- diamond princess -

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Everything posted by - diamond princess -

  1. Tuff Questions, Can you answer mines by the way? 1.What goes up and never comes down? 2.Who's line is it anyway? 3.Why did the chicken cross the road? 4.What comes first the chicken or the egg? Now, you answer mines and return I will answer your brain teasers...how ironic...NOT! LOL! .:peace n luv:.
  2. Stuck Seems that everytime I close my eyes you cross my mind, And I can't help but let you be the one to run my life, Whatever you say goes in this relationship we have, And I let you break my heart cause you know I got it bad, It doesn't affect you how many tears come down my cheek, And what I want and need isn't as important as your needs, But I still let you walk all over me and I always try to leave, It seems you took all of my strengths and replaced it with the weaks, I pray each night hoping someone would come and help, And take me from all this drama, pain and burning hell, I hate to blame anyone for the out comes of my life, But I know whats wrong and I know you were never right, How naive and childish was I to let you take me away, Persuaded that we were inlove and always will stay, Now I sit here knowing I dug the hole too deep, Fell in and now I'm stuck some one please help me...
  3. Caged Caged like an animal, I'm not free, Watchers pass by, they can't help me, Four walls surround me, closer each age, When will I be let out to discover the change, How will I learn from my mistakes? If I never get the chance to try and play, "It's only for your best", they will say, Also believing the right way is their way, Who will listen to me after all I'm only young, Everything I do in their eyes is wrong, It's like they speak a different tounge, The same blood but beat a different drum, Only time will tell if I will be let out these bars, And gain the freedom I deserve which is too far, Experiences? I have none, Life? I don't think I got one, Rebell will only make them stronger, And being in this cage will seem much longer, I don't wanna be locked up tight and waiting, Sometimes late at night I'm thinking of escaping, Looking out this window I wonder how it feels, To be on the other side looking in...
  4. Paltalk, I give you credit for sticking around this long with your ideas/oppinons. You never backed down even when people jumped down your throat including me. As you can see I given up. You won! YOU FREAKING WON! You are a proud and true american! You got what you wanted and your voice was heard! Now PLZ PLZ end this 12 page of non-sense once and for all! P.S. If I appologise will you give it a rest? .:peace n luv:.
  5. Aint no one gonna jump down your throat girlfriend as long as you tell it like it is. By the way I do love my somali men but they just too much to handle if you know what I mean. .:peace n luv:.
  6. Rudy, What Truth? Or Maybe U Werent Speaking To Me...Lol. Lucky, Thanx... .:peace n luv:.
  7. Can anyone help me find my gold ring, I can't seem to find it...Oh are you having a party of some sort. Sorry to barge in, I will leave imidiately! ...No One Ever Welcomes Me...*Sniff*...*Sniff*...
  8. No Thanx, I'd get married when my *** is ready too. I'm sorry unlike some ppl who can't handle there hormones, I CAN! Suddenly just cause you get the urge to have sex you gotta get married. PLZ!!! .:peace n luv:.
  9. Has anyone seen the cusbo iyo sonkor? Mahaysto:D Hope I Didn't Intrupt Anything :rolleyes: .:peace n luv:.
  10. Woaaaaaaah! Girlz...You feeling these kinda men?! My Goodness!!! That is sick to the pit. UFFF! I can't stand Robbie William, The Rock and Vin Dessille. Or any white guy for that fact. I'm not rascist I just don't find them good looking. Shujui-1 is 100% right. Girl go to the doctor and fast!
  11. Woaaaaaaah! Girlz...You feeling these kinda men?! My Goodness!!! That is sick to the pit. UFFF! I can't stand Robbie William, The Rock and Vin Dessille. Or any white guy for that fact. I'm not rascist I just don't find them good looking. Shujui-1 is 100% right. Girl go to the doctor and fast!
  12. Woaaaaaaah! Girlz...You feeling these kinda men?! My Goodness!!! That is sick to the pit. UFFF! I can't stand Robbie William, The Rock and Vin Dessille. Or any white guy for that fact. I'm not rascist I just don't find them good looking. Shujui-1 is 100% right. Girl go to the doctor and fast!
  13. Woaaaaaaah! Girlz...You feeling these kinda men?! My Goodness!!! That is sick to the pit. UFFF! I can't stand Robbie William, The Rock and Vin Dessille. Or any white guy for that fact. I'm not rascist I just don't find them good looking. Shujui-1 is 100% right. Girl go to the doctor and fast!
  14. You Go Girl (Mizz_Lexus)! Lol. Couldn't have said it better myself. Now you got me thinking if I should stick with my skinny-leg Somali men. :rolleyes: .:peace n luv:.
