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Posts posted by Khadafi

  1. That rifle liberated many colonies from the hands of imperialism, in other words, the kalash balanced the art of war, the poor african could easily the former superior technology of the west. The Kalash is a magnificent invention, you could bury it and fire it without a problem 10 years later.


    A picture tells more then a thousands words Below is a viatnamese female FNL soldier holding the gun to a 2 meter tall american soldier.




  2. The Latin alphabet is good and international. We have to remember that Somalia was very poor during the 70-ties when it adopted the latin alphabet, if they would have taken the arabic alphabet think about the how many new "arab" keyboard type writes they would be forced to buy.

    The Somali linguists had good to reasons to why they did not the Arab alphabet

  3. What ever he was, He was a man of opinion. During his time, the rule of law meant that white people were superior to the blacks. This was even the norm in Europe. The man refused to abide the norms and begun a revolutionary struggle. For all of you here in SOL picking on Madiba should ask yourselves what you would have doe if you were a young blackman in South-Africa during the 1950-60. Would you follow norms and live a quite life or would you begin a revolutionary struggle that would put you in prison for 25 years.


    Even I disagree with Madiba on many things (who does rally agree 100% of things), He will always be my hero, and AFRICAN HERO!


    The black man who broke and destroyed the regime of apartheid. Noolow Madiba!

  4. This is an upright biliqo of houses belonging to the banaidiri-community and the d-block who fled from Mogadishu. Who is Tarzan to legitimize un-lawful take-over over houses beongning to those who fled from the civil war. Why does not he instead call for the ******** to return the the looted houses to it's rightful owners.


    Taarzan needs to go and needs to do it quickly.

  5. Saferz you wrote a interesting essay., I see that nation state has no "muqadissnimo" for you as you chop it down in your marxist analysis, a good thing though is that your not ruled by "dogmas". I have to commend for that. As for the thread I do believe that "somali-ness" is a religious-ethnic identity. Why on earth should we abandon or dismantle one of the most precious things that our parents gave us--- mainly IDENTITY. Even the Xaaji Xunjuf, the afro-hashemite does not deny somali-ness.



    As for politics, that's another topic, Somalia as a nation state was not invented, remember that Somalis existed before the arrival of the whites. History did not begin when the whites came or when the whites gave us our hard fought freedom, therefore per logic "Somalia" was not invented. The same could be said about Britain, the days when queens and kings ruled in Britain can not be compared to these days when men/women from working class are shaping the countries future. Does this mean that Britain became invented? We needs to read Edward Said :D We have yet freed ourselves from the chains of orientalism.


    Anyways that's what I could muster to refute! Ogowna waad iga xanaaqsiisid. Soomaliya xaaladeeda waad u jeeda, soomalinimadana hadaa CHOP CHOP la gareeya maxaa soo haray lol!



    But I do agree with you on one thing, Somalia is a nation mixed in it's different life-styles, Orientalists as I. Lewis have contributed to the false idea of Somalis only compromising of pastoral nomads. Their is unique mixture of a sedimentary-pastoral life style in southern Somalia. The cultural exchange and influence between these very different lifestyles has given Somalis a unique culture. Maybe we need further information how these inter-cultural influence is making itself present today`? The Only Somali intellectual that has smashed this false history must be the savannah based Professor Mukhtar Omar Mukhtar. His influence is being felt today and I belive many more will understand him in the future.

  6. SomaliPhilosopher;926485 wrote:
    Being "nomads" is something we take great pride in as Somalis. Though it appears it is a lifestyle and culture that is slowly coming to an end as we emulate this "reer magaal" lifestyle. Perhaps it is in Somalia's best interest to reinstate this nomadic culture as it is an integral part of the Somali identity. I am hereby proposing a national service program geared towards requiring city dwellers to serve 1-2 as a true Nomad. The participant shall be provided with a geel and sent to a certain region, very similar to the national service teaching program.


    One of the outcomes of this program is to eliminate this social stratification of "reer magaal" and "reer miyi" and place people on a similar social status.


    Thoughts? Additions? Criticisms? Please share


    Somali Philsopher, you made an intresting point but I think we need the opposite!. In order to have a nation-state we we need is more urbanization and class-awareness rather then the opposite "tribal-awareness". Nomadic culture nourishes tribalism because of the harsh life-style and lack of resources. Kinship in its form of a clanism becomes the absolute dogma of survival. I dont see the point of returning to that yaa Faylusuufi.


    Let's be urbanized and sedimentary, by doing so the natural process of class-identity will triumph of Clanism, Marx is right on this despite being wrong on many other things. Let's have the opposite of a 2 years program of urbanization, during the socialist policy of Siyaad Barre, he introduced farmers from Soomali-Galbeed to the somali-bravaneese community. Many of the nomads who fled from the great famine of 1974 became successful fishermen and abonded the tribal mentality of the social fabric in the society. The urbanised community intermarried with the local population and still to this day live their.

