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Posts posted by Khadafi

  1. Well said MMA.



    According to the ONLF, the reason for having the divisive letter (O)-NLF is for  them not to be seen as irrdentist. A guy I had a discussion with who by the way is active in ONLF organisation explained  the issue to me from his perspective. His arguements were that it would be harder to be seen as a legitamate anti-colonial movement with the "Soomali-galbeed" label it was therefore important to have the colonial name for that region.. What the poor fellow and their leadership dont understand is that  every succsesfull liberation struggle had the full backing of the people they they intended to liberate. You dont liberate a pieace of land within the academical schools politics. You do it with military muscles and after after tha you seek international legitamacy.. With hard facts on the table (aka your military strength and controll) you will sway the public into your side.   

    By the name,is it you who write your own history or is it the former colonial masters? What intention did the white man have when they named that region after clanname? Weaken the Somalis? Probably.! Then million dollar question that ONLF-leadership didnt ask themseleves is ofcours  if they really belive they can explain the whole irredentism -complex to non OG- somali clans? Do they really belive ordinary somalis who have gone through balaayo iyo qaxar   becouse of clan  will trust other nomadic somalis armed to teeth with a tribal  sounding name?. Xikmada waa shay muhiim. Gaalki Meles knew the weakness of Somalis and used the clan-card in that region. By creating intra-og rivalry  with Cabdi Iley and his stooges he weakended the support they had from the clan and made other somalis passive. A good example for Somalis should be Eritrea. The EPLF erased or minimized the religious, ethnic diffirences that existed Eritrea. Would the muslims of Eritrea supported in some way the EPLF if it had chosen "Eritrean Tigrayan People liberation front".

    Labels are not important, but when your people are compromised of  nomads, and your national conciousness is low, the name means everything.


    Been yaa lisku sheegin. Magac qabiil aan dhul soomaliyeed oo dadka oo dhan dagan ayaan magac qabiil ku xoreynaa waa xikmadla'aan.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

    I am talking  about  now. It's  clear some of the things thar have happened  or are having now are contrary  to their  interest.

    What makes you belive that? What are the things that have happened that has been against their intrest? I was also a bit cautios  at the beginning but after reading a english script of Abey's speach in Minnepolis I am now convinced that what we are seeing is simply the effects of an orchestrated  machievalli planned  plan to prevent civil war. (Amhara-Amharisied Oromos Alliance VS Tplf.  Abey Ahmed is simply what Galbeedi potrayed him to be. Oromo la amxaareeyay.  As for Somalis, even if a change occured. The guard at the jail-cell might have been replaced but the reality is that it's still a prison. The appointment of a former ally to Cabdi Ileey prooves that the status que have not changed. They have simply found a better horse ride once the old one has become useless. 


    Let's see if the internal dissent against Abey Ahmed  amongst the Tigra'ans and the more extreme Oromo's grows into a fully fledgeed collapse of the state.   Ninkaani meesha waa la  keenay as a desperate last attempt by the ruling coalition to keep the oromo revolt under controll. Thats a fact we all could agree upon. What we differ is how big the tigrayan dissent towards him is.


    Demoting a few generals  and making cosmetic changes does not really change the power dynamics by group that  had the power by the barrel of the gun. 


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  3. He still doesnt see that once he transfers the the power, Abey will arrest him and make him an escape goat for the ills that the TPLF caused. It is not without a concidence that Cabdi Ileey was the only named senior Ethiopian  official in semi-official US report that fully explained the gross human rights abuses commited by the TPLF regime.  This report was released prior the events we saw in Jigjiga.  They did not name a single tigrayan henchman but named and shamed Cabdi iley. Once the report was released gaalka madow , Caabey started to sing about the terror commited by the so called "former regime" he himself was part off as a murky intelligence officer.

    Tan, maanta iga qora: Ninkaani inta ey isticmaalen, ayna ku qasbeen in uu xukunka wareejiyo ayey berri maxkamad soo saarayaan. In a true stalinist fashion, Caabey will white wash  his hands by taking Cabdi Ileey to the hang man.  

    As a true treasonous weasel he chose to undo the little gain the Somalis had. He could have given political leverage  to those that still want to free themselves from the yoke of foregin controll by igniting the voice of dissent and calling for the implementation of article 39  according to the Ethiopian constitution. Even though his calling for that would have not led to dramatic results it would have given a great morale and political boost to other seperatist groups in Ethiopa. The TPLF, the Afars and some elements within the Oromo muslims would have seen that call for peace and a peacefull seccsesion as some thing they could also threaten Abiey Ahmeds hidden agenda.

