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Posts posted by Wadani

  1. Gheelle.T;979688 wrote:
    Wadani, maya ee Soomaalida oo dhan baa sidaa tiraahda, laakin ficilkoodaa ka run sheega!! Bal adiga sideen ku caddaynaa warkaad noo sheegtay inuu run yahay?

    Anigu waan ku dhaaran karaa. Aad iyo aad ayay qabyaaladdu ii dhibtaa, more so recently than ever before. To the extent that I look at the SNM and the whole Somaliland project from a totally different perspective now. I am no longer ensconced in the primitive clan group-think that plagues our people. I happen to be a sand-dweller by birth, but my politics and social dealings are determined by Soomaalinimo and Islaamnimo. I'm finally on the outside looking in, and its proven to be an experience marked by ambivalence, as I feel both liberation from the ills of qabyaalad and despair as I look upon the mentally shackled masses.

  2. Haatu;979683 wrote:
    I have no problems with OGs. Pirates on the other hand,
    (just kidding don't get angry


    I can say that too. But I have criticisms for every clan. You iiSelectors are
    too liberal
    and keep too many grudges. Pirates are too sly for their own good and think they're clever than others, HAG are anarchists and genocidaires in denial, OG are fools that think they can fight through every problem, Gedoans are villagers that were let loose in the city, the farmers suffer from a victim complex and rest are insignificant and ehlu naar



    Yaan la xanaaqin. Even my own clan baan caaye

    lool, how r they too liberal? I'm curious.

  3. Blackflash;979583 wrote:
    He's not exposing anything that wouldn't be uncovered with a quick Google search of someone's name. Also, quite a few of the people in this thread have been accused of serious crimes that I wouldn't call 'ceeb'.

    So I guess the majority of us spend their time on google doing searches on the latest law infractions committed by Somalis. Stop excusing the unexcusable....90% of these people would have gone unnoticed if it wasn't for Nin Yaaban. I do agree with you though that some of these crimes are so evil and callous that they deserve being exposed...but for Gods sake some of the guys being pictured here have been arressted for just Khat of all things.

  4. Nin-Yaaban you seem like a cool guy, yet ur doing one of the most evil things a person can do in this world, which is to expose peoples ceeb publicly. Most people have done mistakes they regret and most people have skeletons in their closet they would never want anyone to find out about....just because these people got caught by the law doesn't mean u should parade their faces in front of the thousands of Somalis who visit this forum. Remember that Allah hates and exposes people who expose others.

  5. Mad_Mullah;979485 wrote:
    This is exactly what keeps Somalia backwards, other countries compete against OTHER COUNTRIES - so Pakistan wants to develop more so they can brag to India. Same story between Korea and Japan etc.


    Here we have people within the same country bragging about shanty towns. Yes, that's what you're bragging about. Instead of us working together so we can do the same to Kenyans/Ethiopians etc.


    No ambitions what so ever. Puntites brag about meeting the Yemeni president as if that's something to brag about, HAG brags about Turkish orphanages, Landers brag about the first library and Jubbalanders follow suit, while the "president" can't leave without telling the Kenyans about it.


    Have some shame.


  6. Hobbesian_Brute;979463 wrote:
    Wadani your too sensitive, i just restated what alpha had said, but alpha is from your clan and so he gets a pass somaha.

    Abti, I'm a transcendent Somali in the spirit of our dearly missed sage Chimera ee sidaa ula soco.

  7. Hobbesian_Brute;979457 wrote:
    Fascinating!, what are the things you love about canada, wadani, i might relocate there soon you know. thanks

    It's a rich country, it has breathtaking natural beauty, the people are tolerant and respectful, the major cities are very multicultural, there are large Somali communities, it has excellent universities, it has free health care etc etc.

  8. Hobbesian_Brute;979440 wrote:
    4. those who were born in kenya whose parents originally settled in east africa seeking asylum from the SB regime( 70's and 80's ) - aka sijuis. these are the best somalis imo, very urbane, educated and
    unlike the dirta waqooyi still keep their ethnic identity
    but loyal kenyans nevertheless.

    lool @ this fool for comparing people who've been in Kenya only 20 some odd years to the Isa@q sujuis who are now 4th or 5th generation Kenyans. I personally know many Somalilander sujuis who still retain their dhaqan and af-Soomaali much better than the 'say wallah' generation in the qurbaha who've lost it all within one generation. Some of these sujui's are actually more cultured than those back home because they've made it a priority to learn the traditional Somali folk dances, preserve traditional wedding practices etc.

  9. Hobbesian_Brute;979356 wrote:
    :cool: I feel your pain not, maybe they are following the correct version and not the wishy washy version you want to show off to the world.

    Gaaroodi's version is the correct one, because Islam law is unequivocal about the prohibition of harming civilians. Unless, that is, you have textual proof from the sources of Islamic law stating otherwise that we are not privy to.

  10. Alpha Blondy;979284 wrote:


    y'all are missing the point here, ma garateen?


    this old cadaan man has been writing about Somali affairs for decades. he thinks he can issues dictates, as though he knows us intimately. be that as it may, he's right about AS and it's large support base in the qurbaha.


    let's stop the blame game, for once.


    what we ought to do is....... to follow in the footstep in Abdi Iley. some say he's a jaajus, other's say he's a man of action. balse, he's done an excellent job in weeding out UBBO, this we can all agree on. groups like UUBO and AS thrive in environments where frustration and disillusionment exist.


    Iley has dealt a deadly blow to UBBO and the like using a number of tools. chief among these, is speaking to the diaspora folks and offering them various inducements, including tax breaks, giving them land and making them feel inclusive. in other words, he's cut UBBO's lifeline and has in effect absorbed their support base into the fold. add to this, he's used the region's cultural icons like Nimco Dareen, Dahir Yare and various others to help create a new national psyche. this has created a jacbur-like sense of national pride, albeit barely woven together. people power is important to unity, even if imagined.


    Iley has also sacked the old incompetent leaders and senior administrator and has replaced them with young, dynamic and professional folks, who would have otherwise joined UBBO. he's created employment for tens of thousands of youth overnight by SACKING the old guards. now, the youth are empowered enough to resist UBBO.


    AS can be crushed. not by AMISOM, the KDF or the Ugandese but by Somalis. effective leadership and strategic based thinking is the way forward. with AS out of they way, we can finally pave the way forward to achieving peace, alleviating poverty, accessing our resources, creating prosperity and providing plenty for all. the political landscape is changing, it's becoming mature. all these talks and discussions are not futile. they signal an intention. that intention just needs compromise.


    balse, Hassan is being booed in Ohio.

    First semi-serious Alpha post in a long time, and the analysis wasn't bad either.