  7. Wadani;987948 wrote:
    If you don't want us to condemn Arabs,

    Wadani, simply because of I do not believe in racist remarks towards an entire race. The only reason that I posted it was to highlight the plight of those workers. Nothing wrong condemning the gross human right abuses towards those people but not everyone in the gulf is evil.

    I think you understand my point Wadani.

  8. Cadale;987966 wrote:
    Adigana your not an ethnic somali go back to cumaan inaar.




    LOL cadale, I suppose you prepared the boat? Buraha itoobiya markaad adi ku noqotid aan doonta qaadana :D

  9. Ridwaan;987943 wrote:
    No offense to anyone when I say this, I speak from lack of knowledge in Somali clans, but what is a bantu? They don't look like the average Somali. I don't mind having diversity in the horn. They seem quite interesting.

    The Somali Bantu are Somalis with a history in Somalia. They are hard workers and their region is the bread basket of Somalia.

    This is not directed towards you Ridwaan but this thread has seen a scene of xenophobia and racism that's horrible. I wonder how we Somalis in the west who face discrimination everyday can have the audacity to be xenophobic.

  10. I never claimed that people are forbidden to pray at the mosque. And no, Saudi Arabia is not based on anything; just because someone is claiming it, doesn't make it true. Saudi Arabia deserves to be criticized as do all the other countries I've mentioned.


    just because someone is claiming it, doesn't make it true. Saudi Arabia deserves to be criticized as do all the other countries I've mentioned.

    Ditoore, Your man of ideal's and I love that but sometimes you need to smell the fresh coffee of realism. I have always loved ideals but sometimes they don't add up to reality. What I am trying to say ditoore is that islamic ideals with justice and piety is always good and ever lasting ideals but man is always doomed to fail by his temptations. It's a catchy phrase to say that Islam is the solution but when you ask that person further questions like "what do you exactly mean by that statement?, the answer becomes subjective, meaning that you can understand it in the way you want


    For a example, a Turkish AKP-supporter would probably also say your cathcy phrase but his way of understanding it, is far from Al-qaedas, or Taliban, or even the muslim brotherhood. outlook on the phrase. The turkish AKP islamists are far far away from the islamists of Al-shabaab. Do you see my point?


    Regarding Saudia Arabia, the only reason that I mentioned it was to make you understand how easy it is to use the beautiful name of Islam in order to boost up your credentials or even your politics. Did you know that Morrocos kings formal title is "Amiirul Mu'minin" (Commander of the Belivers). He legitimizes his rule by his claim by the formal "bayca" that take place in Morocco every year. You would probably object to his claims. Islaam, and faith in Allah is far above from the dirty realms of politics but it's ideals of justice and piety is everlasting. I have a firm belief that it is these ideals that will be a solution to our problems.


    So where do I stand in these issues? Well to begin with as I have said I have firm belif that the ideals of Islam is always needed in our society. We are lacking in education but we have a few countries that are a role model. Malaysia is a muslim countrey and are dynamic well functioning society. They were in the league of Africa in the 1960 but are now a high tech countrey that could be compared to the US or Europe. Let's find their recipe and how they did it.


    And Sheikh Qaradawi gave the answer. It's because of laziness and ineptitude, and because they turned away from their religion.

    I agree with you on this point, maybe we have failed the religious obligation to seek knowledge? I'am not an expert to say why arabs or even africans in general are in stagnation but quick answers would be apologetical factors like colonialism?. But so many years has gone since we attained our freedom, we cant simply always blame colonialism.


    And Egypt was not even 30% perfect during the time of Nasser and Sadat. Their countries were still poor, they still never produced anything, and they were whipped by the Israelis in several wars. They had nothing to boast about, and the reason why you may
    this is because Nasser was a charismatic leader. But charisma doesn't mean results. And he got no results

    Your 100% correct, he failed in a sense regarding Israel but have you forgotten the suez crisis and how he managed to fight back imperialist aspirations? Another thing historically is that FNL in Algeria successfully one the war in 1963 at the cost of 2 millions dead Algerians. Nasser's anti-imperialist support and rhetoric was needed to ignite the Algerians, remember that France thought that Algeria was not a colony because of the 2 million french settlers. to sum it up, What I meant to say that Egypt's cultural influence is minimal in comparison to the 70-ties.


    I know you agree with me and Haatu here

    I probably agree with you in most issues but Haatu is another story.


