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Everything posted by smartlander

  1. Why should I care about people who want to discriminate me? And want to have all the political power? I dont care about Garissa or Djibouti but Ghelleh's subclan has 9 MPs in Mogadishu. Maybe thats why they are so concerned. They have bloated representation in a country they dont even live in Focus on your own affairs. Somaliland is gone
  2. That map is made by the Central Intelligence Agency. You can clearly see the discrimination you southerners do. In all honesty I dont care. Somaliland is gone. Instead of complaining about Somaliland, why dont you fix your country up? I rather be a khat addict than under the control of 20,000 AU troops. You have more bigger issues to deal with. Its quite pathetic. Talk to me when you have yout country under your control
  3. How am I langaab if CIA says I am the second-largest clan in the former Somali Republic? This is what I mean. It's YOU who is unfair. Why should I have 28 MPs when the third and fourth and first largest all have 61? Don't bring up the diin to me. If you were so religious you would be fair. But you're not. You use the religion when it suits you. Allah didn't say in the Quran that Somaliland and Somalia shouls be in a union. The only time I'll ever be in a union with you is when there is one Islamic government and the Arabs, Indonesians, West Africans and the Uighur are part of this union Whatever. The past is the past. It doesn't matter if Somaliland gets recognition or not. The fact that your own president or govt officials cant come to Somaliland already speaks volumes of how much of a dream this unity is. As long as I am not part of you, thats all that matters. We may not have recognition but we are independent from you. Alhamduillah Whats the bigger disappointment? Somaliland not getting diplomatic recognition or your Somali unity never being fulfilled. I guess there's pros in not being recognized. We will not be drowning in World Bank and IMF debts. Somaliland will be developed by its people not at the mercy of the UN and AU like you are
  4. I make those demands so you can leave us alone. I didn't expect you to take them. Its for you people to take the hint to leave us alone and that only a pig flying event will unite us. Somaliarising, Somalia cant even control a district of Mogadishu. Who cares if Somalia doesn't recognize Somaliland. You guys dont even recognize yourselves on who has the authority. Puntland doesnt recognize Mogadishu. Mogadishu doesn't recognize Jubbaland. Lol. You are a mess
  5. Lol. Scared of the majority huh? I thought we were a "sub clan"... your emphasis on that word to make us look small? Districts kulaha. Even by districts, YES vote will be the majority in all. Thousands of people outside waving Somaliland flags in Las Anod and Borama isn't some. That's majority territory in those small towns. Khatuumo was born in Minneapolis hotel conference rooms and it died on Paltalk. Dont talk for people on the ground. If they truly didn't want Somaliland, we'd see some sort of opposition there. Not even a single political opposition has popped up in Las Anod. Not a simple peaceful demonstration of a few hundred, or even a few dozen Just goes to show you how out of touch you and your partygoers at the Hilton Airport Hotel and Suites really are The only areas that will not want to join would be some border tuulos with Puntland, too small to have their own district and would probably be in Puntland during referendum day to look for water for their goats.
  6. Lol a subclan of three million huh? From Djibouti to Ethiopia to Somaliland. What Somali subclan has three million people? I am as large as the fellers in Mogadishu and certainly larger than you in the former Somali Republic. You have no large cities. I do. I have the numbers. You dont. And dont tell me what my lineage is. I know what i am Thousands of Awdalites and Las Anod residents were celebrating May 18. Your cousins back home all support Somaliland their country. Just because you the diaspora don't doesnt mean you can speak for the people on the ground If your people really indeed were anti Somaliland, you would have thousands of men fighting. You have a few dozen. Now run along and cry about your Khatuumo internet state.
  7. How about a nationwide referendum in independence in Somaliland once again but this time the international community must respect the vote? Why should they burn in hell for not wanting anything to do with your mafia style politics? You gave my clan 28 seats in your AU parliament, less than the minority clans get when we are just as big or bigger than the others with 61 seats. We don't expect you people to treat us with fairness and we never have. And the reason why my army should in this union I am already regretting to have even considered is because you can do your dirtiness on us again. This website is filled with hateful people. Just reading your hate makes me realize Somaliland did the right thing walahi o billahi I feel dirty and ashamed to have even considered unity. Calling me a "subclan". Calling me "khat addict". Go cry about your unity. It will never happen. I'm glad Somalia is broken up. Wallahi you dont deserve unity. Not with your hatred. How does it feel that Las Anod is under my rule Dr? Lol. I think it was you who said you were from there in a previous thread where we communicated. 2007 - forever haha. Whatever party you celebrate, whatever cleaning day nonsense you have, its all meaningless. Your Las Anod town is under Somaliland and that burns you inside. I'm glad it does.
