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Everything posted by Siyaasi

  1. D.O.C;948894 wrote: Listen to what he said @1.50. "Former Somalian diplomat for 20 yrs, it is even worse than being a new MP"? Whats the link between a diplomat and MP???????????????/ its very strange where some ppl want to score cheap shots at our MPs by giving the thread a misleading title, the guys is clearly saying he's been a diplomat for 20 years in china and else where, he clearly means he was working as a consulate or ambassador to those countries. here is the meaning of diplomat in oxford dictionary. a person appointed by a national government to conduct official negotiations and maintain political, economic, and social relations with another country or countries.
  2. Dahir Aways, Roobow, Alidheere vs Godane, Afgani, Shongole this must be a match between North vs South. History repeats it self
  3. Oba which camp shongole is? was he with Amriki? hope this will make them eradicate each other.
  4. Urur-weynaha Al-Qaacida oo xaqiijiyey in la dilay Abuu Mansuur Al-Amriiki Khilaafaadka hareeyay Xarakada Al-Shabaab ee Somalia ay sababtay in la dilo Abuu casaam Al-amriki oo ku jiray liiska shaqsiyaadka loogu doon doonista badan yahay caalamka dhowaana FBI-da Maraykanka ay madaxiisa dul dhigtay malaayiin dollar sida laga soo xigtay saraakiil ku dhow Ururka Al-Qaaceda oo la hadlay jariidada Dunya Al-wadan ee ka soo baxda magaalada Ramalah ee dhulka Falastiin. “Cumar shafiiq Xamaami ayaa lagu dilay shirqool weerar gaadmo ah oo ay ku qaadeen dagaalamayaal ka amar qaata amiirka Xarakada Al-shabaab, weerarkaasi oo ka dhacay goob u dhaw degaanka Raama-cadey oo koonfurta Somalia duhurnimadii maalintii talaadada oo bishu ku beegneyd 7-da May ee sanadkan 2013-ka” ayuu intaa ku daray wargeyska. Wargeyska Dunya Alwadan oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa sheegay: “Saraakiisha Al-qaacida ayaa sheegay in dagaal culus uu dhacay kadib markii la dilay Al-Amriki kaasoo dhexmaray mujaahidiin wata Jinsiyadaha Maraykanka yurub iyo Soomaaliya iyo kuwo hoostaga Amiirka Xarakada Al-Shabaab ee taabacsan, waxaana dagaalkaasi lagu dilay in toban dagaalyahan oo ka amar qaata Amiirka Al-shabaab” Wargeyska ayaa sheegay in fatwo ay dhowaan soo saareen masuuliyiin ka tirsan Al-shabaab ay ku sheegeen inuu xaaraam yahay dhiiga Abuu Mansuur Al-Amriiki oo khilaaf xoogan uu kala dhexeeyey hogaamiyaha Al-shabaab. Jariidada Dunya Alwadan ayaa mar kale tiri: Saraakiisha Al-Qaacida waxay sheegeen inuu weli jiro khilaaf u dhexeeya Shiikh Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu-Mansuur iyo hogaamiyaha Al-shabaab Mukhtar Abuu Subey, khiilaafkaasina uu yimid markii in la isku afgaran la yahay sida loo fasirayo Shareecada Islaamka iyo dagaalka ka dhan ka ah dowlada Soomaaliya iyo ciidamada shisheeye”. Jariidada ayaa sheegtay in Al-Amriiki uu kal hore qoraalo cabasho ah u diray hogaamiyaha Al-Qaaceda Dr. Ayman Dawaahiri kuwaasoo uu ugu sheegayo in hogaamiyaha Al-shabaab uu ka xad gudbay Siyaasada Xarakada uuna wiiqayo dagaalka ay jiraan, sidoo kalen jariidada ayaa sheegtay in Al-Amriiki uu dhowr mar ka badbaaday isku day dil, uuna baraha internetka soo dhigay fariimo uu ku sheegayo in naftiisa ay halis ku jirto.
  5. looool watch 05:58 the ex xildhibaan's slip of the tongue says a lot about these sool politicians, siisoco soosoco opportunists. we are tired of 6 years of Jaandheer and partying.
  7. Waa in ay cadeeyeen wararkii ay qoreen warbaahin dalka Kenya.. bad move, he should've ignored the kenyan accusations, it will not be in the new government's interest to start a verbal war with Kenya, an important neighbor.