    But  calool-wayne Cabdi Iley chose to leave by taking  smiling photograph  with a unknown hand-picked succsessor. Little does he remember that 6 months ago he was also taking smiling pictures of Caabey Axmed during his trip to Jigjiga thinking that just as he smiled and cried at Melez funeral he wold be safe. Little does he know that he will be taken to the gallows. Mark my words on this guys.


    Watch the video below:  The report that in a shamefull way named Cabdi Ileey (only him) and not mentioning the senior officials within the EPRDF.



    • Thanks 1

  4. Just now, Holac said:


    Typical Somali narrowmindedness. We Somalis always focus on the little issues (Illey) and ignore the bigger picture.



    Holac.  It might be narrow mindedness but what do you expect? He disarmed his people and was the chief henchman of a region that human rights watch in ther report from 2009 said was a closed concentration camp. No aid, no foregin journalists, nothing was allowed in. Ever asked yourself where Lugbuur is, and all of Cabdi Iley predecessors? They were deposed and sent to jail.

    When those poor oromos were marching and demonstrating the TPLF used somali forces and sent them to the homelands of Oromiya. He did not even understand that with the fall of the TPLF that his own life and power was under threat.  He could have organised a grand somali meeting and prepared the somalis for the upcoming changes. He instead chose to ride a motorcade with gaalka madow Abey Ahmed during a visit he made to Jigjiga. He probably thought that buissnes would continue as usall, little did he know that his fate was allready on the wall. You will probably in the next few days see another stooge on the scene.





    August 2, 2018


    By Faisal Roble

    On July 30, 2018, Ethiopia’s populist Prime Minister, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, was welcomed to the city of Minneapolis with a highly publicized and well-orchestrated three-city visit that included Los Angles and Washington DC.  The crowd at the Target Center located in the heart of downtown estimated to hover around 8,000 attendees. The gathering was nothing but a joyous expression of Oromo triumphalism.

    Abiy-Ahmed_MPLS-Demo-.jpg Hussein, a young Somali man at PM Abiy Ahmed’s reception in Minneapolis, protesting against the kiling of ethnic Somalis by Oromos .

    A small number of Somalis attended the gathering. Also, an insignificant but recognizable Somalis whose families are killed by Oromo vigilantes called “Qeero,” and local police force from the Oromia region demonstrated in the corridors of the Convention Center.

    Of the extraordinarily large crowd, a young Somali man, whose name remained unknown to me until now, stood out like a phoenix rising out of ashes and gallantly defied the norm. He literally challenged the entire crowd and the dignatory at the podium.

    Hussein, that is his name, made a small but significant history that will remain with us for a long time? Add some mythology to the mix, and Hussein’s portrait shown below will be a powerful historical icon.

    Unfortunately, ONLF cadres ashamedly stood by and clapped hands not for the hero amongst them but for the rhetorical words of the triumphant Prime Minister; they did so even without comprehending a word of his hour-long speech. It was a form of hail to the chief! Most of the Somalis in the crowd, especially ONLF cadres, spoke or understood neither Amharic nor Afan-Oromo, the two languages that served as the medium of communication.

    Which prompts one to ask: why would ONLF cadres attend a gathering if they can’t understand what was said? There is only one answer: Somalis hate to be left out when new power shows up in the political scene, and such behavior is historically more prevalent with Somalis under Ethiopian rule.

    Most Somalis at the gathering missed the gist of the sermon and the sweet-to-ears words of PM Abiy; yet they never ceased to smile. They simply followed the flock, clapped their hands in unison with the rest, and took pictures.  In other words, this was a perfect scene for what Somalis label “igu sawir,” or “let me take a pic together.” It is when you just take pics with someone to be seen with someone you think to be important. It is a delusional self-importance.

    ONLF cadres and other Somalis danced in a celebratory mood. Some even expressed their joy through the famous Dhanto. There, for a moment they resembled their nemesis, President of the Somali region known to entertain Ethiopian authority with a lot of fan and enjoyable Dhanto.

    The dignitaries at the podium did not miss the happiness expressed by their Somali subjects. But the Somalis appeared confused and out of place.

    At times ONLF cadres inadvertently cheered for a history that was contrary to their historical interpretations of their own struggle for freedom. King Tewedros, Emperors Menilek, and Haile Selassie were honored and praised; and the Somalis still clapped with joy.

    Yet, the ONLF cadres intently remained oblivious to the lone Somali.  Most of their attention was purposely focused towards the podium where Dr. Abiy, Lemma Megarsa and their flock agitator, Jawer Mohamed, were seated.

    How often does Somalis, especially in the last three decades, stand up to a hostile crowd and a sea of joyous supporters of an ETHIOPIAN PRIME MINISTER and gallantly wave a board carrying a simple but a powerful message? Not often. But that is what Hussein did and that very image left an ever-lasting impression on millions of Somalis?

