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Everything posted by Jabhad

  1. All I asked Ibtisaam was WHAT did Milosevic do to her PERSONALLY? Or extending it a little further, what did Milosevic do to Somalis? You are fighting a losing battle awoowe if you hoping to divide the Muslim Ummah. What did he (or Bush and Sharon) do to YOU? I do support justice for ALL people. Sxb, atleast try to learn from your role models[bush+Sharone],the art of deception.
  2. What did he (or Bush and Sharon) do to YOU? SB, I don't care what your religion background is but as a human being, I expect you to support justice[for Palestine,Bosnia Columbia etc..] if you are not blinded by hate for others.
  3. NEW YORK (AFP) - Bill Gates gained ground at the top of the megarich rankings as the world's wealthiest people added 400 billion dollars to their net worth, according to Forbes magazine's annual list. The number of people whose wealth reached 10 figures stood at a record 793, an increase of 102 from the previous year, with Microsoft founder Gates in first place for the 12th straight year. His 50 billion dollar fortune marked an increase of 3.5 billion dollars from the 2005 Forbes list. The magazine said strong markets around the world contributed to the surge in wealth, as the total net worth of the list jumped to 2.6 trillion dollars -- more than the annual GDP of Germany. "Making a billion just isn't what it used to be," observed Forbes Associate Editor Luisa Kroll, who noted that the number of billionaires had grown by more than 300 in the past three years. While US names accounted for nearly half the fortunes on the roster, this year's ranking was notable for the influx of newcomers from Brazil, India, Russia and other emerging economies. Oil baron and Chelsea football club owner Roman Abramovich jumped 10 places to 11th in the global ranking with a nest egg of 18.2 billion dollars. "Why is the list growing? The answer is an obvious one -- the global economy is growing," said Forbes editor-in-chief Steve Forbes. "In the last few years the global economy has grown at rates not seen since the end of World War II. It is phenomenal and it's been fuelled by a commodities boom," Forbes said. The summit of the cash mountain had a familiar look with Gates followed by investment wizard and perennial runner-up, Warren Buffett, with a 42-billion-dollar fortune. Buffett's pile has fallen by two billion dollars, however. Mexican telecom magnate Carlos Slim jumped a place to third with 30 billion dollars, while Ikea founder Ingvar Kamprad of Sweden moved up two spots to fourth with 28 billion dollars. Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal dropped two places to fifth with 23.5 billion dollars -- down 1.5 billion dollars. Newcomers to the top 10 chart included the French luxury retailer Bernard Arnault who made seventh spot with 21.5 billion dollars, and Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing in 10th place with 18.8 billion dollars. Hind Hariri, the 22-year-old daughter of slain Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri, beat out Germany's Prince Albert von Thurn und Taxis by eight months for the title of the world's youngest billionaire. At the other end of the age spectrum was American John Simplot, 96, who made his fortune processing potatoes. Thirty-nine people fell off the Forbes list, victims of market forces, dubious ethics and, in 11 cases, death. Notable disappearances included US lifestyle guru Martha Stewart, who debuted on the list last year despite serving a five-month prison term, and then found that freedom doesn't pay as her net worth declined to 500 million dollars after her release. The 2006 roster counted billionaires from 49 countries, with the Czech Republic making its first appearance, and New Zealand and Lebanon both returning after an absence of several years. The United States boasted 371 names on the list with a collective net worth of 1.1 trillion dollars, while Europe's 196 billionaires enjoyed combined wealth of 802 billion dollars. Europe's rising star was Russia, with 33 names including seven new faces. "Russia continues to astound," said Kroll. "For a long time there were questions about where they got their money ... but now the story is just the enormous wealth that is being created from strong commodities markets there." In the Asia-Pacific region -- home to 115 billionaires -- the standout was India which added 10 new faces to total 23 on the list with a combined worth of 99 billion dollars, 60 percent more than last year. China saw its presence in the rankings grow from just two billionaires last year to eight. Of the 793 who made the global list, 452 were self-made billionaires. The number of women increased by 10 from the previous year to 78 and included US talk show queen Oprah Winfrey who pulled in an extra 100 million dollars over the year to rank 562nd overal with 1.4 billion dollars. New York has the highest number of resident billionaires with 40, Moscow is second with 25 and London third with 23. William H Gates III Warren E Buffett Karl & Theo Albrecht Paul G Allen Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud Lawrence J Ellison Alice L Walton Helen R Walton Jim C Walton John T Walton http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060310/ts_alt_afp/afplifestylepeopleforbesrich_060310030758;_ylt=Ao19DZa58qeNbbbNsLGIfoqQOrgF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--
  4. I think the debate was very interesting and informative. Sh. Daahir is the winner. And the debate clearly demonstrates that foreigners[Ethiopia+America+EU] are playing big part in destabilizing Somalia.
