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Posts posted by galbeedi

  1. Xaaji i bagree the diredhawa migration changes things. I do believe the jessus community lives in the Awdal region

    and will always and it seems you know little bit about the landscape. I believe the right of the citizen not the

    tribe. IWe have certain tradition we do not mistreat other people and if the mayor is from Borama community

    nothing will change. eventually it is about hospitals , schools and water. I also would like Geele to invest in

    the region. he does not spent a penny in all these years, if he really cares why don,t dig a water well or some

    small hospital. any way it was good chatting with you , talk to yo laater. I am retiring.

  2. Xaaji CAFARTU dhulka ugu weyn djibouti ayey degan tahay, miyiga jibouti, ubockh, tadgoreh, iyo xeebaha.

    laakiin waxaan ku muquuninay soomali iyo canfar markii la yidhi,kuuma diidani in ay jeesus community bzAylac

    degan tahay, laakiin hargeisa kumanaan baa naga degan. anagu djibouti safar kumaanan tegin , lixddan sano

    ka hor djibouti tuulo ayey ahayd hadda Afar tankii sano ee u dambeeyey ayaey dadkku isbedelay.

  3. 1975 HE WAS RELEASED after some members of the jabhad kidnapped the French Ambassador in Mogadhishu

    while making praying in the down town mogadhisho church. After lengthy negotiation he was exchangedi ADen, Yeman

    with him and another captive. The train from Ethiopia and Djibouti brought large number of people from the interior

    with no question asked while the Borama community either decimated or potted. president Geele wads among those

    who came with train in the seventies.. while the french elimated those who were anti colonial al least his internal

    bureaucracy and government jobs was based on Merritt. that is why in 1977 we Djibouti gained independence

    over 75% of civil servant was from borama community beacause of their education. today their are one or two.

    one year before independence the french prepared a totally new group aligned with the french who were in facor

    of djibouti staying with french for life.While the civilian government of somalia fought hard for the liberation of

    djibouti, the military government of Siyaad barre made a deal with french in exchange for some aid money.

    that is why even Siyaad barre arrested the leaders of the |jabhad six months before independence others were

    executed in Lawyyacado while crossing to Djibouti. Now this same guy Geele ant to push us in Somaliland

    through an incompetent Siilaanyo. These are some of reasons I am always suspisios of Soomaalinimo

    been ah.Djibouti become tribal state and now if Siilaanyo want to marginalize us to build another tribal state

    through Geele we will not watch. .

  4. Some people say we complain a lot . yes thier have been huge build up especially in Djibouti. In 1949 to 1956 the

    mayor of Djibouti was from Borama community.In 1884 we signed the Anglo-gedabuursi treaty. we also signed ,

    the French -Somali treaty in djibouti. our biggest misfortune was we campaigned for the independence of

    French-Somaliland. 1958 they formed a movement to expel the french, with Mohamuud Harbi., he was killed in

    plane crash by the french.every body thought that in 1960 Djibouti will be free and join Somaliweyn. the Borama

    community was identified with this movement and crashed, deported and jailed. in 1967 French president De Guole

    came djibouti and was belted by Molotov cocktails and belted with stones by the independent movement. After he saw

    what was going on he proposed a referendum 1968. The french knew that a free referendum will clearly shaw the will

    of the , so he devised a plan which will defeat the vote and undermine the so called Somali unity.

    he produced new citizenship cards that will shaw the tribe or the ethnicity of the person. He said number 1 is Affar,

    2 is jesus community, 3 is borama , four is Carabta , five is Hargiesa community and five is the D.

    second he started massive deportation of Borama community which was for independence and Somali unity.

    he put electric wire and land mines on the border with Somalia and finally changed the name from French-Somaliland

    to Territory of the Affar and Ciisa. many freedom fighters were jailed and executed, Some of you may remeber

    DR, Omar Osman Raabe in 1968 convicted to death which latter changed to life in prison in FRANCE.

  5. Ambasador is correct, the West hargeisa community is manipulating the issue. they promised Geele a Zaylac region

    so he could have influence Somaliland. Also you have 8 members of Somali parliament from Jesus community in

    mogadhishu because of Arta conference held in 2000. We have 9, can you imagine the are large communities in

    Somalia with big population who do not even have 4 members. the main issue is if people see that don't even

    control one city their parliamentary seats could be in danger. Also last year 18 million dollars stolen from the

    djibouti bank was invested in a Coca- Cola factory in hargeisa., so the Sacad muuse guys must repay this by

    promising some pay back. the problem is you cannot bribe people with other peoples future.