    With bold and all capital letters, the board that defiant Hussein carried read: “STOP KILLING SOMALIS,” followed with a similar message in Amharic. He had hoisted it as high as he could.

    SA-ANC-Youth_Soweto.jpgThe now-famous portrait of the young man and his fearless defiant position may not be as vivid as the 1976 Soweto images, nor is it equal in pain to the Soweto youth who hoisted the flag of ANC.

    However, the messages and actions of defiant youth share one cardinal value: the propensity to defy powerful rulers and stand up for what they believe, while they remain oblivious to consequences.

    In Hussein’s view, the threat to his community was represented by the trio Oromo representatives: PM Abiy, Lemma Magersa and the ultra-Oromo nationalist, Jawer Mohamed.  It was now or never for him.

    Unlike ONLF cadres who sung for the trio, this young man’s board read: “STOP KILLING SOMALIS.” He spoke for thousands of Somalis and their surviving families who have been killed in Moyale, Negale, Balbalyti Babile, Tuleguuleed, and Maeso.

    In the 1940s, thirteen young Somali men with the nomenclature of the Somali Youth League (SYL) took the colonial powers in all Somali territories by surprise.  In less than twenty years (1960), Somalia was free.

    Oromos have seen their own share of heroic young men and women. In 1963, the unexpected announcement of the Mecha and Tulama Association, a social welfare organization to tackle the dismemberment and debasement of Oromos, shocked Ethiopia; this was the first indigenous and grass-root leadership Oromos have produced. Today’s Oromo youth who goes by the nickname of “Qeero” are different; they kill, mutilate and rape, and are not yesteryears Mecha and Tulama Association.

    Equally important was when Wallelegn Mekonen, a left-leaning young man, announced in front of high ranking Ethiopian clergymen and crown representatives the existence of an oppressed Somali nation within the unholy Ethiopian empire; with the declaration, Emperor Haile Selassie, or his subsequent rulers of Ethiopia, never had a quiet night since then.

    The defiance of, let us call him Hussein Somali, in Minneapolis, has certainly sent shockwaves – which Somali youth all over are taking kudos to defy oppression and subjugation. Millions of Somalis welcomed his message, opened their hearts, and unconditionally agreed with his position to tell the popular Prime Minister “STOP KILLING SOMALIS.”

    Prime Minister Abiy and his team conveniently ignored this message both here in Minneapolis and elsewhere.  When a Somali Harari young man asked PM Abiy in Los Angeles why he cannot tackle the massacre of Somalis, Harari, Guji by his base or Oromos, he got agitated and ignored the question.

    As if that was not enough, in three consecutive speeches in three different cities, Prime Minister Abiy celebrated the diversity of nationalities in Ethiopia; only one problem: he never failed to ignore one of the most disenfranchised group – Somalis. His posthumous and patronizing band-aid words in a gibberish Somali written in the Giez alphabet does not quite cut it.  Rather, Somalis need a big boy to stop the bloodshed.

    In a twist of events, though, the message of Hussein Somali somehow equally offended the cadres of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF).

    When I posted this powerful and historic image on my Facebook wall, ONLF cadres tried to belittle the person; they attacked and accused him of being an agent of DDS and it’s strong but waning and weakened ruler, Abdi Muhumed Omar.

    ONLF cadres, most of them young and misinformed and more so about Ethiopia’s complex history, trashed the young hero; they muddied the message expressed on the board with many other unrelated peripheral conversation.

    On my part, I found solace in the portrait of this Hussein Somali and right away posted it on my Facebook page, while calling for ONLF to apologize to the Somali people for hoisting its flag to salute the trio who are in the midst of a campaign to kill as many Somalis and grab as many Somali territories as possible.

    A defiant stance taken by a proud and daring young Somali man who stood up to his killers and oppressors is just what we need at this time. No one can explain why this heroic message offended ONLF cadres whose charter purports to stand for the welfare of all Somalis.

    Faisal Roble

    Faisal Roble, a writer, political analyst and a former Editor-in-Chief of WardheerNews, is mainly interested in the Horn of Africa region. He is currently the Principal Planner for the City of Los Angeles in charge of Master Planning, Economic Development and Project Implementation Division.

  6. Another Somali stooge/traitor bites the dust. Just as Yunis said, what happended to Abdi iley is not a isolate incident. Every hench-man that xabashida  used were either deposed and put in prison  by the xabashida or simply forced into exile once they had served their agenda. The only thing that made Cabdi Iley diffirent was  his sole dedication to pleasing the TPLF-masters. He massacred his own people. 

