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Everything posted by Hawdian

  1. Gudoomiya kuxigenkii hore ee Baarlamaata wadanka kenya Mudane Faarah macalin Dawaare ayaa ka hadlay Galintaanka Ciidamada Gumeysiga Ethiopia ee wadanka Soomaalia. Mudane Faarax macalin ayaa ku edeeyay Cida Ogolaatay inay Ethiopia kamid Noqoto AMISO inay tahay cidaan Dankala heyn umda Soomaaliyeed Rabina inay Dowlad ka dhalato wadanka Soomaalia.isuna dheeli tirto Dagaalada wadanka Soomaalia ka socda Ethiopia tahay wadan raba inay qabsato Soomaalia. nairobi (Somaliindex.com) Siyaasi horre oo reer Kenya ah ayaa sheegay ciidamada Ethiopia ku biiritaanka ay ku bireen ciidamada AMISOM, in kaliye fursad siineyso Al-Shabaab. Faarax Macallin oo horrey u soo noqday guddoomiye ku-xigeenka baarlaamaanka Kenya, ayaa sheegay ciidamada Kenya in aaney waxbo kabadali doonin ammaanka Soomaaliya. Wuxuu sheegay kuwii go’aamiyay in ciidamada Ethiopia ay ka mid noqdaan howgalka Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM, ay dano gaar ah ka lee yihiin arrimaha Soomaaliya, Wuxuuna Sheegay Inay rabaan in dib la soo celiyo Al-Shabaab. HALKAN DHEGAYSO WARAYSI & FAARAX OO KASHIFAY ARIN CULUS Wuxuu sheegay Ethiopia in aan lala mid dhigin ciidamada kale ee ku jirra howgalka AMISOM,waayo dagaal soo jireen ah ayaa ka dhexeeya Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia ayuu yiri. “Ciidamada Ethiopia cid kasta ayaa la dagaallamaya, xittaa, kan aaminsan mab da’ kale, siyaasiga, iyo qof kasta ayaau arka ciidamada Ethiopia kuwa ku soo duulay Soomaaliya” ayuu yiri Siyaasiga Faarax Macallin. Wuxuu sheegay Ciidamada Ethiopia in ay sabab u ahaayeen markii ay soo galeen Soomaaliya daba yaaqadii sannadkii 2006-da in ay sameesmaan ururu muqaawamo oo Al-Shabaab ugu horeeyaan. Mar la weydiiyay Faarax Macallin wax yaabaha ay ku kala duwan yihiin ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa kale ee waddamada gobalka ka socda.
  2. Typical certain people, for 40 years he believed in somaliweym and all the beenta somalinimo. Then Ahmed samatar was the smartest,the best Now that he says the truth about Koonfuria poltics and its rotten elite he is nothing for u hypocrites . Ahmed Samatar record is not for discussion , he was is what he is .Ahmed loves ummada somaliyeed 10 times more than those hypocrites thats for sure.
  3. Laascaanood (Somaliland.Org): Golaha Guurtida Somaliland ayaa ergooyin nabad raadin ah u kala diray deegaamada Adhi-cadeeye iyo Xaaji Saalax oo kala tirsan goboladda Sool iyo Daad-madheedh, si ay u soo xaliyaan dilal iyo shaqaaqooyin kala duwan oo dhawaan dhexmaray beelaha wadda dega deegaamadaasi. Guddoomiyaha Golaha Guurtida Saleebaan Maxamuud Aadan oo shalay hadal ka jeediyay xidhitaanka kal-fadhigii 52aad ee golahaasi ayaa sheegay in ay gudi ka socota golaha guurtida u dirayaan degmadda Xaaji Saalax ee gobolka Daad-madheedh, halkaasi oo todobaadkan gudihiisa lagu dilay taliyihii saldhiga booliska ee degmadaasi kaasi oo la xidhiidhay aano qabiil. Waxaanu tilmaamay guddoomiyaha guurtidu in dhibaatada ka dhex taagan beelaha degmadda Xaaji Saalax ay soo noqnoqotay, isla markaana golaha guurtida looga baahan yahay in ay arrintaasi si deg-deg ah wax uga qabtaan.