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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. So when did Sh. Hoose become a HAG territory? I thought the era of looting and land-grabbing was over. Xaaji Xunjuf;923187 wrote: hag maxay dawlaod gobaleedyo uga dhisan wayeen gobolada dhexe shabeelade hoose iyo dhexe iyo hiiraan.
  2. Nicely done. and if possible next year how about we hold the biggest event in Laascaanood.
  3. Give credit where it is due. in the last days of his presidency he was begining to playing ball, not like a pro, but play nonethelss.
  4. He is a novice, and will need a few more years to learn the ropes. remember Shariif it tooks him close to 3 years to get the hang of it.
  5. No such thing. both states are pro federalist unionists, and have no beef with President Hassan and his government even though many are disappointed with his lack of ingenuity and clarity.
  6. Or may be it is a case of it being pregnant and giving birth in a few months. let us hope it is a worthy offspring.
  7. It makes sense for some of the ministries, but not for others. for example, planning and finance each will need a deputy, so instead of creating 2 ministries, only 1 ministry was created, but with 2 deputies.
  8. Am sure there is relevance, but I do not see it. what is it?
  9. From what I read so far, XX is not a reliable source. He only regurgitates what is being posted elsewhere. But pokes aside, I am not quite able to see where the considerable disparity comes. Carafaat;897733 wrote: Maybe XX can explain where the Hargeysa votes went?
  10. Thanks you for referencing the ONLY document which matters. And those are the operative terms Mr. Hassan and Co seem to be overstepping, but more troubling is that his interpretations of the federal constitution, and by extension grasp of the adopted system of government or any for that matter, is clearly thwarted by his preconceived, yet wrong, ideas of what kind of a government he desires: back to the military rule, which is evident from his rhetoric. Worse, he does not seem to have a good counsel either to advise him, or to interpret articles of the constitution, in complexity and legality, before making an *rse of himself out in the open. "...shall be negotiated and agreed upon by the Federal Government and the Federal Member States" He comes across as a military general who just ovethrew an abhorent despot with popularity akin to that of Obama in 2008. And to make matters worse, he usurped the powers of the Executive rendering the Prime Ministership and the Council of Minister (do they even exist?) a non-entity. And in his mind, as bespoke in this interview, to him the country (Somalia) is Juba regions, Bay & Bakool, Hiiraan and Ex-Banadir regions. Where is the other half of the country? Highly inexperienced and already squandering the goodwill afforded him just a few months ago. Still, extend him a chance to enjoy the trimmings of the glory which comes with being holed up in Villa Somalia under the protection of AMISOM. NGONGE;897811 wrote:
  11. You are all drinking from the same well, and are putting the horse before the cart. It is futile to talk about the specifics (who gets what % and where) until an understanding has been reached among all parties. Get the federal units first, reconcile differences, and then address the specifics. May I suggest you all read the history of the US during the 8 years of the Articles of Confederation, and before it deciced to adopt federalism. And while at it, read the Federalist papers by Hamilton and Co., on both sides of the argument. There are lessons in there for all, more so for the Somali wannabe leaders, and those who fancy themselves as political commentators.
  12. It is unfortunate that what started as peaceful demonstrations against possible election irregularities turned into deadly violance causing bloodshed of the innocent. More disconcerting are the voter turnouts in 2012 vs. 2003, particularly Hargeya with Burco and Awdal having more voter turnouts than Hargeysa, which has twice, if not thrice more population than both, or the combination of both. What is the cause of Hargeysa voter turnout shrinking by 41% where Awdal's rose by more than 51%? Just an observation. 2012 - local election results: Hargeysa - 85,356 Togdheer - 129,397 Awdal - 129,397 2003 - local election results: Hargeysa - 208,864 Togdheer - 115,064 Awdal - 65,930
  13. Very bold to heed the will and wish of the people. And now it shows the ********* of the opposition to interpret his change of mind as a weakness instead of .
  14. The problem with this new crop of leaders is that they do not know much about the system of governance, and he little they know is from the dictatorial military rule of one-man show, and are therefore constantly airing their ignorance. The concept of democratic governance is wasted on them. I do not know why they are not able to seek counsel or read on the subject before making complete *rses of themselves.
  15. Wow is all I can say. Gaalka dil gartiisana sii. Puntland has done very well. Impressive. Personally I do not care much for Puntland, but you have to admit they are sharp as hell. I mean how did they manage to do all that even the Somali government with all the help they constantly get from the international community could not have done one-third of that.
  16. Aaliyah - please adiguna leave reer Puntland alone.
  17. Somalia and Mooge - can you please leave reer Khaatumo alone.
  18. This is very calculating. I always thought Dr. Galaydh had much bigger ambition than the speaker and had his eyes on the presidency. could i have been wrong?
  19. I am trying to educate you, silly. the word has a different meaning. it is not to be used by the ladies. ha is ceebayn. Aaliyyah;824742 wrote: Mr scripe, this is what you wrote "im puzzled what does this word mean" and now you are saying oh i was just amazed that you used such a word. Clearly you have such a short term memory. Make up your mind. Actually never mind I careless..ii dhaaf Makulaalow, lol ma sidaasba.
  20. I am in such gentlemanly mood today. so i see you are having fun at my expense. Aaliyyah;824736 wrote: lol@ ilma faroole..walahi that is such a cute name for them. waabad keentay. Laakin adiguba somaad ka mid aheen ilma faroole LOL mr script (Illyria) now you dont need to apologize to me. This is a forum and nothing else, afkaaga yuusan ku ciilin. Cayda uun iska ilaali sida mr moge iyo wixi la halmaala.
  21. Innaa lillahi wa innaa ilayhi raajicuun. You are such a potty mouth. and you never stop for a moment to think about what is being asked. yaa khasaarah. I was not asking for a translation. i was puzzled by its use by a lady.
  22. I am curious. what does this word mean? Aaliyyah;824731 wrote: adaa iso dabadabeestay