  5. Very unfortunate situation in Iraq. May prayer goes to our brothers and sisters in Iraq.
  6. How on earth did Daniel Pipes get an article featured on Islamcity.com? I had difficult deciding to post or not to post this article writen by one of the staunchest enemies of Islam. Just what we need, another 'Muslim' a la Mike Tyson. Lets hope he does not become like Mike tyson the terrible.
  7. If the King of Pop Converts to Islam by Daniel Pipes New York Sun March 7, 2006 New York Sun Michael Jackson, the king of pop, is "on the verge" of converting to Islam, CBS News reported last week. If that's true, it fits into a recurring and important African-American pattern. Rumors of Mr. Jackson's conversion first surfaced in November 2003, a month after his arrest on child-molestation charges. Saeed Shabazz, a reporter for the Nation of Islam's publication, The Final Call, announced that Mr. Jackson had joined the organization. He added that NoI's leader, Louis Farrakhan, "sees a lot of spirituality in Michael." But the Nation of Islam denied this connection and the topic quickly faded. It resurfaced only after Mr. Jackson's acquittal of the molestation charges in June 2005. By October he had moved to Bahrain, living in a spare palace belonging to Crown Prince Salman ibn Hamed Khalifa. Mr. Jackson's lawyer described him as "living permanently" in the tiny Persian Gulf island state with just 363,000 Bahraini subjects and half again as many foreigners. In November came the news of Mr. Jackson donating "a huge amount of money" to build a mosque near his new residence. The Khaleej Times newspaper explained that the mosque "would be designated for learning the principles and teachings of Islam as well as teaching of English language, for which high-standard teachers would be brought from United States under his personal supervision." Michael Jackson in Muslim women's clothing In January, a Bahraini business, AAJ Holdings, announced it had hired Mr. Jackson as an entertainment consultant. In addition, Mr. Jackson was spotted leaving a Bahraini shopping mall wearing a black veil, black gloves, and a black robe (called the abaya). To avoid publicity, in other words, he dressed like an Islamist woman. Given Mr. Jackson's famous eccentricities, it is unclear what his Bahraini venture amounts to, but if he does convert to Islam, he will be following a path in place since the late 1940s, of African-Americans under stress turning to some form of Islam. Their ranks include some notable high-profile cases: Malcolm X: the Nation of Islam leader converted while serving time in prison in 1948. Tawana Brawley: the much-publicized hoaxer converted after the exposure of her claim of being gang raped by white men. Benjamin Chavis: the head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People converted after his scandal-ridden eviction. John Allen Muhammad: the Beltway Sniper converted after a bruising divorce. Henry Tillman: the Olympic gold-medal heavyweight boxing medalist converted while in prison on charges of murder. Mike Tyson: the heavyweight boxing champion converted while in prison, serving time for rape. James Ujaama: the celebrated community activist who had battled drugs and prostitution converted to Islam at a time of career problems; he later pleaded guilty of conspiring to help the Taliban. Also, O.J. Simpson, the football star accused of murdering his wife, recalls, "when I was incarcerated I read the Koran," but he apparently did not go on to convert. Mr. Farrakhan has won himself much attention by ostentatiously backing well-known American blacks who find themselves in trouble, such as he did for Michael Jackson after the 2003 arrest. Other figures include: Marion Barry, the mayor of Washington, convicted for illegal drug consumption. Alcee Hastings, an impeached Federal judge in Florida. *** Savage, a U.S. congressman from Illinois, charged with sexual harassment. George Stallings, a Catholic priest accused of child molestation. Also, during the high-profile 2004 trial of Lionel Tate, then the youngest-ever American sentenced to life in prison without parole (for killing a little girl when he was 12 years old), the Nation of Islam (according to the Palm Beach Post) stationed about 20 "black men dressed in sleek suits and bow ties" in the courthouse. Their leaders "spoke with the teen's attorneys, offering advice on security." These and other examples establish Islam – in both its normative and Nation variants – as a leading solace for African-Americans in need. That helps explain why the United States has by far the largest Muslim convert population in the Western world (about 750,000 adherents). Each black public figure who converts to Islam or accepts Nation of Islam support creates an added impetus for other blacks to change religions, a pattern that has also emerged in other Western countries. Thus do the actions of an erratic celebrity in distant Bahrain have significant consequences. Saaxiibayaal, I hope micheal will discover the truth and become a Muslim inshallah. http://www.islamicity.com/m/news_frame.asp?Frame=1&referenceID=25044