    The deep cracks in in the Ethiopian society that Caabey Axmed  tried to hide is now coming into full effect.  The Amhara and the Oromo might think that this violence is occuring in a  a far away region that has no relevance. But it takes only a singe shot to unleash what everyone knows will happen and that has been happening since Eritrea broke away in 1991. The  blue-prints for an africanised yoguslavia were created by the TPLF. The only thing that is needed now is a well united Somali front saying what is on everyones mind and what will spur other ethnic group's to have the bravery and seek their own destiny.   Cabeey Axmed, the amharicised oromo that praises Menelik, the amhara enslaver of oromos will soon or later clash with other dedicated Oromos. He will fail.




  7. Geed deg deg lagu karo si deg deg ayaa laga soo dagtaa. I warned against this foregin trip and said Somalia would have nothing to gain  but something to lose.   This trip done after caabey-oromo's visit re-affirm how weak Somali leaders are.  Holac, see the press-release from the Somali side and the Eritrean and you will be amazed and shocked to see how amatuerish and naive the somali one is. While the Eritrean one speaks of no obligation from their side the somali side is full of concessions.  Qalbi-dhagax, and now this. Seem things are done in a erratic ways.

    Galbeedi,  Oday Geele might be a despot but he is one that stood  behind the somali people. Carta conferance, re-ignited the endless TFG:s that led us to FGS. He was also the one that rescused the ALS-ICU   from the cruel gaalka Cafwerki.   What did he gain from this trip? Nada, what did he lose? An ally? And all it took make this erratic decision was to  be given a field-trip  to some waterfalls in Asmara.


    He could have simply made a press-release hoping for peace between Djabouti and Asmara and gone home.


  8. 12 hours ago, Samafal said:

    Khalaf, what crazy economic school have you been to man that coconnectsa between mulnatrition and infrastructute development?  It is simple. Economic infrastructure devopment brings investment, investment bring jobs and revenue for government to invest back in essential services such education, health etc.

    Samafal-beele you sound intelligent but repeating the ABC of old white gaalo' men's handbook of capitalism doesnt change the reality on the ground . As I have said before, There is nothing wrong with infrastructure but have you actually made some observations on the ground? Airports, docks and by the way, why dont you add add some japanese bullet speed-trains  for your tolka it while your at it. It sounds good does it not? but the matter of fact is that malnourished people need basic requirments as food, security and shelter.    Once these requirments are met together with education then you could talk about access to clean water. By the way read above what Miskiin Macruuf wrote. Who will benefit? The few calool waynayaasha that are robbing the somali  state by importing toxic ( not a parable by the way, some somali warlords literally imported toxic waste for money) and exporting dhuxul? 

    You remind me  of a trip to Mogadishu I made 1,5 year ago. I spent three nights in a impressive hotell.   But once you dare to put a step outside the  the gated hotell you would see yourself walking around scenes from apocyaptic madmax/the walking dead world. Plastic bags  as a shelter. No general education. I am not trying to be pessimistic over here but thats the reality. The civil war have had catastrophic effects on Somalia (even though the nation is slowly rising again).

    So whats next  Samfal beside building the biggest Dubai-looking airports amongst those poor nomads. War maad ka hadashid sidee ey abaar-la'aan ummada u joogi karaan?   By the way, do not contradict your ABC-handbook, western neo-liberal capitalism requires integration and borderless states, free movement of goods and people  not your isolate bickering clan states!

  9. On 2018-07-31 at 11:38 PM, Samafal said:

    Sxb you are talking a lot of trash. The reason we have mulnourishment is not because we have too many ports, airports and long highways. It is because we have a lack of them. In the free market economics these ports should spur competition and economic growth for the region. 

    Dalmar, how Building infrastructure like Gara'ad port leads to civil war? What does not lead to war then? **********imo and living in chaos? Caqligaas dadka wata baan rabnaa inaan dowlad la wadaagno bal daya!!! War adeeroow dhulkaaga dhiso kaygaan dhisanyaan Iimaankana isku sug risqiga Allah baa haye dakad meel laga dhisay kuuma hayso.


    Trade  and economic development  begins when   the value of the human capital (stock of knowledge, habits, social and personality attributes, including creativity,)  are raised in the society.  Who will work at  your big ports? malnourished people'? Who will land at the  big airports? UN- aid airplanes?  Lets have food security  and  effective general education and lets then talk about big airports and docks.  Xaqiiqda wey xanuun badantahay laakin marwalbo waxaa fiican in aad xaalada dhabta ah ka hadashid.  Fuundiga xamaaliga ah maanta aqoon darro ayaa haysato. They even hire foregin professional fuundiyaal from Kenya to do basic  technical issues at a "hotell". 

    Samafal, sxb, no one is against having more infrastracture in Somalia, but I will give you a tip. Go and visit the countrey and you will be shocked when you see the current state of  our nation. 


  10. 56 minutes ago, Samafal said:

    How is this bad? Mudug can have two airports, two ports and two in everything. It is just sick people who see evil in everything is the problem here. 

