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  1. Published: July 24, 2013 Wasiirka Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga Soomaaliya Fiqi ayaa kasoo laabtay safar uu ku tagay dalka Ethiopia isaga oo ay weheliyaan laba masuul oo wasaaradda difaaca ka tirsan. Wasiirka oo kusoo laabtey dalka ayaa saxaafadda usheegey inuu safarkiisu la xariiray xoojinta xiriirka labada dal balse KismaayoNews waxay heshay xog kusaabsan safarka Fiqi iyo waxii u tagay ee saxaafadda laga qariyay. Safarka wasiirka ayaa ahaa mid aan la shaacinin oo aan helin soo dhaweyn iyo maamuuskii wasiir waloow maalmo kadib ay u suuro gashay inuu la kulmay Raisul Wasaaraha Ethiopia ayna ka wada hadleen xiriirka labada waddan . Balse muddadii uu joogey waxuu halkaas u tagay inuu si dhuumasho ah usoo gato hub u badan rasaas iyo qoryaha la saaro baabuurta ee Soomaalidu u taqaano Dhashiike . Wasiirka ayaa sidaan Warlugeed ku helnay soo iibsaday rasaas aad ubadan una badan qoriga AK47 iyo Qoriga BKM ka iyo dhawr kun oo qori oo isugu jira, AK47, BKM iyo Dhashiikeyaal ku kacay qiime malaayiin doolar ah. There's no doubt HAG wanted to use these weapons against the blessed state of Jubbaland.
  2. Jimco, August 09, 2013 (HOL) — Diyaarad la sheegay inay hub iyo saanado ciidan oo kala duwan u sidday ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMSIOM ayaa saakay ku gubatay garoonka diyaaradaha caalamiga ah ee Muqdisho, kaddib markii ay si aan sax ahayn ugu dagtay, sida ay sheegeen mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Saddex ka mid ah shaqaalihii diyaaradan ayaa ku dhintay, saddex kalena dhaawacyo ayaa soo gaaray inta la hubo, iyadoo diyaaradda iyo saanaddii ciidan ee ay wadday ay gabi ahaan gubteen. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in diyaaraddan ay lahayd dowladda Itoobiya, iyadoo aan la ogeyn halka ay kasoo qaadday hubka iyo saanadaha ciidan ee wadday , waxaana shilkan uu keenay in la hakiyo gabi ahaan duullimaadyadii kasoo degi lahaa garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho intii ay diyaaraddu gubanaysay. “Diyaaraddu waa mid milatreri oo weyn, markii garoonka soo cago-dhigatay ayay ka baxday jidka ay diyaaraduhu ku cararaan, waxaana ka dhashay dab xooggan, kaasoo keenay inuu si fudud u qarxo hubkii saarnaa. diyaaraddii iyo qalabkii saarnaa oo dhanna way gubteen,” ayuu yiri sarkaal ka tirsan howl-wadeenna garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Ciidamada AMISOM oo isku dayay inay damiyaan diyaaradda markii uu dabku ka kacay ayay u suuro-geli waxaana intii ay diyaaraddu gubanaysay hakad la geliyay howlaha garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde. Ma jiro hadal kasoo baxay AMISOM oo ku saabsan burburka diyaaraddan u sidday hubka iyo saanadda ciidan, waxaana shilkan oo dhacay 8:00 aroornimo ee saaka oo Jimco ah uu noqonayaa kii ugu horreeyay noociisa oo ka dhaca garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Wixii warar ah ee kusoo kordha shilkan diyaaradeed ee ka dhacay garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho waxaad kula socon doontaan wararkeenna dambe haddii ALLE ogolaado. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online
  3. I am from Mogadishu DAYNIILE DISTRICT, I support Faroole due to his foreign policy towards HAG, only he can tame the wild beasts of HAG and he's not even using the AK, wallee gacan baa uu taagey.
  4. You are a secessionist sympathizer, that is worse than a secessionist itself, it's a sub-level support, very homosexual in its nature, either you are fully out of the closet or you stay there.
  5. Puntland will never share anything with the secessionist region as they do not claim to be Somali but ethnic Somalilander afro-hashemites. It's not up to Puntland to share, but the people of whatever region is being explored. One of the targets are well within Nugaal region while another is in Sool, without local support no one has the right to explore, quite frankly I think Puntland would rather support a new state in Sool than share anything with secessionists.