  8. Blair says he will answer to God on Iraq war London, March. 4 (PTI): After US President George W Bush, reportedly claimed that Iraq invasion was "a mission from God", his ally British Prime Minister Tony Blair, has now said his conscience guided the decision which will be ultimately judged by God. "That decision has to be taken and has to be lived with and in the end there is a judgment that... well, I think if you have faith about these things then you realize that judgment is made by other people," Blair said when asked about his decision to send troops to Iraq in an interview to be telecast on ITV1 tonight. Asked to explain, Blair said: "By other people, by, if you believe in God, it's made by God as well." Blair told the interviewer Michael Parkison that he made policy decisions according to his conscience, which is guided by his Christian faith, ITV reported. Blair said he was ready to meet his 'Maker' and answer before God for "those who have died or have been horribly maimed as a result of my decisions," the channel reported. Terming the decisions on the military conflict as the toughest he had faced since he came to power in 1997, Blair said "I struggled with my conscience over the decision to join the US-led invasion." It is the most frank admission Blair has yet made about how his religious beliefs influence his actions as Prime Minister. In October last year, President George W Bush, had reportedly claimed that his decision to invade Iraq was "a mission from God". Finally Blair comes out of the closet.
  9. 18 Benefits of Prayer Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah [d.751] Source: Zaad al-Ma'aad (4/304-305) translated for www.bakkah.net [1] [in the Name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Most Merciful...] In his excellent book, Zaad al-Ma'aad, in the section which includes the book, At-Tibb an-Nabawee, Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have Mercy on him) stated in his alphabetized discussion of medicines and nutrition: - Prayer - Allaah the Exalted has said: ( And seek help in patience and in prayer. Surely that is something quite difficult on (people) other than people of humility and submissiveness ) [2] And He has said: ( O you who believe! Seek help in patience and in prayer! Verily, Allaah is with those who are patient. ) [3] And He, the Exalted One, has said: (And command your family to pray, and be patient upon that. We are not asking you for any provisions, (rather) We provide for you, and the favorable outcome is for (those with) taqwaa (consciousness of Allaah that produces righteous actions). ) [4] And in the Books of Sunnah it is reported that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) used to hasten to prayer whenever an affair disturbed him. And previously discussed was the concept of healing most ailments through prayer before seeking out other ways of dealing with them. - 1 - Prayer is something that causes one to receive sustenance. - 2 - It is something that safeguards one's physical health. - 3 - It keeps away harmful things. - 4 - It casts away illnesses. - 5 - It strengthens the heart. - 6 - It brightens one's countenance. - 7 - It delights the soul. - 8 - It gets rid of laziness. - 9 - It makes the limbs active. - 10 - It increases one's physical strength. - 11 - It expands the chest (making one at ease and giving him insight). - 12 - It is nourishment for the soul. - 13 - It illuminates the heart. - 14 - It safeguards one's blessings. - 15 - It repels catastrophes. - 16 - It brings on blessings. - 17 - It keeps away the Shaytaan (the Devil). - 18 - It draws one close to Ar-Rahmaan (Allaah, the Most Merciful). And overall it has an amazing effect on the health of the body and heart, and in strengthening them and expelling harmful pollutants from them. No two people have been afflicted with any disability, disease, or other calamity, except that the portion of the one who prays is less and his outcome is cleaner. Also, prayer has an amazing effect on the evils of the dunyaa (the worldly life) and how it repels them, especially when the prayer is performed properly and completely, inwardly and outwardly. Nothing keeps the evils of the dunyaa at bay and brings on the benefits of it like prayer. The reason behind this is that prayer is one's connection to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. So based on the strength of a person's relationship with his Lord, the Mighty and Majestic, the doors of goodness will accordingly be opened up for him, bad things and the reasons for them befalling him will be cut off, and the elements of success granted by His Lord, the Mighty and Majestic, will begin pouring in, along with safety and good health, wealth and worldly riches, relaxation, bliss, enjoyment, and all types of joyful affairs will be brought to him, and in an expedient manner, too. [5]
  10. Consider yourself lucky that you don't live in Canada, where driving without insurance nets you a fine of $2800. In Ontario, the fine is $5000 dollars. (I went to court for this one though,shed a little tear, gave him the wounded puppy dog look and the judge dismissed it) Maybe that is a wise thing to do than to pay huge money to these ticket especialists.
