Baarqab Qooqay

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Everything posted by Baarqab Qooqay

  1. oba hiloowlow You are good for this correct
  2. Nina fox nice try but its not xamar sis Hint: it is close Laascaanood area
  3. sareen + subag+ ciir is good iyo wixii caloosha inta badan ku jiraya, si aan gaajo ku qaban. mida kale waxaad ogaataan cuntada bees lagama soomo, afka, dhgaha, indhaha, lugaha, qalbiga dhamaan waa inaad wanaaga ku ilaaliso intaad soomantahay, hana seexan maalinti inta badan oo afurku markuu soo dhowyahay soo toosto, taasi waa khiyaamo aad naftaada khiyaantay. 29 days ayaa dhiman ciyaar ciyaar yaanay kugu dhaafin, quraanka, tasbiixda iyo ducado badso insha allah ramadaan kariim all of you
  4. haha waxaa iga qosliyey ''(I was wondering where riyaale and co took all the money that was given to them by the international countries lol)'' ;) runtii ilko ayuu ku soo samaystay for all the money marka laga reebo intii uu ceelka ku qoday
  5. Aaliyyah its not so hard just see the pic twice;) Taleex thats right they need a passport to inter the city Guees this city
  6. This city will not be so easy :rolleyes:
  7. Timur: waa sax Aaliyyah: thats right its refugee camp outside hargeysa oba hiloowlow: it can be Ceeldheer
  8. Ramadan Kariim May Allah give you all strength to fast this month.
  9. Nabad_dadaye aamin walaal dhamaanteenba ramadan kariim akhi
  10. How about this 1 Hint: its Somewhere in somalia
  11. Asc wr wb This E-book is about Translation of the Meaning of the Holy Quran in Somali. Bishii kheyrka badnayd ee quraanku soo degay ayaan ku jirnaa, sidaa darteed ayaan halkan idin soo gelinay QURAANIKA KARIIMKA oyo Turjumada Macnihiisa Ee Afka Soomaaliga, insha alla soo dejiso oo baro micna quraanka. Downlaod Link1 Link2 You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file.
  12. Before embarking on a journey, most travellers will prepare for it either physically or mentally. Since Ramadan is just around the corner, here is a quick checklist to better prepare ourselves for this journey of test.....Let's start from head to toe:- 1. Head (Brain) Are our minds clear on what are we expected or required to do and why? a. YES. (it's the third pillar of ISLAM and to seek ALLAH's mercy and love). b. NO.. (check again..!! This is not a joke!). 2. Eyes Are we ready to even lower our gazes further?.. a. YES.. (Hopefully, our eyes will be "shut" to anything "haram" even more than our normal days)... b. NO... (please get hold of a blindfold!).. 3. Ears Are we ready not to listen to anything but only good such AL QURAN recital, religious speeches etc.? a. YES.. (All radio and television programmes are tuned to ISLAMIC channels). b. NO... (Earplug anybody?). 4. Mouth Are we going to blabber unnecessarily? a. YES.. (Silence is golden applied here). b. NO... (Allhumdulilah, only Quranic verses will come out from the mouth this Ramadan!..SURE?..TRY no harm trying, Insha'Allah). 5. Heart Are we doing it for the sake of ALLAH SWT alone or are we doing it to loose weight?.. a. YES... (Only ALLAH will know our true "niat" (our intentions) and feeling). b. NO.... (Throw that weighing scale, diet manual, exercise machine...clean your heart and focus).. 6. Hands Are we going to give alms, zakat and be helpful (lending a hand)..? a. YES.. (Allhumdulilah, make sure what the right hand gives the left hand does not know). b) NO... (Cut your hand..(KIDDING)..ISLAM is not cruel! Just do not do any harm to others with your hands). 7. Private Part (Sex) Lets keep this very private..however for those who are married please exercise restrain? Those who are not married ...DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT (period!).. a. YES.. (Allhumdulilah fasting is not only avoiding eating or drinking but to curb our other lusts too). b. NO... (I do not know what to say....will chastity belts for both men and women do?).. 8. Legs Are we going an extra mile to make sure our legs are going to ferry us to and fro the mosque? a. YES.. (Every step to the mosque is a blessing for us). b. NO... (get ready the chain..?). Now if your answers are all YES (except for question 4) then you are ready to embark on this "tough" 30 days journey.....If not please go to your nearest convenient store and do a restocking fast!! I wish all Muslims the best of IMAN and happy travelling. Rasulullah saw ever mentioned that there are some who fast but gain nothing, only hunger and thirst..we do not want to be in these category. Ramadaan Kariim
  13. 20 Beautiful Ramadan wallpapers Ramadan is starting soon Ins'Allah we need to get prepare ourself to maximize the rewards of the month of Ramahan. We have uploaded 20 beautiful ramadan wallpapers for your laptops/computers. Ramadaan kariim Download Now