“Dhibaato weyn baa ka dhacday degmada Xaaji Saalax ee gobolka Daad-madheedh, ma aha tii ugu horaysay, tii labaadna ma aha, waanay soo noqnoqotay, arrintaasi waxay inooga baahan tahay go’aan adag iyo gacan bir ah, laba nin oo madax ah ayaa iska daba teg (dhintay) xal bay inooga baahan tahay, xal reer iyo mid qaranba way inooga baahan tahay, in si adag oo aan dib loogu noqon wax looga qabto ayay inooga baahan tahay iyadana cid ama guddi ayaynu u diraynaa, wefti baynu u diraynaa degdeg ah, kolay waa lagu baxay rag badan oo u guntanna waan arkayay iyaguna ha baxaane, iyaguna waynu ku baxayna” ayuu yidhi Saleebaan Maxamuud Aadan. Weftigan ergadda ah ee ka socota golaha guurtida ayaa la filayaa in ay maanta u anbabaxaan dhinaca degmadda Xaaji Saalax ee gobolka Daad-madheedh, si ay u soo xaliyaan shaqaaqooyinkaasi u dhexeeya beelaha halkaasi wada dega. Gudidda ergadda ah ee ka socota golaha guurtida ee la filayo in ay beri u anbabaxaan dhinaca degmadda Xaaji Saalax oo ka kooban sagaal xubnood waxay magacyadoodu kala yihiin: Xildhibaan Suldaan Ismaciil Suldaan Cabdiraxamaan (Gudoomiye), xildhibaan Cabdinaasir Cabdilaahi Beegsi (Xogahaye), Xildhibaan muuse ibraahim awnuur jiciir, Xildhibaan cabdilahi ibraahim xirsi, Xildhibaan Axmed Muuse Obsiiye, Xildhibaan Cabdilahi Maxamed Xaaji Huruso, Xildhibaan Xirsi Ciise Jamac, Xildhibaan Axmed Wabari Maydhan iyo Xildhibaan Diini Cabdilahi Hande. Geesta kale guddi xildhibaano ah oo ka tirsan aqalka odyaasha Somaliland ayaa maanta gaadhay magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobolka Sool, weftigaasi oo ay u jeedadda socdaalkoodu salka ku hayo sidii ay uga qaybqaadan lahaayeen xalinta shaqaaqo dhawaan labba beelood ku dhex martay deegaanka Adhi-cadeeye ee gobolka Sool. Xildhibaanadan ka tirsan golaha guurtida ayaa la sheegay in ay shalay kulan xafiiskiisa la qaateen guddoomiyaha gobolka Sool Maxamed Faarax Aadan, waxaana la sheegay in kulankaasi ay badhasaabka kaga xog waraysteen xaaladda guud ee gobolka, gaar ahaana dhinaca arrimaha nabadgelyada. Kuwaasi oo halkaasi u tegay sidii ay u soo xalin lahaayeen shaqaaqo dhawaan deegaanka Adhi cadeeye ku dhexmartay laba beelood oo halkaasi wadda dega.waxaana la filayaa in ay u anbabaxaan dhinaca Adhi-cadeeye, isla markaana ay ka hawlgeli doonaan sidii ay isku soo horfadhiisin lahaayeen odayaasha iyo waxgaradka labada beelood ee ay shaqaaqadu dhex martay, si xal looga gaadho arrinta u dhaxaysa labadaasi beelood. Weftigan ayaa waxaa xubno ka ah Xildhibaan Caydiid Cabdi Muxumed, xildhibaan Xareed Maxamuud Rooble, xildhibaan C/Qaadir Xuseen Mirre iyo xildhibaan Xasan Cumar Axmed. Somaliland.Org/Hargeysa
  4. @ Ghelle - Let me be clear im against any slander of the somali people nomatter where in the geeska africa they life , that includes Puntland people however politicans are different and should criticizes as elected officials . I hope we got on the record , peace . .
  5. ^ does it hurt that he critzes the president of The Puntland state , or if so why do you care , you can open up as many blogs and write what u fancy . Elected people should be critizised they choose the job.
  6. UGO- why hide behind a screen.@ admin im suprised that you edited my comment and let UGO hateful islamopobic comments stand every single time.
  7. ^ actually Somaliya National Radio reported that day a football match between Hargeysa And Toghdeer , and reer koonfur where enjoying life eating italian icecream at cafés and enjoying cinemas , for some people those where the days .