  11. Mr. Jibis: The purpose of life is to worship Allah SWT. No more, no less. I strongly agree with you brother. Now we are waiting to hear Socod badne and Ibtisam. State clearly what is your position on this very important issue.
  12. Yes Castro, These boys and girls are the champions for better Somalia. Today, Asia, Africa produce most Somali doctors, engineers, economists and religious leaders.
  13. 2 Thumbs up for Somali youths who are going far places to seek knowledge.
  14. Somali blood on Moscow snow Mukhtar may stay on in Moscow to do postgraduate studies When Somali civil engineering student Mukhtar Ahmed Osman was beaten unconscious in the snow by a gang of teenagers in a Moscow suburb three years ago, nobody came to his aid. Here he recounts his ordeal for the BBC News website: It was about seven o'clock on a November evening in 2002, the year after I arrived from Somalia to study at RUDN university. I was escorting a friend from the university here to his home near the Kantemirovskaya Metro station. After I saw him home I came down out of the apartment block into the street to stop a taxi. I saw kids playing in the snow nearby and I thought they were just kids playing. I imagine the average age was about 14 and there were about 13 of them. There was snow everywhere. I believe there are good and bad in every nation and Russia is full of good, decent people Then one of them came up to me and starting speaking very quickly. At that time, I was still only learning Russian and could only follow slowly so I asked him: "What? Could you repeat that please?" He hit me and I tried to hit him back, but another one struck me from behind. I lost consciousness. When I was on the ground they started kicking me really hard. Then they must have thought I was dead and they stopped. I opened my eyes and saw them standing in a circle around me and I said to myself if I don't do something they will start again, so I reached out and grabbed a stone or something and they ran away, and then I ran away. My friend Igor I got to the road where I stopped a car. The driver said 'Where are you going?' and I said to the Yugo-Zapadnaya Metro station and he said '$20'[well above the usual rate]. I agreed because I had no choice, and money was the last of my worries at that moment. I was covered in blood and then I asked him if I could have some water to drink, and he said 'You shouldn't drink so much'. He must have thought I was drunk. [Mukhtar lives on a monthly budget of $150 and neither drinks nor smokes]. Well, he said he had no water. Then he brought me to the station. Some guys there helped me get home and an ambulance was called. I was brought to hospital. Then some other Somalis came to see me after hearing about the attack. I did not go to university for 15 days. Then I went to the police and they filed a report, but nothing was done. It's a pity but that's how life is here. I have a lot of Russian friends. I believe there are good and bad in every nation and Russia is full of good, decent people. I have one very close friend - Igor is his name. He often phones me and tells me to let him know if I want to go somewhere and he will come with me. He and I go places all the time. If someone starts making trouble, he says 'If you're looking for trouble, mate, come to me first'. I feel safe when I travel with him.
  15. KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has denied paying US lobbyist Jack Abramoff to set up a meeting with President George W. Bush but said money did not pass through his hands. The Los Angeles Times last week reported that Abramoff, who has pleaded guilty to fraud and corruption charges, may have helped arrange the 2002 meeting and received 1.2 million dollars from the Malaysian government. While denying that he had paid any money to Abramoff, Mahathir said that money had been paid to set up the meeting. "I understood some people paid a sum of money to lobbyists in America but I do not know who these people were and it was not the Malaysian government," he was quoted as saying by the official Bernama news agency. "I did not touch the money at all. In the US, it is a practice that if you want to meet their leader, you have to go through a lobbyist and the lobbyist has to be paid. "That is their system. It is not corruption at all and it is very open, but they don't reveal names," he was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times. Mahathir said the meeting was arranged by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. "They said I would be able to influence (Bush) in some way regarding his policies. "Secondly, it would be good for Malaysia if the relationship between the two countries improved, and I agreed with that. I thought I could do something good for the country." Mahathir had been chastised by the Clinton administration for repeated anti-Semitic statements and for jailing political opponents and thought a meeting with Bush would help improve his image, the LA Times said. Citing an unnamed witness, the newspaper said Abramoff had contacted presidential advisor Karl Rove on at least four occasions in a bid to arrange a meeting. The White House has repeatedly denied it had any dealings with Abramoff. The paper said Abramoff received 1.2 million dollars from the Malaysian government for his lobbying services in 2001 and 2002, and documents obtained by Senate investigators appeared to confirm at least 900,000 dollars of that amount, it said. The White House says the meeting was arranged through normal channels.