  6. Let me correct my self out of the 14 seats contested they were given one seat without competition. if we could

    have contested all the seats they could end up with out no seat. also the coastline is hot and dry, life their is

    difficult , that is why most people immigrate to djibouti. The European union gave Somaliland this year 28 million

    for water development which the government allocated to Hargeisa, Berbera and wajaale. how about some

    water wells for these coastal communities. Finally no body can use as a bribe to geele for the Zaylac people.

    waar indha adagaa reer barigu , dad doorasho ku soo baxay buu leeyahay kuwa kale u daaya. maxaad berbera

    in aad mayor ka noqotaan aad u samayn waydeen. ku xigeenkii xataa dadkii ayaa qatay oo weliba governarkii

    saaxilna la siiyey. Ma anagaad nagu tijaabinaysaan waxaad meelaha kale ka samayn waydeen. Hargeisa 15

    ka mid ah 25 xildhibaan ayaa keligood shiray oo doortay mayor waana la sharciyeeyey. Siilaanyo car maanta

    ha maquuniyo codka shacabka , isaguna fadhiyi maayo. mida kale markaanu is nidhaahno dadkani dal sharci

    leh buu noqonayaaba mid jabhad ah oo wareersan baa imanaya. bal eeg kan muuse bixxi, xisbul xaakimka ayuu

    madax u yahay sidii Huutugiina wuu u hadlayo. Ilaahay nama joojiyo maalinta uu kaasi madaxweyne noqdo.

  7. this election reversed a lot of gains that the people made for the last ten years. Xaaji i don;t understand why you

    putting here a tribal boasting video. their are too many clips in the net were certain tribe is thumping their chest.

    when it comes to zaylac 95% of the businesses and houses belong to AWDAL COMMUNITY. That does not mean

    people who hail the Djibouti majority community does not live their. it is all about demography. the last parliamentary

    election in somaliland 14 seats were contested in awdal region and they were given with out competition in order

    for them to have presence. We the awdal community game them because we share a lot. now here we see a guy like

    you who came from the East of somaliland string the pot to make some mischief among neighbors. here we have a

    government that does not want to flow the rule of law. usually it is the citizens who should be convinced to follow

    the rules. in zaylac election was held and 10 out of 17 were gedabuurisi , they elected the mayorand vice mayor.

    Siilaanyo says that Geele of djibouti asked me a favor to make the mayor for the ciise community since you

    guys did the same thing during Rayaale;s time. Well mr Siilaanyo the world is changed. on of Somaliland

    warlords by the name of Muuse Biixi who suppose to be kulmiye chairman spoke like the commander of Hutu

    militis by publicly saying that during Snm strugle the djibouti community helped us , so now it is our turn to help

    them in Zaylac. All we saying is the election result must be followed, this city is not different from the whole

    country or else.We spent a great deal of time to educate this Eastern guys with no avail. if you look Burco

    in one election the number is 137,000 the second when which Siilaanyo won they registered 340,000,

    every cycle is different . while in Awdal it is always the same number with some up and down. Mr. Siilaanyo

    their is news flash for my friend if you mess with the vote of people of Zaylac kiss good by your throne,

    because this time we mean business. I am for the rule of law but if the head of the state want to destabilize

    the land , I cannot help. also mr. Xaaji we are the fouders of djibouti and 25% of djibouti we fought for the

    Independence of that land against the french ho decimated us because we were fighting to unite djibouti to

    Soomaliweyn. . we established also Somaliland in Borama so we could live in peace with our neighbors who

    are always drifting to Fawdo and Qabiil.

  8. Oba, saaxiib arintan aad soo qortay AWdal state oo Pro. Samatar dacaadaynaysa ayaa soo qortay.

    Anigu ma qabo in qof lagu eryadu qabiilkaaga maxaad u qabatay. Casharadan saxaafada la idiin marinayey

    sanadkan oo dhan no money can buy. mida kale xamar lagu joogo ciidan usc ee waxa lagu joogaa

    awooda unisom. Shariifku during his term he did visit even Balcad. as soon as he lands from the airport

    he is taken by aminson tank to the villa, so , I deos not mather whether you are from Borama or xamar.

    also being surrounded by tribal militia or foreign army doesn't bring stability. your uncle Aidid captured

    Gaakacayo to Kismayo, finally he was killed one of his nephews. How about Abdilahi yusuf with 30,000

    Ethiopian troops, dhiigii uun buu sii badiyey. to take 100 dollars of a solders salary from mogadishu

    to hiiraan is a big task. dawladnimadu wasiiro iyo madaxweynayaal diyaardaha raaca wey ka weyn tahay.

    Ina Samatar oo kale hadaad heli lahaydeen burburka iyo dhibta waad ka bixi lahaydeen. waar umadan

    hala badbaadiye xukunkan iyo wareerkan iska daaya oo fadhiista , miyaydaan bani aadam ahayn

    labaatan sano ayaad kor u dhaafteen weli , it is like nothing happen. Beelaha D iyo H ba walaalayaal

    fadhiista koob shaaha ma caanaynaysaane.