  15. Okay Underdog, I'll tell you what changed the roles of men and women have become eqaul. Meaning men can do what women can and vise versa. Because of that women have this idea that they don't need men because they are capable of what a man can do. As for your second question both men and womens needs changed. Women and men use to consider "Sex" as something that happens when two people fall inlove and unite. Now both men and women don't consider love as the after come of sex. It's basically sex is the after come of children. Love has become something as a myth now. It's hard for people to fall inlove with all these demands on the opposite sex like a nice body and so on. Do you get where I'm going with this? Ah never mind then. Lol. As for the last statement, goodness I don't know where I got that from. I'm sorry about that statement if had offended you guys. Yesturday I didn't feel like myself. .:Anywayz Much Love:.
  16. ^^^SEEN TO DAT!^^^ Girl you tell them. Ahahah...Funny thing is most somali boys lost it. P.S. Nin Laatabtey Maarabo!!! .:peace n luv:.
  17. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOLDDDDDDDDDDDDD UUUUUUUPPPPPPPP!!!! I agree with you 100% Juxa and the rest. But what I wanna say is...EEEEEWWWWW...since when did belly piercing and tattoo's become "cool" :eek: . What the phuck?! I seriously think the girl is a punk/rock type a person :rolleyes: . Lol. I never in my life seen a Somali imitate a white person :confused: . I'm sorry if I'm going off on the wrong end here, and I hope I didn't offend anyone. But d-d-d-damn! Tattoo's and piercing? Uuufff! Eeewww! My goodness what do these ppl come up with next? :rolleyes: P.S. Once Again I'm High On Coffee. What I Say Will Be Edited Later When I Am Calm. And Hopefully I Read This Post Wrong And You Are Not Talking About White-Washed Somalis. :confused: :confused: :confused: .:peace n luv:.
  18. Muxajabah it's something I stumped on as well and realized no matter what we say to Nin-Yaaban he will alwayz speak of "dhaqaan". A word of advice hun, give up, lol, that's what I did. Back to the topic, this article makes a few good points about women's vulnerabilty. Women need to understand that we do not need to be the same as men or better when it comes to education/careers and what not. Difference is better in my eyes. For example back in the days women were the mothers/house wives/nurtures and men were the workers/money-bringers. As you can see they did had nothing similar like it is now were men can be the house helpers and women can be the workers. Because of this new change women wanna be better then men all the time. And men don't know what to do because of this. Our needs have changed and therefore love changed. Now love all it seems to be is sex, sex and more sex. Women are the toys and men are the ones who are the sexual enjoyers. I think I'm babling on now. I should stop. I will come back later and sum up what the hell I was talking about. I hope I didn't confuse you guys. Cause I myself have become confused. P.S. I advice you not to drink three cups of coffee in an hour. :confused: .:peace n luv:.
  19. Well I hope Conquest answered your dying question. In every race there aremen who would stare at a women. I believe you should appricate you have the kinda a beauty a man stares at with his jaw on the floor. To add to what Conquest said I also believe why they "holla" at you to begin with is because he wants to prove to his boy's that he can get a girl or something :rolleyes: . I hope that makes you (flying_still) understand why they ashame you infront of your hooyo/habayr/ayeeyo. .:peace n luv:.
  20. dont know what it is about Canadians and their reggae, but they sure do play a lot of it... Living up in Canada I got use to reggae, it's actually grimey. I perfer that then any other type of music when it's playing at clubs, jams, parties and what not. .:peace n luv:.
  21. dont know what it is about Canadians and their reggae, but they sure do play a lot of it... Living up in Canada I got use to reggae, it's actually grimey. I perfer that then any other type of music when it's playing at clubs, jams, parties and what not. .:peace n luv:.
  22. dont know what it is about Canadians and their reggae, but they sure do play a lot of it... Living up in Canada I got use to reggae, it's actually grimey. I perfer that then any other type of music when it's playing at clubs, jams, parties and what not. .:peace n luv:.
  23. dont know what it is about Canadians and their reggae, but they sure do play a lot of it... Living up in Canada I got use to reggae, it's actually grimey. I perfer that then any other type of music when it's playing at clubs, jams, parties and what not. .:peace n luv:.
  24. Stop hurting your lower body... Lol, It seems like it hurts but trust me it doesn't. All you do is move your sholders up and down, move your arms and move your feet in the same rythem. Sean Paul style I dig too (dont let me start with him...d-d-d-damn!), but in Chingy's song you can't really "shake what your momma gave ya" because the chicken dance was designed to match with the beat. .:peace n luv:.
  25. Stop hurting your lower body... Lol, It seems like it hurts but trust me it doesn't. All you do is move your sholders up and down, move your arms and move your feet in the same rythem. Sean Paul style I dig too (dont let me start with him...d-d-d-damn!), but in Chingy's song you can't really "shake what your momma gave ya" because the chicken dance was designed to match with the beat. .:peace n luv:.