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Everything posted by SkyWalker

  1. haweenka waa waxaad ku beerto waana meeshii loo dhaqaajiyo,tababar kaad siiso unbay qaadani bilaa leexad :cool: :cool: lol, waraa sxb, warke adilee dhameeyenooh
  2. lol rudy,i hear u dude Exactly lucky, its reality nor can we deny or look the other way. Magazine for Gay Muslims, lool now that is someting to be surprised about!! be careful Serenity the more you dig the more you'll be :eek: :eek: na'mean
  3. lool rudy, sorry raula sis lol yo rudy what you mean you think, your not second guess are you,after reading that article bro. lol just kidding sxb
  4. sorry EBN, didn’t meant to make you sick….i know its horrieble thing raul bro i know, I’ve read this a while ago, I was surprised to see again as a new article in one of the Somali websites u know This will not be the last, who knows s/he maybe not even be the firs.....
  5. that is nothing, try reading this. web page
  6. "magaalda la soo degi rabo gobolkayna waaye .. in caanihiina loo keeno, biyihiina ..ukuntiina loo keeno, yaanyadiina loo keeno basashiina loo keeno, mooskiina loo keeno .. taas qoftii rabta inay nagu xukunto laga aqbali maayo" By: Muuse Suudi Yalaxow. loooooooooool
  7. nin yaaban, 2 wives that’s it, i expect from you a little extra bro, but i guess financial is holding you back haa lol. me maybe 3 but they'll have to come up with the some of the expenses na'mean lol.(3 wives in this country isn’t that something, i think I’ll be dead first night)
  8. man wants 3 three things and you know one of them already,well the other 2 come by on their own. rudy, u know that aint gona happen lol
  9. SkyWalker


    lol, og girl new topic every 5min haa. yes rudy wats ups with the uper cas. qoslaaye, stop yelling,and yes bro this state is gone too far pple here doomed girls are gone wild, guys going crazy children are lost,but some ppl like as is will see whats left ..
  10. lool nuun thx for the tip qoslaaye
  11. lool nuune, in that case i'll teach my wife how to eat the damn thing lol, maybe she can eat it every night haa lol
  12. looooooooool, ninyaaban i've asked same Q my self why turn her over? i gues things change
  13. If a man has, a wife does not mean he can do to her anything he wants, in any place in anytime; I'll knock his $ss out if he kisses my sister in front of me,their is something call culture and respect
  14. they have been brainwashed by amerikaan media into believing every xaliimo is special. looooooool, shouldn't this be in joke section, ninyaab i agree with you, they were batter back home we all were
  15. THE BED IS NOT SWEAT SEXUALLY BECAUSE YOU CANT REACH ALL OF HER BODY TO ENJOY IT AND TURNING HER OVER IS AN OVERTIME. (i tought working overtime was good man,it makes you work harder isn't it)lol looool, yo qoslaaye u now you have realy done it this time bro, loool good luck to you sxb lool...
  16. There are a lot of reason why would one decline marriage proposal from another. It could be a whole list bro, but that should not hold back another guy to take the risk of asking same girl…..and if we are saying what she did to the poor faarax was really bad than that is another case.
  17. WELCOME TO MINNEAPOLIS,MN of Maryooley kaligaa meel maxaas ku dhige,meehaan lee ma iska emaatidoo and get this out of the teens section,sxb
  18. WELCOME TO MINNEAPOLIS,MN of Maryooley kaligaa meel maxaas ku dhige,meehaan lee ma iska emaatidoo and get this out of the teens section,sxb
  19. SkyWalker

    missing man

    WELCOME TO MINNEAPOLIS,MN of Maryooley kaligaa meel maxaas ku dhige,meehaan lee ma iska emaatidoo and get this out of the teens section,sxb
  20. SkyWalker

    missing man

    WELCOME TO MINNEAPOLIS,MN of Maryooley kaligaa meel maxaas ku dhige,meehaan lee ma iska emaatidoo and get this out of the teens section,sxb
  21. ninyaaban, kismaayo and gaalkacyo loooool, i was thinking more like "xamar weeyne" or "afgooye" whats so special about those two places any way lol
  22. am not helping or supporting in any way those lunatics, never did or will they test any of my change now, ARE YOU or DID YOU SUPPORT IN ANY WAY THOSE WARLORDS? and if you did or anyone also did, you’re guilty as they are and surely you have blood in your hands, your lousy dollar costed a person’s life…….. ooh one more thing sxb their will be a peace in Somalia, soon be positive...
  23. Not only do they need image makeover but also, regime change this dump ass Jr. and his ppl got go
  24. hee, ninkaan war uuskeeney