  9. Markii shirkii Carta la regeyey ayaa Allah ha u naxariistee Cigaal waxa u yimid Mohamed abshir Haamaan

    talana waa la isla meel dhigay. in Baarlamaanka carta lagu soo doorto cigaal loo keeno, oo la yidhaahdo

    idinku lixdankii baad noo keenteen anaguna hadaanu wadnaa ee wax ka yeel , madaxweyne noqotayaa

    wixii kaleba, caasimad nabad ah waad joogtaaye. markii dJIBOUTI LAGU DOORTAY BAARLAMAANKI

    C/qaasim iyo rag kale ayaa la aaday hotel xamar ku yaala oo xabadi wiifta ka dul hayso.


    markii 20111 kii Shariifku taangiga unisom ku dhuumanayey ayaa oday waayeela oo saaxiibkay ah oo

    reer hatgeisa ah ayaa yidhi " adeer maanta ninkani sow kursi dhiigle kuma fadhiyo, haa, ma saldanad uu

    luminaya ayaa jirta hadii uu kursiga ka dego , waa maya. hadaba adeer hadaad tidhaahdo maanta bahashn

    aynu qaado oo siday u dhan tahay aynu Hargeisa geyno, kaa yeeli maayo. sidaa uu diyaaradaha u raacayo

    eee madaxweyne la lleeyahay waxba ugama damayso. dhamaantood waa sidaa. kurbaba ma hayso.

    nin jawhar iyo baoidhabo ku dhashy aragtidaa dheer ee umaddan geeska joogta ma garan karo.

    dawladnimadii reer woqooyigu keenan ma garan karo.

  10. When prof. Samatar was campaigning for Hiil qaran in early may he did big speech about the future and

    how Somalia is in the crossroads. he said (dad baa qaba in ay somaalinimadii dhimatay oo baabaday,

    anigu waxaan rumaysnahay in dhaawac badani gaadhay oo weli la badaadin karo). reer koonfurku wax

    welba waxay u haystaan hadal la iska yidhi. waxa uu yidhi waar Soomaaliyey is daba qabta, Folks this

    wasn't an academic exercise, it was a real diagnosis of the issue. every thing is a game for you guys.

    you seem to think every body is a professor, by the way he is not geography prof, he teaches political

    economy and the first black man to become a dean of a white university. reer puntland kan ina

    wareeriyey iyo reer suoth kan hadii maanta lagu wareejiyo xagay gayn dalkan. . shan reer koonfur ah

    iyo intaas in leeg oo reer puntland ah ayaa madax noqday. koob shaaha ma caanayn. Weligiinba is

    bedbedela, Samatar wuu soo taabtay, wuxuu arkay prof. wada bug ah oo meesha ordaya.hadiiba ay

    dhacdo mustaqbalka in la isku biiro waa in Caasimada Hrgeisa la keena. u malayn maayo qof reer

    Soomaliland ah ayuun baa diyaarada marba meel u raaci lahaa ayadoo dadku gaajo iyo macaluul

    u dhimanayaan. ku jira ciyaarta oo xukunka iku bedbedela ilaa qiyaamaha.

  11. If people don't criticize this slow moving caravan now, four years will lost without no achievement.

    the most important job of this president is to bring security. He probably thought by declaring war on

    al-shabaab will be enough credit to gain the confidence and acceptance of Ethiopia. Nin xaaskaaga

    doonaya gabadhayda aan ku siiyo kaa yeeli maato. waxuu u malaynayaa arrinta ugu weyn ee

    shisheeyaha Somaalia keenay gaar ahaan dalalka deriska in ay Al-shaab tahay. I remember during

    Abdi qasims term, Premier Hassan Abshir going to ADDIS, and guaranteeing Meles that no islamist

    will be allowed in the cabinet and offering so many other concessions. Finally he said mr. pime

    minister what is your answer, meles said you will get my answer soon. as soon as Abshir landed

    mogadhisho the Ethiopian troops entered Gaalkacayo. Former american president Eisenhower

    said you make peace through strength. In diplomacy peace must be mutual. those who reject peace

    must know their are prices to be paid. Another main point is he was elected in uu Xadhkahan deriska

    kala furfuro. sanad gudohood hadii aanu waxba kala furikarin uu dhibku sii bato ciidamada shisheeyana

    soo bataan. waa in baarlamaanku is dhaafiyaa, ilayn afar sano ma khasaari karto.

