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Everything posted by OG_Girl

  1. Originally posted by Classique: OG-G: Girl why don't you come to Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) this year. We can enjoy our times and discuss about "How 2 build a better future n Somalia". That would include Skycrapers in Somalia Sure girl, you know how much I enjoy your company, You will have me whole January just don't say OG_Girl, you boring me, I will bring your friend The pharmacist too . Shyhem, what I can say?! I am half Somali, Half Egyption and last time I checked the Map both Egypt and Somalia were in Africa :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Classique , Don't waste your time... how you can reason unreasanble people!!. QL, I just can't believe how the whole topic turn about Arab!!. Was about Dubai , but what to say Somalis can't pass any chance to show how Arabs are bad and how they are morons... this getting boring, let us move on and start to bash South Americans Salam
  2. @Classique, I told you he talks as he walks... I think we gave him enough attention.Enough! Juba, you are free to believe what you want. I pointed out what I believe and you did the same. Leave it that way. Salam
  3. ^^ QL, You just said what I wanted to say. Negative people just see Negavite things :rolleyes: Thanks Salam
  4. ^^ I did not know "filth" rich Arabs were reason of starvation in Africa :rolleyes: :rolleyes: If somalis nearly tried as hard to be peaceful and worked hard enough, they would have been perhaps filthy rich and enjoyed the same wealth and command the same priveledges too ......its shame to some this is development and sense of pride and development and others see it as awaste!!. You don't like what others have and yet you can't be better than them either, so the only thing working for you is jealousy and negativity Ajeeb. Salam
  5. LooooooooooooooooooooL, WHAT A SAQAJAN ONE....LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Salam
  6. I don't mean to sound rude , but could you please stop chit chatting in every topic? You just spoiling every topic and wasting the space. This getting people's nerve. I don't think this is nice. I would suggest you to open chit chat thread so you can continue your nice chit chating. Salam
  7. Ameenah, Money can do Miracles. Every one wants to serve you when you have a lot of cash Salam
  8. Talker, I am not comparing any one to Arabs but I am just telling you that your baised unformation not facts at all. Do you think we lack humanity and you want to show how Arab are barbaric,killing poor Africans?? Listen don't act you are American and don't know what is going on in 3rd word dude! You are from Somalia pooriest and backwardest country in the whole global!. So stop acting like white guy with your copy and paste information from western media. Do you really want to hear our point of view or you still enjoying bashing Arabs? Are you ready to hear different point of views? Here it is :- We completly agree that there is problem in Darfur, whatever they are Muslims, Christian, Black, Arab they are human!. So before you jump up and down are you intrested to know roots of the problem or your western sources is all you need to bash Arabs??!! Well,there is extreme lack of understanding over the whole Darfur crisis by looking at the situation as an racial war instead of the facts. You don't need a lot of research to know the fact,the Janjaweed as a tribe from northern Sudan whose main issue with other Darfurian tribes was farmland,water and resources..etc. Does that sound familiar? (Don't look farther than your own home) Somalia . But to generalize the situation as Arabs on Blacks!! here you you are insulting our intelligent.The situation is bad as it is not genocide. The south fighting the Arabs in the north , Darfurian fighting Arabs, Arabs fighting... everybody fighting everybody for control over the oil and natural resources and things got worse when centrel goverment became weak, things got out of control. Is't that situation in whole Africa? Hutus and Tutse not that far!! I think I made my point clear now! Is up to you now. Salam
  9. ^^Do you see your moronic attitude?...dont act smart here... What is it that you don't understand about my post? You only see what you want to see, there is much more and its out there... I advice you to practise what you preach .I asked you simple question!.. "How did you know there are no Arab refugees in the camps?" Are Somalis Perfect? please save us all the time and effort by getting read of your vaine thoughts and contradictory statements if there is racist is you here!!. "Focus" LoooooL, seems you don't know what you writting here. Mr wind, sounds your posts blow in many different directions.. Indeed Wind Talker!!! Edit: If Arab discriminating , you no better than us. Salam