    But this is so seriously off-topic. This is way too off-topic

    I agree but hey that is a discussion forum, marka ha la hadlo :D


    I firmly believe that the reason why the Egyptians and the rest of the Arabs are in the state they're because they turned away from their religion and they sought to establish secular states, burying Islam so as to make it irrelevant. You've seen them establish their secular political parties (such as the infamous Ba'ath Party of Iraq and Syria) and look at what these policies have achieved in the region! Nothing but instability, poor economic performance, wars and the like.




    Ditoore, I dont know if you have ever been to Egypt but nobody forbids you to pray in the mosque, Though if your trying to get power, weather your an islamist, secular or communist whats certain that you will rot in some prison cell. If Sheikhs were the answer then Saudia Arabia would be answer right? The constitution of Saudia Arabia is as they say 100% based upon Sharia. Just as your video of Qaradawi, I do agree with him that we have not seen even a needle being produced by the gulf.


    Nassers Egypt was not 100% perfect but during his time the arabs could draw some inspiration from it. They (Egyptians) have gone from inspiration to zero influence. Remember that Egypt is the bread basket and cultural capital of the arab World.

  12. I was not chocked to see this, these horrible human rights violations do happen everywhere in the world, from the west to the east, but what's horrible is that a high ranking crown prince is directly involved in torture, and please. I wonder how these arabs are going to be when the oil runs dry.


    Another thing that struck me was that I was reminded of the investment-frenzy (DUBAAY) that struck the somalis in 2003-2006. Somali families were jumping on the plane and buying houses in Dubai. I dont know, but guessing by that video, an individual does not have so much legal rights in that countrey or less human rights. One thing is sure, I would not buy a house their.;)


    PS Please, No Violent racist remarks against carabtaani iThousands of Somalis do work and live in the Khaliij and sent very needed remittance money to their relatives in Soomaliya.


  13. I would tell them to invest more in general education rather then buy big toys Somalis love to talk big Weather it's in Hargeysa or Mogadishu, it's the same problem. Khat addicted nomads with weapons with a bizarre police uniform and no formal understanding of policiary work.


    PS: Xaaj according to international standards those who you want equip with aircrafts while lacking simple police radios are by legal definition "clan militia" and not policeman.

  14. What makes me curious is what would have happened if the Soviet& Warsawa pact didnt intervene on Ethiopia's side. Somali troops and with its Soomali Abbo allies liberating Addis Abebba from Mengistu would have been a gamechanger in Ethiopias history.

  15. Khayr;984594 wrote:
    The idea of having a proof for something to be true is a very modern and science based thinking.

    Deductive reasoning is very limited. You need Inductive reasoning to see patterns and confirm things.

    In hadith classification, a حديث can become stronger if there are other similiar hadiths that come to the same

    conclusion. For example, the hadith about having three daughters and two and one daughter. The conclusion being that raising one righteous

    child can be a ticket to heaven. (If I used a wrong example, then forgive me.)


    The deen is based on experiential knowledge. You can't understand anything without having endured and tasted. The Ahl al tasawuf are

    all about that.

    The bizarre thing is that Haatu says "bring the proof", it's a catchy phrase that sounds good. But how can I as layman without the basic extensive knowledge of the quranic verses (tafsir, sababu.nuzuul, hadith etc...) make a sound judgement, should I just go to the saxixaynand learn how to pray by reading random hadithes about salat?. Now, we do not. We learn how to pray by the way explained by the

    mujatahadin. Haatu, sxb you should know that even the most deviant sects often have "proofs" for their stance. The way to salvation is

    by following the ijmaac (the common understanding) and being sincere to God.

  16. Haatu;983555 wrote:
    War awoowgaa la janneeye use 'He'. It's very uncomfortable to read someone using the 'her' pronoun.



    Haatu, re-read the post again, remember that we are the created ones, our existence (knowledge) of the world/universe is only understood by our 5 senses, pronouns like her/we/he is limited to us, Allah uses these pronouns to show us that "he" he can not limited to a pronoun or anything. Why do you think it's uncomfortable to see someone using the pronoun "her" while at the same time you feel at ease with the

    exact same masculine pronoun "he".


    My friend, you failed the test, If you think of God as someone bound by time or space or by pronouns you should really check your faith.

  17. Stoic and Ibtisam, Here is my few coins on how Muslims should perceive God/Allah in comparison to the author's view that God is not a tribal vengeful one.


    God and his/her (remember that pronouns can never describe God) presence is un-explainable.