  16. This warlord who had wrecked havoc in mogadisho for 15 years and who benefited from the chaos and misery of the capital has now started a new religious war. Sxb, aan ku saxee,he is one of them warlords that destroyed our capital Mogadishu. It sounds and looks like outside forces are playing major part in this war between the forces of evil and the forces of good.
  17. Aren't Reer Puntland tools for Col Yeey? Aren't we all tools for one warlord or the other.
  18. SB, keep defending your masters as always. ^Easy [big Grin] - I believe SB was joking sxb the POINT, the record of SB on SOL tells different story.
  19. Not a single Somali media translated this ugly crime into Somali.
  20. SANA’A, Feb. 8 — Following their Feb. 4 release, several Somali refugees complained of horrific treatment they experienced in Yemeni prisons. Refugees spoke of rapes that occurred to some married women by security forces. They described those committing the rapes and their leaders who instigated them as brutal and awful, lacking Islamic morals. At HOOD offices, a woman who was raped painfully described the cruel treatment of many Somali men and women: “On the night of Saturday, Dec. 17, 2005, Central Security soldiers stormed the gathering of about 2,000 refuges in front of the UNHCR office in Sana’a. “I saw many men, women and children dragged and beaten. The soldiers kicked and trod on pregnant women, children and old men who could not move. They also put women and their babies before water hoses and poured cold water on them. They hit them with clubs and gun butts on all body parts without distinction. One man died and they broke the hands, legs and heads of many other men and women,†she recounted. The woman continued: “I fell down and the soldiers dragged me to a nearby building under construction. Several of them began raping me brutally. Some tread on my hands with their heavy leather boots, another pulled my hair, while others raped me. The same thing happened to other Somali women. I never expected this to happen in an Islamic country,†she concluded. Another refugee described his misfortune and that of other refuges with the UNHCR, which was supposed to protect and look after them, but turned out to be a foe instead. The man demanded UNHCR office managers and the protection office manager be interrogated for their roles in encouraging conflicts between the refugees. He also demanded refugees’ voices be heard by UNHCR in Geneva to send a committee to solve their problems. They also demand education, residence, health and legal rights, as well as protection from inhumane prison treatment and appointment of a lawyer to stand with them against what they term Yemeni security harassment. In a related issue, HOOD sent a report to the attorney informing him of the Somali women’s rape cases by Central Security soldiers. It also reported refugee complaints against UNHCR and some police stations. The Yemen Times will publish more details in its next issue about a meeting with Mohamed Naji Alaw, General Secretary and head of HOOD. HOODOrganization for Defending Rights and Freedoms Executive Director Lawyer Khalid Al-Anesi said to the Yemen Times:“The organization will demand international investigation on activities of the General Commissioner for Refugees’ Affairs working in Yemen and detect its role causing quarrels between Somalis and Yemeni security apparatuses during last year’s sit-in in protest of the commissioner’s behavior toward refugees that claimed lives of several.†He added:“The request raised by the commissioner to police to disperse protesters was illegal and unconstitutional. The commissioner must be held to account for the sufferings of refugees in the Yemeni territory.†Source: Yemen Times, Feb. 08, 2006
  21. SANA’A, Feb. 8 — Following their Feb. 4 release, several Somali refugees complained of horrific treatment they experienced in Yemeni prisons. Refugees spoke of rapes that occurred to some married women by security forces. They described those committing the rapes and their leaders who instigated them as brutal and awful, lacking Islamic morals. At HOOD offices, a woman who was raped painfully described the cruel treatment of many Somali men and women: “On the night of Saturday, Dec. 17, 2005, Central Security soldiers stormed the gathering of about 2,000 refuges in front of the UNHCR office in Sana’a. “I saw many men, women and children dragged and beaten. The soldiers kicked and trod on pregnant women, children and old men who