  10. OG. my dear how are ya? On the point of region 5 clans there are some that live in both sides of the fake border, so they are Puntlanders when they come over, just as you are. Really? can I be President of Puntland then Seriously, why not bro from Mogadisho or any place else "when They come over" . Is some thing to do with their clan or that works for ALL Somalis who are from all regions? When I come over I wont be part of Puntland dear, I will be part of Somalia as a whole that when WE free our Land, but before that I have my region to fight over and I have no other place. This clan states not my intrest, when Somalia back as a nation not clan states that is only when I can be part of Somali Nation. To me Puntland is just like Djibouti or NFD. Salam
  11. So are you telling me they are Ethiopians and not part of Puntland folks?.Or would you say the clan of Caabudwaaq who live in Zone 5 are not part of that clan.Let's look at spin versus fact bro and then tell me where your comments can be justified Here where I disagree with most of Somalis. There Is different to be part of race, clan, and to be part of Land. They are part of Zone 5 not part of puntland. Land is Somali Land, Doesn't mean Ethiopia colonizing the Land that we are Ethiopian.We are Somalis and we live in our Land not Ethiopian Land. I can say laudly that I am Somali but I am not From Afmadow! just part of my clan live there doesn't mean I am from there or from Somalia republic. As People from Afmadow have no claim over Region 5!. That goes Somalis Origin from Somaliland or Puntland. People don't follow their clan and race. Salam
  12. Horn, I did not like the name of our part. We need fancy International name I will let you choose another name BUT , I nominate my self for position "leader of the opposition part" Salam
  13. I also found out the different attitude sometimes hostile they have about people from Somalia and Somalia as a country. It was totally different attitude that most of people from region 5 (as Og-Girl would like to be called) have about Somali people which is always positive. Saxardiid,First of all I don't prefere to be called region 5 but doesn't bother me whatever they call us, as long is Mine and no one denying my EXISTENCE!. being under Ethiopian isn't option at all. Other hand, NFD,inhabitants are Somalis and they have ALL rights to get their full freedom or to keep inside Kenya and get their full rights as citizens!. Also Region 5 , inhabitants have all rights to get their freedom from Ethiopians but to be part of Somalia or not is our choice too. So I don't care whatever my people to decide to be their own like Djibouti or be part of Somalia, the choice is ours isn't?. Not necessary we want to be part of great Somalia , our goal to get rid of conolizers first!!.We are not part of Somalia now... we are under Ethiopians!! Salam
  14. Quit blaming everything on America. Its the Arab supremacist militias who are killing and maiming innocent people simply for the color of their skin! What are you on man Drugs? Sudanesse Arabs (as you like to call them)are black, most of them darker than Somalis or other Africans! So this claim of colour of skin is invalid!. ....What evidence you got? Just answer me why the fleeing refugees are Black and not a mixture of ethnicities, i.e. Black, Arab etc? How did you know since they all are black that Arab from African? Is there any lebel on their forhead saying that which is Arab and which is African? Where is your evidence dude? I require before you take the word of anyone blaming anybody hear the other side of the story, am I asking too much?!. "Its about oil. Its about being anti-Islam." Who's denying disaster happening? I am not blaming west for every thing happening to us but can you deny that the conflict in Sudan is overblown with the intentions we all know is not ALL about saving innocent lives there, but to add further injury to the "Islamic" (as is being called) government of Sudan. Since , the case here in Dafur is Muslim killing another muslim cause of greed , here they have to add that "they are Arab monesters" killing Black African!!..Isn't that what CNN,FOX..etc saying and you here advocating it? Last but not least, Mr Talker, you must not allow your personal feeling towards Arabs cloud your judgement. Classique , my dear sister, sounds soon they will send me to Guantanamo Bay , don't forget to get me best lawyers Salam