    Ever heard of  a thing called cost effectiveness when planning for public instututions?  It's easy to say that a small desertified countey that according to UN-reports has massive malnourishment to have two ports and two of everything. What's more difficult is actually to find the resources. 

  11. Che, hala Yaabin,., Afwerki sent two low-level intelligence officers to Somalia during the last year of Xassan Sh Maxamuuds reign and made an offer to normalise relations with Somalia and recognise TFG. Somalia woild then inform the UN that Eritrea had ceased to support al-shabaaab. The sanctions against Eritrea would then be easier to lift.

    It is of no intrest for us to meet this bloody dictator when he is actually ockupying  parts Djabouuti and threatning  soomalida jabuuti. By having this meeting he has a lot to gain while somalis will betray another soomalida jaboouti.

  12. Yemen's rebels attack Abu Dhabi airport using a drone

    UAE official denies attack but Abu Dhabi airport tweeted earlier there was an incident involving a supply vehicle.

    2 hours ago

    Yemen's Houthi rebels say they attacked Abu Dhabi's international airport in the United Arab Emirates with a drone.

    According to the Houthi-run Al-Masirah television channel, the Sammad-3 drone launched three attacks on the airport on Thursday.

    It was not immediately clear if there was any damage or casualties.

    Abu Dhabi airport tweeted earlier in the day there had been an incident involving a supply vehicle that had not affected operations. It was unclear if it was related to the reported drone attack. 

    An identified UAE official told Reuters news agency the attack did not occur. 

    'No paper tiger'

    A Houthi military source said the armed drone flew 1,500km before it reached Abu Dhabi's airport.

    General Abdullah al-Jafri, a spokesman for the Houthis, said the drone attack showed the movement was capable of launching attacks against vital civilian infrastructure of the Saudi-Emirati-led military coalition battling the rebels in Yemen


    "Our attack on Abu Dhabi airport shows our forces are no paper tiger like our enemies claim," Jafri told Al-Masirah TV on the phone.

    "They mocked us before, but let me make it clear that the next stage will be targeting the infrastructure of our enemies in Saudi and the UAE."

    The UAE official denied the airport attack.

    "Operations at the airport are business as usual," the unnamed official was quoted as saying.

    Despite the denial, people on social media noted many flights at the airport had been delayed.

    Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdul-Salam told Al Jazeera Arabic by phone the UAE denial was "baseless".

    "It is a lie. They cannot deny the new reality on the ground," said Abdul-Salam.

    "We don't understand the hype when it comes to our attacks. We are in a state of war. We are being attacked every day. Our people are being slaughtered every single day. Our cities, our airports are being targeted by the Saudi-UAE coalition. So, why are they are surprised by us attacking their positions?"

    Tankers targeted

    The purported drone attack came a day after the rebels targeted two Saudi oil tankers in the Red Sea, prompting Riyadh to temporarily suspend the transport of oil supplies through the Bab al-Mandeb Strait.

    The Houthis control much of northern Yemen and have said Abu Dhabi, a member of the Western-backed coalition fighting against them since 2015, was a target for their missiles.

    The UAE has an advanced anti-missile interception system - the Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) - which is designed to destroy short and intermediate-range missiles.

    Andreas Krieg, assistant professor at the Defence Studies department, Kings College London, expressed scepticism over the supposed attack.

    "This is quite surprising if not shocking news," Krieg told Al Jazeera. "I haven't seen any images yet, but you need to imagine that they must have flown 1,350km from Sanaa or somewhere else in Yemen all the way to Abu Dhabi.

    "It would be shocking if it turned out to be true, considering that the UAE has such good defensive capabilities. I mean it's very hard for me at this point to imagine this is actually possible."

    Krieg said some Houthi drones had been developed locally with the help of Iran or other external supporters. Iran and the Houthis have denied any such cooperation.

    "The issue here is that the Houthis have made a lot of claims that they have new unmanned air vehicles in place, but we've never seen it and we've never seen it in use," he said.

    Humanitarian disaster

    The United Nations has called the war in Yemen the world's worst humanitarian disaster.

    At least 10,000 people have been killed and thousands of others wounded in the conflict in Yemen, one of the world's most impoverished nations.

    More than 20 million Yemenis need aid, millions are on the brink of famine, and hundreds of thousands have been infected with diseases, mostly cholera.

  13. 18 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:


    Your quite true that the federal government of Somalia is a weak government, squeezed in between al-qaeda terrorists and conflicting  politicians that what to keep the privelages that they gained  during the vicious civil war in the 90-ties. Soomaliland was actually a beacon of hope for somali intellectuals  and still is.  It wasnt easy being a somali intellectual during the  early 90-ties when countrey  turned into a mad-max countrey with death and starvation.  You needed to see clear evidence that somalis could actually create somekind of a peacefull civil adminstration in order to have hope again and Somaliland provided that. I would say that the whole notion of a federal Soomaliya got their inspiration from Soomaliland.   It is not by a chance that years later your north-eastern  neighbors created a similliar clan-based adminstration and even started using the word land"when they formulated a new name for the countrey. We Somalis have a this habit. If you see one somali opening a kastuumo/niikis you will see the whole street ockupied by somalis selling kastuumos/niikis.