  8. SOMALILAND Somaliland’s Foreign Policy: A Policy with Audacity and Confidence Comments (3) DSCN5353 By: |Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh |Hussein Deyr| Hargeysa, Republic of Somaliland| The State of Somaliland received its independence from Great Britain on 26th June 1960, by Royal Proclamation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In compliance with UN’s procedures to decolonization of former colonies, the official documents establishing the transfer of sovereignty to the Somaliland people were deposited with the United Nations. After the dissolution of the hasty and unsuccessful union with Somalia of the 1960 that never enjoyed a legal basis, in 1991 Somaliland reinstated to its sovereign state in 26th June 1960. It is common knowledge that the people of the Somaliland Republic had not only rendered the biggest contribution to the independent struggle in the colonial era, but surrendered everything they cherished most for the sake Somali Union, including the hard-won independence on June 26th 1960. These facts are not in dispute, though rarely acknowledged by the people of Somalia. For many years, the people of Somaliland were subjected to a brutal oppression and a systematically ethnic cleansing campaign at the hands of the former cruel dictatorial regime and its ruthless cohorts. Whenever they reflect on those atrocities, it is still burning into their hearts & minds as the model for the highest degree of cruelty and terror against the humanity. In conformity with International principles for Statehood, Somaliland’s outlook on its right to be independent and sovereign state stands on a solid ground. Somaliland has a very solid legal ground for seeking and demanding tirelessly international recognition. I believe that the international community is making a very serious mistake by ignoring the reality on the ground in the Horn of Africa Region. The Republic of Somaliland is an African Success Story. It is the Beacon of Peace, Stability, Democracy and Development in the Horn of Africa Region. A foreign policy with audacity and confidence: To keep pace with the transnational security and geo-political challenges as well as the economic and diplomatic relevant matters in the Horn of Africa region and beyond, a kind of thoughtful foreign policy with courage and daring instinct is of a paramount importance. This is the only way to serve and safeguard the ever more shifting geo-political interests of our country and people. Within a short period, the government of President Ahmed M.M. Silaanyo has spearheaded a different but smart foreign policy approach which undoubtedly will contribute to the long-awaited recognition of our country. The current Somaliland’s Foreign Policy approach is a hopeful and an encouraging sign for all peace and development loving Somaliland citizens, which is already resulted that our country makes the necessary diplomatic and economic progress into the right direction. With the mind into the historical facts of our country and the errors and misjudgements made in the past by Somaliland’s political elites, the current Somaliland’s foreign policy focuses on the future and the way forward. It is a policy that explores more and more diplomatic boundaries and pushes to secure our country’s interest in exceptionally difficult circumstances. Somaliland’s foreign policy is a policy with audacity and confidence that breaks the barriers of self-imposed exclusion and limitation of the last two decades. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Somaliland Republic has beyond every doubt demonstrated throughout his diplomatic expertise a belief in a constructive policy of engagement in international issues for peace, democracy and security relevant issues. Through his praiseworthy actions and profound diplomatic foresight, the Minister of Foreign Affairs have put an end to all thosepessimistic voices and false impression circulated by Somaliland’s enemies, inside and outside the country. Somaliland Minister of Foreign Affairs Ho. Mohamed Bihi Yonis Proves his Critics Vehemently Wrong. Being Somalilander is something special! In less than 22 years, the Republic of Somaliland has been transformed from a forgotten and disadvantaged area; a sort of remote and second-hand ex-Northern Regions of Somalia, into a peaceful, prosperous, democratic, socially and economically vibrant country! Somalilanders have consolidated themselves, revived the long neglected infrastructures and social services, they developed the economic aspects of the country. Given the painful past and all atrocities endured by Somaliland people, this transformation is a remarkable achievement. Somaliland people are known for their peace loving attitude, their perseverance and broadmindedness, freedom of expression, fight for freedom, culture of concession and tolerance. The true nature, power, moral fibre and quality of the people of Somaliland manifests when we are united and when we stand together- not