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Posts posted by Odey

  1. This is a sad case to be honest. As If rear Somaliland did not cause atrocities during the Siyaad Barre Era. Shall we list them here?


    Dhagaweeyne and Tanzania were instrumental in the massacres in Mudug which by some estimates were a lot higher than the whole of Somaliland. This being just a few of them. Let us not also forget Reer Somaliland made up the largest number in the Military Junta that sat just below Siyaad Barre.


    Ali Samatr was but one of these guys. Talk about pot calling the kettle black!. If justice is what you want, remember the rest of Somalis also faced similar if not worse fate during those years and you were integral part of the system. A lot of your kin will be in the dock shortly. Open up pandora's box at your own peril. The only reason you are picking on this chap is because his family is not amongst the big Tribes of Somalia or you would have had a huge response by now.


    I wholeheartedly support the government in their attempt to help General Ali Samatar. Either justice for all, or none!

  2. Haatu- Walaalow sawirka aad isticmaashiid qarow ayaan ka qaadey!, Ilka waaweenaa Subxaanallah!


    Xalay OO dhan ayaa aniga iyo geedkaas ilka waaween dagaal na dhex marayey, marka saaxiibow haben kale kama bixi karee, iga qalee :D

  3. Nin-Yaaban;923349 wrote:
    I would've loved to see the look on your face when that happened. LoooooL.


    In Fairness, they themselves are discriminated against in most countries they settle. And they rarely complain about it, like blacks, Latinos, Arabs, Somalis do.

    I tell you my jaw dropped with the sheer shock. Nearly went into my Somali mode and slapped him, only to realise i was one against more than a billion and the dude could be a shaolin master who might decide teach me a lesson i'll never forget with a billion cheering crowd.


    I didnt try anything!

  4. I had a truly horrendous experience last time I was there. One of them just walked up to me and said " Nigger" and then laughed!. His laugh was so innocent, I told myself the dude must have heard it on telly and didn't know the background info on it. The ones in Hong Kong are better though.


    I a not surprised this poor girl is facing such racism, it is actually quite ok for them. In fact, I have yet to meet a more rude people.

  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;923327 wrote:
    You are correct Somalee its isku Xishoo., marka aad dad badan sheegeysid na waxad odhanays isku xishooda.


    Oday its tidhi not tiri


    Tidhi= said

    Tiri = count

    Badhi = Booty

    Bari = east


    Koonfurians dont know when to use the R or the DH its quiet funny


    Dadkan Afsomaliga mar walba manu u dhigi uun

    ku akhriyey akhriye waligood qadan mayaan

    War xaaji, classkii lugu qaadanayey kalmadaha saxda ah waa ka soo daahdey. Saaxib codsi soo samee waa kuu soo dirin casharkee. ;) war qolooyinkaan buuraha golis sida ay uu saarnaayen hada soo dagtey yaa naga qabta!

  6. Oil can rapidly change the fortunes of a nation, for the better or for worse. The dont call it the black curse for nothing.

    Having said that, even if a deal were to be signed today, it will take at least 10 years before any "commercially viable" discoveries start to reach the markets.


    So whatever we do now wont make a difference to the situation today, therefore it is good that they are taking the necessary steps today

  7. Alpha Blondy;923067 wrote:




    sxb, ii waraan the aesthetics of this ......wa madaxtooyadda SL....maanta xadhiga laga jaray....

    Looks like something out of Stalin's soviet era!, war bal try in aad wax isha qaban karta la timaadid, anigu halkaan ayaan armchair critic ku noqonayaa!

  8. xiinfaniin;922593 wrote:
    Somalia: Jubaland state formation conference underway in Kismayo

    28 Feb 28, 2013 - 2:13:06 AM


    KISMAYO, Somalia Feb 28 2013 (Garowe Online) – The Jubaland state conference is under way in Kismayo on Thursday, officials and dignitaries from all three regions and abroad are in attendance, Garowe Online reports.


    The Jubaland state conference which was postponed to allow Somali Federal Government (S.F.G.) officials to attend has begun and is underway in the port city of Kismayo.