  14. This is a great thread insha Allah i will contribute something good that you'll like.
  15. You wlc Nur yes count with me and let me be member of that team
  16. Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea, by what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]. sura al-rum 41. Somali xumaanbaa ka daahirtay Barri iyo Badba, waxay kasbatay Gacmo Dad dardiis, si Eebe u dhadhansiiyo waxay camalfaleen qaarkiis, bal inay dib usoo noqdaan. suratul al-rum 41. Ogeysiis: qurba joogta somaliyeed, marka hore ilaahay u mahadi ilaahi nabada/caafimaadka/cuntada iyo guriga ku siiyay aad dhaxanta iyo kuleylkaba kaga hoyato, mar kastood wax cunayso bal dib u xasuuso qaar badan oo ka mida dadkaagi somaliyeed sida haraadka iyo gaajada u hayso. waa waajib dhamaan maanta ina dul saaran inaan walaalheen caawino una ducayno in ilaahay gargaar degdega siiyo masaakiinta dhibaateysan aamin yaa rabi.
  17. How to Approach the Quran: The Quran is not like other books. Quran is Light. Quran is Wisdom. Quran is Good News. Quran is Absolute Knowledge. Quran is Remembrance. Quran is your book brought to you by One who cares about you. The Author of this Book is not after your money. He is not after fame. And He has no axe to grind. He just wants you to be happy. He just wants you to be truthful. He wants you to be successful. And He just wants you to be the best you can be He says He made you and that He is your Lord. So before you make up your mind about Him, listen to what He has to say about Himself. He says He made everything in the Heavens and the Earth. This is the Author of the Quran and He is telling you He made you, single handedly, without help from anyone. He didn’t even ask for your permission. So you must agree with me that this Author is different. His claims and His wishes are different from other authors that we know. How to Approach the Quran: 1. Make sure you are physically clean. I suggest you take a full bath with the intention that you are coming to a Holy Scripture. 2. Be pure in thought. Remove any thoughts you may have about the day’s Muslims, the day’s politics, these have absolutely nothing to do with this Book. In other words, be objective. 3. Sit in a quiet place, and be decently dressed, perhaps a scarf on your head if you are a woman, out of respect. If you don’t have one lying around, don’t bother. This is not a read for a lazy afternoon, the time you spend with this Book is quality time with your Lord. 4. Every time you open the book, before you start reading, say: 'I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the Accursed.' That way God will protect you from all evil whisperings and interruptions. A mistake people who are not familiar with Quran make is that they don’t know how to protect themselves from Satan’s influence and many times fall victim to his negative powers. To avoid that, seek protection from God. Then read: 'In the Name of God the Beneficient the Meriful.' 5. As you read, ponder and reflect on the words. This is a message for the living. Stay alive by being alert. Remember God is speaking to YOU. The important person who is being talked to is YOU. There is none between you and the One Who made you. Be happy. Show gratitude. Use your brain. Exercise common sense, and don’t let anyone else’s misinterpretations come between you and your Lord. 6. Make a point to read only as much is easy for you at a time. And at the end of every reading, don't underestimate the power of Prayer. Pray for Guidance. It doesn't cost you anything. And you can do it in your heart in your own tongue directly to the One who made you. 7. Handle this Book with care. Find a decent place for it. The way you handle this Book, this Honorable guest in your home, must be different from the manner you handle your novels and magazines. This is not a lazy read. This Author is far more intelligent than any other author you have come across so you can't afford to be lazy or shallow. Think. Apply your intelligence. And be prepared for a stimulating discourse. 8. Learn Arabic, this is an Arabic Quran. Whatever translations you are reading are only a rendering of the meaning. So, if you truly are in dire need of conversing with your Maker through the Quran, learn Arabic.
  18. Do you need an invitation!! just pm your Gmail adress and we will invite you insha Allah.
  19. xiinfaniin mahadsanid Qisadan ayaad moodaa inay tusaale fiican ka bixinaysa qiimaha qarannimada iyo jabka kala yaaca umada, dhagysi wacan
  20. Watch this video then come back if you have anything else to reply.
  21. Fadlan wada daawo waayo somaliada maanta qisadan ama taariikhdan ayaa waayo aragnimo ugu fiican. hadaad wada daawatay qisadan maxay kula tahay!!
  22. Ciidanka Qaranka somaliland 18may 2011 ka naxoow nafta waa :cool:
  23. Somaliland Independence Day Waa maalin ciide nabad iyo barwaaqo ku ciida dhaamaan Somaliland sidoo kale walaalaha soomaliyeed ee ku faraxsan hor umarka iyo nabada somaliland idinkuna sidoo kale nabad iyo kheyr ayaan idin rajaynayna. Fadlan ku dar hoos wiixii video ama sawiro ee ku saabsan sanad guurada 18 may ee somaliland.