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Everything posted by Gar_maqaate

  1. Whatever a Somali politician says, usually the opposite is true
  2. Electorate Spoilt votes Turnout (%) For (%) Against (%) 5,295 1,188,154 1,148,399 (97.1) 34,460 (2.9) Source: The Results of the Constitutional Referendum in Somaliland here is another more recently engineered myth claiming that 97.1 of the people voted for secession.
  3. ^^^^ Wallahi we are luck not to have natural disasters in Somalia. The building standards and the quality are so low that if an earth quake measuring just 1.0 hit, it would result in a destruction of biblical proportions.
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;972013 wrote: Its awfully translated it should've been waxa loola jeeda qofka dadki degana gayiga Somaliland 26 june. 1960 iyo ka hor. What, the original Somali version is an awful translation of the English version. What f*uck are you on man?
  5. By the way, it is very clever and deceptive what you have done with your quotation, I have just notice it. The passage I quoted, article 1 defines citizens, whereas the article you quoted is about nationals (citizen by birth) Here is the original Somali version of what you quoted Qodobka 2aad Muwaadinimada u Dhalashada ah 1) Waxa Muwaadin dhalad Somaliland ah qof kasta oo uu dhalay Aabbe ka Isirran dadkii Deganaa dhulka Somaliland 26 Juun 1960kii iyo ka hor.Qodobka 2aad Muwaadinimada u Dhalashada ah By the way, this article makes the meaning of word isir unmistakably clear. It is clear reference to qabil.
  6. Muwaadin: Waxa loola jeedaa qofka ka ISIRRAN dadkii deganaa gayiga Somaliland 26 Juun 1960kii iyo ka hor iyo qofka sifa sharci ah lagu siiyey jinsiyadda Somaliland. Source: This statement is self explanatory and it means exactly what it say on the tin.
  7. I got it from your constitution! WUXUU ANSIXIYEY XEERKAN: Qodobka 1aad Qeexidda Erey-bixinta Muwaadin: Waxa loola jeedaa qofka ka ISIRRAN dadkii deganaa gayiga Somaliland 26 Juun 1960kii iyo ka hor iyo qofka sifa sharci ah lagu siiyey jinsiyadda Somaliland. That means if your tribe is from somaliland then you are naturally a citizen. Lets see how you spin this
  8. The resources of khaatumo belong to the Somali people as a whole and they should be managed by a legitimate Somali Government for the benefit of the Somali people. The tribal affiliation of the people managing the resources are irrelevant, it is they do with it that is important.
  9. Ok, so they are ethnic somalanders, since their ancestor was "technically" a somalilander?. I naturally find this statement nonsensical but did you know according to your "constitution" they would be illegal aliens, whereas the folks from Xarshin and Gashaamo and Djibouti qualify for citizenship. Lol.
  10. Xaaji Xunjuf;972000 wrote: Who is going to manage the resources of the country who will rule what part who will distribute the wealth of the country. The Politicians are there to make sure that their region community or clan or sub clan isn't cheated. Saxiib, Somali politicians manage resources by distributing right into their pockets. Ninyahow open your eyes. When was the last time these tinpot tribal republics such as puntland and somaliland managed and distributed resources equatable? Let me give you an example from your very own banana republic.Somaliland's budget last year was apparently 185 million dollars and 178 million of that supposedly went to "reoccurring" costs. Only 8 million was set aside for "development" and most of that disappeared without a trace. This is the resource management and distribution you speak of. Saxiib, Somalia is basket case and whatever the average Somali receives comes from NGOs and international aid money that deliberately bypass somali "administrations"
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;971998 wrote: Garmaqaate these people are ethnic Somalilandish people not persay Somaliland nationals the same way some one from Bookh of the Garaad clan is also an Ethnic Somalilandish person. But not persay a Somaliland national. Interesting, would the offsprings of Sayid Mohamed Abdille Hassan be ethnic Somalilander?
