- diamond princess -

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Everything posted by - diamond princess -

  1. Hold on! Wait a minute...Mizz_Lexus just asked what turns us on. People twisting that into thinking we talking about the ideal man. .:peace n luv:.
  2. Homophobia- Fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual. Ballistophobia- Fear of missiles or bullets. Agraphobia- Fear of sexual abuse. Pathophobia- Fear of disease. Virginitiphobia- Fear of rape. Phallophobia- Fear of a penis, esp erect. <--This made me laugh so hard! .:peace n luv:.
  3. Wow...that is a very touching story. Very beautiful indeed! Well thank you for telling us this. .:peace n luv:.
  4. Mother If it werent for you, I wouldn't be here, If it werent for the love that's crystal clear, If it weren't for the strength you put in me, I wouldn't know how to stand on my two feet, If it weren't for the speeches and praises, If it weren't for you're smile and happy face, If it weren't for all that you gave me, Then I wouldn't be here as you made me, I'm proud to say and proud to be, A child of a mother who's heart's with me, She put up with so much drama, so much pain, Just to see her daughter live in vain, If it weren't for you correcting my wrong path If it weren't for the times you gave me a bath, If it weren't for the times you fed me and clothed, You gave me shelter that protects me from the cold, I don't know how to repay you for all that you did, I take back all times that I hurt you and fibbed I'm happy and I'm proud that you are and always will be, A mother so very very dear to me...
  5. Let me see...qualities? Thats hard to say...Let me think...Hmmm... 1. Patient (And I mean wait-till-ma-*** -ready-for-you) 2. Understanding (Women arent hard to understand, men just mizzunderstand ) 3. Respectful 4. Smart/Intellectual 5. Optamistic 6. Religious 7. Funny (Man if he aint funny I dunno what to do!) 8. Loves me for me and not to use in any way 9. Sexy Lipz (I don't care what you guys think but man he has to have sexy lips) 10. Sensitive (But I see some men here don't like that :rolleyes: cause they have this warped idea of sensitivity means being a complete wimp!) Thats all for now... .:peace n luv:.
  6. Khayr, I'm not gonna argue with you because you seem to have a very good point. I just hope that your pride and dignity doesn't get you diseased. You're only gonna feel sorry for yourself later on. It is wise to get yourself checked, even if your are 100% sure you are not infected. Why must Dhaqaan always be refered to in any question asked that seems to be "inappropriate"? ****** questions deserve a smack? Hmmm...seems to me that you are not in the right place. Because this is a interesting question. .:peace n luv:.
  7. Isn't it better if you wait and find someone worthy to be your forth wife and someone you fall inlove with? Asking us to be your forth isn't the way to go. So hun, I hope you find that women you searching for. Good-Luck! .:peace n luv:.
  8. Awww...abbayo keep your head up! If you feeling this guy and you don't want your heart broken twice I suggest you to be cautioned. Take your time. Don't force yourself to trust him. You will know in time, na mean. .:peace n luv:.
  9. Kool_Kat and Raxmah, lets say you trust him completely. You love him and you get married. You believe with all your heart he is telling you the truth. Then BOMB! you go the doctor one day and he say's you got STD/AIDS. Now...tell me what would you do? Still wish you could go back and take a test with him? But you didnt, did you? You trusted him too much to put a little test to risk your wonderful relationship. And now look what happened? Nin-Yaban...Hmmm...Maybe girls should also demand guys to take a lie-detector to see if they slept around with women. Harmonyangel...couldnt have said it better myself. .:peace n luv:.
  10. From what you said you accepted the fact that she is a lesbian which lead her to believe that maybe she'd have a chance with you. Now, personally I would never associate with a lesbian. I don't care if they were a friend or best-friend or even a family member. I am and proud to be a Hater of Gay Ppl. Now what you need to do is tell her to phuck off and if she don't understand that then a punch in the face would do wonders for that brain of hers. I have a question for you...Is this lesbian a somali? If so la illaha illah...What has this world come to. .:peace n luv:.