    I think that your well aware of the enermous  steps of stability  koonfurta has undertaken. The first election of a Soomali president were held in Somalia and despite  the huge obstacles , Pres. Xassan Sheekh  succeeded in laying the framework a federal region based Soomalia. This was a crucial step in south as this was needed to calm the fragmented  diverse south. The next big step that showed showed the return of the Somali government and what I would say is a milestone in post-1991 Somali political history is the peacefull transfer of a presidedency in Mogadishu by person in the H-block to  person to the D-block. The third evidence  is the solid international recognition.   


    It has been 30 years  since some  not all somalis in hargeysaa  (SSC, Boorama) demanded for seperatism. That project failed, if it would have been succsesfull  then we would have seen Somaliland as a fully recognised nation. Instead of that as of in 2018 the FGS has firmly and succsesfully demanded that your region/nation/countrey (I dont care about semantics, if you wish it be called countrey so be it) to be treated in a equal way just as other somali regions are treated.   What I am asking you  is , if the boat sailed, where is it going? 30 years is a long time and the region is changing.  It should be no suprise to you that the youth of Somaliland are seeking greener pastures in other greener pastures of Somalia becouse of the dire economical situation. The same could  be said about the youth in the koonfurta.


    Even the late respected Pres cigaal (AUN) a somali nationalist said in a recorded speach that he ready for talks with other somalis once the south has cooled down.  Sadly he passed away a few months after that famous interview was conducted.  Politics changes,  what sounded as popular slogan during the 1990-ties might sound alien or simply not relevant for a younger generation.   Forget about Somalia/Somaliland, young somalis are now  interconnected to each other through the social meda then never before. In short, southerners and the vast majority do share my views based upon my re-search, they are not intrested in enforcing  afweyne type of central government and do not view the brotherhood of soomaliweyn connected to any kind of military adventurism. That hysteria and irrational phobia  has been mainly coming from northerners and I think it has to do with the political agenda of fostering unity between northerners by screaming about an  imagined threat posed by orchs of Somali koonfurians. It is not a coincidence that during Ramadaan  the old man in Hargesaa had to call  bunch of guul-wade journalsts and basically sell them the imagined tale of Barre 's incarnated corps like dhagdheer was doing a large scale invasion of small  dusty town named Tukuraq. While everyone in the briefing room and those who followed it  understood this was a simple tribal skirmish. The old man  had to use  scare tactics by stating "dagaal aan ku jirna". If I recall it correctly only one critical jorunalist had the the guts to spill it out and and call the whole incident for what it was. A simple tribal skirmish.


    By the way, regarding the borders, I do not have a problem with them but  it's tragic when I see a somali using the colonial lines drawn line drawn by a few white gaalo men in a  beer filled room in Berlin. Whats more tragic to see is that to see a Somali using these map-lines as a form a xirsi, seeking barako from it.  Yaab!  Ar niman cadaan ah oo cayilsan warkhad xun ey khariirad ku qoreen waxba kuma tareyso ee iska tuur yaakhay.








  14. 20 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    We have seen allot noice in Somaliland media lately that the current path of Somaliland foreign policy is not the way forward we saw siilaanyo foreign policy. During the udub time somaliland had good ties  with south Africa Zambia Senegal Ghana  Nigeria Rwanda.  And  we had diplomatic offices all over these country. The late fagadhe aun and Edna did a great job back then. I think president muse should totally ignore Mogadishu no talks nothing and purely focusing Africa and south America. New trade deals. We got the Arabs on our side dp world is signed it's time to go to work and perhaps a new foreign minister two who has allot of energy and who speaks 7 languages. 


    Xaaji, Sorry to burst the bubble, Even though  Cigaal was a brilliant politician what made him succsessfull in that field of politics was that his northern enclave had stability to certain degree. While the south had a vicious civil war, the north was slowly getting out of it. International observers wanted "a somali leader" that resembled an institution that they could speak too. As for today, the recognition of FGS and its increasing influence makes it harder for you or anyone else in Somalia to go back to those days.  Compromising a nations unity is a big "no no" within international diplomatic circles or between foregin ministries of the world.

  15. Galbeedi might be far fletched but he has historical truths on his side.  Why should Somalis fight against oromos when both people are cushitic and a large part of the oromos are islamic?. This might be a chance for all opressed people in that land to gain some historical justice  from years of abyssinian xabashi  opression. Lets look beyond   a few few skirmishes and see things with some insight. By the way waxaa yaab badan how somalis never engage in self-criticism.