  8. Walaweyn are crazy. I gave them a chance and they being unreasonable to the only person who will listen to them. I made a big mistake trying to reason with you people. I now believe Somaliland will never ever join the union again. No chance. Not with these beasts. I have no business in Addis but you do. Culosow and all your leaders are on Addis payroll
  9. Your demands and status quo of southern dominance is not acceptable or realistic either. Please leave the Somaliland people alone. We don't want unity. Respect our self determination. Somaliland is doing fine alone and is better alone. We wish you the best in rebuilding your country.
  10. 50% everything. We are the other half of the union. This is why Somaliland doesnt want to come near you people. You don't negotiate in good faith. You want southern domination. Get real. Somaliland is 4 million, the south 4-5 million. If Somaliland is to even entertain such a silly request from the Ugandan government, you must play by our rules Those are our demands. You are not in a good position to really negotiate anything. Somaliland surpasses you in every way. Silanyo was always pro Somalia but he's better off being in a retirement home. He's drooling on himself. He can't participate in any talks even though he was looking for a right deal with the right terms for Somaliland. If the 50% deal isn't taken, Somaliland will never rejoin the union. You have to look at the perspective of the average Somalilander, even 50% is not enticing. Somaliland is better off alone. Even 50% is ridiculous. Do you even think 50% is what Somaliland will even accept? I am the voice of the reason amongst my compatriots. You might think I'm the extremist but there are Somalilanders who rather die than rejoin the union. Somaliland taking 50% is a steal, its a deal that you are secretly uttering under your breath, "They're so dumb". I am the one being fair here. Your elders may come back when Culusow agrees to the new terms. Otherwise don't bother us. Somaliland is here to stay. Also we keep our own military and you must pay for it. It must match the same budget as your SNA. It's to make sure we arent blindsided. A single late military payment and the union is nullified
  11. I come on here once every two weeks. I have just a few posts which shows I am not a troll. I dont care if people think I am not from Somaliland or from the moon. Those are my viewpoints. If you dont like it dont accuse me of not being from Somaliland. That's absurd
  12. Listen here you are my enemy. You are to me what a Israeli is to a Palestinian or a Nazi to a Jew. But I will admit secession is not the answer. But that doesn't mean you are to have any say in Somaliland. You are my enemy. I want Silanyo out of office first. I want someone aggressive to talk to you demons. Someone who will make you cry. Muse Bixi is good choice but we cant pick Muse Bixi. There is history with him and I dont like him. But someone who will make you cry. Somalilands demands 1) Presidency or PM (rotation). One term we are President, next term we are PM. Not PM every term. I know your southern tricks 2) My clan needs full 61 MPs 3) My clan needs 50% of the ministers 4) Hargeisa must be home to half of the ministries 5) Federal budget must be 50% for Somaliland 6) Upper House must be 50% Somaliland If you cant comply, don't come to me. You demons are already begging in Hargeisa. I hold the cards. We will let this drag on for another 5 years when you are forming your government institutions. You are coming to me in my own city. You people are desparate. I will wait longer for you to be more desparate and then we will sign the papers. The more desparate, the more i can get out of you. We will sign it when you are on the most pathetic begging pleas that it will make me sick to my stomach. We will use you so much you will afterwards beg us to leave the union lol We will be autonomous state. We will not be federal state. You will have no right to enter Somaliland unless you are from Somaliland
  13. Here it is. Silanyo is a traitor. He is pro Somalia. I always knew he was not really Somaliland supporter. Old man should resign. His brain is becoming like mashed potatoes nacalaa alzheimers silaanyo
  14. It had all to do with unity. Silanyo must be impeached. I was right. My UCID sourcr was right. I told you. It had nothing to do with Somali brotherly talks. It had to do with entertaining unity. Obviously Silanyo is for unity if he agreed to even entertain such an idea like these talks. Silanyo must not run next election. He must step down now Sabahi: What can you tell us about the 45 traditional elders from the southern regions who recently went to Somaliland for "peace talks"? Ahmed: There are many ongoing efforts to reach an agreement on the Somaliland issue, and the elders are part of those efforts. They are elders who have gone to [a part of] their country, who are visiting their people and negotiating with them about the unity of Somalia.
