Knight of Wisdom

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Posts posted by Knight of Wisdom

  1. A_Khadar;756644 wrote:
    ;)... I was reading other day on firend's FB Wall..

    "If a girl requests you, it doesn't mean she is interesting you but just a friendly request and if she accepts your request, that doesn't mean you likes you either but respect..."..

    Lol, you confused me bro. So, if a girl sends me a friend request, she's just being friendly, and if she accepts MY friend request, she's simply respecting me, rather than like me? lol

  2. A_Khadar;756623 wrote:
    53 locals were murdered in Kalshaale, one year ago for no reason other than revenge and s/l project by SNM militia led by Siiraanyo.. AUN.. Now Cerigabo may see the same bloodshed.. War kuwan s/l-ta sheegta wax miyir qaba kuma jiraan miyaa? Where NG?

    They took Burco with the help of British from beesha SSC, they took Caynaba, they took Wadamago, they took Oog, they took Cel-Dab, they took Qoorilagud, they took Daruksi, they took Balidhig, and then...they tried to take Kalshaale.


    If they had any common sense or caqli, they would've said....we have taken all those towns with the help of British ee let's not go any further for that will be truly beyond aggression and dulmi.


    Now, the SSC defenders that died in Kalshaale are in heaven, while the invaders of the SNM militia are definitely burning in Hell (In their grav).

  3. A_Khadar;756641 wrote:
    That is usual claim, never believe it.. Again, videos can be recorded and mouths can blow hot air, but the end of the day the city is divide just like Galkacyo.

    Yeah, I've talked to few Reer Ceerigaabo natives in my town. They actually told me that the city is divided into two sections, Suuqa Koore iyo Suuqa Hoose. The Southern and Eastern part of Ceerigaabo is bigger than the Northern or Western part of Ceerigaabo. Furthermore, he said....the so-called Somaliland Mamuul has NEVER stepped a foot in Suuqa Hoose (The SSC/Maakhir) part of Ceerigaabo, which is the South and East Ceerigaabo.


    Insha'allah, after Khaatumo-2 Conference goes accordingly, with beautiful outcomes that will benefit reer SSC (Staying with SOMALIA, ofcourse), we can go and place an administration, on our side of Ceerigaabo with a mayor, police chief and so forth.



    Reer South-East Ceerigaabo Noolaada !


    As for Xaaji_Xunjuf, aren't you a "reer berbera"? lol You're not from Sanaag, your clan (H-Awal) don't live in Sanaag so I suggest you leave this matter to the inhabitants of Sanaag.

  4. Coofle;756567 wrote:
    War Meeshii Maxaa Ciyaal Yimid...


    BTW,,,Every people should have the right to govern themselves, Somaliland have the right if they choose to, same goes for Ximan and xeeb, Galmudug, Azania etc......Let Democracy shine

    Let Democracy, Self-Determination shine. If Somaliland can break away from Somalia (which it hasn't), then SSC, Awdal and Maakhir can break away from Somaliland.

  5. Lol, you gotta be kidding me. Is this suppose to be one of your chaps against Beesha SSC? How pathetic.


    Abdullahi Yusuf (The Coward) took over 10,000 SSC/Maakhri/SSDF soldiers from Laascaanood Front Lines back in 2005 and took it to Southern Somalia (Baidoba, Mogadishu, Kismaayo) in 2005-2006. He left the frontline wide open for full Somaliland Invasion, purposely, so he can obtain the title of "Presidency" in a defunct TFG.


    So, I suggest you take your crocodile tears somewhere else. SSC State of Somalia has made a mistake joining SSDF back in 1998, now we have fully retrieved our Self-Determination and heading towards bright future.


    HolHol Oil Wells will be safely guarded from SNM and SSDF elements.


    Calacalka jooji. To you be your Puntland State and to us be our SSC State. Sidas iyo nabadgalyo !

  6. May Allah shower his mercy and receive the Mujahidin of Kalshaale and admit them into his Gardens which rivers flow beneath. They died and sacrificed their lives for their LAND, their PEOPLE and their DEEN. They will be remembered the next thousand years to come and beyond, insha'allah.


    Look at how they are competing each other to the front lines....competing each other for Paradise. Walle Geesi isma qariyo !