    What has made these oromos angry? Might it have been the TPLF using somali merceneries aka Liyuu police  to massacre them when they were on the streets demonstrating?  Why have not the Oromos engaged in skirmishes with Amhara region? I am not taking a defeatist stance nor am I being conspiratorial  here but  yaanan la deg-degin.  IF Abey Ahmed is not a  gaal is qarinaayo aka  amharisied oromo,  somalis have powerfull role to play. If he is  one  balaayo ayaa soo socoto.

    Regarding the ONLF  they do have legitamate demands and is today just as you said the only viable  opposition  that has machinery to carry out an agenda but their methodology is flawed. Deeply flawed.  The scars from fthe 90-ties are still fresh in some people minds. What  probably unites  people in the Somali region is without a doubt  Soomalinimo, and Islaamnimo . What divides them is clan-based  political organisation that is  actually is trying to convince  other deeply suspicious Somalis to accept that clan-based name for the region.

    Galbeedi,  ask yourself the sincere question. Would  a simple  non-og Somali  tnomad take up arms with other OG-somalis in a fight for "ogadeniya".  Forget about  other non--og somalis,  even sub--tribes within the og- nomads would be suspicous of each other. This is the reality on how much division that exists between us somalis.  While they, the Oromos are led by an Oromo with a muslim name, conspiring with an assimilated christian Oromo (Legassa guy).  By the way, Legassa guy was actually the one who put forth Abey Ahmed as a candidate to the EPRDF central commite. He was the one who demonised the somalis in the media. 

    Soomalida gobolkaas daggan hadey talo rabaan, waxaan dhihilahaay soomalinamada ku noqdo.





  16. 36 minutes ago, Tallaabo said:

    According to walawayn mentality Mogadishu is a city state like Singapore and not just a capital city. In their views all the progress made in Puntland in the last two decades does not count and does not represent Somalia. What happens in Mogadishu happens in Somalia and what happens in Puntland, Jubbaland, and other places happens on Mars. 

    Your forgetting that 2 million somalis, from all walks of life and regions live in Mogadishu. 

  17. Iran's Rouhani warns Trump about 'mother of all wars'

    Sunday July 22, 2018


     Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday cautioned U.S. President Donald Trump about pursuing hostile policies against Tehran, saying “America should know ... war with Iran is the mother of all wars,” but he did not rule out peace between the two countries, either. 

    Iran faces increased U.S. pressure and looming sanctions after Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from a 2015 international deal over Iran’s nuclear program.

    Addressing a gathering of Iranian diplomats, Rouhani said: “Mr Trump, don’t play with the lion’s tail, this would only lead to regret,” the state new agency IRNA reported.

    “America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars,” Rouhani said, leaving open the possibility of peace between the two countries which have been at odds since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

    “You are not in a position to incite the Iranian nation against Iran’s security and interests,” Rouhani said, in an apparent reference to reported efforts by Washington to destabilize Iran’s Islamic government. 
    In Washington, U.S. officials familiar with the matter told Reuters that the Trump administration has launched an offensive of speeches and online communications meant to foment unrest and help pressure Iran to end its nuclear program and its support of militant groups.

    Current and former U.S. officials said the campaign paints Iranian leaders in a harsh light, at times using information that is exaggerated or contradicts other official pronouncements, including comments by previous administrations.

    Rouhani scoffed at Trump’s threat to halt Iranian oil exports and said Iran has a dominant position in the Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, a major oil shipping waterway.

    “Anyone who understands the rudiments of politics doesn’t say ‘we will stop Iran’s oil exports’...we have been the guarantor of the regional waterway’s security throughout history,” Rouhani said, cited by the semi-official ISNA news agency.

    Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Saturday backed Rouhani’s suggestion that Iran may block Gulf oil exports if its own exports are halted.

    Rouhani’s apparent threat earlier this month to disrupt oil shipments from neighboring countries came in reaction to efforts by Washington to force all countries to stop buying Iranian oil.

    Iranian officials have in the past threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz in retaliation for any hostile U.S. action.

    newsinsidSeparately, a top Iranian military commander warned that the Trump government might be preparing to invade Iran.

    “The enemy’s behavior is unpredictable,” military chief of staff General Mohammad Baqeri said, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported.

    “Although the current American government does not seem to speak of a military threat, according to precise information it has been trying to persuade the U.S. military to launch a military invasion (of Iran),” Baqeri said.

    Iran’s oil exports could fall by as much as two-thirds by the end of the year because of new U.S. sanctions, putting oil markets under huge strain amid supply outages elsewhere.