  8. Saalax;870991 wrote: The website belongs to Khaatumo seeg, most of their websites seem to have hatred against Puntlanders. lol Saalax when the first Khaatumite (Khadar) and Muqdishani (Oba) rejected your intended steering of hatred you are trying to blame them.... from now on I will call you SacLax.
  9. oba hiloowlow;870381 wrote: Saalax thanks for sharing didn't know about that ... oba hiloowlow;870381 wrote: A friend of mine i was talking to some minutes ago even said that Siad barre and his government were supporting this massacre.. oo adiga ma waxaa tahay nin wax waliba lagu shubto.... you seem to be a very gullible man.
  10. Xasan Qoslaaye, Hassan Wadani, Xassan soo baxay, xasan calooleey, Xasan Geesi, Good suggestions except Rudy's Calooley;) I am sure the first negative nickname will come from reer waqooyi as they are good on it.
  11. they are playing chess..... Check mate
  12. I don't know what they called A.rashid sharmake but we had Adan Cadde, Siyaad Afweyne, Cali Nafto, C/Lahi Yeey, & Shariif dalxiis, lets give the new president a new positive name and hope he acts on it, my suggestion is Xasan Xilkas. lets hope inuu noqdo xilkas. what's your take???
  13. this woman has a brilliant track record of serving the nation, she served under Abdullahi Yusuf & Cadde muuse's admins as Woman's affairs minister. I don't know what happened to her, anyone has any idea?
  14. Wasiirkii hoore ee wasaarada haweenka Puntland Murwo Caasho Geele Diiriye oo digreeto madaxwaynaha Puntland uu maanta soosaaray lagu sheegay in xilka looga qaaday ayaa iyadu xusatay in muddo sadex malmood ka hor ah ay warqad ay isku casilayaso ay madaxwaynaha Puntland, kuxigeenkiisa iyo gudoomiyaha barlamaanka ay u dirtay Murwo Caasho oo saxaafada lahadashay ayaa sheegaty in ay madaxda sare qoraalkeed ugu xusaty in wasaarada ay howlo badan ay ka socadaan islamrkaan ay wasaarada aan lagu lahayan waxa dayn ah oo ay wasaarada akoon keeda ay ugu jirto lacaga dhan halmilyan oo dalar isala marhaantaan ay iyadaa ay codsanyaso in laga aqbolo is casilaadeeda, Murwo Caasho ayaa iyadu diiday in ay xusto sababaha ay isku casilayaso balse ay jiraan caqabado badan oo ay diidayaso in ay soo bandhigto ayna aad ugu qanacasan tahay in ay ka tagto jagda wasiirnimo ee Puntland iyadoo sheegaty in ay joogi doonto deegaanda Puntland ayna ka shaqayan doonto hawlo badan oo aan ahayan dhanka siyaasada, Murwo Caasho Geele Diiriye ayaa ugu danabyantii umahad celisay shaqaalaha mudadaa la shaqayanaaya iyo haweenka reer Puntland ayana u sahlee howlaha ay tigsanayasay in ay gaarto, Maxamed Saciid Yuusuf Horseed Media
  15. Carafaat;868565 wrote: 2. The President is from upper Somalia(Galmudug)/PM should come from southern Somalia.. nonsense.. Gedo community reside in Mudug as well.