    On Wednesday,
    Sheikh Mohamud Dauud Odweyne
    Spokesman for Ahlu SunnahWal Jama in Gedo and the Jubbas and a member of the technical committee for the Jubaland state process, stated to Somali media that officials from Gedo and the Jubbas were attending the conference.


    "Residents in the regions have welcomed the conference very much, and delegates from all over are arriving in Kismayo to attend the Jubaland conference," said
    Sheikh Odweyne


    Sheikh Odweyne
    had been attending meetings in Garbaharey over the past week where there were politicians from that region who were opposed to the community led Jubaland conference and wanted the S.F.G. to play a more direct role in the Jubaland state formation.


    "We had meetings in Garbaharey and were successful in getting the politicians who were against the [Jubbaland] state formation process to understand and realize the importance of the community led process, and the finally agreed to take part," said Sheikh Odweyne who spoke to Somali media on Wednesday.


    The spokesman also said that he welcomes any official or politician who is concerned about the Jubaland process to attend the conference.


    S.F.G. Minister of Interior Abdikarim Hassan Guled after returning from leading a delegation to visit Kismayo on Monday, tweeted that, "All parts must be aware of that no clan or an armed group can have the decision of creating admin to a great town like Kismayo".


    The SFG ministerial delegation that visited Kismayo on Monday, requested that the state formation conference be held in Mogadishu which was rejected by interim authorities in Kismayo and Jubaland state organizers.


    The community led Jubaland state formation process has been underway for the past few years and has come under pressure by Somali government officials in Mogadishu, who have opposed the state formation process, despite the legitimacy of state-building under the country's Federal Constitution.



    I didn't know SOL had sent in it's own delegation to represent all members in the Jubballand Conference!. Well done Admin and more so, Well Done our very own Sheikh ODWEYNE for representing us:cool:;)

  9. Lifting or Not Lifting, that is the Question!.


    Seriously though we have addressed all the qabil issues, the Warlord issues and the trust issues. I on the other hand have a separate issue to raise. I know this army, I have seen them slowly being built and the "Government's forces" consist of clan militias that have been simply given uniforms in the beginning, but a new crop of soldiers are merging that are trained.


    Therein lies my problem. If we want an army, we have to build one. We cannot simply start with this rubbish idea of collecting a bunch of clan militia and calling them an army. Those clan militias should be turned into the equivalent of the "National Guard" with the jurisdiction to guard that state and that state alone against whatever that comes that is beyond the police. The state Governor should have the authority over them.


    When considering the Army the argument should first be" What is their jurisdiction, how do they work, when can they bear arms". after answering these questions and defining their roles and jurisdictions clearly then we can start recruiting for these positions and recruit well. We must have the criteria prepared first for recruitment. We then train them, we teach them the responsibility of a soldier to his/ her Country. We introduce Citizenship to them and ensure they are loyal to the "Nation" and "constitution" not the Leader. If we address these underlying issues we build an army that has a strong moral compass and we will not have a repeat of the last 50 years of the Somali National Army where they can be ordered to flatten an entire city or province and they wouldn't question it.


    The lifting of the Arms embargo is not crucial, these issues above are more important. We must clean up our own act before we jump the gun or we can be Somalis and do what we do best, act first, regret later.

  10. Baashi;922061 wrote:
    Common now
    We're talking about Somalia and Somalis that inhabit them.
    Waxaad xaafada markaad joogtaan aad isu sheegtaan miis rag leeyahay ha keenina


    Quite the opposite, awoowe. You see the gridlock and impasse stem from the fact that each interest group wants to have all its demands considered and wants to see the other side concede. All the while the same interest group want to deny their perceived foe everything the supposed clan enemy considers the bottom line. Hence the much despised ‘Winner Takes All” mentality that characterized our politicians.


    Take any issue of importance and my statement above rings true.


    Secessionists want to secede their corner for the benefit of their clan under the guise of colonial legacy. Their opponent equally is adamant in their opposition against secessionist stated objectives. Each player in this clannish tag war has stakeout clear position. No mystery here. If one side compromises all is well and civil strife ends momentarily.


