wont get us no where.




    When it comes to my relegion, which is "Furqan". I dont beleive an English Dictionary, that an English man wrote. Let us refer to the relegion, and the language of Arabic.


    Once again Correct your post. And, put it in the right way.






  7. Originally posted by Rahima:

    1. YES.


    3. Whilst I consider myself a Muslim, the munaafiqs and kaafirs would consider me an Islamist.

    Thank you very much indeed. The Somali sister hit it in the head. And Mr Taliban dont try to take the advantage of her answer. What you meant is, " You guys are moderate Muslims" and you as Mr Taliban is "Islamist". That was your intention. So, explain what "Islamist" Is!!!!!

  8. Islam (Relegion) yeah. Muslim the person who beleives in Islam Yeah. Mr Taliban, let me once again not your posts correct my self. I did not edit my post, and my target was clear. And, if not blind folding your self, you can clearly understand what I meant. Even, if the word I posted is wrong, which I fundamentally agree with you. However, Im posting this post of mine before even the ink of your text get dried. And, am showing you that it was a mistake. Anyhow, come to the bottom line. Where do you bring the word "Islamist" from????






    la tastatee3 2n to3lmny lo3'a 23rfha 2fdl menk ma2at mara. 3la 2y 7al enho 7't2 matb3y. wala t7awl est3'lal haza el7't2. 2l2an na2ty ila alnokta al2sasya wa 27'brny ma howa "Islamist" wa 2yn howa fe ello3'a al3rabia???


    Jawaab ayaan kaa sugayaa saxib!

  9. Originally posted by Taliban:

    3 questions for you:


    1. Do you support Sharia'?


    2. Do you support the ICU?


    3. Do you identify yourself as a moderate or Islamist?

    Taliban, Do you concider your self as a "Mufti"? a Muslim Scholer like "Dr Yusuf Qardawi". Why do you always use the relegion as a uniform to carry out your missions. Wallahi, Im shocked when you are posting such "Islamist words". Dont you know we are all Muslims, and this "Islamist word" is a twisted word by the Westerners. Waniyohow aan wax kuu sheego. Simply yay kula fogaan waxakani. We are all Somalis, have one relegion which is Dinal Islam Almustaqim. We are all Sunnis not Shias. We were all born as Muslims. And, dont know where this Islamist word come from. Our prophet PBUH left a legacy to us, which is as clear as a day. Its called "Furqan" and we are "Muslims". And the relegion is "Islam". ( Inna Dina 3inda Allah Al-Islam). Markaa maxaa shegaysaa saaxiib?????? What are you digging up ???




    If you want preach like his honour Sheikh Yusuf Qardawi, please post something which is only Da3wah related. I will appreciate and would thank you for that. Otherwise, Kooxda aad u ciyaartid soo qor. Waaba lagugu dawakhayaa niyohow. Remember, "Islamist" is a deformed word. And, I advice you not even mention it. Put it in this way.


    Do you identify your self as an Islam???


    and the answer is, (Yeah Yeah Yeah we will die over it )

  10. I heard, he had a love making with an Egyptian woman, and he lost his Engagement middle left finger ring in her *****. He went back to get his ring back from the woman. But, to his suprise he found one African Nigerian man standing in the Q, and saying. Oooh I lost my shoe in her ***** Loooool. What a big Stadium. She can even host 100,000 hungary men loooooool.

  11. Dabshid :D ,


    Where did you get this collection from ??. You must have been browsing from Dubai Media City Free Zone. LooooL, How did you bay pass the Etisalat proxy server content filtering ??. Niyohow, bal khadka isii :D .