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Posts posted by silent-sistah

  1. Allah have mercy on her soul---Amiin!



    waryaa.... quite-S..


    babe, u poor thing, come back to london love!

    if that place is as mad as u say, and all these guys in here saying it happens everyday :mad: , i really dont want ya ass out there,,,,


    waryaa,,,u better contact me every night, to tell me u is safe!



    wishin u a safe journey back and a pleasant stay for the rest of the vocation! ;)

  2. Clown, you need to get here fast Bro before Silent Sista makes a move on Xafsa!lol.

    shaka, since u aint man enuff to confort a sis....let a pro do the job....step aside..



    and clown....come u can join in!


    lets commence the:

    therapy-hugging-healing-proccess (mission- reviving me)

  3. lol



    the best kiss,

    is not dealt,

    no physical contact neccesary,

    its the kiss the eye gives,

    the kiss felt when he smiles,

    yes! its scary,

    u end up lost and drowning,

    alone, tummy tightening,

    twisting, and twirling,

    jumping, summer-sulting,


    the best thing,,,,is the thought of the kiss!


    once u kiss, u dissmiss,

    the ill feeling of guilt,

    heating ur cheeks, like a quilt,

    u cant speak,

    u retreat,




    Pray u dont die 2day,

    pray u make it home 2pray,

    Pray 4 4giveness,

    pray 4 Allah's Kindness,

    pray u never sin-again!

  4. that ur an expert love,


    will u please give ur biggest fan (moi) some tips in wrting poetry?


    dont worry- i wont stop loving ya flow when im famous!

  5. MashaAllah.....that was beautiful @ captivating girl!

  liked that ....well....


    u can have me

    behind u,

    infront of u,

    guiding u,

    watching over u,


    night & day,

    im not far away,

    u want my hand,

    my help?

    ~just say!

    dont yelp

    cry or scream,

    im here


    ~ no dream.

  6. Aslaam alykum wr wb


    brothers and sisters, as u know well, i am not a poet, no where near one,


    but i really loved reading your poems,


    deadlyVision, Instictive-Poet, Muslim sis, and many more


    you have great ways and talents, and u had me pick up my pen - ur an insperation!



    well,,,,i thought that u could put ur talents to use here,,,,and actually teach the Deen - the lives of the Sahabaa (or ur role modles)


    another chance for u to inspire,

    give me all u got ---perspire!

  7. Let me start,,,



    Abu Bakar


    He was a first,

    the first kaalif, the first man to embrace Islam,

    an example for every woman and man,


    whatever the Prophet said, he believed,

    without question or query, Indeed

    when others doubted the Prophets claim,

    to have travelled a 5 day journey in one night,

    a lot of believers lost their sight,

    but Abu Bakar proclaimed,

    if Mohamed said it, it aint no claim,

    his unfaltering faith and trust,

    earned him the title, I'll later discuss.


    Courage, bravery, and pain was displayed

    when in the cave our companion laid,

    protecting our Prophet from the snake,

    he was bitten again, but for Allah's sake,

    he did not complain or show his ache.


    His spent his every Dime on others,

    when charity time arrived,

    he did not hold back his offers,

    his family he left nothing to survive,

    for indeed he believed Allah provides,

    he did not give care to worldly leisure's,

    freeing slaves, a major measure,

    for to him pleasing Allah was a great pleasure.


    Confusion struck, Abu Bakar is back

    To save our kin, from falling into sin,

    For when Mohamed passed away,

    Many looked they’d go astray,

    Now even Umar Bin Al-Khadaab

    Took the shocking news real hard,


    “ill kill any one who says, that Mohamed is dead”


    Abu Bakar took charge and read,

    The Qur’an that said,


    “whoever obeyed Mohmed, let him know he is dead,

    whoever worshiped Allah, he should know Allah is alive 4ever” (Quran 3: 144)


    this was smart, quick and clever,

    people calmed down, for indeed,

    people will die,

    but Allah ----NEVER!



    ASIDDIQ- the trustworthy we should follow,

    question, challenge or dispute, we mustn’t,

    the commands from our Lord. We know

    full submission, totally commitment, education,

    and dedication, is what’s required,

    by this example be inspired!

  8. i am a muslim, a believer in Allah,

    i have tasks to complete, and here they are:


    i pray salaat, to clear my heart,

    i fast ramadaan, to feel a part,

    of the starving nations, that seem so far.

    Haj is a mission i wanna do,

    before my days on earth are through,

    Qur'an is the Book i read,

    Du'aa i make when im in need!


    Mohamed I follow, the messenger of Allah,

    His friends, advisers and companions –the Sahaabaa,

    the best Role models to follow,

    the practices we need, they clearly show,

    their lives, a morel lesson to us all,

    their action, reaction, anger, sadness and falls,

    all their for us to see, and free

    our souls from misery.



    In poetic rhythm and rhyme,

    Lets remember their time,

    Lets not waste the blood they shed,

    Lets not 4get the homes they fled.

  9. first of all get your facts str8, there is a difference between a guy that is a push over, and a guy that is a drugy/aggressive, low-life ect...


    but what your failing to understand is that it is not that black and white,,,,


    there are guys that are nice, strong-minded, stand up for themselves, and dont let anyone take that piss out of them.


    just because u think your are a nice guy and people have taken the piss out of u ,,,dont asume that girls are running to the low-lifes, they might be running to the strong-minded independant guy!


    Why do i get the feeling that all you Girls say these things just to look good when the fact remains that you want nothing but a SAC SAC guy who you play his dumb a$$ like there is no 2morrow

    you encourage me to call the shots and when i do you disagree with everything i say or ask of you.

    loooool.....walaal, it sounds like u have a serious lack of self-esteem!

  10. nafisa

    Fish, I owned three cute little goldfish and I even had names for them til my crazy little niece decided to overfeed them and sadly they died

    lool.....thats exactly what happened to me


    and fish is my fav doesnt mess up the rest of the doesnt cost much to look after it (or to buy it) and it doesnt irratate u by making funny noises!


    (but u have to clean the tank out every now and again)

  11. MashaAllah


    my brothers and sisters here are all very wise



    and u all making the same point.....a girl should never open her legs before marriage.


    and the sister that said if guys only accept virgins, then we should only accept virgin males....sis...i cant tell when a guy is virgin,,can u? (if,,,so how? and dont say ask

    coss he could lie)



    O_G BISINKAA,, I SHOULD SAY MashaAllah, your somali knocked me out! and u said it all real well!

  12. hafsa,,,,,come give me a hug,,,,i need it real bad



    i thought i got over my love, but that rejection story discribed me 100% and now i feel like shiit!


    yeah, i experienced the worst kinda love, and it really is the worst, and i dont wish it on any human being!

  13. im with the girls.



    and i never shout....when i get angry, i walk away (if the person os close)


    if they are not close to me i play mind games, i keep cool and i get them back with well thought out, planned and precise attacts.


    if im debating, i make my point clear by talking , use of body language, tone of voice and use of vocab!


    if a person is abusing u, keeping silent pisses them off even more (incase they might think u dont speak english talk to someone else and make the point that your ignoring them clear)


    some people are not worth responding to!

  14. agree with this sister


    im not saying that i want an ignorent and arrogant sac sac. that curses me and fights for no reason.


    im saying the perfect guy, is a guy with guts, that can take a risk,,,,


    a guy that can tell me to shut up (i mean thats like suicide to some guys.


    u have to be a man and call the shots, i hate i guy that jumps when i say jump! you should be able to say not now luv!(ill do it when im ready)



    treat them mean to keep me keen!


    u have to have the right balance of meaness and niceness. dont take either one to the extreme!