  7. Mujahidiintii Kaalshaale noolaada !


    It took place I believe last Novemeber 2010 on a EID day, the SNM militia known as "Somaliland" attacked the locals, resulting in the humiliation of the SNM militia and their defeat, loosing over 130 militiamen and over 200 more wounded. Not surprisingly, the SNM militia waged a full-out war against SSC civilians of Ceerigaabo on a Eid Day (Saturday November 5, 2011). Not to mention, 20 year ago, in 1991, on a EID day, the SNM invaded Xudun town, killing over 60 civilians, men, women, and children.


    You could see the pattern. They wage wars on Eid holidays, when no one is suspecting them. Cowards.


  8. Somalia;756537 wrote:
    He's supported by every beel except the people of Mogadishu and Somaliland, yours included supported him. Don't make stuff up, Somali Galbeed liked him too, Jubboyinka loved him, Puntland, even the ones that didn't agree with his policies respected him.


    Your comment was so twisted you should be banned from the forum.

    I think it's self-evident. I don't need to argue about something that is very obvious. The guy is hated by Reer Bari, Reer Nugaal, Reer SSC, Reer Maakhir, Reer SNM, Reer Awdal, Reer Jubooyinka, Reer Gedo, Reer Banadiir, Reer Galmudug, Reer Ximaan iyo Xeeb, Reer Somali-Galbeed, Reer Hiiraan, Reer Bay iyo Bokol and so forth.


    The only people that support him are Reer North-Galkaacyo, the Israac-District inhabitants. lol

  9. Somalia;756534 wrote:
    I didn't know you could judge a person by his looks, but your last comment is downright twisted. I know you like qabiil but you just wished hell on millions of people even some in your own "SSC" that I know.


    Illahi ha ku caawiyo.

    Actually, Abdullahi Yusuf has the LEAST supporters. He is hated by ALL Southern/North/North-Western/North-Eastern/Somali Galbeed and some portions of Central SOMALIA.


    The only people that like him is his IMMEDIATE sub-subclan, the so-called O.M. So, yeah...he definitely won't be missed. lol


    As a Somali Nationalist, even if my own brother is a Abdullahi Yusuf supporter (God-forbid), I would cut ties with him.

  10. Somalia;756498 wrote:



    Look at Abdullahi Yusuf's face.


    Does that face look like a face heading to Jannah? lol


    Does that face show any signs of innocence? lol


    Does that face have any likability, any signs of creditability, any signs of LEADERSHIP? lol


    It's obvious that Abdullahi Yusuf is heading towards playing Hide N Seek with Hitler in HELL, where he truly belongs for killing hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of Somalis from the 1970's to the present.


    May he perish in Hell, and may his supporters/followers perish with him in Hell, Amin !

  11. Bluelicious;756499 wrote:
    They won't get away with murdering innocent people as if they are sheeps. They will be held accountable for their action on the judgement day and get their deserved punishment. If not in this world they are gonna get in the hereafter.

    Oh, they will definitely be punished and humiliated in this life and most certainly in the hereafter. :)

  12. Bluelicious;756500 wrote:
    We both joined in october but on different days so what's the big deal. Or is it the fact that I like him so soon well what's there not to like about him he is intelligent, charming, funny, laid back and last but not least he is a knight in shining armor

    Oh, I'm flattered. That was truly flattering. I must admit, you have an amazing cyber persona, which I hope is the same in real life. Are you single, by any chance? lol

  13. Bluelicious;756391 wrote:
    Thank God you finally understood what I meant to say all this time what a relief. So that means you accept the position to be my knight in shining armor. Fine with me to get a cup of coffee together.

    Absolutely, I accept. Who wouldn't I? You're blue, perhaps a Democrat, whose probably a liberal, meaning you have a habit of bending the rules, so to speak. If that's the case, then....seems like we'll have a bright future ahead of us.

  14. Bluelicious;756246 wrote:
    Since this thread is about apologising it would make a perfect place to make my apology.


    Knight of Wisdom I hereby acknowledge that I have misunderstood your reply and took it the wrong way. I'm sorry for abusing you and treating you bad I didn't meant to. Your a gentleman you kept calm and collected the whole time. So I hope you forgive me


    Uhm I like you, do you still wanna be my Knight In Shining Armor?



    I had to undestand what you said in my thread (just few seconds ago), to visit my Profile and read the user-note you left me. That directed me towards checking out this thread.


    I apologize for taking that long to comprehend what you were trying to transmit on my way. That was definitely a Blonde-Surfer-Moment on my


    Oh, regarding your apology. I fully accept it with my pleasure. :) How about we go get a coffee, your treat. lol