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Everything posted by xabad

  1. i don't care whether they brought influence into it or not, that is irrelevant to me. all i know is currently its abysmal.
  2. That is a fallacy che, i can hate black music and still love american music. they don't have nice voices either.
  3. i don't believe country come from black music that baloney, but some rhythms in rock do undoubtedly come from black music, still the soul of it is not black.
  4. i hate all black music, its childish, repetitive and primitive and not intellectually deep, but i like some black musicians, i listen to charley pride, darius rucker etc if you know anything about country.
  5. i don't like all those genres either, too noisy and chaotic for my taste. anything with bass and drums..... my ears can't take it.
  6. excuse me, it's solely done by black artists. let's get real.
  7. what so original about booty shaking and talking about female genitalia che ? i know is not PC to say but black music sucks, i can't stand it. sorry.
  8. Saffz, what the heck is twerks ? you have a weird musical taste anyhow.
  9. I don't listen Jazz. Black music is too vulgar and un-original, so i wonder how you a supposed intellectual & a feminist gets down with that
  10. Yes saffz i do, i like rock too, country but not a big fan of black music
  11. xabad

    Dolbear's Law

    He inherited the account from his father sometime back.
  12. y'all got a turrible taste in music.
  13. xabad

    Dolbear's Law

    what are you studying in uni, haatu ? you kinda seem like a STEM guy.
  14. Sulleiman The Great;937546 wrote: These so called elders are nothing more than toddlers in a sand box..they have contributed absolutely nothing in terms of culture, math, history, philosophy, architecture, engineering, religion, governance and the list goes on. ' mind you, when I say elders I speak of all the clan juntas and their thugs from all corners, who sit idle and bask in seniority un-earned respect given to them by the masses, who have the notion that humans age like wine, when the fact is we age like bread, we start to rot from the inside physically and spiritually, we no longer have the heart to make our own paths, so instead we find a comfortable place in society and perpetuate what ever it is that gives us some notion of importance (be it tribalism or otherwise) , in the west old men retire and write literary work if they have something worth writing, or spend their days in retirement homes, where they pose no threat to society..in somalia they are called; isim, ugaas, suldan, and what not, and their senile dribble is taken as words of wisdom. +1, wise post.
  15. xabad

    cat family

    D.O.C;937273 wrote: Cat family is the only known animal kingdom that can look at one in the eye .... they are such an amazing CREATURES. how? goats and dogs look you in the eye as well.
  16. what surprise ? it's all fairy tales mate
  17. oh no, i was planning on the same project. gotta look for something else.
  18. and how come your rep power is 35 with just 158 posts ? ha. what are you secrets ?
  19. war ileen tano kale, why so uptight ? i simply asked you which economic system you favored, that not much to derail a thread, is it safferz.