when we are a splintered, quarrelling and polarized nation. I believe there is something special about being Somalilander! The spirit of Somalilanders, our capacity for common and shared destiny that allows us to pull together in times of challenge and adversity, our natural problem-solving capacity that has served our country perfectly and helped us maintain our peace, stability and democracy; all those God-given qualities are something so special! It is something that we should be proud of being Somalilanders! Regardless of the obvious progress and diplomatic advancement of the current Somaliland’s foreign and international cooperation policy, there will be always people who are prepared to take a second look, particularly those groups who are extremely sceptical, intolerant and narrow-minded who are apparently uncommitted and unconvinced for the Somaliland’s cause and case. The antagonists of our country and nation (internal and external) leave no stone unturned to damage the name and existence of Somaliland. The fact is that the Republic of Somaliland is today more stronger than ever before to endure the ever increasing existential threat from the internal and external enemies. Regardless how much hatred and jealously are written, published and propagated on those biased media outlets (TVs, websites and newspapers), Somaliland’s case and cause, democracy process and its efforts for self-determination as a sovereign State will prevail. May ALLAH (SXWT) protect and bless the Republic of Somaliland and its People By: |Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh |Hussein Deyr| Hargeysa, Republic of Somaliland http://www.somalilandsun.com/index.php/politics/5093-somalilands-foreign-policy-a-policy-with-audacity-and-confidence
  9. Waxa samey oo lacag ku shaqeysta oo ka masuul ah waa dumar oo afrika oo dhan waxan wada. , FGM is done by women against Women thats the truth , and this is a practice done all over the world . Markas shekada nacnac nagahan yurub lacagta ku helaya ha joojijaan nacda allah ha ku dhaco waa bila sharaf waa bila xishood iyo bila imaan. Hunguri lacag baa xaram kasto eey gacanta la galayaan Alla Swt ka ma baqdaaan allow astuur kuwan.
  10. ^ kkkkkk qosol markasta hablaha iyo mamoyinka Sahal viva baan leyahey .
  11. Abti ado rali ah , dageyso inta waxan qoreysiid tag oo Quran isasaar.
  12. ^ @ Xaaji is right on this the idea that Ethiopia is for a united somaliya can only be dreamed by a person who have no grasp of reality . If I was a leader in Moqadishu I would accept the reality of Somaliland on fact that it would be a friend in a region where quite frankly Reer somaliya do not have many friends. Just imagine the day Sonaliland is recognized and a lot of somaliya people ask them self why relations between the two nations are so bad. History has a long memory and for certain those who are against the independence of Somaliland will be on the wrong sidad of history . If they people of Scotland in the United Kingdom have the right to withdraw from one of the oldest union in the world then then I'm sure the world community will be welcoming Somaliland on the bases of withdraws from Somali republic on bases of a free UN supervised referendum .
  13. A great article which gives detailed insight into the history of Republic of Somaliland from the past to the present . Good job done FM M.B. Yoonis
  14. Haye bal turjum Spanish to afsomali shurkan paashi .@ Mooge - just for keep the record straight , give us where you place this in the jarerism parameter.
  15. My koonfurian friends must stop with this Abdullah shidiye mentality forget about the Republic of Somaliland and work on making the former italian colony of MogadishuSomALiya peacefull and safe .
  16. Somalia presidential palace attacked by gunmen Agencies Friday, February 21, 2014 The palace in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, home to the country's internationally-backed government, has been hit by a huge car bomb followed by a raid by gunmen, police and witnesses said. "There is a large attack on the presidential palace. Initial reports are that a suicide car bomber hit the gate and exploded, then men with guns followed," police officer Mohamed Ali told the Agence-France Press news agency. United Nations special representative to Somalia, Nick Kay, later tweeted that the country's president had telephoned him to say that he was unharmed. "Attack on Villa Somalia had failed. Sadly some lives lost. I condemn strongly this terrorism," Kay tweeted . Later, the national security minister, Abdikarim Hussein Guled, said: "Desperate violent terrorists have staged a failed attack. Things are back to normal and the security forces are in full control of the situation." Somalia's al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab rebels said they carried out the suicide attack. "Our commandos have attacked the so-called presidential palace in order to kill or arrest those who who are inside," al-Shabab military spokesman Sheikh