  15. Allah the walaweynes are crazy. Do they forget their master slave relationship with amisom? Kkkkkkkkkkkk Slave master jomo and the walaweyne slave British we were working together, u r slave for amisom
  16. HAG elders have no power. They are merely going back to Mogadishu with a paper from Hassan Sheikh on the farthest he can go. HAG elders are simply just telling UCID what Mogadishu is willing to sacrifice. They have no power. Don't get confused. UCID and HAG elders are being used to soften any tensions. UCID has no power either. They are not governing party. They are all mediators If Somaliland can get 50% of everything, that's fine. If less then they can get lost. They are not in Hargeisa for vacation. They are there for weeks. They are even celebrating May 18 to show appreciation SLand govt is paying hotel and accomodation to HAG elders. Silanyo insisted to pay. Hassan Sheikh offered
  17. I have confirmed sources that HAG elders are in Hargeisa to negotiate a unity deal with Somaliland. Silanyo has secretly told UCID ex chairman Faysal Warabe to have his party (who will represent Somaliland) and HAG elders (who will represent Somalia) to come into an understanding. Silanyo is looking to simply explore Somaliland's options. A deal between both Somaliland and Somalia is years away. No one get excites over unity or secession. But HAG elders are there to equal talk power sharing between Hargeisa and Mogadishu and UCID has been given the task of getting Somaliland the best possible deal possible. HAG elders have said they are willing to share capital status with Hargeisa
  18. Whats the difference between Puntland and Mogadishu? Galkacyo is the assassination capital. The pirates work with Puntland admin. What's the difference? Galgala mountains has hundreds of terrorists up there.
  19. Suug suug suug Hold the frying pan up Who are you to complain about my reasonable power sharing formula? Were you not keeping the Somali people hostage for 25 years? How dare you? You killed 500K Somalis and you think you are fit to govern with a majority? In what universe? You cant even control the traffic in 5 km Mogadishu. Somaliland if anything deserves to rule your monkey butt. Only Somalilanders understand governance and you understand only war. You expect us to accept a war like people majority control? Why should I join your pirate country? Your terrorist country? Why should I put my clan in harms way? Give me one good darn reason why I should have my future kids live under southern mafia rule? Are you thinking straight? You should be ruled like the Tutsi rule the majority Hutu in Rwanda. And here I am giving you 50% stake and you have the audacity of questioning me with your AK47 in my face. You want us. We dont need you. I gave you the 50% share out of Somalinimo and fairness. You gave my people 20 seats in your joke of a AMISOM parliament and you expect me to continue receiving bad deals? Its humilating enough associating with you terrorists and pirates If you think for a second that you will bring Somaliland back in the union where you can put us in a position of being ruled by the southern mafia, you need to get checked by your doctor. 50% or nothing and I will tell you Silanyo himself if he accepts unity will demand more than 50%. If you think I am an extremist, the people in Somaliland will be asking for your arm and leg for even contemplating rejoining that disgusting embarassing mess you call a country. We don't need you. You for some reason need us. You will not be calling the shots if we get back to the table. We pull the strings. Not you. You hold no cards. You hold only bombs and bullets
  20. Somaliland will never rejoin the union until the Mogadishu people learn how to share. Don't bloody call us for union when you people can't share anything. Somaliland needs: 50% of ministers 50% of ministry headquarters 50% of federal funding Either PM or President And IAG clan needs 61 MPs If you cannot fulfil that, get lost. We are tired of your whining. Somalidiid is only you Walanweyns. You reject other Somalis for your clan And we need full apology from Wanlaweyn for ruining the union. The Somali republic will be 50% focus on Somaliland Otherwise get lost. We are tired of you pirates and terrorists. We dont want to hear you anymore until you sign our agreement. It will be in the constitution "Somaliland entitlement". Every year all the Wanlaweyn, baby to elder, July 1st, have to put their hand on Quran and read the constitution. Every single wanlaweyn.
  21. The Somali Republic is not dead. It can and will be revived. We need fairness and justice
  22. I hate Mogadishu people. They ruined Somali nationalism. They are the biggest tribalists. I have no rights in Mogadishu because of them but they have rights in Hargeisa. They are the enemy of Somaliweyne. Somaliland leaving the union is not the solution. The solution is to tell the Mogadishu people to stop their silliness and to fix up. Mogadishu people are not smart. All they like is war. They don't like peace and fairness
  23. The toothless regime in Mogadishu can't do anything. Weak government where even their own officials are unsafe from Kenyan brutality
  24. The eastern regions is part and parcel of Somaliland. We will not rejoin the union if other regions are claiming Somaliland territory