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Posts posted by Maqane

  1. Maaddeey;937998 wrote:
    a lot of people
    celebrated the death of
    Abu Musab
    , I remember the day he died, all the famous front page newspapers had his mutilated body in it, a close-up one, and no body said a word about it.

    Depends on, dadka dabaaldagaye!


    Dadka qaarkood waxeey Abu Musab ( u arkeen inuu ahaa Cadawgooda, dadkale waxuu ahaa geesigooda.



    Sidaas awgeed jawaabtu waa "Haa" vs "Maya"

  2. SomaliPhilosopher;936808 wrote:
    Ama geel ka reeb ah oo nirgaha, laga ka xaynaayo


    ** so how would this particular sentence translate?

    Geel ka reeb ah = is separated from [i.e female] camel


    Oo Nirgaha laga kaxeeynayo = that means baby camels are kept away [i.e from getting close to their mother].

  3. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;934126 wrote:
    Reero gabay ma'ihi, I don't fancy it. Laakiin this is one of the most well-known lines by Sayidka:


    Sagaal nin oo walaala ah sideena

    Oo sideedu isku bahtahay sidiina

    Midkuna bah gooni yahay sidayda

    Oo sideedu wax siri sidiina

    Midkuna sirta ku garan sidayda

    Haddaynu isa siri sideedaba

    Ma iska kala tagnaa sideenaba


    As it is nine brothers, like us

    where eight of you are full brothers

    And I am the only half brother amongst

    Alas, all of you plot against

    But the lone half-brother discovers it

    I see no reason of being together

    But to split


    Check more on
    . Ingiriis translation



  4. teh are far from small people, laakiin waa ciyaal ladaystay oo ralationship-kooda xagga dumarka khatar galin kara mustaqbalka hadii eey "acting career"-ka ka tagaan iyagoo wali caruur ah. :D


    Shaati gaduuka waa actor dangerous ah :cool:

  5. Safferz;931204 wrote:
    Haha! I just looked it up in a dictionary too (not sure why I didn't do that BEFORE asking here lol), but the first definition says dooyo means attack force or war party. The second definition is caws. But yes, if you can find the lyrics for the song, or at least the bridge/chorus, that would be great. They remastered the audio but her voice is still fuzzy, so it's difficult to make out the words.

    SomaliPhilosopher;931209 wrote:
    Abbaas please do post the lyrics



    Here is the lyrics of "Dur Dur Band - Dooyo"



    ****** Lyrics-ka waxaan u qoray sidii aan u fahmay (someone else can fix it), Waxeey daldaleeysa Fanaanadan waxba kama fahmin, laakiin waxaan u maleeyn ineey kusaabsantahay wax layiraahdo Saar ama Fantasy that makes no sense 2jdrlv7_th.gif *******



    ---- ------



    Dudumada dagaayee, dadoow dudumada dagaayee

    Waa idiin digaaye, anigu waa idiin dagaayee



    Durbaanda lee tumaayee, dabkaa leey soo shidaa

    Madiidaayi waa durbeeyaa ee, anigu daawadeeyda waaye



    Dooyoow aa i duuree, aw daara iigu soo digaaye

    Chorus: Dooyoow aa ku duuree, aw daara kugu soo digaaye

    Dooyoow aa i duuree, duraa ii soo dabaal tagaysee

    Chorus: Dooyoow aa ku duuree, duraa kuu soo dabaal tagaysee



    Haleey soo daryeeloo, dadoow haleey soo daryeeloo

    Dooni baan ku imidoo, anigu dooni baan ku imidoo



    Digaag baan doonayaa ee dahabna waan doonayaa

    Dabayl ruux aan rabaa nahayee, Ku duulduuliyaa ogoow



    Dooyoow aa i duuree aw daara iigu soo dagaaye

    Chorus: Dooyoow aa ku duuree aw daara kugu soo dagaaye

    Dooyoow aa i duuree duraa ii soo dabaal tagaysee

    Chorus: Dooyoow aa ku duuree duraa kuu soo dabaal tagaysee

  6. Safferz;931199 wrote:
    Fixed that for you


    I said my parents weren't familiar with the term, and they speak Somali just fine. So it's clearly not a word all Somalis use.

    haha, i was just kidding :P laakiin naayaa kugu ma haboona sida Soomaalida wada aamin santahay :confused:


    Aniga heestan waxba kama fahmin, erayga "dooyo" Qaamuus baan ka raadiyay. LOL :D


    Btw, i'll try to post the lyrics of '"Dur Dur Band - Dooyo" here for you hadii aad rabtid inaad sifiican u fahantid.

  7. Safferz;931194 wrote:
    Does anyone know what 'dooyo' means anyway?
    Reer Xamar word?
    I even called my parents to ask and they have no idea lol

    Dooyo waxaa layiraahdaa Col ilaala ah; duul ama dad waxaa kale oo la yiraahdaa "Caws" waaweyn oo dooxooyinka ka baxa oo ay xooluhu daaqaan.



    PS: you shoudn't be asking your parents waryaa, waa inaad soomaliga sifiican ubaratid :mad: