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Posts posted by maakhiri1

  1. 7 hours ago, Arafaat said:

    Politically this is to his advantage. 

    For his supporters and those in doubt, these 34 felony charges will only proof to the nature of the political prosecution against Trump. 

    Cause they will think contemplate on what has he exactly done wrong, paid hush money to a prostitute? Who has he hurt, and who cares about a women of the streets getting few extra bucks to keep her mouth shut? 

    They will compare with how Bill Clinton was treated when he deflowered an office intern in the Oval Office and lied under oath about it, not a single conviction, prosecution or even talk of felony.

    Clearly to many Americans, this case proves Trump is being politically prosecuted. 

    He will be most likely sentenced and locked up July 

  2. 6 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Apparently. Ruto has traveled over 50 times since coming to power. He's chasing HSM's record.

    Kenya can afford it, and so far he is taking Kenya great places 

    The US deal was a surprise

  3. 5 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Che, dagaalada sokeeye really damaged the proud Soomaali psyche. The days of:

    Sinnaantaan la magac ahay
    San ku neefle ma oggoli
    Inuu iga sareyn karo

    Is gone. Haddee kuwaan joogi lahaayeen xilligii gumeystaha, ilaa iyo hadda gumeysi ku jiri lahayn, each dusty tuulo ruled by damiirlaawiyaashaan iyo faracooda.

    Lately wax weyn baa khaldan, xitaa waagii Carta , ilaa early 2000s, dadkii dawladnimada garanaayey waxbaa ka hadhsanaa

    Hada waa wada shameless characters 

    Also I noticed, because of long unrest, the Somalis lost maqaamkii, cabarkii(standard ), Qabkii

    Waqti badan bay qaadan in dib QABKA Soomalida loo dhiso

  4. YEAH,  a bad week,  for the first time, they feel a bit startled, small threat, but believe these Zionists don't give a f#ck about international law

    They hold hostage the most powerful nation on earth, a massive investment over decades ago.

    The guy who tried to break it was Nixon, 

  5. Guys, 

    There is not much to celebrate, but this decision  , does it resolve Somali chronic political problems or does it make it worse?

    Somalia is extremely failed state, I can only  compare maybe Haiti, in terms of lawlessness and social fractures.

    This decision is wise if one group takes over whole country by force, similar to Maxakiim style, and outside intervention does not happen, one group wins, if this is the case, this may work.

    If segregation and division continue, we are back to 1991, and missed opportunity, this serves well SL.

    There is a third likelihood, HSM changes tune and builds organic miraculous team, that unites the nation, very unlikely 

    I am concerned it will be back to 1993 when international community abandoned Somalis


  6. 59 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    Ruto lobbies Somalia to drop its AU commission candidate in support for Raila


    Wednesday May 8, 2024

    Kenya has begun talks to persuade Somalia to drop its African Union Commission candidate, Fawzia Yusuf Adam in support of Raila Odinga.

    Kenya made its intention clear during a Tuesday, May 7, meeting presided over by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua who hosted Somalia's Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre at his Karen residence in Nairobi.


    According to a source privy to the lobby, there is a green light that Somalia could heed Kenya's wish and drop its candidate in support of Raila.

    However, Somalia claims it has the support of the Organisation of Islamic Corporation, an intergovernmental organization which consists of more than 27 African states.

    Kenya also plans a similar round of talks with Djibouti who also fronted a candidate for the same AU position. Ruto's side will be seeking to woo Djibouti out of the race in favour of the Azimio leader.

    In early April, Djibouti announced its candidate for the AC Commission chairperson, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf to challenge Raila for the position.

    The AU has also set a deadline for the submission of critical documents including Curriculum Vitae for those seeking to vie for the AU Commission role.

    All candidates seeking the prestigious continental role will be required to submit their documents by August 6, 2024, by 5 pm, Addis Ababa time.

    Raila has since received immense approval from several African heads of state with the latest being Zimbabwe's Emmerson Mnangagwa who pledged support for Raila.

    Mnangagwa pledged support for Raila during President Ruto's visit to Zimbabwe on April 26, where the two heads of state held a two-day meeting.

    Meanwhile, the other things that dominated Kenya's meeting with Somalia included areas of political consultations, education and defence.

    According to Kenya's Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, the three bilateral instruments aim to further solidify bilateral cooperation for the mutual benefit of the people of the two countries.

    HSM will drop her in heartbeat, all Ruto has to do is give him few coins.

  7. 5 hours ago, Illyria said:

    Thanks for sharing. So well-intended, well-written, good in spirit, and compliant  with State protocol far better than any of the recycled nightly press releases from villa Xamar these days; why in 3 languages (Latin, Italian, and English)? I was hoping to see the Arabic version? Did you find this in the family archives?

    Thinking the same, over 50, they can't write like that now