Abdul Aziz Abu Musab told AFP. The Associated Press news agency said the gunmen were wearing suicide vests and carrying grenades. "Security forces are dealing with terrorists who blew up a car... and there is exchange of fire. We have no details of the casualties but of course there are casualties," Ahmed Moalim Adan, a security official near the scene of the attack earlier told AFP. Witness Hussein Isa said the attackers had been fighting inside the presidential compound. "A suicide bomber rammed a car full of explosives into the perimeter wall of the presidential palace and another one with heavily armed men penetrated the area where the first one hit. There is heavy exchange of gunfire continuing inside the building but we cannot tell what is happening," the witness said. The sound of intense gunfire and sporadic explosions could be heard coming from the presidential complex, AFP reporters said. The city has been hit by a series of suicide bomb attacks in the past few weeks, claimed by the al-Shabab armed group, who were pushed out of the city about two years go but have waged a sustained guerrilla campaign
  17. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2014/02/investigating-genocide-somaliland-20142310820367509.html Time to set the record straight - let this American forensic team from the center for justice and accountability( ictj.org) visit the 300 mass graves in Somaliland republic find the evidence so this can be taking further eventually catching the Siyadestpeople behind this genocide hiding around the world . The Criminal Siyad Barre regime killed between 100,000 to 200,000 innocent People all all from the same clan and these people deserve known what happened to their relatives All the evidence in Hargeysa must be systematically filed until a UN crime tribune like the ones done in Rwanda and Bosnia genocides can be lunched . For a better tomorrow the nightmare of the past must be solved in a court of law good news. Im looking forward to this 3 year project fiding the truh behind this genocide. <img src="http://www.hiiraan.com/images/gallery/2014221635285464214181483P2206586.JPG" alt="2" />src="http://www.hiiraan.com/images/gallery/2014221635285478075702612P2206629.JPG" alt="6" />src="http://www.hiiraan.com/images/gallery/2014221635285468524829669P2206602.JPG" alt="5" /> pciture tells more than.... Ali Samatar Former Prime Minister is on his sickbed and facing justice in Virginia , one by one siyadest criminal siyadest regime will be hunted like the nazis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantar_v._Yousuf.
  18. its called the window of opportunity if you dont strike it, you hav'd lost. so if they The IC/UN/Shadow people can write this about a sovereignty country, think what they writing in private.The fact is that Somaliya is financial insolvent and has been since the last 1980's proof World bank reports of loans to the SDR . current position of IC: UN Nickholas Kay- poltical in charge- determines who has right to create federal states, travel as the only person to all of the country and welcomed with respect of a president Authority and reports to the UN security council etc. AFricans mercenaries ( paid to stay) control safety of green Zone and kill unruly natives . Unnamed intelligence service to take out perceived threats insurgents ( Harakat,others). Hayada NGO to control every aspect of the economy health,edu,schools,direction of people to take, - thats why everybody affiliated wth one fromm Aid-s to Z-oo NGS- heard of, world waterday,or seminar about xyz. Somalis Native elite to control the natives and wear cheap kaki suits and Yell toolkeyga while they eat crumbs. So dont be suprised if they The real powers ask their "boy" to follow instructions striclty. Even if Xassan was the smartest (not) and had the best intentions (not agian) he could nt change direction of somaliya because to do that he would need a people to lead(has not ) and a impartial bureaucratic administration a central bank(mint owns lacag) full authority he has very little room to manoveour and is today perceived as a weak leader . So dont be suprise thats he sits there with a bespcalked smile .he was an unkown before election ( loaned words of CAli Khalifyd) and will go back where came from until the next Messiah is choosing . youd' heard about the old saying when two german meets they form a bund , two Englishmen a empire and 2 asians instict for cooperation, when would be said about two daadkeena mucaradnimo somaha iyo isjejeed for sake of it.
  19. <cite> @Mahiigaan said:</cite> The problem in Koonfur is every body is after easy money. If a strong and credible govern't takes shape in Mogadishu, people are afraid of loosing the easy way of managing their acquired life style for the last two decades. Nobody wants to earn a decent livelihood whether they be in the highest positions or at the lowest common man in the street. Mogadishu needs a cultural revolution through mass orientation and education. Hear hear .
  20. ‘Kharashkii Waddada Waanu Soo Bandhigaynaa, Ninkii Ka Warwarsan…” February 20th, 2014 Comments Off IMG_0062Kalabaydh (Somaliland.Org) Qalabkii lagu dhisayay wadada u dhaxaysa magaalooyinka Ceerigaabo iyo Burco ayaa shalay soo gaadhay dalka, waxaana lagu soo dhaweeyay magaalada kalabaydh ee gobolka Gabbiley. Qalabkan ayaa ka soo degay dalka Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti ,waxaana la soo mariyay dhinaca dhulka, waxaana halkaa kaga hor tagay Wasiirka madaxtooyada, xildhibaanno, salaadiinta gobalka Gabiley, maamulka heer gobal iyo heer degmo iyo gudidii dhismaha wada Ceerigaabo. Qalabkan oo iskugu jira noocyo kala duwan oo aad u fara badan oo ay kamid yihiin cagafyo iyo booyado ayaa waxaa halkaasi kula wareegay masuuliyaddooda gudida dhismaha jidka isku xidhi doona magaalooyinka Burco iyo Ceerigaabo. Wasiirka madaxtooyada Somaliland Mudane Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan ayaa hadal ka jeediyay munaasibadii qalabkaasi lagula kala wareegayay waxaana hadalkiisi ka mid ahaa “Aad baan ugu faraxsanahay ILLAAHAYNA waan ku mahadinayaa in uu inoo suuro geliyay in qalabkii inoo yimi horaantiisii. Qalabka dhawr iyo toban shay ayaa hadda inoo yimi wixii kalena way soo socdaan. Sidoo kale waa intii loogu talo galay wajiga koobaad ee waddada, oo ahayd qalabkii Cagafyada iyo hadday yihiin booyadihii iyo hadday yihiin isko rogooyinkii iyo kuwii wadada garaacayay intiiba way marayaan.” “Labadaa Cagaf ee soo socda iyo koonytiinerka ay ku jiraan qalabka dayactirka tii loogu talo galay in ay isku qaysto jayga iyo daamurka ee diyaarinaysa, maaha tii waynayd ee waa laba yaryar oo loogu talo galay in ay wadada dayac tiraan oo ay diyaariyaan markiiba in ay saddex tan soo saarto, looguna talo galay in ay godadka buuxiyaan, oo aanu doonayno in aanu qaarna halkaa u dirno qaarna halkan, oo aanu ku ilaalino hadhaw marka waddooyinka la dhamaystiro,” ayuu yidhi wasiirka madaxtooyada Somaliland mudane Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan. IMG_0042 Mudane Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan waxa kale oo uu sheegay in ay soo bandhigi doonaan kharashkii loogu talo galay dhismaha jidka Ceerigaabo, waxaanu yidhi “Waxaa intaa dheer, kharashkii loogu talo galay waddada waxaanu soo bandhigi doonaa ninkii ka warwarsan iyo ninkii been sheegayba, waxaanu soo bandhigi doonaa habeenka Sabtida ee ay Axadu soo galayso. Qof kasta oo muwaadin ah oo shilin bixiyay halkaas ayaanu ku soo bandhigi doonaa, aad iyo aad ayaanu uga mahad celinaynaa muwaadiniintii bixisay kharashka, waxaanu soo bandhigi doonaa wixii ay bixiyee shilinna lagama isticmaalin, waxa kale oo aanu soo bandhigi doonaa cid kasta oo wax balan qaaday, waxaanu mawaadiniinta sharafta leh ka codsanaynaa ciddii wax balan qaaday in ay bixiyaan, waakan qalabkii dawladda ayaana dirtay.” Wasiirka madaxtooyada Somaliland mudane Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan waxa kale oo uu intaa ku daray “Haddii ay madaxweynaha Somaliland iyo xukuumadu balan qaaday dhismaha jidka Ceerigaabo oo uu dhagaxdhigay been maanu sheegin ee waa kan qalabkii. Haddii aanu nidhi lacag ayaanu bixiinaynaa miisaaniyaddayada ka eega, ninkii been sheegaya raadkiisa ayaa la waayaa, haddii aanu nidhi waanu bilaabaynaa labada todobaad ee soo socda ayaanu bilaabaynaa ee yaanay kaa maqnaan.” IMG_0059 “Dhamaystirkeeda ILLAAHAY ayaa iska leh, sidii aanu ugu ballan qaadnay ayaanu ugu soconaa, marnabana joojin mayno, ka daali mayno in aanu dalkayaga horumarino, ka daali mayno tacabka aanu waddooyinka ugu jirno, waxna noo dhimi mayso ee iga ayaa wax isu dhimaya inta wax ka sheegta. Waanu ku farxi doonaa qof kasta oo muwaadin ah oo dalkiisa wanaaga la jecel, qof kasta oo qalbigiisa uu ku jiro xanuun oo aan dalka la jeclayn horumarna wuu ka naxayaa, waxaanan leeyahay kuwaa ILLAAHAY ha caafiyo,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirku. picture courtesy of Keyse/Kaluuun. Somaliland.Org/Hargeysa