  16. Guys why blame them, why don't you blame your MPs who didn't vote them, i mean who did the I bloc guys vote for, they must have voted for shariifka since he is the best Koonfurian for the secession cause. I heard pro Samatar was intellectually destroyed by Muusa Suudi with their famous debate
  17. Nin Meyd ah ayaa laga helay mid kamid ah jidadka magaalada London ee dalka Ingriiska. Mid kamid ah waddooyinka Galbeedka magaalada London ayaa waxaa isku hareereeyey gawaarida Booliska iyo kuwa gargarkja deg-dega ah kadib markii halkaas laga heley nin Meyd. Booliska ayaa ka shakisan in ninkaani uu ka soo dhacay mid ka mid ah diyaaradaha kudega garoonka Caalamiga ah ee Heathrow halkaas oo aad ugu dhaw meelaha ay Diyaaraduhu ku soo dhawaadaan markii ay dagayaan, waxaana Boolisku ka shakisan yahay in uu ka soo dhacay diyaaradda markii ay sii degeysey ee ay la soo baxdey shaagaga ay ku caga dhigato. Ninkan Meydka ah ayaa ka jabnaa meelo badan ooxubnihiisa ka mid ah, waxaana kuligiis wada qariyey dhiig, sidoo kale jidka uu yaaley ayaa meelo badan kulahaa dhiiga. Tony Dixon, oo horey ugu shaqeyn jirey Joornaalkii la xirey ee World News ayaa Sky News u sheegey in ay u badan tahay in ninkaani uu ku soo dhuuntey halka ay diyaaraddu shaaga kala soo baxdo kadibna markii ay furtey uu soo dhacay. Sanadkii 20120 ayey ahayd markii nin 20 jir ah oo u dhashey dalka Roomaaniya la qabtey markii uu ku soo dhuuntey Diyaaradda isaga oo ka galay halka ay shaagaga kala soo baxdo diyaarad markaas ka timid dalka Austeria. Sidoo kale Magaalada New York meel ku dhaw Garoonka diyaaradahaa JFK laga heley nin Meyd ah kaas oo boolisku sheegay in uu ka soo dhacay diyaarad uu ka galay halka shaagagu ku yaalaan. Dadka khiradda uleh cilömiga hawada ayaa sheegaya in ay dhici karto in qofku ku badbaado, duulimaadka hoose ee diyaaradaha laakiin duulimaadka sare ee hawadu aadka u qabowdey in ay adagtahay in lagu badbaado oo qofku noqonayo mid noqda baraf fadhiya. Horseed Media
  18. Investigation into whether dead man found in London was plane stowaway Police say they are working to identify body found in residential street and that the death is being treated as unexplained A man found dead in a residential street could have fallen there from a plane, police investigating the case believe. Police are looking into whether the body discovered in Mortlake, south-west London, at 7.55am on Sunday morning was that of a stowaway. The man, thought to be in his 30s, had multiple injuries. Local resident Joe Dodd told London's Evening Standard: "When I got up at 8am, the body was still on the pavement. They had not moved it. "We were not allowed out of our house for ages. There was police and ambulances everywhere. From where I was, it looked like he had a head injury of some kind. There was loads of blood everywhere, all over the street and on a car." A Metropolitan police spokeswoman said officers were called to the address at around 7.55am on Sunday "following reports of a dead body". She said: "The death is currently being treated as unexplained. Inquiries are ongoing to establish the male's identity." A postmortem examination was due to take place on Tuesday. She added that the theory he might have been a stowaway who fell from a plane was "one line of inquiry". There have been a small number of cases of stowaways plunging to their deaths after clinging to aircraft. In December 2000, the bodies of two men were found in farmland near Gatwick airport after falling from the undercarriage of two different planes. In 1996, Vijay Saini, 19, died after falling 2,000 feet from a DC9 jet over Richmond, south-west London, as it approached Heathrow. His brother Pardeep, 22, survived the 10 hour journey from Delhi in freezing temperatures. In some instances bodies have remained for several flights after becoming lodged in the undercarriage bay. Because the space is so small, the bodies can become jammed and tumble out several days later, dislodged by a bumpy landing or turbulence. On most jets, the only way a flight deck sensor would show a problem was if the undercarriage failed to fully retract, suggesting an object had jammed it.
  19. Haaheey Abtigiis your clan can not protest their share of the new gov because they are such a tiny minority even in the Dbloc, plus they already politically dominate two other Somali regions (Kililka 5aad, NFD) so it will be unwise to demand a big share in Somalia proper. also when it comes to politics the big foot man is a bit slow and dumb, that is why they are only good on being foot solders. Patriots....haha Your Suldaans were the ones who went to Addis in 1950s and protested against the British empire by demanding being part of Greater Ethiopia rather than British Somaliland, Azania and the bombardment of Jubooyinka is another sign of your clan's patriotism... stop this nonsense.
  20. Bluelicious;867609 wrote: My goodness since when did it became normal for men to cross their legs. I can't stand man who do that and I can't take him serious while he's doing that. Blue, powerful men sit like that, and the guy knows he was the most powerful man on somali planet.
  21. Oday you must be the first rebel of the new president, cool man give him chance.
  22. Abtigiis;867530 wrote: it would be fair if the prime minister is given to Abdiweli Mohamed Ali. I have no problem with that.... Abtigiis;867530 wrote: Losers! Kolba qabyaaladiistaaba naloo soo mas masixi sidii qof quman! ........... Abtigiis yesterday or Abtigiis today,