could not move. They also put women and their babies before water hoses and poured cold water on them. They hit them with clubs and gun butts on all body parts without distinction. One man died and they broke the hands, legs and heads of many other men and women,†she recounted. The woman continued: “I fell down and the soldiers dragged me to a nearby building under construction. Several of them began raping me brutally. Some tread on my hands with their heavy leather boots, another pulled my hair, while others raped me. The same thing happened to other Somali women. I never expected this to happen in an Islamic country,†she concluded. Another refugee described his misfortune and that of other refuges with the UNHCR, which was supposed to protect and look after them, but turned out to be a foe instead. The man demanded UNHCR office managers and the protection office manager be interrogated for their roles in encouraging conflicts between the refugees. He also demanded refugees’ voices be heard by UNHCR in Geneva to send a committee to solve their problems. They also demand education, residence, health and legal rights, as well as protection from inhumane prison treatment and appointment of a lawyer to stand with them against what they term Yemeni security harassment. In a related issue, HOOD sent a report to the attorney informing him of the Somali women’s rape cases by Central Security soldiers. It also reported refugee complaints against UNHCR and some police stations. The Yemen Times will publish more details in its next issue about a meeting with Mohamed Naji Alaw, General Secretary and head of HOOD. HOODOrganization for Defending Rights and Freedoms Executive Director Lawyer Khalid Al-Anesi said to the Yemen Times:“The organization will demand international investigation on activities of the General Commissioner for Refugees’ Affairs working in Yemen and detect its role causing quarrels between Somalis and Yemeni security apparatuses during last year’s sit-in in protest of the commissioner’s behavior toward refugees that claimed lives of several.†He added:“The request raised by the commissioner to police to disperse protesters was illegal and unconstitutional. The commissioner must be held to account for the sufferings of refugees in the Yemeni territory.†Source: Yemen Times, Feb. 08, 2006
  22. Isn't this against the norms of SOL, not mentioning that it is utterly irrelevant and non-representative of the real info in Somalia. Very well said Xarago.
  23. Soomaaliya oo maanta dunida muslimka la qeybsatay Jawaabtii laga bixiyey Ihaanadii uu u geystay mid ka mid ah Jaraa’idka Denmark rasuulkii ILLAAHEY NNKH-ahaatee Waxaa maanta ka kala dhacay xilliga salaad Jimcaha kadib banaabnbaxyo ay ka soo qeybgaleen kumanaan kun oo Soomaali ah magaalada Muqdisho & inta badan gobolada dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana banaanbaxaasi lagaga soo horjeeday cartoon lagu aflagaadeeyey Nebi Muxamad NNKH-ahaatee oo ku soo baxay mid ka mid ah Jaraa’idada ka soo baxa dalka Denmark, ayna sii xigteen wargeysyo kale oo reer Yurub ah. Fagaaraha Tarabuunka oo ay isugu soo baxeen dadkii salaadda Jimce ku soo tukaday masaajidada magaalada Muqdisho ayaa lagu gubay calamada dalalka Denmark & Norway, iyadoo dadkii ka soo qeybgalay banaanbaxaasi oo kor u sida Kitaabka ALLE ay iyagoo caro ka muuqatay ay ku qeylinayeen hal ku dhigyo liddi ku ah dowladaha Faransiiska, Norway & Denmark, waxaana dadkii banaanbaxa ka dhacay Tarabuunka ka hadlay ka mid ahaa madaxweynaha TNG-dii Carta Dr. C/qaasim Salaad Xasan oo uga mahadceliyey banaanbaxayaasha shucuurta ka muuqatay, wuxuuna sheegay in loo baahan yahay in la lacnado wax kasta oo wax loogu dhimayo sharafta Rasuulkooda Muxamed oo ah Nabigii lagu khatimay anbiyada ALLE. Gobolada Sh/hoose, Garoowe, Boosaaso & magaalooyin kale oo ka tirsan dalka Soomaaliya ayaa banaanbax la mid ah kan Muqdisho ka dhacay lagu qabtay, iyadoo ay tahay markii ugu horreysay ee gobolada Soomaaliya mar keliya lagu qabto banaanbax isku ujeedo ah. Jariirada dalka Faransiiska ee France Soir & Idaacadda BBC-da ayaa xaaladda uga daray shalay markii ay ku celiyeen sawiradii lagu fadeexeynayay Nabiga SCW, waxaana ay warbaahintaasu sheegeen wax ay ku tilmaameen in xoriyadda Ra’yiga reer Yurub haystaan aanay xayiri karin diinta Islaamka. Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan,Dayniile,Muqdisho More pics
  24. Warshad kamida warshadaha hilibka xamar-kuwaasoo hoostago shirkada Someat Maamule Last moments In the middle of work