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;971995 wrote: Somali politicians are fighting for the interests of their people some how Faroole cannot afford that the Mogadishu community changes the federalism accord so he has to speak up. For as he believes the only thing that bonds Puntland to Mogadishu is the federal constitution. He cannot support Mogadishu if they misbehave this is his point of view and his constituency supports him in this. The same with Ahmed madoobe he has to uphold the legal framework that elected him as president the Jubbaland elder assembly, if he chooses another path he will lose support from his people. The same with Axmed Godane he must uphold the Alshabaab political islamists principles he cannot give into the demands of the other Somali leaders or even that of the international community or else his group will collapse. The same with Hassan sheikh he has a powerful constituency fragile community his own background will stop supporting him if he deviates from the powerful stake holders path of Mogadishu and south central Somalia. Now will they get rich down the line sure but that's not the only thing they also need to remain in power, and they will do everything to achieve that and their communities support them because they give them protection honer and respect and a future in the eyes of the mainstream Somalis. This is not simply just about money, but there are other major factors that play a role. All Somalis have common interests. Peace, development, justice and stable democratic government. The common good and the interests of the petty politician are mutually exclusive. A peaceful, stable and prosperous Somalia would put most of them them out of business. These parasites thrive on division, hatred, war, mistrust and poverty. It is in their best interest for Somalia to remain a coma, the more puntlands, somalilands, khaatumos, galmudugs and jubbalands.....the better.
  13. Miyir;971992 wrote: Something i noticed about all Somalis, they will agree things they don't want or belief for the sake of agreeing and later backtrack:mad: very childish behavior for grown men and women, no wonder no one in IC takes seriously Somali's politicians words. Miyir your observations are correct. Somali politicians are on the whole corrupt, greed, opportunistic and incredible shortsighted. They are more concerned with enriching themselves and their cronies. They are an enemy of the common and they piggyback on and exploit tribal divisions to maintain their positions and ill gotten gains. We all pay for their failures but they keep profits.
  14. Is someone from gashaamo or xarshin a somalilander?
  15. Carafaat;971937 wrote: The AMISOM soldiers I have met at Mogadishu Airport have learned Somali and have integrated with Somalis. Many want to stay in Somalia. If half of them stay, lets say 9.000 out of the 18.000 and they get married and start producing children at the same rate as Somalis(no family planning, 1 child every year) 9000x 1x 20 years= 180.000. They could become a new sub-clan of 180.000 strong. number of children fathered by west African peacekeepers alone in Congo 25,000. The overall estimate 80,000
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;971736 wrote: Western sanctions particularly the EU caused that not the Zimbabwen goverment of Robert Mugabe The western sanctions were attacked at senior Goverment figures and limited number of companies associated with those individuals. Robert Mugabe and his cronies were responsible for single handily destroying the Zimbabwean economy.
  17. Che -Guevara;971733 wrote: Whenever, I am reminded of an African dictator, I always remember this old South African advert. Lol https://" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  18. Robert Mugabe turned Zimbabwe from a net food exporter to net food importer. He has the dubious record of achieving the highest hyperinflation in recorded history. His bank was printing billion dollar notes for heaven sake. The man is a clown and he is taking Zimbabwe to his grave, literally.
  19. To paraphrase Desmond Tutu, the man is the archetypal caricature of an African dictator. This man should be in a nursing home not in a presidential place.
  20. Hobbesian_Brute What is your belief system and what's the reasoning and logic behind your belief system?. Answer these questions and then we can have meaningful discussion.
  21. Xaaji Xunjuf;971605 wrote: Thats a good point he should've compramised with the government that was the best way forward. But he is to proud, and does not want to give in. Godane, is a psychopathic leader of a doomsday cult. The Somali government should not compromise with him, instead they should permanently compromise his existence.
  22. What is deplorable, is that fact you people are using the vicious rape of Somali women to the score cheap juvenile points against each other.