  15. ^^ I'M SECOND TO THAT!! I am really intrested to know why Somalis , well let me not generize here, have so much hate toward Arabs!!? I admit that I am pissed off and tired of this Arab bashing !! Come on people spill the beans and tell me why you so much-most without reason-hate Arabs!! :confused: Isn't racism to hate and spread lies about Arab cause just they are Arab? Salam
  16. For these who blame Arabs for every thing and every chance they get!: Civil wars have taken the lives of thousands in Africa every year, But why suddenly western media care about African Suddanese?!!If the USA cared about the human lives , they wouldn't ignore Saddam when he gassed Kurdish (Oooh yeah I forgot that Kurdish were Muslims!!). Now they telling us that what is going on in Darfur is a racial issue!and it is Nothern-Arab vs Black-African, but that is not true. Its all for oil. The war is economic war. So stop blaming Arabs every single thing going on in this World! America is the #1 who violating human rights and takes innocent lives every day in Iraq and Palastine!. What is going on in Darfur is indeed disaster but nothing compared to what happened and still happing in Palastine! Where western media about that?!!! Ajeeb wallahi! PS: I am not defending Sudan Goverment here but I have all right to question American true intentions behind it ... :rolleyes: Edit: Mr Talker, To correct your baised information, Darfur is a huge area and most of its inhabitants -if not all-are Muslims. So the war as Ameenah said is Muslim brother killing another Muslim!I myself do not care what religion any person is or their origin.The reason of the war simply is human greed from all sides whom involved with it!. Salam
  17. Ameenah, No violent can bring justice for us. What about to join opposition part Salam
  18. EDIT: It’s also worth mentioning that our ambassador to Ethiopia will be non other than that great patriot, OG Girl Ooooh,Thanks for the vote of confidence for the favourable position. However, you ought to know that I'm leader of the freedom fighters,and me being chosen as the ambassador would basically initiate the first liberation process of my land...... As I wouldnt only be working within but from without helping the independence of my land and my people :cool: Since your respectful goverment have good relationship with my enemy, I am officially member of opposition part .....Horn, let us start the work , seems a lot of work ahead Sue, Good choice girl .Now there is three of us, we can get totti to our side... I am sure we can defeat this doomed goverment. Salam
  19. OG_Girl


    **********EDITED******** Some times better to ignore! Salam
  20. LOOOOOOL... so don't talk about Arabs while "you" black enslaved your own black people. Why blaming others then ?? :rolleyes: Plus topic was Darfur.. Sudanesse killing Sudanesse .... Like somalis killing somalis!! Hope you understood the point after all Arab bashing season you having Salam
  21. Juba, don't try to teach me my history dude.I know my history and learned well. No need to tell me your childhood , I aint intrested on your childhood :rolleyes: As bilan said check your own history.. Somali/African history!! Edit:By the way my grand mom who is still a live, they used to have slaves from Zinjibaar! where they used to have slaves? In Somalia and that wasn't far ..was 1940s and 50s!!!.. so don't talk about Arab every one enslaved Africans and that is not some thing we can be proud of it!! As a humanbeen is embarrassing! Salam
  22. I am still asking you... I don't need your opinion but tell me when Arabs enslaved Africans?? state the date and all thing you "heard"!! Do you ever read or still sing " I hear"? All I know Arabs spread Islam and civilization not only to Africans but even in west.. I bet you never heard that huh? If you hate Arabs that up to you not my problems though but next time try to make sense! Salam
  23. ^^ Where and when destroyed , rapped you?!!! You can't accouse people without evidence .No? Are you mistakken Arabs what happened in Somalia ???! These were your kind nothing to do with Arabs dude!. Ajabba Rabbi :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Salam
  24. Smith , calm down... I haven't even started to attack yet , wait Horn and I and we wiill show you a real opposition!!..lol Serious note thought, I wasn't attacking, I was just sharing what I read that is all. Plus Arabs way better than Ethiopian... they are our blood and want good for us ... aren't we Arab ...I am an Arab though Salam
  25. NGONGE, Good analazing!.. you may be right that there is Media war between Arabs and Other parts of the war. But isn't Ethnic or Religion War what is going on in Sudan... more likely Intrest War!.. Arab lost in Somalia for Ethiopians and Kenyian I don't think they let African to gain in Sudan! cause that is a threat for Arab Intrests! Salam