    Beelaha Mogadishu wants to rule the country in the the post-civil period as Inna Barre once did. Puntland is clear in its desire to redefine the status of Mogadishu (move the capital to another city or make Mogadishu shared government seat – just like DC), reduce the central government’s awesome power and shift back to federal member state in dual governance federal arrangement with all checks and balances). Again both sides have stakeout a clear position. If one side concedes all will be well and dandy and if it each side insist on their objective and reject compromise the mayhem will continue.


    AS rebels made it clear they want to bring the state and the surrounding Somalis in the neighboring states under Islamic state. Numerous coalitions – clan interest groups, neighboring states and western powers are dead set to prevent that vision by any means necessary. Again there is no grey area here. Everyone understands the stakes and plays hardball to win the ultimate prize.


    In this unfortunate environment, the winner takes all mentality and the absence of compromise is what destroyed the country boowe. Oh yeah folks tell it as it is – on the radio, in the print, in the marfish and on the national stage.


    Inna Barre told by decree any intelligent analysis of where the country is heading was akin to treason. He was clear that he and only he were fit to rule. Inna Aideed was clear what he wanted and what prize he was willing to pay (even if the country goes down the drain). Ina Egal was also clear about the status of Somaliland going forward. Inna Yussuf had it in his genes to tell it as it is.


    The reason none of them made to promise land is because they can’t. This is unwinnable civil war. You can dream of dreams of grandiose, tell tall tales and convince yourself and folks from your tuulo that you are making progress, others are lacking behind (because of their inferior clan genes) and the golden cup is within reach and in the process destroy a country and generation of Somalis.


    One thing Somalis are good is insisting on getting all their political wishes at one go by any means necessary. They did that and they intend on doing that going forward.

    Finally!, common sense and clear analysis. I congratulate you sir!, more of the same please!

  11. Abwaan;921886 wrote:
    Odey and others here supported the arms embargo to be lifted between 2004 and 2012 but they disagree with it now. There has NOT been ethnic conflicts and massacres between August 2012 and now. What is wrong here?

    I never commented on such a subject last year or any other year and for the record I always supported the strengthening of the embargo. 5 months of peace guaranteed by foreign forces is not peace brother. I believe you are not in the business of serious discussions. When you are done barring your big teeth like a five year old, then come back to me for more mature discussions. Till then, caruurta la so ciyaar

  12. The photo above is of Foreign ambassadors who have just handed in their Credentials and walking with the leader of the nation they will be based in. This is something that started happening since the end of 2011 and will continue each time a new ambassador needs to hand in his/her credentials. The two subjects are not linked brother and the subject above is actually quite serious and has consequences for the entire nation.


    Please don't take it lightly!

  13. I may not agree with all the points raised and it seemed like an attack on the individual, but the Arms embargo should stay in my view because of the following reasons


    1- We do not have a Professional army that can be trusted with such heavy weapons, nor do they have a Nationalistic View/Mindset or have a wider appeal in its make up that people trust. Their moral compass is questionable still and have a long way to go.


    2- We are in the phase of winding down a Civil War and until peace takes hold and we are in a position to move away from talking with a barrel pointing at each other, I strongly believe more weapons isn't going to help


    3- We are a poor nation and we shouldn't be purchasing weapons, but instead should be purchasing medical equipment, building roads and investing in other assorted infrastructure.


    4- Rebuilding a huge army will immediately make our neighbors uneasy, particularly since our politics hasn't evolved beyond the gun.


    5- There is a great danger that these weapons will be sold to the highest bidder as they have done for a long time now and cause yet more bloodshed.


    I think the embargo should stand and even tightened for the exception of Defense capability, coupled with a wider professional training of our security services. They should all be taught Citizenship from a military standpoint and their duties instilled in them so they don't differentiate between the citizens they have been sworn to protect.


    Their powers and involvement should be made clear and jurisdictions defined, particularly when operating inside the country. a lot has to be done before arms embargo is lifted.