  11. All I can say is "Eeewww"...I'm gonna reply to you later when my stomach settles down. .:peace n luv:.
  12. Lucky And Silent-Sistah...I hear you guys completely...I was tryna say that older somali people would think this is kinda "caab" if we create a a support group/community. They put pride before alot of things and they think that creating something like this will show gaalo the wrong point of view of somali's. I don't agree with the elders obviously but I had disccused this with my mother who told me this is how they'd (some) respond. .:peace n luv:.
  13. Originally posted by Master Mafia: C'mon girl dis grls they're pointin' da finga into a wrong place don't bleive wht they've said they're quite lyin' [/QB] What do you mean they're lying, what are they lying about? I'm just tryna focus on my studies this year rather then a guys body and how it feels to be hold by it and the way they can make you melt in their arms and how it feels when they kiss your neck and...Oh wait I should shut up now. That's too much information. .:peace n luv:.
  14. I never in my life realized how much electricty I use untill I had a black-out. It was horrible, from no air-conditioners, to no elavators. My goodness, I would have pulled my hair-out but luckly I had the new Harry-Potter book that I bought a day ago that I havent read, so I took a candle and spent hours reading that. Afterwards talked on the phone with my friends who were also freaking-out. Thats when we had this great idea to link up as many muslim friends on the phone and start recieting quran and hadiths. After about 13hrs I got everything back. Let me just tell you to those who didn't experience the black-out, I feel sorry for you, because it made me realize how I take the smallest things for granted. And made me realize how Allah can take away everything just like that. Alxamdulilah everything turned out fine for me my family and friends. .:peace n luv:.
  15. Lucky...that is a great idea, but there is a little problem with that. You see children are being abused everywhere in the world. So building a support group is hard, specially when not alot of Somali's are willing to help. .:peace n luv:.
  16. Mizz_Unique...I should get a dollar for everytime you say dacas, then I'd be rich. .:peace n luv:.
  17. These lines are jokes LOL. Keep it going. I have a bad memory when it comes to writing down things. .:peace n luv:.
  18. These lines are jokes LOL. Keep it going. I have a bad memory when it comes to writing down things. .:peace n luv:.
  19. These lines are jokes LOL. Keep it going. I have a bad memory when it comes to writing down things. .:peace n luv:.
  20. These lines are jokes LOL. Keep it going. I have a bad memory when it comes to writing down things. .:peace n luv:.
  21. OK...I got the gun...What do I do next?!
  22. Interesting...What do the guys have to say on this?! Does this really work?! Hmmm...I agree these are good points but what if a brother takes these tips and believes the girl loves him and proposes, next thing you know BANG the girl didn't really love him after all. I hope that doesn't really happen, but I'm just wondering if you absolutely sure. Shyhem you don't wanna wrong a brother now do you . .:peace n luv:.
  23. Ms..DiomondPrincess..Check..Check..Plz.. You've got it bad..... I mean you gonna have hard time With brothaz like "I".. Listen hun if you so sure of your self why can't you just get yourself checked to prove her wrong....hmmm. Unless you got something to hide :rolleyes: . And No I don't got it bad, I'm just tryna explain to you trust is just an excuse some people use to get out of situations like this and it don't mean a thing to me cause he either gets him self checked or he out PRONTO! .:peace n luv:.
  24. Zak99 don't be so stern, we just having a bit of fun. Is it cause you never got award? Awww...poor baby. Lol. Playin. Lakkad...you get "Most-Anything-Is-Appriciated" Lol. Just kidding, now you two don't jump down my throat. .:peace n luv:.
  25. I guess no dates for me or phone calls or emails or watching them when they look toward me Damn thats alot eh. What a sacrafice I have to make, ah well. Mindstate if there is a WILL there is a WAY Master Mafia, we about to find out .:peace n luv:.