    Washington initially planned to totally shut Iran out of global oil markets after Trump abandoned the deal that limited Iran’s nuclear ambitions, demanding all other countries to stop buying its crude by November.

    But it has somewhat eased its stance since, saying that it may grant sanction waivers to some allies that are particularly reliant on Iranian supplies. 

  18. Someone wise said:


    Aan is waheshano walaalayaal
    aan wada jirno walaalayaal

    Shicibyahow wanaagsan
    wadnahayagi rumaadoow

    Wadajir bey laba gacnood wax ku qaban karaanee
    Wadajir bey laba gacnood wax ku qaban karaanee
    Aan is waheshano walaalayaal
    aan wada jirno walaalayaal


  19. Galbeedi, Your correct in your analysis regarding Abey Ahmed's cultural orientation. It is without any kind of doubt that Caabeey Axmed is an abyssinianised Oromo. But Caabey taking power and the Amxaras lurking in the background  in order to create the the gone day's of Ityopia Tikdem will not matter for the Somalis.

    As you know the region that have not assimilated in anyway or have been drawn to cultural sphere of the Xabashida are mainly the Somalis. They are today not part of the political changes happening in Ethiopia and even the xabashida  themselves admit that they really do not see those soomali-galbeed as "ethiopian" by culture, religion and so on. Nothing of great value will change for the Somalis.

    The reason for this is that the Caabey Axmeds quest for "reforms" is becouse of the internal economicl crisis that the EPRDF is facing.  What many have not been able to see is that these reforms are mainly driven by deep econmical factors.  I dont know  ifyou remember this, but last year the IMF issued a stark warning to Haile Mariams government. This was followed shortly by visit by Christian Lagarde, the chairwoman of the IMF. The first visit by an IMF leader to an African nation.  The visit coincided with the ethnic unrest the scared away the little remaining investors. In januari,  In december 2017 according to a friend of mine the government didnt not even have money to pay off the police officers of the countrey. The countrey was descending into anarchy and chaos becouse the economical bancrupcy. Even the chinese as we noted on SOL a couple of months ago defaulted on the loans that they readily gave to the government.

    That said, the main question is how will this impact on the Somalis?  Nothing, Some are  to young to remember this but history does repeat itself. When Aman Andom took  power in the DERG before being ousted by Mengistu, he was singing the same tunes as todays Caabey. He even visited Dire Dawa in the 70-ties and gave a passionate speach to Somalis elders and promised them reforms as I have been told.  He did the same to the Eritreans but nothing changed. Just as you noted the best hope for the Somalis that are not part of the political fabric of that countrey is to see  Tigreega wanting article 39 but as you know they will never do that. The bonds to their Xabashi kindren is to strong. Lets face it, as long as Somalia is weak and broken soomali-galbeed will never be liberated.



    • Thanks 1

  20. Galbeedi spoke the truth about the history of Wooyane's TPLF history of destabilizing the horn of Africa and creating sedition amongst Somalis.  Somaalida been in ey isku sheegan ayey jecelyihiin  but who remembers the 90-ties when lorries of Ethiopian arms were arriving to feuding tribal warlords in Mogadishu.  The north wasnt so diffirent. A few somali leaders were in away getting active support in the what they saw as legitamate political project with their blinded eyes but was in realiity the weakning  of the ethnic ties that existed amongst  all Somalis  To add some salt to the injury they even added a 6-th pillar to Islam and replaced the Xajka  with the informal siyaaro to Addis Abeba.   Every aspriring somali leader went to Addis Abeba to declare his loyalty thus cementing the client-state relationship. Yaab!

    Galbeedi laakin amuu ku fuduuday isbadalka Caabey Axmed? What makes him belive that the TPLF has reluinqished power without a single shot fired? Thats something that many do not understand. Africa is known for one thing surely. Jabhad iskama tagto ee tag ayaa la dhahaa.




  21. So he finally entered the black hole of petty tribal feuds?  Manna la yaabo yaasinka!   "Waxbarashadiisa" ma saan ayaa u dambeysay?   Ninkaani waligiisa fudeedka soomalida ku arkay ayuu necbanaa laakin waaxaa yaab eh asaga ayaaba fuedeedkaasi qabo. Waxaan soo xasuusto anaa Tiifiiga ka dawaanayo dood uu ka qaybgalay. Marka uu wakhtigiisa dahamaaday intuu si aqoonyahanimo uu dhageysanlahaa dadka kale  wuxuuba ku xanaaqay qofka dooda soo abaabulay. He was asked why he was leaving the debate and he answered in a very ego-centric way "I need more  time to explain these issues". It didnt occur to him that the other academics he was debating also needed to talk hence  their is a good reason why a debate time of 20 minutes is more then enough.


    Ducaale is correckt when you get the feeling that when he speaks its all  about him.