  12. Maybe I went little overboard, I have no intention of dismissing this regions, but if you

    look carefully those who advise him and his inner circle , it does not take much to know

    how this president is challenged in so many ways. Oba la isma gaadhin, markii tartanka

    lagalay lixdii qof ee u saraysay, Afar ka mid ah isku xaafad ayey ahaayeen. taas macneheedu ma

    reer Balcad ayaa uGu kambayn fiicnaa Soomaalidii tartamaysay. jawaabtu waa mayua.

    because the used the resource of the capital region. that is some us will be demanding sooon

    that the capital city must moved to Hargeisa or some where else, other wise we will have

    the same recycled politician's of Mogadhisu.This is the last time, you have three years or less

    to get your act together, because the survival of the nation is more important than the capital.

  13. Yes , I agree, after one year of confusion he will get rid of these prime minister and start all over again.

    He does `t understand the difference between friendship and competence. this has been the hallmark

    of this government who want to surround themselves with relatives and friends. just check Vila somalia

    you don`t have one single heavy weight politician who can handle international diplomacy. Of course that

    is what you get because the most important resume is born in Ali Yaale, jowhar in hiiraan. Since when

    the southern Somalis mastered foreign diplomacy. none.maba oga wadankani ku daynayo hadaanu

    helin dad wax garanaya.

  14. the kulmiye guys wanted to manipulate the the session to elect the mayor. they dispatched a

    vice minister who wanted the meeting behind closed doors but the governor demanded open

    vote by raising the hand which eliminated the old mayor and elected two new people.

    in return the president and the palace minister got mad and fired the governor. PEOPLE

    feel that was retaliation . BY the way berbera is the home of the late great Cigaal.

  15. When do the Somali people stop blaming others. You have an elected government with a mandate,

    these IGAD issues and other maneuvers are part of international diplomacy and pressure tactics.

    we all remember as soon as the president Hassan was elected a Kenyan foreign minister came to

    mogadishu to meet the leader which coincided the blowing up of the hotel by al-shaaab, after he

    returned to Nairobi he accused Shariif to be the culprit. guys that was the first bullet of diplomacy


    waxani ciddii kala furfuri lahayd ayaa la rabaaa. waa maxay blaankiisu. Shariif baa wuxuu yidhi`

    Àddeer dabagaale ayaan dabin u dhigtay Maroodi aaa iigu soo dhacay`. waa sidii oo kale, wadan

    hawlihiisu u baahan yihiin khibrad iyo furdaamin oo shisheeye iyo sokeeyaba curyaamiyey miyaa

    Ustaad yar oo Xamar iyo Nairobi u dhaxeeya kala furdaamin.karaa. hadaad xasuusataan Samatar

    iyo dadkii wax fahmayey waxay dhaheen wadanku xaalad adag buu marayaa oo u baahan karti.

    reer Koonfurka waa lagu yaqaana diyaarado la raaco oo mar uun madaxweyne la dhaho.

  16. It is a new cash cow for the `(bariga iyo badhtamaha afrika)., you remember the old days when Somalis

    travel to Sauudiga to make hard currency, we use to call them ``Janaale` , well folks it is the same thing.

    They make 1200 dollars a month while the somali solder in beledweyne couldn't even get his 100 dollar

    per month. Qoslaaye thinks buy laughing like a boy who met his favorite idol when meeting world leaders

    will bridge the gab. The problem in this country is their is no stranded . a country who has suffered so

    much must must build it`s reputation and honor slowly rather than begging neighboring countries. Why not

    send the so called foreign minister or the slow moving prime minister to set the stage and discuss the

    outstanding issues with other leaders before hand. reliable sources said that he left empty handed both

    from Ethiobia and kenya. When you get a small time traded from Gedo with no government experience

    as prime minister and low level ustad who never met difficult challenge in his life , no wonder after 100 days

    they didn't left the door.

  17. President shariif as soon as he was elected in Djibouti flew to Addis, without even considering

    that the Ethiobian army crushed his movement few months ago. rather than build the bridge

    slowly and restore some honor he was interrogated by foreign minister Musfin. this nation's

    honor was rapped many times. Have you seen any minister or prime minister setting the stage

    before the president embarks this voyages. the agenda of the state and the contentious issues

    must be discussed extensively with other leaders by the foreign minister or some body else

    before you hit the capitals. He keeps smiling like a teenage who met his idol.

  18. The most pressing issue is national security, for every dollar they get , ninety cents must be spent on

    national army. this president thinks having entourage and friends in villa Somalia will do the trick.

    He visited Ethiopia and he gave the shop away, for what . he thought getting close to Ethiopia

    would marginalize Kenya from Kismayo. he failed on both sides. listen, this southern elites can`t

    save this country. they only think being called president is enough. Their only hope is foreign

    aid. Even today he was complaining the allocation of money from donors.


    Look at his cabinet, there are no heavy weights who could bring any meaningful help from

    the international community. This is the foundation of their thinking, avoid those who may have

    higher understanding of government and politics. fill the deck with no bodies. what a waste of

    four years.