  6. I agree, HAG needs to focus on Mogadishu's security but they have a right to explore their lands of HAG traditional country.
  7. Management Biographies Chairman – The Rt Honourable Lord Howard of Lympne, CH, QC Lord Howard has been Chairman of Soma Oil & Gas Exploration Limited since May 2013. He is the former leader of the Conservative Party in Britain, a distinguished lawyer, and served as a Member of Parliament in Britain for 27 years. He filled many government posts, including Home Secretary, Secretary of State for Employment and Secretary of State for the Environment, as well as Shadow Foreign Secretary and Shadow Chancellor. After his retirement from the House of Commons at the 2010 General Election, Lord Howard was created a Life Peer. He was created a Companion of Honour in the Queen's Birthday Honours List, 2011. Lord Howard is Non-Executive Chairman of Entree Gold Inc, Arena Racing Corporation Limited and Luup Limited. He sits on the Advisory Boards of Orca Exploration Inc and Tetronics Limited and is Senior Adviser to Cannacord Genuity Limited. Chief Executive Officer – Robert Sheppard Mr. Sheppard founded and serves as Chairman of the consulting company, IPM Advisors. He is a Non-Executive Director of the Blackrock Emerging Europe Trust and is a Director of DTEK Holding BV, the largest private energy company in the Ukraine. Mr. Sheppard is also a senior advisor to BP on Russia and the Former Soviet Union. He served on the Board of TNK-BP until 2008 and was CEO of Sidanco prior to the merger that created TNK-BP. In his 40 plus years in the energy business, Mr. Sheppard has been the President of Amoco’s operations in Argentina and Egypt as well as Managing Director of GUPCO (Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company) and was Amoco’s Vice President for the UK North Sea in the late 80s. Mr. Sheppard graduated from the University of Wyoming in 1972 and has a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Mathematics. He graduated from the Columbia University Business School in 1991 with an Executive MBA degree.
  8. Damn secessionists, Ilaahi ishooda naga fogeey.
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;972397 wrote: Suaashu waxay tahay maxa iga gali waayey.
  10. Classified, Classified, you need to look beyond regions, and at the root of Puntland. What is Puntland horta, it is not just a state but an idea to unite Somali people under a realistic system of governance that can equally further our political, economical and social nature.
  11. mashallah ileen puntland waa qaran
  12. He was an excellent businessman and financed important missions.
  13. Tallaabo;972176 wrote: Carafaat does not represent Somaliland, don't you know? Carafaat adheres to the traditions of the original ethnic secessionist which is far more respectable than the secessionists today, so he indeed does represent Somaliland, just better and potentially greater.
  14. Secessionist Carafaat wants Puntland to be guarded by foreign mercenaries which will act as a coast guard instead of indigenous Somalis receiving the necessary capability to defend their own sea. That is the anti-Somali, Somaliland thinking of our devastated country, God help us.
  15. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, HAG too weak for recognition says Faroole. :eek:
  16. Blackflash;971760 wrote: Is his face so asymmetrical that concealing one-half of it would make him unrecognizable? :D
  17. Samafal;971696 wrote: But minsters don't select MPs, Issims do and the problem is those Issims have already declared their region is not part of Puntland and had no dealings with Puntland admin in the last couple of years. Who then has the authority to nominate those MPs? When Faroole started his term, he created fake issims from Sool region, much like Siad Barre used to do, it's one of the most devastating policies of the Kacaan era, it divides tribes up easily with the newly created titles having the support of the politicians. There shouldn't be any MPs from SSC if they are not selected by traditional elders.
  18. Cambuulo in Sweden - great atheist nation is having second thoughts about his beliefs, he needs to reinforce his faith with YT videos about miracles.
  19. Cambuulo iyo bun;971182 wrote: Johhny B I came home from Mogadishu last week, before I arrived in mogadishu I supported government 100% but if you had seen what I saw all these days I was there, you would have understood my frustration. I am not anti government, never been, but these decisions hassan sheikh takes is devastating to somalia future if you really want to know the truth! But people have been telling you this for a few months now, yet you supported him, can we agree this was qabilist/qabyaalad motivated? Answer us this, was there an army in Mogadishu, who patrolled the streets and controlled all vital points of the city?