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Everything posted by Hawdian

  1. Seems like a good move a central bank job is to help the nation so she needs to keep the xawalayasha open. for the sake of the economy back home good luck to her. Note: its not good to be mucaard on every policy .
  2. Mad_Mullah;981966 wrote: I wouldn't say Landers are smarter, it's just that they have more ambition and vision than the southerners. Waarya Sayeed Ileen Marmar baa sheegta Ruunta. Baal iska kuu waad. Sallax And Wadani and Rest Dee Soogale SMPC blog. thanx
  3. Classified;982087 wrote: I couldn't careless about what she did. As long as her offspring aren't classified as Somali, we're good. Somethings Tells me Ciyaalka Wont be Accepting in China-Community either considered how super nationalist they are. Its Back to the Iska Dhaal race on this one. :cool:
  4. Haatu;982075 wrote: Reeyo, to put it simply, it's because this thread is about a hot xaliimo. No Haatu She is not Hot. She is pretty Avearge like Millions of Girls from Geeska,AFrica. I would even Say she is Big Fuulxum Laakin Alle ha u Barakeeyo.:cool:
  5. D.O.C;982038 wrote: The most famous ****** practices that affects somali mens daily live are QAAD, QABIIL, SAXAAFAD and SIYAASAD. ON QAD: The Egyptian has the Waterpipe, The American his Sixpack of bud. Then I See no problem if A Member has a moderate intake of Salat or Redbull.After All who can say No to A madaxweyne I Can't. On Qabil : The Prophet was from Quriaash , We have members who take great pride in their Qabiil and So should they. Allah Make them of Noble Qabiil . On Siyaasda: To agree on A consensuses on the Siyasda Somaliyed was one of the reason SMPC was created. ON Safaxada: The Saxafada is a good thing. SPMC are looking at opening its own in due time. please ask any other Q's :cool: Thanks
  6. Reeyo;982068 wrote: This whole forum is men's club.! We should really create an environment that attracts females! On the First day of eid Al Adha A day whos meaning is well known . I decided to Start the SMPC to Make peace between the The Madaxweyasha Somaliyeed on SOL or real life . I will not stop on my God Guided Mission. The SMPC will Succeed with the Full support of its Members and with Guiding of God . In ALLe We trust.:cool:
  7. A warm welcome to Muj. Madaxweyne Apophis . That is a good Q which I will answer. To keep it short garoobna waa raaxyo guurna waa Gabadh.Laakin certain cases of men fallen in love with a garoob has been reported and one of the advantages is as reported less fuzzing with shaqada saxeerta. the disadvantage is as we all know waa la nuugey geedka.
  8. First welcome Muj. Madaxweyne D.O.C and good on you for taking these issues up@SMPC
  9. This exclusive club nor its members have time for haters. Nor Am I willing to debate with You. Please see youself out. Yareey sifacn uga baax meeshan sacad kuma xayo. note you will not be accepted nomatter how many youtube videos you upload. This club full of madaxweynayaal will be going from strength to strength have no doubt.
  10. waa aduun waalan manta waa farax chan iyo fardows lee haye ha laso dhaweyo Tolka indhayar. bal dhulkuun yeey. nagu qabsaan
  11. Guys i think you drifted a bit to far from the subject
  12. Saalax;981948 wrote: Hey don't get butt hurt. You burnt Mogadishu down for over 22 years and require thousands of foreigners to civilize you and keep the little peace. I think that pretty much says a lot about southerners. . You do know that under the italian colonial rule no waleweyn was allowed inside MOG after sun set. How can they feel anything for a Moqdisha , Marka or Barawa when they are not the original people. Ask these Q' to the Xamarcadad barawnese or watermalyan not the galgadud cousins
  13. After Carefully consideration and in view of their Geesinimo I have decided to welcome Imam Axmed Gurey and Dr cumar raabi to be welcomed as honorary members.
  14. Cancer is such an awful disease may allah make it easy for her n her family.
  15. Mujahed Spartacus and Mujahed Guleed welcome. Guleed i will comeback to you l with the situation current in the somali peninsula. All privat club have certain titles for members only and looking at the situation back home I decided that all members have the exculsive right to be titles Madaxweyne , Boqor,Garaad,Suuldan, Sayed , Mujahed added to their name.
  16. Great idea Brother and can i take this oppurtunty to you and other men in here to welcome you to the Somali Men privat club, Brother ka yarooo nasoo dagaalka waleweynta
  17. xiin to save your peace caravan may i take this oppurtunity to the somali mens private club. its a place where madax raag meets to solve the many issues facing us .
  18. short message to the gentlemens on this part of the forum Mr Al n the gang you are all welcome to become members of the newly created SMPC the somali men private club on sol
  19. I am willing to work with you on this project mooge and can i welcome you to the private Somali men club we can talk further over there how to get caano geel on the market .
  20. alxamdulilah im doing good brother Cadale how;s things with you? To all members do not reply to non members. thank you this is after-all a private club,
  21. Welcome Mujaahid Cadale Soo Dhawoow cuup shahaa shuubo..
  22. Saalax;981868 wrote: Well that is true. It is one of the things Somaliland is something to be prideful about. We have to maintain our strong identity. You have to understand Somalilanders have a experience of other people trying to project a different demographics to their lands example (Siad Bare), so they are cautious about outsiders being given Somaliland citizenship. If we let millions of others inside our country, they can simply revolt and it will create tensions between them and the locals. So it is understandable why they made their constitution that way and constantly deport Oromos and southern Somalis. +1 Give them a nice hearcut Ragga iyo dumarka ba and send them back with the next truck is allways the best thing to do .
  23. Mad_Mullah;981880 wrote: ^ Maybe get of the internet and out of the cafes First welcome to your Private Club Sayed. Keep the good humour We need Good and Bright Ideas. A prayer and two could help aswell.
  24. Abbaas;981879 wrote: Sheikh Hawdianoow, thanks for the warm welcome marka hore, mar labaad, salaan boqol iyo toban iyo afar iga gudoon, mida sedaxaad, our women are being hijacked day by day by non nomads and this is trending as you know, what can we do about this? Mahadsanid! Welcome Mujahed Abbas . My take on this situation would be a certain percentage of any race women would allways marry ajanabi, However we should be concerted if many of Hablaheena are marrying Ajinabi because of Cuqdad Nafsi . We must take pride in our family and stand by them waliba dumarka qaasahaan And I believe another reason would be the situation of political war among somali men, if we united and agree on the political situation backhome I am sure the magaac somali would be something to be proud of once again.