    Allah reminds us in the qur'an (Laysa ka mithlihi shay"). This sublime verse means that there is nothing can resembles Allah. When some people think of God they might think of a white bearded man with robes (Western thought) but let them know that Allah is far from that. In According to the famous mufasir of the Quran, Ibn Kathir


    The Quran in it's infinite wisdom tell's us that God uses different pronouns in the Quran, sometime God uses the pronoun "We" and other times "He". The wisdom behind this is to show us that God can never resemble or be explained by our limited knowledge. His/Her/Their attributes can only be understood by his majestic names.


    Marka, if Some think of Allah as a tribal vengeful God then that is by that persons limited knowledge of God. Allah's mercy is ten times more then his "justice", remember that divine punishment is always connected

    to justice, the man who commits crimes against fellow humans must reap the consequences of his deed, in order for him reap that God must be just, hence one of his majestic name is "Al-caadil" (The just) For very Sura


    God begins with the beautiful verse of Bismillahi Raxmaani Raxiim "In the name of the most compassionate and mercy one. Mercy and compassion is ultimately connected justice. Punishment by God is only a reflection of Mercy and divine "justice".


    I am sorry for the long theological input but I felt it was needed when under attack by that article.

  18. Stoic and Ibtisam, Here is my few coins on how Muslims should perceive God/Allah in comparison to the author's view that God is not a tribal vengeful one.


    God and his/her (remember that pronouns can never describe God) presence is un-explainable.


    Allah reminds us in the qur'an (Laysa ka mithlihi shay"). This sublime verse means that there is nothing can resembles Allah. When some people think of God they might think of a white bearded man with robes (Western thought) but let them know that Allah is far from that. In According to the famous mufasir of the Quran, Ibn Kathir


    The Quran in it's infinite wisdom tell's us that God uses different pronouns in the Quran, sometime God uses the pronoun "We" and other times "He". The wisdom behind this is to show us that God can never resemble or be explained by our limited knowledge. His/Her/Their attributes can only be understood by his majestic names.


    Marka, if Some think of Allah as a tribal vengeful God then that is by that persons limited knowledge of God. Allah's mercy is ten times more then his "justice", remember that divine punishment is always connected

    to justice, the man who commits crimes against fellow humans must reap the consequences of his deed, in order for him reap that God must be just, hence one of his majestic name is "Al-caadil" (The just)


    For very sura God begins with the beautiful verse of Bismillahi Raxmaani Raxiim "In the name of the most compassionate and mercy one. Mercy and compassion are ultimately connected justice. Punishment by God is only a reflection of Mercy and divine "justice".


    I am sorry for the long theological input but I felt it was needed when under attack by that article.

  19. Classified;983397 wrote:
    Lol. Nowadays, for Somali women, FGM and attacking Itheir Culture has become their latest quick rich scheme. They'll get a couple of grants from public and private funds. Send back home to do a short documentary. Get a book deal. Get some air-time on National news. Come back to the Foreign nation you call home and create an "Out-reach" program for "your" community and milk the system. They deserve a Mark Twain award for their humor. lol


    Classified, why should we not criticize regressive cultural traits in Somalia? FGM and other " negative" cultural traits should be discussed openly. Every society evolves. 1800-th century Somalia is for example not the same as today's Somalia.

    I of course agree with you if you mean the "Ayan-Hirsi" types who has inferiority complex. They love to talk and criticize aspects within our faith but remain stubbornly silent in regards to the Wests imperial approach to Somalia or other poor states. That'speople with a double agenda.

  20. Safferz;983369 wrote:
    You enjoy strawman arguments, don't you? Anti-intellectualism can mean a number of things, but here I mean it as the unwillingness to engage with perspectives, positions and ideas different from one's own and participate in productive exchange (whether that's a debate, or reading a text) and specifically the hostility certain SOLers towards 'thinking outside the box' as Ibti put it.


    Marching in here as Classified and Khayr have, hostile to even reading the works of the two scholars mentioned in this thread, is the very definition and practice of anti-intellectualism. No one said anything about agreeing with them, you read THEN you share your thoughtful disagreement.

    Safferz, I fully get you here, read and then comment. That sounds very logical and I have to admit I myself had that mentality until a wise person once said to me,. Our eyes and ears are the doors to the heart and soul, so take good care of them. For an example, Ayaan Hirsi published a couple of years ago a book. I saw that it was for sale in a book-shop. I wanted to buy the book and read the book but I then asked myself, Why would I want to give my hard earned money for a book written by woman that I really dislike for her opinion. I simply bought another book.


    PS: By the way I do not know who Khaled Abou Fadel is, My anology with Ayaan Hirsi might not be correct but I think you get the message Safferz.


    Regarding the article ibti, It was an interesting read. Horrible though that author did not mention the love-aspect of Islam. The knowledgeable Sayyida Rabiica Cadawiya, She was first in Islam who came up with the idea that we should worship God out of love and not fear. This was1000 years ago.